Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 May 1953, p. 3

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Imm!6 *Asî.î-u btmmu mt1 itatUlly aAtm c htis on tu uotiSe mostlin rtast ofits kind i ise ;orld, attac'in rî mrs rom ma t n5 pawsd inistory, last rnoath. A retnmber etCadius tv ~voî tis ïuclîn batie*ovr tie luli r_athon distý 1ance: Jac afeyîc:JonyMletîe Gerad Ctea cgaî'.srokig FenchCandia, fuLrtirnles; Tomn LongboafFrdd ae ron, JrnrnyDul)fy, DveKomo- rien, Enouardî Faboc-,-nd a tail,Slin young fellow namced Walter timung, whose onte-Mras, a i.inthe iMopntre subhurban city of Veîclun. Wve don)t intend tomae0oîipi-sos asCtoth(-orae physica ndmetl he jy o cntertthç hope ut lame, thatactivated ail th esa s il te other riUMne sehflock the world over to compete in tS gruellîng battie over tCe hois and diopes that fial tr agOny of heart, lungs and musces, PttaheN runnersno the cobIed streets ut ld Boston tWt iht he ridandsik xhastd n th'le Buat we doe say tisat sloi vr didè a Boston mnarathonw %i'inner posse;iss a lesu inspiring background nor a more com- pelingturge to win, than Wialter Young,_ when, in tieautumil of1936,ho started traning for the Boston arahnof 1M7, For Waltr Young was tiheti on relief, in thse late days of «tire Great Depression. B-e vwas a recipient Of that formi of nlationial chariity Nvhich cnrb tt each man, each famnily. ienugh to lo bare exiSte-nge, to pay humble renti, to buy scantily of the cheapest of foods. IC rief to krep togetor bdy and sout, iit waus asateu ayoit, and 170o ne fýeit mrebitter, about hb i lot*tan Doiess WerYoung, married, cWita wife,ý an infant son, and a niothr te support. lie had ongaged i atbloticsý and he thougbt dtha, if he could enter, perbaps mtake a good sbowing, ln such k;rac as th-e Boston mnaratho, it mîglst oad to boter tdmes for mseifbs wife, bis ittie famiy, fie discussed this rîith a great protessional rýunner, Pete Guvazz, i uvzzi loved ta run. He found a willngppil in Young. Throuigh t ie autum-ntheo wihftor, trio early sprin1g, these two rari n pre!paratin for trih aoTe y rn15 miles per wqek. They ran ,1,7-00 m-iles hi ail bofore they decided Yung %was pyialra for 0the l3ostQntest, Thon tb iýey scrapý-ed up tJe rnoney to ide a us t 'o Bostoný, witb us enoughl eft ,0 feed ïand h-ouse C-them tbeie. Iispired by iie posibilty that victory conmid get hlm1 offt Ile iisery ot relief rolisWalterYon ranlike a a n possuesd, Iee d 1W l oher runners from thse worlà over, wons by hmef And his great race was not lin vairi. Sporting Verdun gvehlm a yob as à plicemïan. At least, he was orff relief, Ble was workig, at a rman's job, earning a living. And Leus n powleman so1u1 tC"ug1 promoted from thse lower ranks of thse force, '1 l ose by, 'ielEpru Vive l'Empereur, 111 the palace, Napoleon anid Josepin quiiclly Put o01hei cornatonrobDe. For a second" Josephine',s mouth tj.ghýtenecl withL the strain of stan-dhilg lerect un-_ der the Weigh-t of hler purpie robe. BuLt then Julie anrd Hortense, E1i sa-, Paulette and 1C a rol in e picked up the train,ad Jose-1 phinje gave a deep s"Ih of relief. -As Napoleon i aborioujsly 7plled on al pair ofgov, the fingpers stif f with ernbro1didey, he lookedý toward us for the fir-st time. "Cap we beginr?" l saw thie altar and twýo gold thrones. On thne thronie at the ef t sat, stili aS a statule, a littie oid genitleman iii hie.Pius VII had waitled for Napolecln erl twý,o hOurFs.. . . I stepped up be- sidie Murat-,aned looked around. Saw Josepbhine approaching the altar, ber eyea wîde open, shiny wi,7th tears and sriiing ecstatical- l y. At the lowvest stop tri the dduja'l.ètfiline at he right of the a1talr, she patised, Ilight, in front of mie stood the Imperia! prin- cesses with<l her train. 1 craned mni eck t'o see- apoleon-i* ecI- tac.First caille Kellermani with the large Imi-perial crown.i Alter hlm Perignon with the sceptre and Lefebre With Charle-. agessword. Thoen Jean Bap.- tiste with the Chain tof the Leg- ion oif BEonouir, next Eugene Beauharniais with theEmer' iring, and finally Berthier with the Imiperial orb, and... Talleoyrand( w;ih a gold wýire contraptionintol WIlh in fthe cour"]se of fthe cere- rnony, thoemFiperor was to lot faîf hlis rob-e. The exultant nlotes of "La,- Mar- seillaise"poured l ,triunphaiitly frorn the oirgan. Napoleon walkod s1o0w1y up to the altar, ,vith Jo- seph and Louis ca-?rryýing thetrain of bis purple rob£, Finially Nap- olloon stooicl noar Josephino., The organ miusic stopped., Cleariy and solernnly the Pope pronoun11ced the blessing. Then held the heavy cr.own tio selil 0on NapIOIolo's JboweVqd ead. But Nap- oleo's hoad Wasn't bowoed. His ârids in-thegl-emibroidered gloves 1reached up and im)petui- ously seized thle cow Foi' Short linstant Nplo held the c-rown aiboveo bis lhead. Then ,he slwypt tit on. N ot onily was 1 tatldbutailH the oithers, too, Napoleon had violatýed ail thec rituals of (corona- tinaacrOWnedhmsf-ro 'Dsiee" yArmnearie Selin-ko. F'rofessional Standards. In MilJ- waukeetrie0Jurnial Carrieda ciassified ad: " ïterlorBos Gadp .i50S WIl i1veig w'ith l urboys age 4ald Lup, If boyýý is well behaved, 'no charge,.'i la te Misbehiavi or into Bhaor, ~t no cag. fIamr ot por,-- m-]IÏtîed to atemnpt to te-achi your. bo th e'mnnrsof a litie vîhta Sit or soiaewt yor younig'un' or YOu." SAPESS %' ln30101 'on =ccm bar werithte ulcn mte 'Ieherthy we-re inig ioigùthers, evenwhn he were on op of trie heapt, r perjsonaily hbatecd. It's al a matu- 1er ofproa]t.osretig wo supos ,D5e; itier youve ct 1wvtat itkcs, or 'yot nave t d, fther s' uhyucndo, e e e ýic -n s of all rchampins s udot-. m,,ap as Fa represontahivoet j1'Aryen) sup-eriority ove l(h iolie Jo Lui id ta aiobnh got hlm luthe ringa se-con-d Iti-le was eaby soetbng ut thatý baslihotado ihfb-rs et Str. na1edg iaob-better knou witlh hl, fontGermàny a az amned Ano Hellrisshowa s'cbodul.ed ta braa-ùdcastIbde alsof Maxiec's "'triumphJ-",,' tzIh home-foks viashor1waeuiacu -ï! trsheiiss ws bot às on ceiedan borsh n ndviua ý!expectedevecrybod ho ameici s coüuld ua udestndJacob<'at- "Whyda' you tlake a pokeC at that Nazi humn?" they asked hm, " You doý't hveto taE thait front hlm, Go; on, -w'ib back you up!" "N\o, fles"ltb YuSssl Ja.- çob woldanswer wit a rin, <'I~~ ~~ wo]d'fhrta ar on bis head!" Cane trie nght of the fight, as everyoue remembers, and Joe Louil handoed Sceliiulýg one of ib'he most hmiiain efeats lu býoxiug 'hitory-a knockout in- less time cthian had ever before been irecorded b-u such ua match, H1eilmîss, who Wa,,s at th(.in-g-, sýide for bi-s broadcast, aso 0inl- furiated by Ibis blow to the supermian" from Geýrmany that ho rusbed awy fontthe sconeyîý intent ou ro ig is sorrows bof ore dashinp off to take his boat howm. bis dri'nkin)g partner at, a bjar not far fron tio docks. Trieý Germanu took one dr-ink and proceeded toû get volenll i. Despised zaud shumied i-s ho was by most peopflo uround biit1, Hellýiiss found hm soitcomietiy gnored- oxcept hyJoe Jacobs. It waS the >tlh Jewsb anager xvho tnoi hei]pe-d 1elhnjiss tu thec ship ho yat le sait on, undressed hlm witbh lmd handl'sput it h o bedan sootbed the sufforing broadicast- or. The sick n cotinedta stand, Jcoris clw ld a dote r 1 exain the (An, ýigo lTeexaxintain as brief, Wbe'-)u ita, ovthe dnocu t in frmned Jacoris trialIeinis a bencgin aMce Fn n that notin es ws h' aSe 1-lss ittie pu tri i addedta a drinkhe-er.ItiS usual ivnta snteonowho is getthing ific uit Prccess:in, Prisocners-Sgt. DoncId 1L Rombough fingerprints cap- ture Comunsisinside the eris;oner-of-wor camrp on Cheju lslnd KreoSergecint Romýbough k a member of the 164-mari Miitary Police team which re-pliotographed and re-fingerprinted 132,000 Red prisonersý. helpied nme. HonesI, Joe,Fin sorriy for eeyhn, FYorget itc pal," ,ins\wered the acýicomrodatinjg Jacobs. "We'7re ýal noen nowm Gad ta do anythig I ca fo a sck riend." WhenthUanashore signal wVS ègion, Joe Jacorsis ot the 4hip, but flot tilIHehllss had bld hlm ate'arful tOnd aoebvwn aýgain anid agîntt 'he felt il a hel for tSe way in wriih ho had acted. AtL thec foot of the gnpak Joe was met, by several angry friends. Nw of Jatcob's,- friendl-y actjVJity in behaîf of Sc;haedi 1charauter as ULlolmiss had gotten-I aru~quickl. deanie oeof them. ý"11ave jyvou gone nut? hat's ithe idla, hebpînig that rno-good bum alterý, the way ho treated yQuC?" j "Wait a mnt, said anlother. oai!ooker, ýo3j gclosoly at littbe 1Joe. -I think miaybe I smebi a miouse arou-,,nd fbore. Coula Lt ,o yo, ~iSethat slîppoEd this; nýasty character a Mi-ckey Fin? "-What arefyo talking ab out, aMickey Fnn"demranded the i )diuant Jacobs, -I should give a guy oneiVckey Finni. I likced that fellow H1elliss I'm no piker; 50 I g avehnTHE MickeyFis" Another Coronation At last -a salvç of caunnonpo cýlaïimed that tr-Ie Emrperor haýd eft t, hcTuilberies. I don't knrowN av hy, but suddenly twe Wero al su-ent. Wordlessiy wo alked lii front of the largoemirrr on he '.girund floor, Sileutly trie mar- shals cbeFcked on the stars of tLhe r ürders and st-raighte-ned their b1eau~golbaPc ks. V aj lts handed thent thieir i, ecapes wih tbev fuug over ftheir- shouiders. As I powdered .ry face, I waýs astouishied ,ta, fin-d that lm1y bauds wero tromiug.jn" It sounded Mie a rurnbiing tom- fir-St, far a ay, thoni bouder and ouder, fnally raging Moster ' baulios an senct 'v er th1,tc 555 lQUIbRESST POSTI5S EC BaiSit the cornai Zati, E-apîna 5k El) TIRUS Sa t~O moto s. byahop s,. WrIte; W ton REI'RESI7NTATIV S'Antetahi' t au xlsiln It ati abs x 1 elix Si est Toi, o t, vouiluf e ~ARTUIa 508 ýSa. 578 Ban11 DONT delay tha sasan a gettng on and tukey polta thî' ea.'g,. Mm bry eat w ll ehghi ut. loeThsj teya t al$m ecn give pop eivt nhg aatyC s oustt lietc nt ap u1, 5 0 BtiVeAtpus TaintI lntet) Don't 05157'l? erdr mm Fouel S A iepop detvryo ~an rede BTwhn o or e01Ïe, t1e ta'irer te riht bee -fi,,putchase Y, clie R OT, Si1r tI. Ont 10-Iil, non55 uke ois TWEDmyDle. 0101, T10 IE LD TergueOnta1l BROILER towe-ewa cao sU1anppt go fbolerou iel"tesaati New HupehireaiNw admpemie breea;n orosss f rotýhuets.fol die' ing ttte t s orUGInFORainE 'arbEgaint nte or tusto. "S RENMDES Be î Corner af oggo.cýÊ Oood fidice if You Suifer witti Piles GOLUMN Sent liS fil Y cur cne nt Prugesi sfor the Aplumn wiUbe e meI 'yy EmrFrssncoCletHaî,41Ynet, e" arenD.. f) Ca[VTtt HL L E RS L tM 1T E r Oas ilCINItti LA IS-HfJa va it1 elo, eat jil EJ- poîpaiWd;,s 2.0F.; nie i enlirs 4C I gat i7th'. Ae, Vaand ouie NEW TOil Sevîca yfomad, G'ifla ioug T. nLeter rceNt o estIl eae. Lcalclaallrde1<ecait icae \oVii itw Sa o ewYul 11 tHi* ole s rit e Oie s K;r.s rfl1'pand iORTAGe Lodgez.'tICabinpelak pecme. Wie oabdt DIENE S &CLL R 10 ec evarai n,.rhapially iýOug antoi raliabie cc ta tain fo psiios i te Tranr an wek.or yupdet ihav al Te"r n wrie for f tee fo rowtnu1 mmugemm ~1tI<~, i a i, C a ifý ,,, i,ý,q

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