f ol M.nd MsdA lobM.ttnddt Ie 1, spe'nt Sna it h vmnonDywek eeMr. and( r . J.Caeon rs. N i m, Lîn ida a nd K1 thie of Ge ry, ,1 Mrad .L- W eesony to Ihealr ofthe m-i YSATURDAY-- UL'Y I1-il1 .-.'- .le- vE (l , i,ý NDAY OF SHIÇI t Mr. harîes Pu't tpesedt-o hear th1at her progýeýs ssasfcoy K i r byA nîi eîsa ylatSnday.î Most ~ Lekard'and -any ried fxom irbyattened te 1fneralof Ca ,.!ho sanïg the iyn "oo 1o11n), "beauiulyand to jMis.1 C)ong tult"os >tMs. Rdeiof Lesicard onatang her SCth birtha- lay tis week. One ofrthe fosterchildren of Mis, 'f. Be1lnmy had is tonsilsreod st wek. e hope hewilf mon be Gla"d to lhear thti M r. W ocs Sunray isitrs ithMrs. Mr Spry er'e"Mr. andc Mrs. if Dewell, MTiss G. DeeQlIMr'L.Dee1_ r Couis Dewel and son Randy of Bowmanville, iss RubylDewell of Oshanwa, Mr.. and Mrs. Win.Catr arnand Mar Ioronto ','114Mr. and(,Mis. Eau Spry -and Kathie of Orono0. Mrs. Anus olcks 1\1te 1M% md Mrs.Cyril Wrutn san Mrn and Mrs Earl Spry and Kathe isî,ted \,ith 'nis pairents, Mr. and Mis. E. Spry On su îdny. M.Pruest and Lynin are saying at their summer home. Mn. and SMrs. I. hompson and sons were in Leskard for the week. We aire sory to hear that Mrs. E. Syer is on the sick list. We hope she will be better soon. Mr. W. Loucks ie alço on the sick liet. M.and Meis. RPoy Fenwick, Sum- meprville arý Mrs. M. Arnbs-trong, Toronto wer-e week-end visitors with Mrs. MarySpy VeAre glid to report that Our StrawIberry Fesival was, a success. T will leave it to Ed Youngmian to tell you ail that went on .If you cout your erjoyment by the amiount you, eat, Ed must have had a good time. Wge were A pleased to have Mrs. Youingman -wvith uis. We w-ish to thank ail our friends in Orono and sur- rouni-ýng districts who supported uis. Spjecial thnnk,, to Mr. and Mqrs.Ge AleMrs. G. Carson and Mrs. Gay- mond Chapmnan, who ail sang. Mrs. Elryson who played the piano, to -Mr. Jame-s Camneron and tlie Orono Iume~euder MIr. Cairlos Tmln neand ail tiiank you form, kn 'mi e'enng a gr n ecess, ase ilyWade gaveagrneromac Waeon the ian do. )Mr1s. Hailton) m adasec of thankis to ail h helpe, wih thir i-talent<an'd ns to thoe ho baked pies adcks Mr- Lorne Robbîns lias not beenl Well this past week. We wist hlm ni Mr. Il. D2e1 r. C. 3Martin, MvW. James Beir Mr. Roy Topol Miýss Wanda H1obbs and1( Mr. and Mrs, E. Gree(n ail attended saa is pil to givebloodfotrnuios We ae sory o reporitbte death of Mi.AngasWatson. Mjr. Wto \"as operntedl on att Oshawaiosta CIIECKYOUR SUM7NEDS Whether you're home or away~, here, here is a ist of special summi-er needs that wve are featuring at eoinmcal prives. Seiberi-ngi, Bàthing Caps 69c, 79c, 99C Noxema Medicated cream .... 26e, 65e <k owland Swimi Cap3 -........-$1.29 89c and S1.25 ~Au-Pu"ANIVY Cream ..---. for HatRash, ý rý GpySun Tan Cv' ni, tube.--- Se Lind....59C Norde-x Sun Tan C eam...---.....Oc "keerSaae" .nts quýiekly Tannafax....................------- 40c Seoa" ...bti.......25 e TiyRefreshicg J O O FR CERTIFIED HEALTH SALTSL P C AhOt'sooCOnt31.......$T 0 Eno's~~~~~~~ FriTat 9in$1n ene' u aaPw er................75eI L a rg e 1 i b tii -- ...fL P . A h i t F o P w e . . ....e -----e---e Ta--ts ------.......34c a ld 68c BIne Jay P t PIowder............ .......-------- 39C B.mio-Seltzer..............-------29C. e., 8.$ 8 Dr. Scholiei-PillowIoles, al sizes 65pr Anidrew's Liver Sait---------- .5C e 7 9e Sai-e Foot Powdà4er.60ç -Balm.--7'5C Sa-Hle.patica...................- --- 45ec., 85e. $1.,39 $8.50CHAMP" Fly and Inseet Killer Kodak Camaeras ---------.---$'3.50 j-s-ail-iles anÏinse.ts and U2)alMsanplscs Kodak Filins.to fit al camieras s any standard eleetrical soekot, L VEYOUR FILMIS HER1E-omlt with twjo Packages off Chamip Pellets. LEAVE-Hydro approved - oue application Ias 2 weeks. -W'e feature photo service and high quality work. -Outfil, complete ...... ................---- Agent for Jaekman Flowers for every occasion Tyrrell's Drag Store PHIONE 68 (Charles B.Tyrreli. PhmB)OR N , NT last Wdne a anO{was getting BRey. D. T. Lancaster preaehed bis along fine, but hiad a relapse ni Sun- farewell sermon on Sunday, June 28th day night and died on MAonday at in Kendal Un)it"ed Church. [t was a nýoorn. We exten4 our syrmnt hy to splendid sermon ýwhieli everyone en- Mus. Watson and his famnily'. Joyed. We were sorry to see hlmi go 'Idis WndaIlobs as etunedtoianId our best wishies go with hlm. Toronto after spending a week with1, Mv. and Mr.s R. Chater. Congratulations toM. and Mrs. Ronald Page whio weve mavried last Saturdayv. KIENDAL (Cninued from pag e 1) an r.Stan T'herteILi Mrs. Luxon aind Mr. and MrUs. G. ,Martine-ll visited Mr. Dick Martiell in Peterboro'uglb Hospital on1 Sunday and wve hear lhe is gtialong vu Hel e is uw up nnd av1ouid. We weveý sony ,\,te hear of thte fail Mrsý. Ceecila],ss sustained and ho,(pe she will soon be recovered. Mis. MMlen omavlevisi- tedl recently with Mr. and M'rs. AI., ,Stevens and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mercer imotored to "iMe los nSulnday. Mr. and Mrs. Wmr, Tuvnsky and, thrýee d:tught'ei-s ejoyed a trip by car to -Algonquin Park and fed tlie deer oni Doinion Daiy. 'Iý 0 rý_ oc G' MOME PROFITA LýE BIRDS!!! l year in egg producýtion by fee ding CO-OP Pouitry Feeds,~ Over 5~0000 0utario 1 farmers are now Hqsing CO-OP FEEDS." mieaut for Cou- is hihl orti- andi ail the othier 50necessary lfor 15 per cent GROW MASR -Whenl good range2 is available Co-op 15 per £cent Grow vMach wl rv moie economicai. Grow -Mash ls a top) quality feed that prepares the birds for a good laying- season. AVAILABLE IN PELLET OiR MASH FORM Go-operative ORONO, ONT. le spending his vac-ation with hie par- ents, Mr. and Mis. Blake Alexanrtf,-- Miss Jen)ny Bosgraaif visited for a week with Mn. and Mms W. Wijbenga, Starkville., The Ice Creami Supper in the Ken- Mv. Norma-in Thertell and Mir. G, di Sunday School roomi was wl R. Kirby joîned Mrs. Thertel and attenided and very muchi en.joyed on Mrs. Kir-by for the Week-end al hi Wedniesdaýy, June -24th. i the even ing summner homie heve. r.C. R. Carveth showed beautîful pictures and a program plicon by the Visiting wvith Mr. and Mrs. Mo- 'oun)g People of Weicomie was very! Roberts on Suniday ýwere Mr. and Misn5 muclih enjoyed. Pal MMci of thie Nelson McRoberteý of Toronto. Sixth Linie Scihool, Peter Reynolds vadMs o ai iie of Kendal School and Donnie Mercer -M.ad rsTo U vsii of MLa' School were presenited with Mv. anud Mjis. LIew Halloweillo. wih founitin pens as the students Sunndaiy md ah motored to Bowman. wih hebest mks during th1e cea- ville to visit lMv. anld Mis. Arthiur soin graides 5 to 8. Pulls anid family. Mýoudaiy callers aoni vr. andi Mrs. Tom Falle were Mr, visitor's with MU's re. Httie Martine 1andMiýs, Will Taiylor anmd Mu. and onStudy eebe ise» i.Mrs, Frank Taylor- of Roseneaýth andl *vy of Dale.,% Mv.ad 3Mrs. Briokýin- Mu.ma'd Mis. Hairold ULtle of IHealey sbire nndsonNii of Port Hope and Falsý,. Little W,1s;D". lRoss Lagof Chicýgo.I Mv. Al(ec Little visitedwthbsote for. the week-end Mr obbieAeade of Toronto J j~ A ver-y pretty wediding was ~Im nlized lii Kenal jUnited Church when Mr.Nouman Kneysdaughter, Mdiss Ruby Collett was joined lu mat rimnyte Mv.% Raymiond Wowr of Bowmnanville. S un11gls, inighit drive in plastic cases......$1, Noxea Skn Ceam, 'regular 40!c. valefor ..29e. White Ram iShamipoo by Toni1, Il 2 ounce bottie 45e. Toni Home Permanent, reg,, super or gentie, $1.75 Lady B-)eth NY-on Hose, summner shadles, 51 gauge fuil fashiolied, first quality, pair.........98)c Tea, Towels bout 17 inches by 28 inchies. Eaclâe Bath Tow-els, solid color, Cannon, size rox. 28 in. by 46 in. Each..........$1.19 Luncheon ýets 18 piece, peach i re , 4 cups, 4 auerls,4 dessert dishes, 4 d ner- plates, 1 creami and 1 s g ar. Set f or..........35 6 oz. $1.89 loc .vFeatures s Kami, an ail porlk product, 12 oz tin 35c. Burn's Chuckwagon ine,15 ounice tins forl....... ...... 39c. Foilwurap, has hundreds of uses, iing for pot and pans wvhen cooking, wr-ap- ped food remans.fre.sher, .25 foot rolIS for........291. Apple Sauce, Ayl!mer- fancy, 15 oz. tins, 2 for.... .......... 35c. Strawber-ry Jam, Wagstaffe's 12 oz jars..,.... 25c. Ogilvie Lemnon-Lime Cake Mix, very tasty, pkg. 37c. Special -- Heinz Beef Noodie and Hieinz Chicken' Noodies Soups, 2 regular tis.......25c. Kellogg's Br-an Flakes with other parts of wheat, flavoured with mwalt, sugar and sait, 14 oz. pkg 25. Yïlci' 'PULAR S i GC"T