Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 28 May 1953, p. 7

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- -=~-.- I..Flain Horse Sense.. il==by 008 ELLES _____ rQverty ini Abundance, A short wilieaga tise da ily press r.eparted a petilian recejv- vûd by the Unliited Nations in New York signed by nine mie--1 bers ai an Indianr tribe lu Sauts Amea& These âine people four af whom-- had ta scrawl liseir mnarks ns ihey dit not know how taý write, appealeti for illl ta foeet their starving chultirenl. -Tise letter was wrt n Spanith antiatidressenti thie U. . International ChiltreCn'S Emiergenc'y Euni.ItGsai in part: 'The untier.signeti, ail néigis- boums ai this towu a nti uior.- tUnatLely roof, without any pat- rin,y otier than lise Scnty protiuctai ur owî bailrespect lully Set b'efore yau that: "Lacking thenmens tagive Gur cisiltren ther rightf.ul vitalýity, wve hastin labeg yau ta suimit tiis petition ta 1be noble institution ai the Uniteti Natins,~o tsaiourchiltirencan' ho prviei(witisbie preciSus beniefits -- ithe exta gsi a 1f --that, is supplieti in ,the pan- derî.etIi mi i-k anti catià-iter ail wic t-I hey now lack because of Prosperty through Scailt AItise very same lime parents beg for a f.e vw cents wortis of milk powtier far their ciltren, flhe largest farrns organir*.aian ali O the cauntry, the Canadian Fede;, ratiofaiAriculture, is seriaus ly consitiering the possibilities af crea--ting Praosperity f oir lis menbers by controlling ant e stiting pratuttion oai bat- stuifs. Tisey carried a resolutian ta t ih, a-t off cclin beir anu"al conventIoIt lasi Janýuary. il-aneditoi.al "Plan IProduc- tion" pubished in The Rura CaC-operýatai o ai May2t]Is, 153 Mr4 V.,.MlbrSecietary- Matgrot the Ontaria Fetera- tionnoai Agriculture, discusses 'avrprtictin"anti "market-. îing probicems" ant iofferssila thougisis. Mîr. Mslburn nýonter.siwh - er ftrmpeOpl)e wudbe wil- gne"toaùaccept adt-iCe ela t "th vo1 u mr e s requireti and wh1 hrthyjolt ttemptot regulate Ille Position of supply and tiemaind." In othier wortis hoe wanits ta corner the market. It woulti be tieplorable if' Can- adian farmers titi nat have "suf- ficient inrt e li ge -n ce"tasee through cise hollowniess ýof this suggetionif, inideeti, tise idea were not propauutied. iu al >eri.oitsies in lise officiai organ oif thbe leating farmr organization in Ontariaby tise hgbesad- ministrative officer Off t hl i s or- gaizationc it wo-ulti be a \vaste aopaeranti effot ta discuss il ai ail. Three Arguments, WVithout going inito deas teeare three arguments that i_îmm-edýiatelýy (corne ta mmld. They are Nature, Organization ant i oaluty. The ields aiany given cm modity aeta a, largýe extent de- penIdent on t'he naie over v~ hcis an as nlo Contrai. A shwrat the -ri-ghlim inee an a grain fieid rmay iucrteaise yiedis b)y 10 ta 20 per cent. Too miuch rai ai hasy in g tiue wisu ad- versey affec -ub prodinài minter. To plan piodluction withioul an)y sut-plus itý needs a) se, exaet a forecast of future tcieaudti ta we doubti i canlbe rmatie; b) Sa stit a bgientatin tsaC n kns andiri i] l ota ucceptD Canadian f~ati upluses-- nistisLe exception ai wiseat- are saitita varpy bet\ven 16anti .12 per cet, týThe ncrai ofa iature and fleic ispossibility of peiogauging ai futuremak ets wi Ilprevelpu anly cuttingý diown i fIbis narrow margîn. Tie thi r t, anti prob_,ab!y hc-aviýiest,, -arPum:ent against re- str-icteti prod)tudian, are the mIor-I il aspecis. TW£ýo ihirds af hu~- manity lay themselves ta sleep e-very nij.ght on em-pty saais Tishe, tonarises whetier wve have tise rght t<> uailUtise al- - aifood, 9nlyo because we are flot clevr ~ough ta iarke t I lECalvttt FSPOqRT SCL J 11ýF ieii theiîs mzn pr pe oi tise 153 Stanley Cnsp series, t'he nr - fu ailstarDetoit e Wigs ere hum- bled, andknck tzi oufa aky' lsi Py tise no1ý-stars Bostn Bruns. Tie 'Le genti h î -that aipraiessi urîaLl sports maag1 -e r S PaîSsssraspîng lnus m.t oauais thiat they drive tiseir cagsmriesyby t ofens ii)abu andtfi beats at's egendt ti as ,gaineticfiouiimainatjive fJiton, but if it e-ver was true, a!nti n beieveitvas correct onyin some isoliet ntacs i tosnihin plufaessiona]ý hockýey ,étotay. A player myiessri eprîmandeti înpr-ivate for someitii SQng, soli-Ebreacisaitriinfrlebut uniel- ligent analysis ïanti conf'ereuices in; ni _,cachanimaae simttheir plans antitisrus hese wiih theplaýyers, have replaceti oli-fassiedî ant i out-modeti bully'ing, if 0ib-s ever in lise Detroit t i Wing camp. )ýJack dasformerplain star, niho as niager has ben ae i ocky raeibid eS, is a fighing ledr e is srgt eis experienceti, he tiocsn't hesitaete ta peak itus nmuet. IndeeIe bs the 1rp u. talion, autsite bis club, of being a -ýisarddrv. B'efore thse scn-atgamle a4 tih rnie tiqîg secries, a game playetilurin tt a apparent thse great iledt Wing mac(hine -was gn ilis geaýrs. BUnins Lhadialrcatiy non thiree gamjesý. Another cdeeatnuli utWiug2SIout el thse SerieS. Jack 2Adamas calleti for a pla) ors' lotrne here weüre those, On thse fringe, whc hogi that th«e Wing leader'l wol d ranli, roar, aýbuse ths les e ek Tta npiethem b Lhroats. But, as ih turned auft, Adamns taike4t tails players a a kindly isfer îigt ak t ain vd a byson who ad Slig-htly mnssehaved. As lic taik11etlie Stanleuy Cup sLuoot i i tie rom nuhihîm. AniAtamrs siquieily, sineely,: "Tils s1San1y Cp1i yýours na-w. You wýon lb laJst Sjp7rn niyou know tliees fun ïn winning ii. Every kit1 in Canad Jiats bis niamye on it. Yo Lu're lise greatesi team boday anti your ïunmes soutibe On it But a thirti place lamis onq tise er.ge oa i prventinigtisai. 1 want you ta know tisat lc ne ater nsa appens lonigis, you arie stilîl my bays atiYou're tise best boys I ku1-ow on, anti off lise ice.," No tseina abuse. Btise icpsy' cb)ologîcal appeal ai tise quiet Atiams' spe(ch was f ar irongrhIannv fliain coul] have been, Tisere wasn't a dry eya lun tise Wîniessig lrmAi-i Wings went oui, !fougisi furiousiy, wan tise gamo, kept ibeir isopes alive until these neîv- ý snuffed 0out byVe t ise riigBins lu Boston iwo nigsslaier. Thse days af abusive leaders are av'er hinprofessional hoekey, if they ever_ existed. Ini hockey today, the potentia awarlds are ft0a gret, thse athietes playing a game tisai con- Siitutes p ramro in itsolff ansd a srnbadta the future are tuao aware ai these facis ta require, or perhaps ta tolerate, tise driving-, abusive, bluste.ring coacis pidcrethin fiction. You cmmn~ od sggston fr IisLLonnwRIIbwL oM 1TED There 1s no problemi ovr prodctin; he re isoni a problem of adsriuin Famn ike ms te ui nesscan be cprofitable c-only hby produicîng to caacty iad b ta cut dow n onjt(eir prod-u .Lction markets>,r1t j y il soniti r ti hc inarkeht-s L hi hrink and finally find tlw(msele eue 10 subsistence frig Farm s1 plses- aanwt the exceptionr of niheat - tre suLt a smnall p a rt Of oe- Production that 'it shoulti fot be imipossible to fmarket thelm, be it in Britain againlsi paymjent 1Il sterling us anywh'Mere else in a huilgry worel d as ammunlition r.Milvjburn lsjýo nonides "whe (,th er 4Il esolution Lota Thi 1problemni igttbe ini our own, hiais." fi is! But inot by he negative zappr-oacti of restricted( Let Our f arm leaders go-' te t hec-long priýomniseti marin11g legisiation wh1ic h will enlab Caaa' armners ta mrarketdiheir own oot inter-provinceially aid initernation ally L et th ern wok oultrpjlns forý ortierly mreig Th~e Canclia famel'ha>s "suficint nteligece"to reject the idea Of curtaiing produc.. lioni, but he is wlling "t'o accept some disciplin-e" and ilgv "a reasonable amount aisym palhielic ani intelligent s up- port" ta a conistrc tive plan of distribution., Whiat he is waiting for isin telgttladership. geSt ion's, nlise eor foOlish, aiai] t crtiis h e thei con 2 lS trucL(--t!vec- or' destructive anti-uwil] 1îy "ta anw r ay question. ddes your Lettera ta jBob Ellis, BoxS;I. Burgiars Defeat Al Know-ýn Safeguards Sa runs h> trln ltmn of a special Stiyý Group set up by tlhe IsrneIntt L o London. 'They trace theý endlcss tugl beteenmenseeinglaproteut Ihbeir property pand ii styn 'o 'steýalit. -That waee e euiy has been tesei he thief has; lccks, bars, boits, sfsae banik strong-roomns have 1becn labeleci the lasi word in burgiaýr- proaf Protection, L'ut al h1ave1 geiven way to th-e attack eoeic- mnineti cracksmien. port of th,-- oup "there hv been fe-w new, inventions aýgains t buriares.Nothingcoman tc thre comnbustin lenglue and11 fiying Jmachine in athier fielis. Current dvcsar-e largl ere impravements on oAd ideas. The banlker's stronig-room, a aser piece of api-th-eit, iS onfly iiei with a Inet;ldor. These cdevîces bare matJcie more eemp1icatedý , lta dIfaI.th ~kiledcraksmnbuet anly ta make himi spend a longer timie beangtem ownSomrething 'So theinenustheftakes a tip f rom cinc.Using2 a pneu- masotrili, he sahshis 'way ihr11oug -h apwil, 1breaks down j-the coceea-oti ihe safeand re-moves the uopnc safe to where he can workoAiitat bis The Situdy Gou o hebin- urnceInsitue gve ib1i's and other instn1ces. on e gang of cr-ooks nmade u se (of apower- operatet grab to wenhaway a p otectiv e gr ille fromn its con- cree sltig.They have ue ve hicle- operL.atecti ba tter-inilg- rams aïgainsi gaesand Coors. Wb.at are the police - i;rd ighwaci - tioing. ail this time, you may ský? The Stutiy Group have dueei ma the answers. The police try ta pre- vent crime. Their actions lead ta he punistmet &of w- doers, From ilite -insurance men's point ti view, the obj-ect of security for property ista pre- 1vent ionýs (of'-gods. A different Sinice the( end of the war bur* glary4 b'as incr-easeti sharply. Sa basJthe .d a rinilg anti skill of c r a o k s. EbaRae protections whih tke timne ta tiefeat are cosly-andti hat is t.he iggest barrber to tlwir adoptin. Anti tit you knowlý that the strict roles gomning fire safety oRtep makes it easier for buirgiars ta break-mn? Section 36 of the Factahies Act state.s that precauitions- are ap- plicable "wh,7ýilst any persan is jwitbin a facory fur tise purpose ai emîploymernt çor mas"Right- Iy so. Bu$'- insuirance m-en feel these rulings shoulti be relaxeti wheW tb îtiding is cosed as weeno handicap la this leto.Li, ~up 'to his inamre, Burst buri tahead ta breO.k tape ond Nwin the 100-, dash. Ht was excused fro bcsebcll pamne ta run, 1but no tinm1D ta chantyt uniforn) ! hleheylat a h-es special ricees. QuityBreti Ecek,.JRu-ode Isiand Pd Whic oc. i, IhtS u s s e X. white W~rdt-e ight S 1e X ew iam- stie.Lgt Sssex X Reid lý 11.98per 10:NIr Hmpira,, Eh11lOde Islaird Eed X arcdRokNèw H NpehreX Brrd Roc Ne Hruphir XLihtS(1seex' 11.0 ur 10:; iak-inre X Whlite LhoWhlte JLeghoru St Brred Ro, ý Whi7, egorn , 82. 5p-r 100: As- eortd Beed tor eo-c) $1,8pr 10ç' 10: orExraProft add .) 0 0c 100;lIf lic eeehTC .1)Ianywhe0, br'oier chu-i heordrednow toc Bra Tu-E ce maret sh sdgoinp u mnch hiairr. Ctch'p Vwith wel started ples Wc hve teniat 2 8,4 5, nd ee aid atrrblow ncs TWEDD'LE Cý ,illet ACERESLD. OVE ING 1AND fl 1A N O liA Vitfou1gnyhîng sed - dresine ar d ean. rua9 Write to os o nforr tnW e ar ta aanswa cî ru uemons De. 782 Venge Si Tarento 10Kt SALE CRESS CORN V-Prsr rerf PCC-NA CASH REGISTERS TeUoenCash, Reai'ster teith tir pu buttn sytern 1lis 6 ciq'lx anu ' disti- hoio te sz. Gi_,s, umaimtie stapeti 488 R Km3 ,St. WTrn ROIS Sure le nie ta havethe pece of mmid lrowlna tï;hat yaur butildin1gs r saf. U he yu i e a 0ar r n-eu you are ai haine. -LeweQIr 1rurne rates.» Don gmhe.protct 1-wW. Wrre tor bocksudInfrmaton a todd& Srtes 17:'! Boy Ave.. ido.Ot anti-burglary assAsance to gen- eras precautions. How, of t e n thieves step iby wyof file- escapes. Mloue Light At-e there, then, no poetos Certainlly ný o t h- i n g absolutely cime -proof. Th~e Study Group commend ight, for theemae less break,-inai in well-lit places andi sum-mer evenings. Insurance corn- panies fazvour steel bolts because of their streigthi, but they con.- sider lock andi doir should be of equai strength. %âiher audible nor inaudible alarnus prevent crimc-es. Riniging beils are, said te alarm burgIars, yet damage is done ta goatis even when lient, syerns automaically cal) the police. Theiea of insurance is :ta keep crooks out. The ms pro- misinig devices are electronic, alredy used to guard secret sec- tions of research stations and service alirietIds. Theseunen police 01) open $Spa their1 are A KiIaBon- oseer rnceý" takes a lasýt Iook at Om~e c,,-hismnydscnçlt be ore tcaking D ff on a long trip ta AýustraIic, whi-;e eh ftsire aHc, sein airy herd. Until nwsire ce oshot h a oç to the Ausralio!) goern- ~1 Nerneandlaxa ofe tatet poetaid.Perenalipteeet"ake,1 laeGere ato il Btul flouer. 1286 Temes. O ANDwa STOMCH Sf-' ERs. t. posiivb li ef for8 ý a1;,;,i"-ty p ofrt iý 01n u laitdetoxce edt îWOTUN~MEL O *123pe' Ai, Nieefs A~4si, 17,7 .ET TEVES AN J. Boucher. POi haesl.,Pr KUPI'U8lt.NTESIO GratOpportin lty eo WrjFý, t rail) -il, aranches. 64 inrSt. lamito OPPRTUIT~forgoua wmen180 iealy ii paislo.Pa21tsbd opitsx1 nurse, Liing i, iwn e ecilirei a AIL ol , v'EOETe FUI]eorforar C,','.-Everthine suppî 10w Oost Ontaioil. Atfo N.ElU .te, ParlandIs.t. NOfliv a evýer 14eNewr ïs Geon And fu inf Yatoul Sufhe rn y aitegies ai Patet AtahOrs. stiishd 8 sySreet. Toraut. Pate fntsalcu iLdIES-HavCk e tiow se long eauifl lashitestue DaIeeyelaeh Candi Oamid $Wb.0in Paie Fuogrire ts, 47 Ovoolles. rite for cataope amilr Ilat. iomisIof Rug We9droa D 247 Doda et e8WaiTronta. MOY 5"e fi 5A] ïrp, WANTD-Detor1sZ __0gltered t- S S S S, .5 N lare- chant~. N Glan- N DE O~ 'S fan ta -t. eeding s. lreed" ihition 's June N. ithers, s rdecir.~ 4. -S N .5 N Rh~u.s -s 1x05i8r 18 N N 110w, 'S -N N N -4. perlOS i. d4- N I çelth N N re N '4. N esehea s Ceeues .5 .5 ache. .5 n-Il] N lorlese N vo or N .5 N S .5 Cao, N N Tonuii. N $1,00 N caeh 'racti- .5 N N N omacir N ry, .5 s tisSes] N îioney If Dru-g N mi ford, .5 $ N N rooîed N SIre. N ?redit, ~8 N s-. S- N N N 101011. N 5. ceges. N bats, N .5 N N IOLS N .5 N N -48 t. S, rirran- N i. lu.. stereil N mine, N itaria, N 'N home. N edat * N 617-D N rean. 4,., .5 Sf Isa. . N free. N 4fftii-~ N N s)sy. N t. 25$ N itries. N N N Bye- N Clouer N Esat N N ~1 s tend 5 pcb, s '5 O~v. . N s s Purs, N yaîn '"1 place N rougIe 814 N Toril 247, S, = S, S, S, S, S, 'S s I.., gos s ebasi s.., tIsE N aooè -s Iskes s. utIleS 's ~wee dOles N ruE es N son-. .4.., -s N N N =

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