Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 21 May 1953, p. 4

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PubIisher.ý R C Fo rester FOR SALE OR RNT Three roo4ed cai, yro. Park, nd 2 -ights coveri n Te una.Good' co- upply of wate. À Apply Rev. Kr d Brookij.1, Wing Ont. Phonie MSEroi. a.-p ng: mon's Inctîito 1 Bra and onoicaie Servi-ce. is red Thec Club momiiboi , ject'Mpit iii the Mý dilIbrooIt: ets. As ornlent w, tir 40Y1 ýBoth of the Wo- nich anid Home Ec- ected the pro- .or the projcýti w-hich shoutld ilnd helpf'ul to imtec and pfins -izel. ebr ,in six pro- lts of Achie- to: enr lZuth J Mc- uvile - Pat Conwa-jy, aurilyni Hill- Sybad l Shppard-ý. - rene Inich.1 Gr'ove- Jean Flintoff, ani- owdenl. oIL-Jane-t Hubbear-d. ne- Do)nna Battersby, Glad, Lison, Mary Sîceman.i 3-Blaekstoek- Donn11a Fondler, no owvmanvuîle- Arlene icosevear. d.Millbrook- Veld-a Bnown. st Welcom- ary McHolm, Ruth Mcl- nHom, SilySymons. re Eachi Club momberrcivda si"-ven, t eap(oon as a souLvenlir forthn pro- ecject satisfactorily completed.ý Orono Weekly limes PilON E 9r1 ORONO If you have a Heatinlg rrobiem Let's have it now Time goes so fast R.- E. LO0GA N Before You Bay Give Stew A Try Top) pnice for your car. Low Down Payment We pay off younr lien. Up to 30 months to pay Thinty day quananteec Lneassortmient of bt Cars and Truýcksý. S w'sS pecalf '49 AU STiN COAC1!, EconomI-I cal tanispotation [- $495 ION, kan,weladfr car ---------------$1495.. . '51 ME'TEO CUT MFORZ- DOR----- -------$40 IT PAYS TO O 'ID0BUSINýESS NwadUsed Car Ileaer BRAL Ey MOe GTO RtS ALE S Men-curýy - ,inco,în - -M eteor Newcastle 2871 Clarke 2MO Ononio Publ Opel etta will Town Halýll oi ntfree. Ad Aplay canti shn"presen 'vpool Younlg don the auispi ccd Schlool C OooTownl 8t 8 Adm ( FOýSALE/ Orono X Sheld Exhibition Daýia anq Chrysa e- in the mu rots 20 c ecMs ito MfIerc. Tainblyn, Oýrno,' Phone Ïr-19. eniber PLANTS FOR SA resent Good van ty of ve ables and to be flowers. anl- W. J. Lean,"", Pho 40r60rono. aWC -c-Il-p ~t ad -FOR SALE ith at Durham ïpringer ow large seed y pai fuckvwhea-t, ihtyuse 750x2O Lu- Splement Tir s, Tubes ind Mimc for i n- creder, ualoy ploy ,Shares, ~ Ne anduseMac-eryCarl Todd, d phone Clarkec1- Home in the (MENT F0R SALE uy ý22,l 25c Apply Rlh arwr.Phone 13-r-1, Or no. J, Begi n] from Fridy .3 p.m plonday mornng.Dr. tze wibe 0on c'Il the eek-nds Mayst,15th and 29th. Dr. MK ze oon eall thewee ens oMa 8th an Ind. NOTICE Residents Of rono and y4cinity, are reqluested to iring in a good and clean used cioting or Oeddîng for s hipnIt teo orea. ave in the basemnt of hle Uni ed Church on May 25t1u and 26%h b-17-c CARD 0F THANKS Mn. Colin Br n1 wishles epress his appreciaton\for kind ce chownIII by friends and ne ýhhoun /duiri ghis recent Jilîness. p BEE rRY-ýIloving mem1oi ofor broer He rt, -wbo Pp cedaway, sudelyMa19, 19 52. WVe canno Lord, thy purpose cee but aUi j we ,thats ne by Thee. Alwaysi-en mbered yHari- iHan and famul a- COMPLETE INSTALLKTIONS and R AIRS for Bw vl and sur uindsag districts y skiîlle d nesmen. -No job toi large or tIf)mal to Geappreciaiced U'p-to-dlate min uimn with1tsSyl C-alIIus for P NECOLLECT FOLLOWING THE T11IL-BLAZERS As ndianpuish back thef-ontier-- c/e dopi newareas ilcling hiew branches to et the neecof iaïgý grow igý:Canla..t Ciar be' sec/m zre...the are rimore for more peo le,... hflant ever bfr. Since 1900f, branches of the charýtered banka have increased from 700l to 3,800. ln the paet ten years aluine, 3, 750,000 ianik accounts have been opened. ITV Plate,$10;%Otaco two weel spreu- deris, $8ý76. 1I-3srber$063.Wh- aind Cockshu man .ur sprade, on, 2-p DEAD FA ' STOC KPICKED UP promiptly. hQine col eýýt Bowmail 2679. Also e buy lehorce. Marg- farm promptly orsantary diepcl Teleph)lone Collect: Cobourg 1266 or Torono Emb-866. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED NWALL NIF. PORTER -L Ytour insurance costs can be substantially re- duced by buýy,,ingDi- dle ndcl Paying Policies1 Quotations on request. Leroy 1Hamfiiton irnuail its branches Burglwary, Ilospitalon Automobie, ife Accidet and $5,00.Newastethe tidilest hous;e and beet alu ntownr, large corner propenty nlear shopping district 5 roome on ground floor, 2 usanhea-vy wir-ing, some hrwodflooning cernent cellan, garage, many extr.as included low taxes, pos- session nrranged. Bargain with haîf cash. MORTGAGE FUNDS 1 have avaiahle funds for first mortgages on improved ï property in Clarke Township current intereet rates. Orono Electric Phone 93 r 1 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM andi EQUSE WIRING Free Esthnates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repaïra te ail nmakes ef Electrical Equipmerai and .4pplUnea ,'ýuch am "lotorg; Watcr Hent.e$ Rd.îstev.. Trou& It' Professional Directory A. F. McKENZIE, M.». PHYSICLAN zan-dSUJRGEON 011.Boeurs. 2.00 te 4.00 ptr,, &30te .0 p.m. Sunânys and WeAmoiW»ys bi appo-itment 4euly PHONE 47rl E. C. SYER, M.D. i PH'YSICIAN and SURGEON< Main Streeet Sojuth Offie H7eurs: 2.0to 4.00 p.mi,; 60ta 8.04J P-ML Sundaye and }Iolidayo by Appointkment PHONE 74 r 19 ORN DIR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SURGEON Park street OPPOSITE SKATINGe RINI< PHONIE 94 r 16 ORONU BOWMNVILEONT. Oifice 688ý » 1e5~3 JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer antil Valuatot Specialize ini Farm and Furniture Sales. Consult me fD>r tenus and dates T ED JA CKSOCN Auictîieer anti Valuâar Pond-uets AUetiomi Saleg cfet al zàz and atiesnhi a. Comuniatewith him Rtet Pý Per~. ntaloor ee4"e h1. Clerk, A, E.M itn ra rnofor date. LIFE INSURANCE Prtectfinand Savings Plana f.ti Chldenad Adults; Mortgagel- Fý .ELCT ORONO, Ont. - Ph"one 20 ? 10 --ftheRUITTER GRANITE COMPAY Dial 321c).-P.O. Bo"x62 PorYt Hope, Ontarie and He ang CALIL USFOR ESTIMATES -HARRY E. LYCETT Phiono 84 r 12 ORONO - OINT. -STAFFORD BROS- monumental Works phone Whitby 552, 118 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QLTALITY MONUMENTS -AN P MARKERS Let us ereet a handsomoe, d nified monument over tha net. ingr place of your Ioived oe&es If's net expensive. And waa.1n this last tiibute will gîve you .nalesComfori Elda W- Sinch aýnd al. These nee iii fthe ?wed fin 1)Malio ol, ei

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