Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 18 Jun 1953, p. 4

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PtUiN VIN . of VYg t1F1.,ý I I IYIL3 ýgail Ytr1Ies ri7ed as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. ~wl ~rcie y teu sg u o 'clock f1)m. Juilé 90, 1953. rtising Rates on Request. Subscription $1.50 PlI ayb en t.et's Of-1 Est.bisedJauayfice. Lowest orj any tend r n îot noces- Esalse aur,1937.sriyacceptedf r. RA FrreterPubishr. C orrste H.E.Mls Sec ;"tar-y, S.S. No.ý LIC 'SCHOOL TRIP OIIONO RED CROSS _MEETING, TOWNS&I 0F' CLARWýE - TENDERS nue frm pge ne)One Tr tor- with Mower & Loa14e eaiyhstorýy of ourPr--Ooo edCssEcuiemtn -lvdas thie class touredI the 1Librar-y last 'Thursda aVftenon Seu-ed tenders, clear m he a ttlmen wihinthe Fort to decid.,e on summen1r aitiies À, toconite ts, wlIbrcevd1 e Musemof I"elics of the! por1ts ofthewne n pig vkïeku l1 ocoknord S81.Latýer rok's Moi;was most grat ilnndsoedteJu 26t ,195,frte5PY scal1ed by the eager sight-1I linest. the cii osf Cinrke Town- ne rub tired tr-actor i-51 I.. a Seor' m nmenlt nd shlip take in, the nmany ue fRedSeprae oaton lso 'iteld on ~c eeseei and other ýCross worký. During the timle of tefljigtahe a f t. brush s wthhisorca sinii-floods i it] a-id lolland in cte afotmut yrui February. ,,239 was cdonated and jsent con1trol ( front end Jo dV ýer, hydranl- to thie Otro ijio. Mrh lc onr.Tedr t t ap.i o1(' Hyr-Gneaigplant, u-iJ; the Naitiowial Campa),ig", nmatedat (ofdelivery ceda vryvalabe sop1$11.0wa colected by manly wi o west oran te e rnot nec(,ss'- Il Clock with its chlimies hing orlker, who s:acrifjced la getai ceed. each onie qrter hour -wa s deal of time cýan-vassing from door toRos iki nH.E Ml1o ibuto with its flowe's lre- dloor. The Exec.utîve vo)ted $,5;'0 of Road1 Super'in enid', 1t Cerk of the recent Coronation. that amounit to bec en mmditlyNecsteOt.Orn, Ont. ydro guide aniswered mtanlylto ontar-iodison as thlat was thle Irom the group) and ga1ve I quota gîven to rotloBrnh More ET whch showý'ed tfie stupenl-1 may -bcoraredater, after vita-i ET of operating the Clock, and1 min capsules for the schooi children yvle resourses of water power arc bought- for next ine and the R UTHýERFOeDAt aysviDr.le, o. been harnessed to prov7e swînmmîng and water safoty lessons on Friday, 4un e 1, , 1953,'D Fe for use ail to enjoy la our taken care of duirinig the summer.j Ruthecrford,.. ay -fliving,. The Hydro Further details of the lessons will - the grloup to a colour be giv-en from tu me bo timei. C D F THANKS is questions for t ïhe guideý thrilled to see fthe igaie 1s mn Âwsh to e'x presm ic Opraio ad hopuil 'knt l ie1as,1ýt'11 hanks to 'Dr. Menlzie am,4D. Au- has undertaken to el and ess the oateh power and concert it in,,to useable sina Housestand s ff of thend other busloads rcf schooipower without which our idutressemoria ospalofo thsr nd l- nilar to ours were seen at!cou nes adeare aso nd ad rla flo oorae.tives for cards, flo>W rts and fruit. A ops during thue day -whichi pja ýlk tý4iic rcd o us-realize that the modern Thence to theoFails itself. The seiltak o nic red o plan of school tours wasj ladies admired the Formiai Gardons theloe er they sent. qilular throughout tho -pro-1 nnd the Park, ýthE inore-mechani-Ms.LereHres that w-e !ad picked places! ralb,1-iiiied boys engerly elrossod ri interest. Ithe International Bridge andstid the Falîs view fromi the humge station- tr-actionis everyone packed into tbe [de toolc the group to a ary telescoples, ot iers conconltratedý bus for the retuma trip, the driver atform onthe Upper roadi on the- Souvenir Shoppes to bring +-Oo.k one last drive dow;n past the v nuld look iawn 305feet ho e -1 tin - ut everVO,-. -Vqk.fie alIGnai1 h,,ck s0 ali Ic- spent- many ifinutoL :er Iess at the m'ajesty ve -measuroiessa ight, les of e Niagara Palj tig re After ail these uf littîtri gazing, Speech- the beauty, the niestîimabIe power sphenIomena. outstanding at- uli servý[ces tnat to the b4reaved. LEY H. EARL<I FIJNERA L ROME Orono, Ont. ý>1 one_18 r 2 40.2 'could once more foast on the. gran- *'dur and Imppres it indeibly in oui me-mories. Thein we started on our w ,ay home oniy to have one more surprise. We detoured to Thoroid and there juIst on sc'iedule and bale to se a large Great Lakes Grain Steami- ergo through the Locks. A saife journpey home1iagain -by a iweary but happy group broug-ht 1many thankè-fui eois hnsto the competent bQus service, tho af- fable chaperonage of aduits priesent and a spoecial akynu ta oOur teacher, Mis oster, who pflanned -11d conducted the tour, an-d ïma-de, it such an e1ijoyaNý)e and memi-iora-ble day for everyone. A Weekly Letter ' Orono, Ont., Junie 163, 1953 Donald McLar-en, Sky Hlarbour Air Pon t, Goderich, Ont. Dear Donia1hi Youn phono cailiyesterday -,,as a very pleasanit surprise. Mui-ni and I were delighted to knowe you paSsed ail your tests and improved your H- cense. Only wishyor flights wouid bring you oftenen to these parts. If you ever get Cithi ten air miles of Onono you wiIl see our new -oul truck, fîre engine red wiîth our naine in huge yeliow lettersý. Rather staggers mne when I look ait it and guess jits withln the Law a-,s no miore bronchos Ounr can1ý-igni to selmoee eadýi- ig An1thrite cldring ti asum-1 merbah beeon sceaubodour hlopes. ore tha ever, o1 and new cusomirs aire filling n 1 arî7 to asist :amoreore maktn and to 1ake advantýage f enrs lw etpics saving tw or'm more dol- lars a tân. layie aïit hot deliver- ing copAioMte nectfew w es, but lot, et thlan ckngarounld in che mud r deep s pw ln the winiter'. Toda cBruLice/'cagtpou building snppys orderus - took a 1lnd(cf Fibre Lass insulation to Pontypol. Lu er to Tyrone, Insul Brick Asiiig to :Manvýers nd asnphaiit to Toronit (an gota oad cof roofinig and 1plywo0Ko torepenihcr sock Thenew coiursin Cannadia1n proving Svery ppularand I'm surei cu~ sales wlýi-N doulay pei yen ~ ~ ý -'. 0 cuseat$ asuaewe pecsccldwrite ah ighýt btfor ltatW " n mich1Iget sokd. Had t he Ontario 1Lnnd Sun-veyofr WVent over this evening to ieason with Ejl Wtsn.He wcn1t do any-ý thig bou1t that ose.Sash a bouhtan ddtioal7 chicks ýanid hopes they ahl turn Ont to b,)0, 0 r~ So0 it's oariy 1to bed .....fo yOur Don, iOronio 48-r-161 CO-MING EVENT sponisoring a?11 brr ciio Wedinesday, Jne 2.4th at at 5 p.m. 1folow by a siCal conicerti featuring th popul. -Bhlly Wade w-ith his tra s ace(c panîied by bis m-other-, Ir s W . ado. GieerousÏ sens anl a enjoyabie tim-e p)rom-iised. Adm on 85c, and 40c. 1)onIt is h eOrono WmIen S Instituté EveigMei i h Council Ca ,Frîda ,June l9Pth at 8 p.mn. to 'ear 1Mar ,Miller give "Hue roo ig nts for the Salad suggestio s 'Id Inn ýkfor al. unaJun c2lst, nni1versary at Leskad. Se es a 3 an-d7:. Guest Pr-eachler 11-ev..T.Lnatr Newtoniville. Sca sc Decratons lice W' be leid in te Orono Ç1ceeryf on SundiOay, june 28th nit 2 ~Op .1nj<Dedicaýtion of thie Lang Mei .al ~hapei wi'l take Place duringt ese cecc Dr. Mc 0ni4 oYno, vwili ho on duty thie week-4nds -of June i3th and June *2th. Dr.1;W'tzel, Newcastle, on duty, the w, k, nds of June lSth end June 27th. The Ken i Sunday Schiooi Anni- versay Se e wii ho eid on Sn day, Jupe 4st at 11 a.m. 11ev. Johr >Kitchen of;Oronio il-i ho eguest preacher. Op June th there will bc ani ice creaîsuprad concert byï the oungeople/of Weipme. TI)e Stra ý eStý .i of Kir.by United Church wW ho- eld, Tuesday, June 3Oth. Furthbc',rticulars next week. K% -by 'United\ Church wi1 ihoid thieir Anniiversarv' Servic s,-, Suniday, July 5th at 3 aiÎd 7:30 fp.n. Rev.ý Harold Turner ofiSt. P/ui's Church, Bowmaniviile, mwi byhthe guesi speaker. Specii iusi b22( IN EIMORIAIý Ila memory bf my! adr1brother, Ar.thur T. Ailen. Sadhen-issed andj always remie ie-red'-y his sses Edith and Le . a-7 SInsuir iAgainst i ýoruia Such llazardS Fruaothat your hoe covered ;Wth, prote'ing ire f insuranc4k 1i"ortuuate use you areprotected agdmat a fJ ~ PORTER ORONO, Ont. Orono Tinshopý Iwill have t'awork IN 4T HEFSHO0P MoC't of the SUIMMer WiII be able- to give. Prompt Serviceà on Pipe and fittings S3-heet Metal Work 1 and Repairs R. -E. LOG ANf1 and CAL q FOR ESTEM~ATES HARRY E. LYCETT Phone 84 r 1W ORONO - ONT. Rouse f4, Sale/inOrono 6-romedboue ~h barn on ro perty-, eariy p ion arranged. Harold A e, 27'27 Yonige St. i,oAnto, Ontario c-23-c An ice bz, i -lad, chromqe sheves,ingdcdtinAbfe, oak, wi seoi for% .0!A pplcrs. Gordon 1Wint , 0ALEa- 5-peceKiten et abMe, four chars) god cndii ,hardwood, whNte.Phone 32 WANTED Hav yo apressurecooeryou are niot -sin?1I so Iwelbuy it. Phn 1 -1,Orono. a-p FORZ SALE BY TENDER Thec Offi Yai Board of the Uinted Churc, Ke dial are offerinig f or sale a age she t, covered wvithi eel roof- inig. Tenders -ee*cved 10u to Mnday, Juiie 2nd. ihest ay tender not n-ecessarily Pcceptel Send te rs r JhnPaon, Kenda6 i, nv- DEAD FA-Rli proinptiy. Phiol 2679. Aiso wvell ýSTOCK, PIWi DUP buy li re.marg- Tyr e. DEADSTOCK reùmoved from ,Yeur farm promptly for Sanlitary d'isposa. Telephone Collect: Coboýurg 1266 or Toronto En-3-3636, GORDON YOUNG LIMITIED Belore You Boy Cive Stew A Try 1954l FORD TWO-TONE, CUS- tom, overdiy~eý well rub- bered and cared for car Price ...... ........ $1495. 1950 STIJDEBA,%KER CHAM. pion Coacli, grey very -~clan..........$1495. 1949 CITEV. DE LUXE TOR- pedo Coach, maroon, cus- ton radio. Only -.$1195. 19)49 METEOR MCAI, Blue Price.......lJ5 19ý48 MERCIJ RY 114 SEDAN black,, new tires, radio good body .......... $895. Also 1947 HARLEY DAVIDSONý 74, refinishied,.. re..pondtioried and guaranteed. Sinail down paymnent, balance termns te suit, IT PAYS TO DO BUSINESS WHERE BUSINESS IS BEI-NG XDONE Durham County's Largest New and Used Car- Deaier BRAMLEY M0%TO %1R S A L ES M4eroiry - L-roi - Meteor [,Newcastle 2871 Clarke 20-'0-e Your'Insurance costs can be substantially re- duced by buying )Jivi- dend Paying Po1icdes Quotations on request. Leroy tiIamilton WR-O - IN11 INSIJRANCE Ylu Ailisbranches Fe, rgary, Hospialiatin Automobil e, ,Acietand Sickïneîss, Plate GasLiabity, $5M00. eweslth is house and best value la tcwn,I large corer property near shopping district 5 rooms on groun flor,?2upstairs, Iheavy wirig, some hardwood fW49n cernentceur, gamrae many extras includj 1,0low taxes, pos- seion aranged. Rargain with MýORTGAGE FUNDS I have avalable funds for first zaortgages on, impreved property la Clar'ke Towni,ýip current !nterest rates. Professionai Directory A. F. MeKENZIE, M.ft PUY SICI AN and StRGEeN 2.00 te 4.00 p..; #Jê t.e&8M p.m: Sundays andI Weiia.âamyb appeintment emlyi~ PUQONE 47rl n - E. C. SYER, MD PHYSICIAN and S-URGEON Main Streeýt South Office HLu's 2.00 te 4.00 p.m .: 6.30 to 8.00 >M7-. Sun'days and HoIlidays bhy Appokintmenit PIIONE 74 r 19 0140NO DR. R. J. TAGGART OPPOSITE SKATiNG R PINE fPHONE 94 r 16 ORONC Lawrence C. blason, B.A, Barrister andi Solicitor BOWMANVIILlý.,NT'. Office 688 Hom. 553 JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctionèer and Valuate Specialize in Farm and Furniture Salem Consuit, me for terme and dates Phone .5 r 18 TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Condurts Auction Sales .e ail aim and nt reasoinable rata. Comm uicate ith zua ltpM Perry, Ontario, or se. bis Clark, -à. 9. Morton, ai Orono, fet date. LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; Edicationahl p0Iteie» Protection and SavingsPlans. ho Children and Aduits; Mrtgag. lm. surance Plane. F. E. LYCET ORONO, Ont. Piton. 20 r w The RUTTER GRANITE COMIPANY Dia1 3216 -- P.O. Box 622 Port fHope,orntarlo STAFFORD BROS Phionle hlitby .452 318 Dundas St. E., W'hitby FINE QUALITY Let -us erect a handsomie, 4g nified mionumient over there- ing place of your loved uaes It'ýs not expensive. Andin this lat tribute w',ill gtver you enciea;s comfori OronoEletc CONTRACTORS FOR FARM andl IIOUSE IRTNG APPLIANCE SALES- Prompt and Guiaraideed Repai alo ai akes of Electrical Eqluipmeri and Appliancei chas MoütorS, Water Heatarg" 18 r 7 und growing Plant te! ese-eds - for you fuure. 'I - "I:

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