Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jun 1953, p. 7

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Puerto Rrican ihorse likeista eazt the book, horses do plot do, but rThe hors-e, ncsmed "Coco," will 2t hsis favorite fruit, as show-) in ýrtiz Perez, show-n as,-tride, his pet. left-inges, Pal Meer, Dck Gmbleand Bert Omsfead rmising younilgs te-r wbo issed ms if ýtheset n it kneeinuy Theiï,re ws itie oe_ oit, nta.Iri ace ev ,fb .H-e juggledthe f eam Wben a player looked bot, ire shiolt theplaye- r into ation, 1e madeup funes as be went, alon1-g. 1He gam ned on rezig Geîy MNii'injured aki in the mart game oE the finalses at Bosto Irvin proved msr tate sand 'm very appy, lu th.e mliidst of a'il the bouquets beinig t&essed at the laers, tLr bang ore n the lpedai heforgo'ten mantîîe coaeb. C I ttDIS1TiHLE R S L11 ide of the Atlanfic tha& te sport o-c"a-,ssome prefer ta eau f he7' modem variey-4s faking a bit «f a- kicking arouind. From dear n Lunn1-on comais ïdipa hby _n _ey Silton whch goes V show that al isnroi- Sco bot in h Old GhCounfry for Conn ïSmyitbe's favorite patim. Ad a's any Ynews from over there 4thati:s ïnof portraits isésmexthng Aof5a changeheoe in the dies ish oud ufby rotlher Skilton. ]ce hockey thet bas loeed 80colorfully ias a spectacle in ihe English sportng scene now bas a wvitered look, This bas Imppenedbeaus, inspite cd thec ga'y bloomn, "if bas no realroots lkih od f est ablishînig tbemT as a r'es-ut of Crt develp-!f ninm At amgeing ereIn ondýon cf prootersof te-ams mpis , has beern n-imed e Jian Absao to the eney bas serv'ed ats Can-ý ing the National League éh won agred hatEnglish ice hoeIcy cann'of in future bie cor,(Jucfed on etIodsprevailing n sasý&on 1925,Rising costs anmdfaig attedanes wougf afînanDcial crissRI means that Canadians in large riînmbers are not likely te e e a A a IValo eans that ice hce down tde rik owners' scale be- cause thre stif served by English ifaateurs who are the onlýy one-ýs avi tbe tfi).the vacancies, luores about as many watchers ta, the iestadia as \village crick- eters'n woul0d tn Lord's or Th nished by the aces froms Canada wo s "Great Brifain," vonthe wo1 an Glym-pic champio- sipin 1936, has been ia great scesas a spectacle. But in the: last couple of years or so jif has been ouf-spectacled by thre mam- mnotb "icecapds fLrom U.S.A. They have drawn ca p a cijLy crwsfor .le ice rinks night after ngtand week after weeký. Sumrshows now are ices inýgly ,ý fashionable. Tus ice h)ckey, has had Vto fit in aýs s if ouddurixiginrv4 be twmeei -1t'cns glacial glamor. (Bor- roweýrS Note. just likeMAtLisoý«n S'quare GaIrden, what?) And that if bas noV done se, wifýh a greýaf deal of success is refle.cted, by the judgment of ttl, r ink1 owesand the attentionis of t!Ire ïor, number of yearjs the-re has been a gentl]emeun',s agree- nintamngthe Nationja lLeagne- uik Dot fo spend morp than in' thr eion of £250 a week on their i'mported Canadian play- ers. But li dr éi- taretrieve their fortnesandrevive public ap- peal some aofhe rinks iwt greatly inh 4excess of that Even- so, onle well kt-o,'nIIarenawil a ighî1y su'ccessful playih-g rec- ord in the seasan recently ended, reportsbeing well anthe md. At tir i-gt-togethler thepo mo,(tors are under-sfoodtahv çlsusdfutl$re P0pcy inay; agnarenging from giiring up~ ShE gae entirely ta a 20 par MetAil-ou n tt in expenseS. Coaude LangiOn of London's %E1- 11-0! Hallrnk tOld eî reporer "the lu e.t% Cont st cbc cut drastcaly, tex- Where mlx, be mre encourage- mient fo English players" An- otle metng yisaVocbe ud soon. bers of te woild federation suc- cessul protesedin 1938 againsf Euoea ha'mp-Oisi-pS of play- ada. iple h 1 been sujec1 to he3 not unaturlly, ave put hei bgetmoney-earning aftrac- fcis frsWith i a, i egoo0dillÏ ithe wol thy have jus", beenr unable f0 belpamateu rtaentAf0 the extent they would lîk f nr'c2even to the exýtent ithey didi befoe rckeingcosts and eavy Thsteyoung Enýgisbm n findshîmslf vry smrall fry lu the i-ce hckyworld and ney the( utîýr a -ent ïhU s i a si persîst Thte ugtrpoal eoe a miember of" one ai the jno taooperated by the cl1rik end usualy he performs on ai Sunday afernoon or ai som-e athr Vme hch te ice js is ot4 reure or. major play pr.ac- and ati a tie wbn nob'ody cold cajre les bout wýatching circustanes te younigsters t- Duck-Chicago spectcltors cat ter ini the rîght-fleld -bleacher -ecion as ac homne ruro heca their wcyHilt by Ed Matthte vf the M;Ilwatuke-e Braves, th* bb;l toýps the NVwýoIl aChicago Cuhbý ployer preston Word *5ehe, tempit to emulate teiÜeroes from Canada. Usually they faîl f0 stický. 0f those who do only a vyyfew make the grade, the vas ma Ortypro-ve de-flCi-Iltriot ftough inexpert instruction, but throughlc4ofskating ability required Io nmake a higis-grade By17No Mens New "2 one gual-rteed to (cure ahag over. li; cornes from the .S.A. and w'hen a coî1n.is isrtdi gîves rthie customer-i a ten-second Woiu of Pure oxygen -,wsî as ingenjnous is tise fi ac ine sstalled on top rail of the sea-lion pond a, the Lon-doni zoo. Wenthe m1oney was drop- ped C1it, gave aà,low blet toattract the sealions and then shot out hrefish in quick succession. Thec sea-lions quickly Leýarned1 the signal and Wood catacte fishr be-fore thecy ee'tuhe ,he Ther SS othn nw about sIotmahns A Greek sciecntisýt 113)med PlCero, who livýed twothou sand years ago, înventUýd tire ficst- of th-em, W"he-n a coi'n was drop- ped intohis contýra-ption it filted a balaniced bar, opening a valve th5at gavtýe outi al amonunt (of holy water, This invetion sis(the basis 0 a b.usin-ess whlich last yeCarý so]d over abilo dollars woiý',î- 1- f gonds, Somne siot majchines onuieCn tinent sel as manny as seventy s epa ra t e jit em- s--,-ny th ing flr'st-aid kits to snuff MWainl 1y thIey are used hy shop-kee-pers for sellini-gafehor, 1n1Denmark, oxample, siot inachiues are regularly wheeled Ouf tcigtime.B-a1ker-s, fish- mon11-gers and frluiferers iach have Mher0ow n. 1in the United SUttes you n even- buy a rediooe eal from a slot miachine, with thee ieson ani) miu pla1te. YouI h-ave- a choice of fourteen ia courses, four kinds of potatoos, and elevýen othier vegetar [es. Macine wich seIl book1-s, nlewspapers and magazines ar P,-Oving pofjýpular. A niew ,line b- ing developed is a mnachine f0 sel i gramophone records. Manuactuersin theUie State',s nad te learn how to pro- tect thieir imaýchine.-s from vwandal- isEarly siot mnachines coQuld somLetim-es be miade ftop ojal their mrerchLandise at onc. To-day's mchne re Lmos't autmatcaly eigedand tested batleastthree dîfferentgdes C hamrÉp Wei g ht-Lift liffer eat? W1'hen the Spanish champion strong man Aguerre liffed aa nit lock wýeighingj1 3S0 lb. 78 iimes li f,reeten- minute rounds recently, he ate 12 lbD. of augar while perform'-ing. They had paid $10 tA $15 a seat for, the piýivi1ege of vwa-tc1hing hnim lift the atone. Afterwvards lie sat down fa an enormailuLs fv-orelnh i iwhîch figujred large quan-tif.ies of mïea&t. The lunich was païd f r by some of the fiffeeni thousand people wo a1wthelis feaf. CIS SFIEe AVERTISINO OILSGREA~.STIRd elor Ca) alerAinesi bobbysbep 'Ko. 03raseUuy Lie . Toe pto.- JUNEld bl' pullets.Cec tbrea Pie r $1t3Imeia45, imet.Da-j-sac e Pal ad Wntr.p omp dlle on big 1A O Nrd C=PC S AE FGMELP ON'PARI hevFreedOa11op arbr e. $140 uer Mnded.Aorted W'heaybEPede $OD,1 lltaing dd 2,00 ver lu nged. Stai add 017.00 er hudre, C..D.anywere older pullets. TWEDDLE CFICK HAc2RISL. Ont&5OTAI PROMPTdelivry oncnaIanz proe turke pouis. BonzeNebrekau.Whlt CI-o lInd, BetUvle l4 enn-e:r oe LifeGir-fltdsie it ardler, Jew,\el Pne,9 ie on miik, Wh hr cow died re- cently, her father waés un)obie ta buy anather. The caw, seero above, îs a pr-ize Jerse'y whichi was awarded the littie girl whien she- wrate !o a nationaýlrao progray over '.(- ýs ihe bý, NATUIýF'5 HELP - Dixen'. Remedy for P4u~mrtIt Pcinsj t4euritls,Thuad Pmr;$Î,lg 1 miuNRO'S 5DtkuG 5TORÉ 835 ~gi Onaini "ý'Ei EX" e hioleuaOpin l~ qn(o tbly periode, POST'S MMAL 88 U rESeAý T ToOT PQST'SEC P- SLV I wages. rsduate~ MARI i.ist 0f lie. sent tree. on, Alto?- du i îth Iy~ \li N\X feUl you every' Piles a wP A OIU ouejJL5 AP P4UI~ feOpiabou n fi!aist a. le-ep in bis box. Pckng pie&hour plaed hebox on the mwall ofa O d55Iy churchyo.rid dei-t ift herewihi n 5 he wa tchian stil] Sleeping ,.- peacfull in~dePl 26 - 1953 s-, ROLL YOUR OWN SITTIR CARETTES N N s-, N N. N 'N N 'a '4 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 4 N 'N s 'a N N N 'a 'N N N N s. N s 'a now.,

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