Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 21 May 1953, p. 1

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Vol. 17 No 17 Orono High School Students Travel To. Ottawa JImemaker's Club lleld Aclievemeat t Urono Sixty Junior Homemaking Club ex mbers modelled the dresses they hal made at, the close o ire Aciîe»e- nient Day pogram held Saturday, Mitay 9th at the Crono Township Hal. it was with a feeling of pride and satisfaction of a job well done on the part of the Leaders an-d Members that they viewed the practical work doune in the project 'Cottons May be Smart.' Nine communities were represented :'t the Durham Achievement Day and special credit is due to the Leaders -ho have voluntarily given their time and efforts to see that the girls ;gain the information which went in- te the completion of the cotton dresses inade by the girls. These leaders and their assistants are: Bethany: Mrs. M. Finney, Mrs. C. Page, Mrs. L. Challice; Blackstock: Mrs. Lorne Thompson, Mrs. f. Bailey; Bowman- ville: Mrs. D. S. Grant, Garden Hill1: Mrs. Edwin Wilson, Mes. N. T. Gard- iner: Kendal: Mrs. Wm. Jackson, Mary E. Luxon;. Ma-ple Grove: Mes, E. Stephrensen. Mrs. W. Brown; Millbrook: Mrs. -B. Gardiner, Mrs. E. White: Newtonville: Mes. D. Vinkie, Mrs. R. S. Johnston; Welcome: Mrs. Edgar Nichois. Eigit of the Clubs placed exhibits un the topic each placing emphasis cn O.HS finally fet tire trili cf manvfor ou r geat day. We wvere at iaet leabng fer eue 2 day trip te Ottawa. For thei trip O... tad saved mcney sica e September. prom cur annual S'tool Dance, Conmmencement, Mlagazine Campaign, School Parties, etc we w e e abie te socure enougir [money with the help cf tire boa-rd te pay for eue nights lodging and trans- portation. We met the bus at the sehool at 7 a.m. May 14. After making several stops on tre way we arrived at the beautiful city cf Ottawa at 4 p.m. aill ef us in high spirits. Our first a-p- pointment was at the stately Laurier iuse a-t 4 p.m. tie former home of Mackenzie Ring. We tiren went te the Reliance Motor Court where we had reservations. Upon getting settled we went downtown te eat a-ad enjoy an evening cf cur own doings before meeting tire bus a-t 10.80 pa. On Friday mcrning we left the Moter Court and a-t 10.30 a-.m. set eut for a tour of the city with a guide along. The city of Ottawa is a very beautiful one wit it's 50,000 tulips all in bloom ailong the Rideau Canal and Parliament Buildings. At 1.80 p.m. we made a tour of thae inside of tre Mint. As only a small group could go through at once the rest cf us went thrroughr tire interesting and fascinating Wa-r Museum a-nd Ar- chives. Our last apnointment was a tour cf the beautiful Parliament Build- ings. To our regret we were not nbei te see Parliament in sessien as it had closed at 1 a.m. the night before, However we made an interesting study cf the Buildings and a tip to the top of the Pence Tower. We left for ho a-t 6.80 p.m. to our :ea-t sorrow. We all had an en-- eva-ie and woderful time that we dhld ail remiember in tire days tiai follow at ..S. O.H.S. Editor, Marie Lewis, wuý Fe jtS1(t ýje ýden and Shirley Crydermnan tak-ing 'Garden fill club and Beryl Thirkson gave excellent comments. This club will represent the county at the Jun-il bro veapably h the lor Day Inter-Countywork at Peter- use of L id Colour' in their dem onstration. A Fashion Parade bythen Bethan-y (Club rmembers showed ithe_ AL U kmmrs in the Welcome u-of 'Cttons around the Clcck' and amt Cubs took part in the for many varid Occasions. 3ed 'Cottons may be Smart'. Tierg rm nssted of llis»Puib members took part i the i ct skit entitled 'Makingm onw h they gae rl Bttonoies' and effectively showe'o the audience the correct method cfet l oing this. 'Our Girls' was the topice cf he Maple Grove skit itth Jeanpweret recordbo kpt and MarlynFlintoff rgaretpSnow- (nted ran Hbpag 4) MrsilJ.b.rGame Deymcapabnishate HomnesursingAtreainda Waaeb Tire Women's Institute met la the Sanday Sciool room on Welnesday afternoon, May 131h, with tie presi- dent, Mes. N. Kennedy, presiding. The cl cail wabs answered by an idea foc preventing accidents il tie home. The motto mas "Health le a va-uable possession." It mas decided to leave the discussion of a hooth for Fieldl Day to the W.A. meeting. 85.00 mas voted for tie Institute for tie Blind a d 85.00 for the Crippled Childen. Thak you letters were re-ad from Mrs. D. E. Mellor, Cam- paign Director for the Red Cross an-d Miss Jean Noble, Home Economist for tire District Branch Of the Home Economics Service for donations re- ceived. The president informed cf tie roll call "Two members in old fasihioned dress" at the District An- nual meeting in Blackstock, Ma-y 201h. Extension Services for tire iome- your home wita colour - cond choice being "C Cuts". We were privil Mes. J. C. Gamey of C for tl meeting and at president introduced ir ~in - at+inoe It Mrm. consented. A bcd was already set up and it mas shown how to bathe a patient. Never put sheets on a bed when you batire a patient, the ladies were informed, have blankets a-under- neatih and on top, and neyer have the body exposed. Have the room well ventillated, but be sure the patient is not subject to deaughts. Many points on tihe preservation f iealth w-ere aiso given, cleanliness ocf body being essential, It ma-s wel! to be re- minded of tire fact tnt a- person gets more rest by elevation of thie fet tan by elevation cf tre read The president voicedl tion cf tie members in Ga-mey for her very ir interestin ta-lik. Mrs. I n's 11, e roll( "Su- iveo E ire apprecia- mnaking Mis. tructive and rguson, Who from Orono :ted the in- 11 joined in I a pleasant efreshrments, d out mater- the Annual Community y the Wo- y, June 4th. meeting will Programme I bring their rs are asked Corona[ion ha Servei Ai On Thursday, Mday 28th, in St. Saviour s Paish Hai there wili t!e a very interesting showng cf oid fashioned qui'lts and come newer pat- terns that have been sewn recently. Tre W.A. ladies hope that nany cf their friends will take this opper- tunity te sec the display and have a cup cf tea and visit awhile. Quite a few cf the quilts have stories attached te them aad many are- over fifty years old, we bave trîed to get the oid pieced patterns that were popular in Grandma's day the Log Ca-bi, Double Irish Chain Dresden Plate, the Wind-mill, the old East coa-st Sail Ho and many others. Needless te say if anyone has an old treasure cf a quilt they would like to loan us we will be delighted to have it, Mrs. J. Morris and Mrs. F. Hall will gladly accept them at their homes or if they are brought t the Parish Hall on Wednesday afternoin previ- ous to the tea. Come along and admire th handi- work of the bygone ladies of Clarke. Afternoon tea will be served from 3 to 5.30. Price 25 cents. Silver Seal Certificate Awarded Local Holstein The latest Holstein to qualify for a Silver Seal Certificate of long pro- duction by prpducing over 150,000 ibs. miik is Cedar Dale Man-O-War Dor- Otiry, owned by Cedar Dale Stock Farms, Orono, Ont. in ten lactations, Dorothy has produced a total of 155,664 lbs. milk containing 5315 lbs. fat. All of her records except tirat in two-year-cld form has been made on twice a-day milking and she ha-s four times qualified for the 305 day divi- s:on. Dorothy's largest individual record was made lirsix year old formiren she gave G07 ibs. fat from 18173 lUs. miiik. Her latest Lactation was as a fourteen-year-old, she producing 478 lbs. fat from 14970 lbs. milk. A dau- ghter of the bull Man-O-War Dic- tator, Dorothy has been classified as "Good Plus" ia Selective Registra- tion. W.C.T.U._Meeting The Women's Christian Temperance Union held the Ma-y meeting in tire Sunday Scirool Room of Orono United Church. The Presidet, Mrs. H. Walsh opened the meeting with hymn "I've found a friend". Mrs. H. Roee gave tie devotionai on "The Life of! Barairus" clsing with 2 verses cf hymn "We thank Tiee, Our Father." Following a short business period, Mes. G. Carson gave a good report ou the County Convention held here i Orono. Tw-o interestîng conteste were enoyed by a-l. The meeting cldsed w;th singing GOd bless eue Cause: Ccd bless eue sacred cause We plead for rigIhteous laws Otr homes to shield Our land ias suffered long Froni an accursed wrong Whose roots are deep and strong Nor do they yield Now let te- peeple come And work for God and home And tomperance laws We'll be ne more deceived Our land must be retrieved And from tis curse relieved Cod blss our cause. and Ced save our Queen Farmers Should Be On Watch For YeiIow Recket Yellow Il wicir appi in newr s< Tis plant et is a perennial weed j very ca-ly especially j ce la oid amea-doms. J ,r*""n'"n fin'er le F bUY fl--S1W lt A very îpretty n tGeorgê s Angli ewcastle, on Saturday, Margaet Grace (Peggv) daughter cf Mr. and Mi Stephenson, Newcastle, bride cf Mr. Rcbert Ro cf Me. and Mrs. J. W IOrono. Tihe ceremony we by Rev. D. R. Dewdney and wine snapdragons gracing the altar. The w was played by Mrs. John Mrs. Wm. Storks was so "Because" anad "Throughi during the signing of th< Given ln marriage by the bride was Iovely la a gown cf champaign si fashioued 'on prmecess line a graceful train. Rer hu a Juliet cap edged in *which fell a floor length cf Caramick Cross lac carried n cascade bouq rbses intermingled with Takes Edge Over Orono in rd,ý ire The braseball season opened caOronu on Tuesday evening on rath a sad note fer thie local squad w e went dowu te defeat with Rend taking a wide edgc in tie 11 to battle. JI llief , The game had aIl the carma'rks nean opening schredule for errors a] Tirev À,..- Kendai drove Miss Betty Stephenson, R.N., Ot-BMe taWa, was maid-of-honor, wearing last taiiyce a ballerina length strapless dress of whea Lunn h apple green net with lace jacket and te second on matching halo hat. She carried aCornish dro' nosegay of lavender carnations with green tuile, seod.euni The bridesmaiîds, Misses Mary Lou drove La-n h Bertram, Toronto, and Lynn Stephen- Readal lu son, Newcastle. wore netys- nlcbQc mnro ifOn -dresses of buttercup yeillow in ina length, with taffeta jacket w-e ma-tching bands of fIer headdresses, and carried nose; yeilow carnations with greeî Tire ljtle flower girl. Miss Stepheneon, Newcastle, wore lengthi dress cf lavender taffet net overskirt and baund of m fiowers on ber head. She ca basket cf sweet peas and sna-p Ail the bride's attendants wor shoes to match their gowns. Best man was lOrono, Messes. Lav. Boyd aiso f Oront Otta-wa, and Bob c-astle, were ushers. Following tire ci tion was held at t be ide's parents, the ceiving i -a dress < withr pink accessori pink carnations, The groomi's Otner asîsted, wearing a two piece grey suit mith navy accessories aad cor- sage cf pink aad wite carnations. The bride's grandmother, who more a grey t'o piece suit with na-w ac- cessorias anad corsage of pink and mute carnations, was aise pesent aad asisted in receiving thie guests. Tre bride and groom left on a wed- ding trp te New York a-ad New eJer- sey, tie bride wearing for travelling a grey taiiered suit withr black a-ad. wite accessories, la-vender ha-t anad corsage cf mauve orciids. On thir retur Me. and Mrs. Boyd maii reside at 154 Ring St. East, Bowmanville. «iris Softbali Schedule Aononnced For 1953 Ma-y 25-Newcastle at Orono May 29-Orono a-t Newcastle Jone 1-Courtice at Nemtonville June 4-Newtonville at Courtice June 8-Newcastle at Nemtonville June 9-Crono at Couetice June 12-Courtice a-t Oron -Newcastle a-t ceurtice -Newtonville a-t Ceeue -Couetce a-t Newcastle -Nemcastle- a-t Orono -Ceurtice a-t Newtonviiie -Newtonville a-t Couetice Orono at Newycastle -Newcastle a-t Newtonville --Ceeno a-t Courtice -Co-urtice a-t Cronoe illTonnmrll nt Newenstie icyAsonad(e >or and twe stolei ithmore ruas a-dr ngthis time 7 te 2. on. TTireerna-m e tnie game came Lane of Kendal Thompson a sinj Orono err. alse tree J -y hit t by + seed n four rus c o he the sixth whrenedcftr :eived a walk. Pitchers Ashton one by and Lene ns by error, fol- - Boyd, C. the season Cornis] and Orono West; id aso in K . Wei ;R WITH Our exuberance has finally ove had tire audaci ceme Our reticence te furter discuss caten pea-sas Canadia television. Tie cause of our tea set aiot iibcerated typwniter lices la la-st Tirurs- minutes a-fter day's CBC Televesin preduction of efferte were n the Mozaret opera "Dca Giovanai. as eue cye, e Don il clear distinct Englisr, cm- fiied miti the plimented by wei trained a-ad de~ television. We Iïgitful voicces, sets cf almost unbe- cf lieable reality aad monderful ces- But me mus tumee, tire twc houe performancee captivated a-ad thrilied thus listen-er- nne of tire en Ican brin« mnt ma-cKmr wrong îng t threati ca-se, uce sti ia-s eut douited is; dit "per asp im- thick as any Farmers pre- tields at this1 pull a-Il specilt tors, Where a- f . fested, after weea lake ZÎ iKE

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