Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Aug 1953, p. 1

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w kff No 31 O~ONO, ONT., THURSDAY ALG. 20 1953 Mrono Bjýazebali ub ýjDefeats Welcorne Jwo Straight K ND ITreOrono Basebsll Club camte up) ____overi Welcom;e on Mvoniday evenirig at the Or-ono Park, which ~gave theni entry into the finals lai the Southi Mhe Robin food Cooking Sehool Dui hamn Basebal League. *wsheld at, the home of Mrs. Normxan ïIKennedy on Thursday afternoon,ý In this first round of playdowns ugust 13th, We -ere vr pleased 1Orono mnet WVelcomne and Kendal \vas tf) have Mi-s. V. C. Schî1iver-, tesa against Cmore This ser- Robin Hood Yroducts dietician, ýwith es wvas the best two ot of three oe for Vhe third timie. There were whichi Oronio woa in two straight .Dbiout 35 ladies present, comning from -amles. Toroto, Port Hoipe, Bowmianville, O)rono and Newcast1e England. MIonday night's gamne was ail the çhocolate Chip Squares were demon- way Orono's for they tooik the lead strated anid these were sýimpled dur- in the first inning and held it Jrng hanch and found deliclous. The'thiroughont, eniding itb a five run .ineapple Meringue Squares wich miargin. Keith West was on Shel MUrs. Schriver demonstrateci weye nxand foi, Oronio giving Up eigt1 giv-ea te Mis. C. John of Bowmnanville mmand hits frowhich Welcoîne Uvho was the mother of the mnost obained three rune. Foirfthc fiîst 4agheslaving six daughters and lre îniing's VWe1com1e was heid Veeven grandchildren. Mis. Chas. scoîeless and not until the fourth didi 'hompsoa received Robin Hood pro- they receiv-e a single off a walk, a acts as the lady who boad been mai- hit and a stolen base. Again :ia thël -ried, the longest. M1rs. llobt. Cockburn sixth they scored on a two bagger, a as the newest bride also reeiv-ed stolen base and on Oronio erior, Com- Rïobin Hood products. Thre Winn11ng ing to bat at the fi-et of the smeMent -ticket for the doo-r ipiize (a basket Welcomie lacked six runs to fie the el~ groceries) wvas held by Mis. Sely game but ith only two hits and a «ýrant of Bovvra4'villeQ and was dawj av ere unable to obtain more -y MKiss Barbara Walkey of Portage, than one rua to put th", ont of the. la Prairie,tMaitoba. Mrs. crvrpa-fs aieideonstrated a Velnet Ange cýake, w-hich looked Most appetzig, Orono opened their scoring la th-e whben baked and this went toth fit inning with threce runs whea- hostess, ther. Kenniedy. Mis. Schîiverl Wcicom)ue assistedl with six cîro)rs. ~tod ymaay intere!ýting stories of her 1). Mercer started Orono's game roil experiences os she demonstatcd the ing with adoubla foldowelemyeD. iecipes fund in the booklet w ichWctwihs rple n ecm viasD given to enacl lady presen n errors. Froni he-re the gamie settled lmany useful ideas were given. iss cow wthOono's next tally conmg eC W. Stewatgave a vote of thankýs in thle third with Mercer with a siangIe io, is. Shie to whichi the ladies an1 tlnbs eigdie ab Steartily responded. It was a výery dublînagge by D. W'est. Ia the enjoable aftRaoôn and Mis. Eln. fifh IR.West took firat base on an1 edy's kid hositality was yeîy error, tl second, and on second mach nppreciated. The differe nt; error andc a hit by Mercer came u vies i the ilmany windoms aro&md wth Orono's fifth court, The cdge mle boume andiHeflowers were ad- opened wider for, thr local] boys la thie mnired. Oui- hostess mientioned that f last of the sixth by bits by Cornish, p the September meeting wiII be hjeldKX. West, Roie West, Ry West. ,jn, the Sundjay Sch-ool roon, on the and Mdercer. Mercer proved Orono's e '-hî of the mionth, unless one of the big bat for thie iight wt a double laisoffered lier homne for the amin ivbre singls foliowed by D. meeting la the mreatimie. The sub- West w-ith a tr-iple and a double. Oro- t ject for te _meeting will h Hoeioi ail received twýelve bits. Thed kEconomies c)(1 Health and tbe- roîl ' final score endcd at cight to thîs eaIl "A laundry suggestion.", Thle WA. meetinig will he heid ati thbe homie of Mis. Norman Kenniiiedyl oný Wednesday eenn,jAugt 6th, nt 8 o'cock. Thlere wviii be a sketchil 'The -Di it-nd îista)ntPast" and ithel -oll alÎ ill be- "A favýourite versep he Lhe Bibe,' Mi. Art Low wl bu la charge of the singing. The pro- giam ilM be la charge of Ma-s. C. îefrshmets il be uindev'takeii by b4is C.W. Sewat ad M-sTk. ral.Mis. Boy ere will be la pharge of the topie. Sudny aýviaite)rs witb Mr. and Ma-s%. RNoma ennedy w ere Mi. n nd ïMis, Mayon Wodwvard( of Oshawa.l Ma.and Ma-. Neison McBobuats Of Toronto visited AthMi. and Mis.i T. MeBobeits, Mr. and Mis. J. Cars- cadnand . anid Ma-s. Ralh Geac)onSatuidn.)Y Mr.,ad Mis. Gl B, Kirby and Ms giveof Torento ad Dr. and Mis. Wý,m. Ki-by of Hluaboît, Snsk, weie viitors with Mi, andM. &Noim~ Thertel and OMi,., and Mirs. Noî-mani 1E']îlger at their summer homne ]ereý on Sunday. Mi.Ann'ie Hieary of' Newmarket, is peaingtwoweeks wtbMa-.%aD11 Mis, CUPCc lss. Ma-. Archie Bclodigettanad Mi\ss Mai- jou're FHoggfRoeatweevi- tos 'ib M-. aaId Ma-s. Go ona- tpehu on Sundny and Kenny cuîe wit teinfor n visit. Ma. nd Mis. Lloyd iGlass spent Sundy atcîooawith Ma-. and Ms Chas. BYeaSPort Hope. Miss Marlon Thertel spent hast wcek with 1Ma-. nd Mis. JinDuff, Bosealeath. Maj-. and Mis. Grady Cox and two sialdaugbters of Virginia arevi- ting l-ier father, Mi. Johin Gordon, Mlis. Vera RBeh Nvisited wit MNis. Rettie Maitincîl on Satuiday. Mna-.ad Ma-s. Cee. Solo, Paul and Mr. and MTrs. Bolit. Bryanat of Ra glan spent the wee-end w.ith Mr-. uni BMa-s. m. Turansky. Cobourg emorial Arena Destroyed By Firel Fire leveýlfed the Commnunityý Re- Erected as a mnemorial te the erý)eational Centre in Cobourg on Monj. tw'war dle ad, the centre was fia-J doy August the 17tb. This bulildingl anced tb±-iough public subscriptioa and! was constructed three years -ago at a doiaatîin from Cobourg acost of $2007000. jThec rink was bing- used as a, sain- Fireîner, froni Cobourg and Port mner traiaing- headquarters for CaIIa- Hlope had the blaze almost nader dtian and U.S. figure skcaters. M.i- and( 'cotrol wvher lae flared te wooden is. Jerry Blair estiniated tlheur ýsu-ppjovting béarims and througb tbe skating cquipment loss at more than, roof, $2,000. The structure % isiuîd focr' Gordon KingI, chairman of tbe1 4175, 000. 1Comm)itmnty Centre Board, decliin-ed Mrs. Fraaik Beatty discovered the comment on imnmediate plans for eire -alout 4.',ý m and fiiemen rebuilding. ~g~&jcswa-gaaclihies valued at The rink seatýed 12,400 and was thel myore than $8-O9 by pouring water home of tbe Coblwurg itreit l'f than f the OEA. limes Offices Closedc Forýý W %eekHy Tunes ihl net be Pub- Uhished on Thua-sday at,%AUg- u tst 27th. The i;ffice wiIi lie ciosed froni 1AuIgust 2lst te Auigust 3lst inclusive. Soulh Dorhami Base hall Final 0o Stait Ïlo-Nigh Tojigbýt the finals are te ta ia the' South Tluiham Basebal Lengue with the fia-st gemne beiaî plnyed la Orono at 6ý0,p.m. The ta-v entesting tennis will be Orono anc Kendal. ý:rýoon Moaday nighit won thel bldî o Ii finals froantWelcome as difi Ken.itnmCambouine on Tues&aý e x, a . Duriing the season; these ta tci îs, Kendal and Oronio, bevc pîa aý ou gaines with Kendal1 talc ilig tua-ee of the foui> games and the lclteain the othier. The scbecduie la the five game secm lies is as foiow,ýs. August Ot Kendaul at Orono. AuguIst 25th Oronio at, Ken]d.al Augtust '27th Kendal at Oronio. Septemnber lst Oornlo at KXeadal. Ffbgaan)e il neccssntry basye te be annlounced, I~rdgngStarted AtPort Th le hdals suction dredge 'Pani M. Jr-." of the McNaimiaaCo- stKriction Company a-rived et Port Bowman,-lvilie îeceatly te, do the dredging work ila connection with ayimg of the intakýe pipe for the niew akLe weter supply systein being la1- staiied b- the LBowmianv*ile Ujjjtilites Dicdging for the i,760-foot intakei pc will 1iot coilmence until Friday, how-ever, as the dr-edge is fiîst decp- eninig the cbannel between thie Enet' ad, West beaches te eneble it to o-et in off the lake la case of a stemin. T'he channel at the moeuth is only lie- tween five te six feet deep anid the .redge is taking it down te eigbt cet for eaci stance of about 4>Co feet -o it cen go lai and eut freely. Boderick Mcen who wilhi le in hiarge of thie dîedging for the ude- inater pipeline stated that the 24- alch pipe will only be bua-ried. abouti ýix incý,hes baethte lake bottoi., 7he main purpose of the dreging is io ehiminatenaves of thie lke oto.The int of tire the a-edging job avili takýe dpaso te w'eathier andcodtooftelk ottoie csnid.L'i' Wakih e here it)lns been en1gagýed i dredginig operatioýI ns aOki a,,rbouIr. It is, accomipalied by asmallII îgwh chnts as itstedr With oaiy a few weeks lcftpre 9the stngingl of the Orýono Feu_ mne is grewing short la Thich we , !m muake env move te miake the 1953 air a biggea- andl bettea- exhibition. veiyoae ean le a part of the faimi td in being se wii n dvance it on Vo11 lw heights ns an educational a-nd mtea-taining piojeet f or t he cdis tr ict. The imiporýtance of Agricultural airs was îecenthy stiessed by Wm-n. Wnt. a Liv'c-stock Coimtissione-.r or tle poic fOntar-ie. HPe cm- iszduthat faire have inspiied 'i people te mnise a bettea- ciassi ýI ivestock products and that vithl ie absencesb of sncb, fairs Cnaia reducts would to-day net have sncbI b-igl reputti"Ona-ound the werld.ý T'he Duiha,(I Cen4talExhibitiÀon lid at Or-ono lias la the passed yeaîs bo dr tg tir ti rie Fa noi p Pl. fai tIi: fi tho son foui ladies aittendel(-d theý ueookin'g schlool at tbe KndlWoln- cý i-isLsitute at tbe bomle of tbc president, _Mrs. Keýnnedy on Thurs-i day afteraooa. Mis. Bill Wanaan and Boss speat Saturday afternooa wîtb Mis . Bill Cochrane. Mýirs. George Waaaan, Torontoi spent the week-end with MiS. Jas.ý Wannan and called on miany frienids. We hope Mis. Chas, Coop-r, Ka- dal, Ma- Quantrill's mother w-illi soon be able te be homne again after ber operati*on la Oshawa hospital. Mi. and Mis. H-initon visited with their daughtei- Mis. Ken Hendersoa ai-d famlly. Mi. and Mis. 'Bill Wanaan and Ross visited Sunday evening -with Mi. aind Mâis. Lawson, Yelveîton. Miss Maçion MclCelvey spent the wý%eek -end with Mis. Brimiaconibe. Mr. ald Mis. E. Gilba,-nk and family Mi'. and Mis. Jack Chapmnananad Jili and Mi. and M-,iS. Bill Wannan aadj Boss wcîe gucsts of IMr. and Mis.1 Ken Bahl. Mi.ar . J. Cowanà speat Sua- day with -Mr. and Ma-s. M-àilton Wall- ilana. Mis, Tbompson is hack homne again. Mr. and Mis. Bill Cochrane and Reid, Mi. and Mis. Bill Wann'aa aýnd r'oss v,î-sited fî-iends in Tyronie on3 Modyevening. rM. and MiS. Ken Bail and fanlilv were Sunday supper guests w'ith Ma-s, Netà patterson, Orono. Mi. and Mis. Fîed Gîahiam andt Merilîl 21r M. aad Mis. Georg,-e Clanv-ille, Nwasl.onSndy f .The AugýusL imeetiing of W.M.S.ws 01ed ,nWdasa evening, Aug. 5tb w Ith 4 resent. The meigwas ' a he formn of a birthdaýy par-ty \witb Mis, W. Alliai,vc-pisdet nl chaIrge. ýMis. Hl. Lowveîy opencd the 11e(eting with quietimusic £olloweil by- the singing of "LordI, sar-eak to Me that 1I may speak"' followýýed with parby Mrs. Alliii. Psalm 963 wasý rend iresponsiveiy. Mi>s, -Raym"ond Chnpmnan îead ai medlitation "Thy 'lamtp is a ligbt tun-1 t my pnt,e stressinig thiat thewod of the Bible are flot like an-llamp but a tailight, ]litin)g the whole of1 life xith Chist's light-tbe lîght ofl the xvorld. Aftcr the mninutes, rol caul, offering and business, Mis*-. H. Lowýýery and Ma-s.Bill Wanaan r1 enl- dcred na vocal duet eaitld Wben 1 think of His Love fo-ii me." -Mijs. H. Lowery gave a paiper bîiing*ing Ont nayintierestiag fcs-D IL ta's well donclea'd to balppinssFat iGod: a love of ene's flomaand Portable inhlae', Give TheBo anilVoute Fi' r)epariitiment receatIfly Sent its Port- able inhalaito r to the M2emrorial H1os- pital, BOwmanvile onapemnt b)an basis and this valuablecqip ment iýs now aailbl to hospital aýnd ambulance rpatients. This ihlaowhicb iýs woîtch over $40 as purchased by the firemenl theiselves about fia-e yeaazs anad the hospital is very gratefuil te theni for alowiag it te use the equipmnt. The portýable inhalator iS Pairticularîl valuable wenvery il! patientüs bave to lie jmoved by ambulance, and fis a long1-standing need at the hospitail. It is a veivy modem e-ne, wit foui" oxygen tanks and two masks se thiat two patients may bje givea xye 't the saie tuýe. o)btînable f'rom M. J. C.am 1Thýis ya tention ected te the fruit dp which thp Board bas Seilfetur'e aciass faueof fourteeýn cia, hemn Giwr'co-ope-r castl Ave aIse coase a isplay of "Paced Proues" ead aise. t pwropa-gnding and1 niéques. For those èlAi iig businecss, vwbethier Pr'oducers, this featare infkeresting and benefi ta-ace. By exhiibitia i ba meéntdii- epineat la1ý ý, Local Horses Do ,)Wel In Q rono Race Fei Camadiaei National Exposition Fo tb bsteHan SIs The WsOrld's Lrest cv sou i ce ont t tlielocl, rtce a TIis sens) thiing iiýnoIeena fias iiel and tbis wes aise the feat-u The Canadien National Exposition mecet on beturciay hast. Al iwhich bas grown frein e sinahi ega-a- usppî cîn owd was Pr cultural fair te the woîld's largest calibre of tlie races_ was ,1 annuel exposition, wihll mark its 75ff th yo pei ni erp oanniveisaiy this yenrY wîth sonie out- sacs. Local Ï1er1ses aiso , standing features ad attractions tacia- own a showed ql ln îts histoiy. agalînst herses fin rei r an' Now an eveat wbich attracts visi- tors frenri fer beyond Cnnada's ber- 11a1tihe non-wilmers ef $15 ders, tIhe CNE will play host to e ae oyal Býeuiah, oýencd y j,, thwn 3,(W0,000 pee)pie who ceaie teowmnîîeanal tîaîing Minkoat ope Sn d i, e acepthSuln- GýIaono 'i'al~, mionion, opaally, excep StSunday, 1h;ats uic t i Seron Frdy1Auus. 2 tcatu ia, le -.Diil t v Septeber 2. ci eLsup wih Promn the opening day whea Field L. liooey ana,, Maishal Vi.-scounit Montgomery of fdtth ana sixth Alamlein, ?Deguty Supremle Comn- miander of the North Alni Treaty In the open Orgaiii.zatioin, will offacially declareHaoe the big '75th ycaîr CNE open, to clos- lato 'ow' opag thre is somcthIng for cveîy wmain the miemiber of trie famîIy --- the longest a'. iligfa MVidway la the Doiniion wmitb gaines, vious winniei by rides, prizes and a niew arollei coaster to tha-ilI the smnall fry -- the latest Cecilia coulis developmneats in science andinidasty appearance at inicludinig the Automnobile showv with! Satu-îay Nwh-en the njw niodels of Amlerican ,anid thae Friee Foui A foreigai cars for the older miemiberïs shle heid supriti of the famul;,y -- and manyothe heats. The fiist vaîid events sucb as the Ganan nd Ail was tiaveile spectacle, the e Show, sporing eetthe Womiî-en's -World of Won- d r , the A griculturi s hio , , a n ice Show,ý and the Air show. This yeni's aightly Gîandstand ,shiow, Canaciana I15e, is tnkllinig shaýpe as one of the moa0,t 'cotorful extrava- gazslan thie CNE's histor.y, Staged an front Of thIle 26,000 sent tdn, it ,vill featuîfu top) Canadian talent as well as a full prograin of big namnes la the entertalament field froma other In the Coliseun-i, one of the Exc- hibition's $5G,'000,,000 ,wOrth of buildings, a new a-ýttraction bas beeni added for the anniversaiy year. Froin Saturday, August 29, to Thur-sday, Septemiber 3d the Colîseui will spaîkie witb the flash of skates andl gay, colorful costum,-es, pirovided by A whole division of the Exhfibition aaa.neNainl os bans been dlevoted teth(-,genitier se-x, he cacirders foiNot ftrngthe latent la fash1 ions, al iacone oihoî,wî kid fgosprepared aadcooýkedý inaniga e. noons aa househod laboi-savin devîc This rs sportin vnsxii i; fiiiigte14ie r iclue e1 fiinals cf thleCaai hotintîestlseet an lynipie Traiýiag Flan in wh hb nafes nd. asyeît top Caa()Ithees Illoipt. fte V î Uu îil At the wnteafront thecre wilibe he j!tCiatd nthe ooa woids hapinsiIlmen'-s and Q ýueaeII17lîzewii iayec wm'sMarathon Swimi as weillas ,nooa and eeîg Dairy Farmers Seen To ee trot featur e dby JackBEùid,ý e ucoad Jheat w il hie edge4 t a lnose. 2.U8 set by the psamne iiors teî cdl iiitis caawas T and Norvai G. with if ai acltîato Ceciia UC Inteestig tohearwe Coli ibLecommnts on til races aal ona nuliber o-plinion tLhat nlot evýen the ý hadi pîovidedý; as much exýý thîlis type tof sot water skiing and Aiso tn thle Coliseuma 1 tac~~~' agiulue dwf t aside,( arego tary d cream ci to e 1, Highest June Set-As 0,00)00 dready re Dî'yDa m roCad, * a-esof Cana:- iiyCucloCaat Adveîtisinig Set- soiated Milk Foua',dit is eccl that prosiiects Canadien Dairv Inidustr Si ~344,0'00 r )romotion, ~ ~icli. Ob~ C side was I 'I ,~aniratinn C vo i . 17i- ý4ù ýd in- 2.

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