Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 18 Jun 1953, p. 8

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anay Park ---t 'I ar ton,because the N'o, Il 15 uesîglied din»g",, tractor speeds. Two whleel (le- A1dli>tk, more malleu vera bility in Yard, syou get finit traction to) take off !weather - eveni to those IMields f ar- ;iion axle adjusts for easy pulimg on you balance load to s ýuit grounrd cof- [') 0 Trhýor,1 Super A International Tractor cultivator and hydlrauflic, ia Like new peffect conidition. One seasons guarantee on1 these Tractors GERo TE. T& ou" [ONE 215 MILLBROOK 'I4LA'I Rh - BOWMANVILLE FRliD-AY -- SATURDAY -- JUNE 19 - 2(0 EVERC-NýZ'EW JOY FOR AU. TO ENJOY>v One, of the uaime "greuts" to thil you os nEýver beforel -TUESDAY-- NE 22 -2 LJI "I v ~d,41p I.,,.", "Arnîy Douai"l NEWS CARTOON WE-DNESDAY - THTRSDAY - FRIDAY and SATURDA-Y -- JUTNE 24 -25 -26 -27 *e,51 M e e The Leskard M1 'A. niet at the P' hoeof Ms.E. Green - with fthe president, AMrsLeroy Hamilton lu the cha{. The imeetbigopened with bua ŽmninTacvr pra r ý Mr. E . DuLIval'el reurer' hen gave her report. It was decdd bae n gaseýs for the church. De- : ,oîoalxas tki by IMr. A. Louaks ëM M wchshe oee by play,ýing HandeI's I i~ Largo. Mlrs. H. Berry then took- the là praer Ms.E. Spry gave the topic B. whih as called 'Vision4 after which .-Q Mris. Louckýs read th(, caîl to wrnp This is iny Fatheir's world, . "O0 ol invisible, we view thee f iI 0O word initanlgible, Mwc touch tLhee O, worid unkniowa,-,ble, we know theeY.........., Inapprehiensible, we lutch. thee. Closing with the song MTe Blind ~ ~ ~ ~ " A Ploghmn"sang by Paul Robson. Rt M nas decidd to hold a str&wbetry f " MA ~ 'i.. festival on June 24th. Arrngenienti,.......: have been madie éo have illy Wvade i0. . play for us. The ineeting clo>ed with censM., th(- beniediction ifter wýhicb a plea- santù social houvrwa spent and inunch was served& A vote of' thanks was I pas:ed thaintcig Mrs. Green for the 1 use of her home. Qual1 y Ppes ut $ Mlrs. G. Duvaîl assisted by Miss Cigarettes pop0tar brands.... " JJoan Camipbeii, gave a showronIýrbe stDý ï Frîdy evenmng in honour of bride-to- priced at ... ....98c., $1. be Miss Vena Berry. There were 42 f RorB a ualmae . . frîends and rei'Avs present and Verna was thie recipiont of somie Gillette Sa,ýfety Razors..... lovely gifts.Ms. A. Loutcks gireted Bachelor Shaming Sets, boxed the bride to-be with a poemi called priced fron ----.....-$1.00, $1.251 "Ode to Verna": We are gathered YrlyLvne hvn St here together, at the home of Jean MrAdNrm....$3ê $5»( Duvail, to honour a dear friendi of olurs. We alknwber very wll She's pretty as aPicture, I'ni sureMrîl it Mv.and Mrs. Geo. Gan- you i]gre, "\ hihspýprkling eyescillNecste and deep bmoxn hair une! personality! Mr and Mrs. Ken 1ai an- dau- Mlay these gifts, Velrnia, help convey gliter wîth MUr. ýnd Mrs Bill WaInnanï. Our fond hopes and good -wishecs. Çaller-s ith Ilirs. Th1om--pso on th And Ar gosh saes valse ut lent one wek-n were Miss Agusta'Thor-ý girl, to help you do the di.shes. ton Mand v.Edar Thornton, M41 Miss Joan Tennant passed th. pre- brook; Mr, and Mrs. Alex -Walker seats to Verna to be opened, whichandtMr. and 1r . EWood, Bowman-ý quite a long timne, thiere, beiýg soý ville, Mv. ndMs.. White, 01ron0;i mnany. Thebit-e made a very I Mr. and Ms (ih rde~Poînty- appropriate speech of thanks. A pool;M and Mrs. A. Keane, Oshawall social hour followed and a dainty lunich____ w,,as served by the hostess w-ith thie Misses June Tonnant, Joatiý Tonnant anid Carol Grant helping to sere M1r. and Mrps. E. J. Luke, 1shana wore sunlday vijsitors with Mr. andi Mýr. and Mrsn. D. Mèrcer -i dMr. arnd Mrs. E a,115pry, O1-01o Siwrengle Buis 6ý4i0 andi9:04) Snuday isitors MA th M. and MI's.. Dfouble Bist.6:40 and 80 B. 8pry. Saturdays 2:00 - 6:ý0- 9:00 Doni't forget our Stvawberry Fest- rval on June 24th. Biily Wilde wiî ll Thurs.,,Only, June l8th entein iiyoý, a spalçly four year 1 iItlm o and have an enjoyablo evening. Pri Ls 35p, 50e & 75,c Annivorsary Sunday will be field ONq SHOW, AýT 8:.30) on Junie 21st. Rev. Lancaster, Nowv-C tonvýille, wl be Our guest speâker-. Fl -St u e n Everybody welcomi-e. 7I i Alr. and Mrs. E. Duval were Sun- !u Tchuiolo day isitors ith Sir. and Mrs. (1. ith Rock Hud- n Miller. 14dJh da Mvr. and Mns. C. Prust and Lynni1 '"TUOP CAL HE w AVYE'I' wlere at thoir cottag,,e foi- theo week- iihEVt Air. Lloyd Syor visited St. Cather- Mon. - -es. June 22-23 mnes for the weekend. * T We aire sor ry to heair that Mn . M r Skelding is stili in Oshawa lHospitlu rà gTh but, pleased tNat he la iimproving. Wo Y Sound tBarrier hiope o see himi home ç,oon.- Miss Jean Syei,41'oronto, with her With Raîpli »1chardson aritMv. and Mris. E. Syer. and Ann Todd Cub Mlaster Jack, Wilsonl tooki cubs, Green, MLjitchell, Miller and Carletonj Wed-Thurs - June24-25 fishing on Salurday as a rewar for j "OBEOin iC0ele r the highost miarks of tho e r.and "GEFNTLE GUNMAN", The W.M.S,.,and WA. held the monithly m)eetin-gs on Wednesdlay evecing, Juno 3rd. Mrs. Bryso)n, pros- ident, -was in C'4 rge of tho -W.,M.S. meetting. After the open-ing, the rýe- ports wregivon and bsnesdis- ussod. The scriptuve readîig \vas taken from lst Corinthiîans;. Mrs. Bryson gave He devotional. Chapters thv1ee and five ofî the Studyýý Book were takenIb)y M.H oes hs chapters covered Afnican education anid family life in both pagan a. iChristian villages. rs. Gus ,,Wilson, vc-peiet hadchre of the W.A. mleeýting in thie absence of the poiet Ms Wm. Allia wasin charlge Oflth'e de- votional period. On Sndyev-eing our chýroir ais- smted1'th Anaiversary serviczes at We are gladl to repo-ýrt Mr. Law- ronce Harv1-is and Hlarold Coppingar'ei Jhome -again after coperaýtionslu ow ýmanville hospital, but so;(rcy to he-ar Mjv. Perrin is 111 in Oshiaahsia Wýve wish theni al seer ecovorios f back to hnealth gi Ail who attende4d the Wre' pienie at Or-ono Park on Saturdayi at-ftenonenjo)yed a good time to-, g-ethler with thbose whû tede h danceoïut mgt surely spent a veryl Miss Mrln cKelvey is spend- ig a few days wNitli Mrs, Brima- With Richard -Widnmark and Constance Smith LAUTREL AN» HARDY' Ila "(Otr Relations" Mon. - Wed. Juine 22-24 "MEElf MEAFE In Techuicolor Withi Betty GTable and Macdonald Carey EKNJOY THE NEXT WARM EVENING AT TIIE 'MIDWAY' ~Aduts 60c, Children Free Presents for Pop For Fathier's Day is Suanday,, liime 2lst I iere is aimther very im~portant f ainly d4 t<t yopu will want toobere We have a host of iiems that you will want to Observe Sand we have a store Lfuili of itenis that are most suitable G1FTS FOR DAD. For example , . , quality pipesý ,afety razors, razor blades, cigarettes, cigars, cigarette rallers, eiectric razors, Play. Sing c-ards, shaviug bruïshes, shavùrg sets~, Iititrna, box-ed chfocoîates leather titility !luts, leather billfolds, tobacec pouches, and(ý key- eases. Conte in and 1make your sàe1ection early alnd we wilI hold your gif t until Saturday, June 20th, Coutt's Better- FATHERZ'S DAY GPEJ "Chamlp" Cigarette Lightïers, "Rlais orw ýLeýather Bill.Folds ------. .------- $1 I Tobacco Popuchles~ .~9 and $L9 Ky.on jWateman Peu and Pencil Sets ----------..93.50. ~l-onp'enls -35c. tu $l.56i Plnying Cal t, i aOu19C. an ,a.u uowe !o-dak Camleras -- .. $3.50 an '",p ù'HawNk-Eye" lshotft cn Ae IfDad has " iee 'ooth" gie S l.. ates, regiilar assortment,. .. k. 1c. ahd 85c. up to $5.75, ac Agent for Jackmanqi .0 f S7,-50 eatil PHIONE &S Rev.KithenandMr. and IMm, BUl MvJas. !Wanmani,-MissJen a- nnand Master !Ross Wanin aere Sudyguests w'ith Mv. nd Mrs.z HaodSouch, StarkviLle. 1 r.and Mrs. ROY Cochrmane and son); w'ere supper guests Suniday Uit, Mv.I( adMrs. lîl ochan Mr. and ' Mrs. Ken Hjenlderson andý f~mly istedSunaywîtÉh 111. an vrs. Geo. Hendei soni, Jr,, Aja-x. Mr. , nd Mrs. Cooke &sud familyj C R new attrac- .,~'aid 9-5c, each, SPECÇIAL ., . XKodak Sbuibs and batteries $15,75 MILES ' CHIJCKLES Choco- 1 pound ..-- $1.5 and $2.25 tri$17 9. yrrellPaB Flüwe-rs for e-véry occasilon 0O>rilliavste Sundny vith Mr, and( Mrs. 7W. Reîd. Joh .ad james, Mr'.'and -" lb'enI' àand Mrs. LI Wanan, Mr~,. BvFy- soni and Mr.E. Quanitrili ;ttended th fu a f the late Mv. Stan Thvomp.- son atNuonil n Sunday aftipvr, QVi brateçt, SteamaCured ~CON 11C RFT LOG'tsU ;KSb (J CHIMN B KS --INTERLOCKING Port Hope Block and 111e IPORT HO0PE PIIONE 2557 Remeniber Father on Father's Day~, June 2lst Father's Day Cards........5c. and 10e- M en's Rayon Sport Shirts, cellophane wrapped, long sleeves, 2pockets, collars can be worn open Or- with tie, sizes small, -medium or large, colors of blue, grey tain. Each............... $2.98 Men's Tee Shir-ts' r-ayon eyelet type matei> , plaque front, 0olo cou Ar, sizes small, mnedîiup or large, colors white, liùt blue, wine and n .y Each $1.79 Ties, Men's foulaik panel, assorýted,, atterîTis and colors. A spienclid gift for fatV r ...... 79c. Socks, Men's 100 j.c. n y Ion, an4le, elasticltop, rib knit style, assofted colors. r/l,. ý. ......... 98C. Shick In]jector Rdzors, wAith 20 blades $1.00 Gillett Riocket on -piece Raor in plastic container complete with 10 bladese or.........129 Men's Pipes .............29c. and 49c. Lighters, priced 't.......9c., 79c. and $1.09 Men's Shiaving S ts co- aiing shaving miug, soap cologne andi afîer eave lotion, AI! for .. $1.65 Grocewy Featurès Special -- Peanut Butter, 9 ounice Coronation Tumbler........ 29c. ~EGuRGR~~Milko, Pasteurizedi Powdered Skimi Milk, pkg. mnakes 4 quarts of skimn milk. Pachage for.......... _ï7c. Special -- lik, a pork i--lunceon mneat, y2 lb. ~ serve ehot or eold. -i 2oz. tin .. 35c. Sno-wflake Shlorteniiig (Canada Packers) lb pIkg 294c. Accet mkesfood flavours sîing, 1 ounce tin . 31e. Canldy Kisses, fresh wholesomie candy, i/ b. . 15e. Special -- Heinz Chickeni Noodie Soup, Vegetab1e, SoVip or Beef Noodie Soup, 2 regular tn .25C. Dole Pîneaple Juice 20 oz, tFins, 2 fo-r ,. 1... .5e Franco American Macaroni, 15 oz, 'tins, 2 for J.ac URONO 5c,,TO $1.00 STORE I a e

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