Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 18 Jun 1953, p. 2

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"DeaAneHrtImgetg as, trýed of seeing my husband fl1ale eyes ,at any passing wmn 'e 1 arnm his describing ail thie lprety girls hie saw downtown ta- dao, Maybe I'rn odfsind oyï tsuLpelse-,nsitive, but 1 thinik it ýI s hane-fui for a mani t0 admire m3y.body but lis wife. "ï don't know whther al huttbainds- are like mine, 'but 1 do know that plenty'1 are. Their wlves do't speak about it, aadj CI course, I dani't talk elther;- but 1 feel it is downvrright insulting nor me to bliv ilt uci way. "f arn sure my husbandisif* Dtue, but I'm conceited eaouagh tio think I'm more attracýtive- t-han(most wamien. IÉ 1 ancn totjust to adimire him,wh anthe control his rovig eye?ý DISGUSTEDb" THE ALE ANIMAL 1 I arnafraid you will noùt get, your w-,ish so long as y our * husbaad lias red blood lu b is *veins. Any normnal maie ad- *mires femiinine beaiuty, aind I le alw'ays nwill, Hi may thinkii * is wf the most attr-actï-ve 0~ blieve that should bind bis * ye tA a prefty face or grace- *fut figu;re., you know vury lt * fe of the male sex la general. *Tis qaliy eed not tmrena * very aliuningghihlieses, ft *means hatle is a heaiflixy * anmalwitiailhicsenises "~*aient, w'nu admG-iresl beauvtyý * wherever he falids if, aard il- *sane enoug L a say so. Iflieý * ca opulyAdMire a lýtt "girl la ic hepresen"ce 'othi * ife, he is nat likely ta pur- *sue if funtmherItiswlen the *sees cvîtin lalosinclinations *tînt ho learas ta conceal bis- *iaouglits3, aa4 then indeed tliey *-j- can muntintr.a a ecret pas- *sian. Wlio is ta blame? *Many a wif e (iludig m- *self) is quick ta admirebeu *ty ia another waman, and even * alJs lier iusband's attention ta *e le.Do you tiak f"or ne mo1- *meut mafse doubts hm *Many awfeDs loyl tasyur * M sef f11 tkes n second' *ganace waf an attractive nman. *Do you tLiak ht'înt akes nber ~lave lier lusband iess Wlint Sif does pr'ove is tfun tke is a3 * human as lihe is, and sbc wouldi( M nt lesifte ta admit if 1 ISuispect youii ïnot be- * ieewlintI 1sayv; you do t * want ta, aad jitmny shock you too mnucli. As you tiink *it over thougli, 1I hope ydu will renhize haw essential it iswta dim that rengleam ain your *eye. Be giad you are nmrredi ù ta ar an isfeadcof nmksa he li iao r oe-aifc *tory husbaad. RUTHLESS DECEIVJER "Dear Anu HiErsf: 1m16,aun for six nmoCnths IF'vegoewifb a youag nman 22. eld mne he2 loved me, and tint lie lad been, because I1love hlm, too, "Now 1 find out he was never divorced; l aslecntmr ry mne becaiuse li e cnut et frce. "Several timenýs before thýis hbe lias not told îme (cthe tui and 'v,ýe found out ilie lis awas si it. would. neyer ha-ppen ýagnfin.ý * Teieast any ecn, hy a *offer a girl" is _siaen_.jity. Ho *Cali yo.u possibly truvst nyn *vh blalas lied t you timce and *againHe mybe ,ch-armîing and lavable, butif hli 5nat *trutiful, icý can an-ly bring you *naxietyanad unhappinessSead! hlm off. * You \will oeaain e *fr.Nex<t tme fiaugl, op *ya.u Wi1lnat give yaur henni * awayunfil ou are suire thlad *deserves it. If youlad listenen * A your brother'sarning, you *would h'avebensreaitlî Whcn trouble Coines, turn to Aune MiWt.She la sace te cou- fide ùl, sud wil dvise yauw ise1- ly and nithsmpty Write her at BON 1, 123 igxtenhSt., 'New Torouto. One a1 the queerepsu tîions occurred ni Ausi whcndur- iaig aregispaennbso had arrauged ta'0 h ceremioni- me. t waýs an anniual affair, ant thesm le haf enseet cd for years. Suddcnly, in the miiddie of thecreayte be wasnhed il igl-'e r pay sl',ï ýnot gîven and fIlicognzes- sa scared tn teshow would be spoli int l % ngireed AN N, n 1,R ýQî 4656 z-s TWO main pattru parts to fI sli sunreýss, ONE nmain part for, theiera!The EASIESSf'ofrut ting andseig Gayest, nmosi usefiuI fash-ion tain ly ltfegin's war-wctlir wrdrb.Clicoase a pretty caftan, add coutMrtrck- rakmci-oud thle hem-, poes Plattera 4656j: Cide' ie 24, 6, 8. Size 6 des1 ad 35-iadl; bolero, 51 Yard. Seud THI1iTY - FIVE CENTS (35c) in coinis (stampils canînot be acceüptcd)j for tis pttra. rit pla-inly ,,SIZE, NMADES STYLE NUMBIPER,. Sead order ta Box 1, 123 ElgI1- tenSt, New Toronto, Ont. Q,ýuickçer Mekhod FOr Staring Cuttinga - There's an easy and improved method of ctart ng roots on brandicuýeLtfings from ocüt.dina, plants. '11oCtifriStS Vwho0 have tniejcd if are keen on fice resuits. Alil you do is tike asmi setof polythene f'ilm aýbojut seveninuches square. Yucan boy sheet poiythene 0u dry-gbod,- -storýes, Or ecasier sf111, Luse tint rhicli is nppeanig more aad mare these dnys ns wrapPiug for futsand ve(getables., Squeeze a landful ut wel sphagntum maiss ligh-tly ta ne'ü- moewafer and pince if on the polythene filmr. Make yu cutt- ing hinthe usual rmannen(-aa nestie flic b a s e neanly ta fthe botfom of f le'moes13Bringup tflic sides of polythene and place a r1ubber band nrauad thea' sô a fa enclase fthe bail o of mass TIc 1upper portion of flic branch anti fhe leaves are nat covercd y flic polythene, of course. Now place f1ie wvrnpped planit la igI umdiyaad kee(p flic femI)peraltlune ab)out ani evea 7 idegrees Fahirenheit. No1\1 er0 ¶ will b)e neaded durng fitw a or-î M'ajor tadvantage>s of this mt od are fhse* Thc fime 0f roaf- ing andquit of the roo)ts cnnl be sencnýsilyflrui the polyý- thene and fMe cuftngs tvli -0o tiags ade thflicsameurn Aoeris tînat diseaise w le-s lkytaoccur in f1lic, plants., Heure is anoler ulse for PoIyýý frliee in ol iufue eoeyouý go aayonuvaation fhis sumr- mrwrp a sheef of poiy lien a uda fo pot andI bring,,ý flic caends togétee, securvingtha -,iii a elastic band at fli. bas ai flic plant. This wyficpln caný go for more flan tw week withaout wafering. MERY ENAGERME There are ofte-n po-Ple i'On frswho are t re - ':ry ti red. That isn't inews -w pect i tahappen -' a!(, eg used ta it. Butlienanmsge tired thaàtis s om-ethn~es again. 4a.,n our animaiiis arevr tired. The pastuire ix ssa wet,teI yar nothing but m3ud and- the poor cow":ýs wander ar'uound ;ail hjere and there, iookin-g fora dry spot somj-e plae wliere they cah, lie down and chew m-theinnu la peace and rcamfort. But there are no dry spots, so the.cowvs keeýp wandering. At mlkiPug tmjust as soon as they get il to the stable, t1hey flop down ta their stails wýith a sigb of re. lief". And of course tbey 9are vr ity teir flonks and uder nedalot o f wvashing befoDre thle cows a.re fit ta be milk!ed. Ai, this timre of t'he- ye-ar, after th'", ý'eeniag 1milking, thle cows ar- ,usually, turned out ta pasture again, the gaps closed, and tchere they renin ntl alymon îng. But tbus spring Partnes lenqves the gap popen. In themr- ing he Einds aH the cows in the baray-,ard where it is cmaa tively dry and sheltered. 0f courseis arrcangemuentanidthe tiredness of he cow,ýs, is aU i du to the >excessive Awet weinher w have had nom, for several wveeks. Each dlay w"e looki at the land JandýC thi nk it oatgt anys etr short of a fiood - and thefl it rains again. Even the cats are tired. Black Joe and M itchi' 1ýe - m'Hie areused ta hucnglsithe fields for mcebut nosi-r pecting cit enjoys gettîag hisý or lier f-eet wet, so theý cats stay homne where they are suce of a bed and board WithOut dscom fort. What theMme are doing wu hae no way of koig-prob-1 ably done ntheir burrows. One species ot livestock, hw ever, sceems quite content -- and that is tne commuon huel.Ap- parently they say to themiselvesz - why sliould we worry about the weather, there is pienty c0f good picking around the bouLs. Sa tliey wýatd-h thaeir opporhtuaiity und every tim-e a door is opeaed another hundred or so~ corne 1 get tleim killed of but aýLmost bef are tliey are swept i rein- forcernents arrive. As for the gardea , , vegetable garden we havre one. The -flower-bcds we work at for an hour or tw e- tween showers if it is passibi". but somre of theý bedding plantýs linveni't been put out -jet, Part- ner dug up a smiall border at fie bnck of the house foir y geraý- niums -- but the geranitunrs are, still i in their pots. And 0 it gaes,ýz Today the suniix shinicngad the weatiner looks moüre prom.ý- isiag than it lias done, for a week. N ow here is som-ethning 1I haveý 'been mleanîng ta pas;- along fat soneweeks -- just f.oir foli who-ý are iaterested ln flrst aid for Le-- nith v',ig in l C, pLeIt big as a quarter. It would have,- leedquite easily excepi ta Mitchlie promptl scrtchJt i of again, lavig the place raw ami bleeding. This went on for tlire or four weeks. 1 was at a tons t kacow 7wha totado.Oimefan dusting powder hlpdCheplc sucaching of vicous cias- aad 3a ca's hea-d and neci oaa linrdly be bnagdwithouf in- carceratiag the cnt. Iuae sure Mitchie wvould have strangleil hlimlse fin lu fe b na , But îone dlay 1 hf on a ondfuloluý- ti-on. 1Instead of t baýndaJ1ginýg Mdithie's hea! I bandaged lis fOot!Yes, indeed. 1I wound gond. strang, sulgar-sacli ca'Otan aon lis foot, aad then adhesîve tape aro-und t'he cott,- o ta kep ItuoA - and if reallywrke , aLw, waýys. Mitchie was sobuytyn tA clew the bandage off is foot lie forgot abouit lis liead rmosit ot the time and whea l i remem- neiefound thjere vwas na.- gan tahaNov tfhe fur blias StarýUtedita grw; he foot a bee rieaedfrom its banîdage I after be2ngre-b'aadagued s coupe o ties itdie ad suc- ceeded jl flaplhiag ià odfwthlil feefi ". Now w-,e have a hiappy, resp,_ectable loýoking cnat once more, Thun, jusLtot keep in prac- fiCee, lad ta do a littie filrstai o'lnlyl my1f FrtIjammIled a fin- ger in the furnace door, then, while cieaning windows, 1 fell backwards off the sfep-lndder. The resultiag injuries werc in- coavenient but nof ser,,iOus. e-fore hi gets into print fhe Coronation wiil be ae.You may bve n oaiec I liay7 sa eiylittie anlïout itlt'ss c r um.Mot flirougli ia3ck ?ofl- tere>st b ut because sa mucIhaï beea said byD saîan, wha;t wat threletu ta y? Pro0baby neyeýr il te istory of theBrts people lias naewnonarcll bees sC, ncclaimied, and, in !Lie cas( of Eýlizabeth IL, eerlas pn been sýo we11 deserved. Sa, ýnowj we can oaly sla,,iLEsà;ncenit3 "Gad Bless Elizabeýth - lOnj live OUR QUJEENT." wi îthà vwo nd erf1u néew ffi st acfn- R Y YEAST!N PARKER HOUSE ROLLS Measurint o cargeC b owl Ac lukwam ar, itsp grnu ed suigar; ser unil sugar is in- Dry Yeast Let sand 10 mutes, MATduNstirwl. granuied sugar, 2P tsps. eait; cool to luketwarm. Add to yeas mnixtuire and stir in .lu& warm wxater. Endt in 3 c.one siftedbread four;c beýat well. Beat lin 4 tbS. mle breig or ix3 . ore onice-sifted breaýd ou.Knecad until smooth and esic; place ià greased bw andabrush top vwihmeled buter..W J or shortelnng. Cover7 and seýt ili arplc, free fro -?raught T rise unil d"ubed in bulkAM Punch down Iidoungh inbow,1 grease to-p aJ et rise again nl "'" neaýr!y doubled. Punch dIovw d=ogh ad mrOnlat to si"A" ck- ness. Cut into rounds ith 3 Cttr; brash ith melted buitter or shortening. Crease rounids littIe tCo one side ofcenre;fold larger hiaif oveCr malle af and, press along foILPlace, ~uhn each othier, ont greased pans. Greýase_ tops. Cover and leýtne uptil doubled la ulk.Bakse nt otve,40('t'aout 5 mues. lEIsyMAu Fleischmannl's DRY Yeatst keeps f resh i ta yo)UCpantry And it's fast-acting. Oneý envelope equaf,ýlsoe cake of freksi yeast îlam,>recipe., - ~~~-J " ,

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