Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Apr 1953, p. 5

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Ch ild'sHealth A nd Car e By STEL; Since -t, ep )ieiS Cof Î ifienza are breaking out A over On- tario, mtesarentu all ax- ious abotnteir ciire, ow canrIproec my f amly from it? What can I do if we do get it? L, it, a s erilous type of 0 fluae some ofthAs questionswëele)e asked, Thenb e 'flu is of ten looselyý used by anyone wcho has a bad head Cold along with fever, cougli and bodJily ac3,hes and pains. Hw e-ver. , eonset of true 'fluisý m-uch more sddenand -Oluch mnore violent in ils actions. The chUi' temperaure shoots to 10? or re, degrees F_, and eiery boule in Is bodly seemns to ache and ehuto folowvs the 'east effort.A dry persistent ýou-ghi usuaily appears early in the iii- ness a)lIr the chîflçl comlplalus of extremne soreuess lu his chI-est fron coughing 50 much Fortnatlytodlay's 'flu epi- demîics se f o be Of amild t ype-, but even so, great care 7shoulýd be takent to pre-vent sec- oudary invaders, such as pneu- nionia and ear infections. Luck- ,ly for j , t he wonder drugs, suli- pha, penicUin, aureomycin and other antibiotics, vwhlch w ,ere so trgia Iyeaking lu the severe 'faepidemics _:ý lu 19I8-19, lusually prevent any serlous develop- ments. JIf your 1hild comI-pIajIns of e ngchilly aýndJ says his bounes are soeand hýis head acheS, puthm to bed, kee(p hlm arm take his tempetrature and eall your doc- ton' Duriu thefever stage, espe- ciali-y, if tiredness is severe, dlo net allO,,r ,w urchiild u of bed,. rio1 even to go to the bathiroomi. YVour doctor will ord-e.r medticines ,and treatmnent. It is uisually saf e to ygive aspirin It& heip reduce. the fever and to relleve the acheýs and pii afan --spiria tab-. let, myb given, every 4 h'(OUrs" but not oftýener, to a child frons 2to 5 years. Olde'xr chlîdren mnay hae a whole spirn tblet, ery4hur.A. tiny bit of bakig sda u ag1asof Vwater, 4given (atong with the aspiriiu will Skepp the cýhild's stomnach from býe- ing upset. Aspir.-in f or qsmaiJL childreu should be crushed to a powrder andi mixed wiîth sieved frut or dismo1ved lu water and sugar.Your octor will tell you about diet. Offi Er your child food buit don't force hlm t eat it. HoTcweve, liehý should be offered fritdrnks, ginger aie and water- rentyas it is imoportant for hlm to get plenty ai ffuids. If yojur wý,ee patieu's pyjamnas and bed linen become damp fromn per.spiratîô-,n, thy h o u Ildbe, changed. Sporging a child ih lukewamm water W!llhelp blrîng down h% fever and mnake hlm nore cmfrabe.Wshsall areas at a uime and keep the rest nf hlm ovre to prev-ent ch3ilP- If your cidhossigus 0of difiultybrethîn orcomiplains e ofearchecîl Iyour doctor. as 'dlu complications should not be Hereresomeevery - dJay S thln-gs parens can do to word offl 4 coids pand 'fiu in-fctio'ns. i. 'Fln and' the commtion cold are highly infectous. Keep any- o'ne with cold or, sor-e thoat awany Ifront your cIljdren, if pos- sible; ïit oudbe 'Îlu. ;L Its eerymother.'s rlespon- sibility to see that ber f aildy gets Pgood noýUrIShing mea, evC'ery dIa, ,and agoo nights sleep each uight. 3 . Cnadian cidrnShould Cbe given cod liver 011 or some tp ol itmi Dcvery eda, duin the winter nonths sw±en sunlit 4. Yungsemod be drss- ecd to suihe weather outdoors and lier be too warlydrse while playing indoors. Wet or' Sweating feet are likey to be- Y M4ERRY MEINAGERI LA #Mc KA Y . 5. Avoi-d hvn orhm orerîheatedc but no child shouid endture aaft frdlm ideo wvindws. ikwi Dpen wn dow nl aslepp iingro dufriuig w ,v i ý t e(' r wýeath1er a re uinnpcesaýry .ùic4 niay bedagr -)us, To allowyo4r cild's be roo f6drop blw60 rectuires b-ed clothing tha1,t is 1,00 heavy. ThéiStiel a child aind camses rest- l es s s le e p 6i. Have air- in t'he h2n îoist, if possible. If the air uA your home is da, the usIM pssge and bronchial tubes are obhged 10 give up lurge amints oI mu- branes 4ining thèe moist Dry membanescannmof !Eunction prop- 7ifyou herkahui- fying systemn.uonimected to your furnace, you sligl try other miethods of evaporation. House plaints and ipans of water lun the roomls will help increase the hu- Mîdity. Let Ymir kêtte boil for about f'ive miint', rmorning and evnneach day. Howev,,er, if you can gradually 'accusfomi your f amiy ,Ao baving yourhomne about 68 degrees in the daytimne and arounid 65 at'night, you won't neýed le0 worry abou.-tthe fhnmid- îfty. f lil is always well t rem-emnber thiat ,yo(jr, cliild's eoioscan and. do effect his stusceptibility to infections. A happiy child is uisuallyv a healthy chîd. The love udsecurity yout give. him are also powýerfnl weapoils against '.fin and otheýr disea-ses. NEXT 'WEEK: "'Chat With New Motit- ers" an~d "JTohnnýy Won't Play Wifh Other Childreni." Readers are in-vited to post their problem.s tu Steia 1McKayc/oStits news- paper. rvIarch At The Turn It can't be biig inow. A wr Februiary raised hope lu our hearts for an early spring, hope which M1arc.h. chilled lun a hurry. Butth chili can't last to0 t) icl longer, nofththe sun where .it is, ligbting the east windowsvý onicièmore ini the mnornings and-- seftîng almnost west again. The wiIl. and growlurg things have begun. t0 respond. Robinis which camTe northin lu focks feu days ago are stili here. Tbiey can, and cainly (do, back-.track;ý bu!t titi tinte they are stayinig, finding shielter il) the brnshy valleys and Vte pines of the hilî,. waitiug it out. On sunnymr- ings, even When. thetepatr has been at the freezinrg mark and below, they bave chitered and eveni essayed a few songs. The sougs were tentative, but, uumnistakably robin sougs, hope- ful if nlot ex"ultant.i A f ew citipmuuklýs have been ou and around scurying lng the stone =a11s and even pausîng ir lu ie sun. Anloccasio)n-al w,ýo- chu!ck bas beeýn seen, hnri looklnig for food after a lo)ng leep, uot lu the best aJ spiis but cerf iuiy doiug imore than gaziug af b-is sbadow, Nýo wood- c huck is -at bisprdtrbetl Marci, any year. TChe sprig bulbs wbich f bni up green shoots into February s wamhbave reclda bit, and somte of thërm h-ave been troýst- nipped; but daffodils, ev7en lu tbe face of icy uigbfs, havi,.e gonec rilbt aheadt wii t teir udig They are ready Vo spread tteir color as sooni as Vwo or tiree bos pitable fdays coume along, end-to- end. incui of M\,arcit. We year,,n forc spr-ing, But-witb M1ýarch hall moesprig is lnevifbly not far abread. -Prom Thte NwYor-1k Times. Medical FHint Migraie la te jCest. A pain algisOverrun, peritapa Ite stomnacit o r inteý,stines hbecomie caner-reced.Tbius, these ac- cmaedcelis eventuailly' k'1IlI Canrcer's deatb i--SIow pandpaiu-~ TFhaf is te re af a caner. lu A -eicat easLt 225,000 people wVIl dhe ofcancer lu 195. Huud redfs af titausanëS ï aI oters il conuWact il. Ifite curreut rate contnue, oe-qat-er f tese \vill be cuîc, ite rest wl die, Caneer wv;i1 ki I. 15500,000 Aruriausno lving. Amnong, thene iiibe Imauy èhlldrEu, for canicer attaýcks maro ldrenfroun 3to 15 tlin an-y other 1.disease, If if is detecfed antd Vreat,d lu Its ~ ~ n10 erysaemotcanicersare cual.Athfiatpoint, . ,tVis lu only orue spot sdai-ltegr01t s r-eIatively ,slow. A sreo ran rernove Vite entire pile of tanîcer- ous colis adn$ ualyMatha' le eé~d o f. And ta' why' doct>r.s harp on-, ,n' f oubl Tae-Tn-ydr-ld win-s, Bîll Carnelison, ai left, and Don, rihshow off 1Ii wini heifers. The calves, n-amèd Alpha and"Beîa, have prize-wining parents., Pauij's Conlversion At Damascus Apts 22: 346 Memory se1,ections: I eýuOilfàtal things buit loss lor the ipxelleii- ,cy of the ktitowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord. Phiilippiius 38 Wihttslesson w begin a series ou tite 1Me and leterso£ Pasl. LgicaUlyUnie sudy beIns witithVie story of Pau]%s conver- sion. This ednucafed yonng man was at first bifterly opposed Vo titose who wr olaesof te Veakciings oI Jesus. He ,wafcedK over te gaîrmeuts oIftosewo stoned the saiuty Stepiten. Per- itaps if was titeu that bis con- Science began Vo prick hlmi. Wbeu going ta ODantascus f0 ar- rest a, oher Jews whitlilad takeni up with fthe !uew, teaching Saui, as hec was then calild, wscoun- foedby Jfesus. (See 1 Cor. 15:8). Tbaf visioýn of Jesus ctn ged bis lifpý Ile yielded Iiiinsseif ta li-i Him. nably ibe ýsked, -"Wbat shall 1 do, Lorcd?!' F4'am then ou, !)e wvas an o1edenlt follawer of Jesus Christ, jus LoM'. FloV everyone iso c-bitter against te vay oi Clirist as Saul was. Neiifier dýoes Jesus ap',pear ta al] as he did tiY$,auil. But ite facV isi tat by nature we care rebels aantGod. Titere tttust conte te time of seif-surreuder ta Jesus Christ, We truyst be bomu agalu. Titen w will go forth ta, Serve. 0Ou11m inis rv may be small compared -with Panl's but nleverfheiess Ifis Ùini,01tant. Dear Rede: alve yau met Jesus Christ andsredrd your ail f0 Hlm? If trou bvnt beg,?in Va read your Bible and pray. Turu I 1ront tour sins lu sipl aift Va Jesus Christ. With ite heip of Ris Spirilt you eu Ore of the fine things about gre i s GVite wide ranige of special lut eresfs.4noe n soon becme au ânexpertaln certain Ihues of bis owu chiooslig. Some peole Ijke to concentrate" o ock du, others on wlnr- dow boxes, o an extra fine lawn of, a bent graýs. Others go lm for rare dwarf plants or specia bordIers of varloutsditniv clors, Stiill others Icçept the challenge of sbaded quarîters and wlth tlberous begoniaýs anidother plants that atal prefer to keep -avay fron thfe sun. thecy mi-ake a billiant sitowirig. Thte seed catalogueswilhoep lu chboosJing plants for any oi these speclal ýpurpo--ses and, of course, for the more advanced t-here ar ail sorts; of other lerur.it gives One quite a ftrili Vo be pointed as "That's the person oni ouir srtor lu our t *nhat grow,"s fthe-best oftitis 0r itt. At- the Backr For screeuing.s, lences, veg- e.table gardens,,walks and other places th-ere is a wvide assortnt of quickly growing annmal flow.- ers. Titese plants wllreaicittwo [0toý te ethigit lu ýa tfew weeks, and -w!il make just as good a screen o background as permDanI- eut sitrubs and hedges.A nmost Canadian seed catalogues along wiLthtie date of fowrug ard- mness and other lactors, wl be listed fthe rmature( beifgîfs auid u-suaily some indication of the sedtitese flOwers grow. lu the, tail category are cosmos, bolly- bokgiant 'zinnlias aïnd mari- golds, spider plants, ornameta suunflowers and ma ô otiers -Planted wllapart and lu gw(d soil these wvIll fori a blossonting background for thne reguia-r flow- eys ai-d will bide practical bits of thte backyard we.SdC) noV wvisb evc vnsei'b-y to0see. For the anniual lmi HOW MUCH DO WE KNOW IN 20 YEARS, TECHNIQUE By Richard Kiciner 1 NEA Staff orsptdn NE W YO0RK-(E Cantcer is norimal celîs gon-e ber-serk. Wtt ont any -reason thatsiecba yef isovre, onest, bad-j1 wkigcell, suddenily change- b)ent .on te destruction aOfte animal lu wý,hicithey ive. Un.- citecked, tbey accamplýs t titat destruction. Wiiescience laatem tîn t find some.tig titt ill do fthatý checking, Vie present couceusus is that Vie best way tA beat cancer is Vo Lrecogniz'-'e ifearly, Hlere is b-owý canceroeres as closely as science can paint te tragie picture at te moment. Titere is lways au ordePrly me- placemient o." celîs goiug on ii ite body. Old :elîs wear o-uf --a witen yon peel affer a sunbum- surd new ores aicre mannfacturedi Vo replance fhe.if yau are lu- jurcd, titis fuinction is stepped up aufiomatucally, but, affer Vitel- jury ishale, i slws ow agaîn., lu cancer, titis sf(epped' up pro- ducion becýos te rmle., If.sarfs iu some part of te bd.Colis arLe urued ou'flaster titanite body can use ftem. The uuneeded ceïls just pile lit). mig If tiis dread sokpiigis Ou or oa ie ufc f Vite body, a lupu oie.If ifl a deep lu- side te body, te sigus are hard- or Va deeet. At titis erystage. untegrawis oow. But a paint is reached witen dite coli production shitffs lufo hghr geai',CeousMUitpl yedlessly. ceaselessi-y. The pileincreases. Bits of if re of ulu inapmc o oter p-arts ai the bodywhr tbey sefle audgro a sud orm new ýtunùors. Tunms ictdo nofuntataiz are called"b nigu"funirîs, aud renoV ane If ftslanesae noVlcafed lu or near a vital ir-gan, te pa- tie nmy lie for years. He nmay be cotplfel nuwa-re oa bis aPf- wil begil fllat pulshes agéis~o grow"s 11, a vital orgal. FPer ip Vhe windlpipe is C!'Fclsdperhal<ps7 'CObalt Bomb" is new technique in thewa againsi canc:er, Here a patient is treated for head cancer bybin omaed with Cobalt particles-. twva( ftÏ emres; - annua]physîcal check-upïs sud mcgufof a ite erydanger signa. Thte proof 0ff te wisdom aIoftat knowled-ge ýis Vite facfthtiat docf ors Vtrsie haeOne OaI[Vite owest cancer mI-ort alitY rates of any aroun ,Tlie LaVer lu itedise2a seCs oCrc, us sf111l some hopie. era'ýpy uses hree w rgery, X-ray suid radiniL: moved if a fewv simple mi.aesar foli1Owed. Tbe main ithïug 18 f0 keerp the roots uondisturbed; to keep away front the air and Vo t caver quickly and firlyih fine noitsoil.Warigdrn and immediatelyafrtanpn- ing, unless the gon is very moist is essential ai-d also if pos. sible a littie sitade for" Vite firsf few bours oir a daCr two. W.ýitit big th)ings lk trees and hrb be-r, if is also advisnble to tie fiimnty f0 a stake Vo preveiitte wind looiseuiug. Witere feasukie an here are ouly a 10w t hings f0 move, one shoulddo Vi-,te cjob ln te co,lOid fli evngad pr 'ra O hen there. is nýo winid. Above al] if is mosf ipotan t cae ieroofs vïell and clpress the t-saili -mF aOLjn,-ltem.To speed growfh a'nd lssn heshc o-f sp r i sprîn Ile a littIe chemnical ferilizer araiind but not act llic'itipý!5Vite aos Why we Cuttivaite Destroyiu1'g weeds is onlyan of the r e a s 0ou s for cuL'tiv'ation. Thebig gain is fite iiuprove7inent in the texý-tur'e of the sou 1tiva- flou lets in air, bSraits p the soil, makes if; more nopen, or a'stb experts sa-y, mare friable, Parons, Loose soil will absorb and hi mnore unoistu-re and w'ill drýýouf mctMar'e slowly in d ry waitr Onuflhe market are certainit- m--oue -spray~s, witich wIlmake tiigs like tomatoes, cucuimberS, mlelonls, etc., fruit faSter- sud earlier aud also very substcanialý- ly reduce thte nmbr fees Sa olten lu oui' clirmatete irc t bliooms l ýau f0o set fruit or do, so ouvly lu a Illmnited wa'y. Th-at's where tteespecial, aprays co1ni'- lu itandy but they nius -be se accorlnlg f0 dýiections. Tbey are fine foýrsone plants buLt dealy Vo otiters. CANCER? Re UNCHANGED cer. Bt there are stili l n can!cervs that are nc- a~e adimand X-ray - and the newcoblt"bonib" at Mneir Hlospital-aimn at destroying thle cancer by bon-barcIizng ià wWt particles that fhait itsgoth Tha ey d e s tr oy nea r by blio odl veslthus depriviig fthe cne ceo f the food they nceed. Bal there ai-e stili mnany cnesta are too f ar âadvanced t repon othisteatmen,,it, or too near a claI f al reatetfals cec can at Leasýt nmake a cancer pa- view pain-killing drugs. ctaythere arehuresf -'tyes of cne.Luei m WbVat causes aicancer Vo sat Somei causes are k-nowujj,-a lai' person ntiit get skin cancer b !y saiug u ite sLun tOO 1lng ver a ionge period of fm.Adpea(- ple who ü paint radi-ium iais u wvafches-and pointthir L-brusies by lickýîngli, n-myget canerf 0f Vie toia tfram iterdu theyswalow.Cons-btn riai eaul causie canlcer, sucit ajs an cacrwhich my atack on tiiime i-pe-smokers. B.,t fheqsu, V'iteiradium anjd V,h iriato4re poai eodr causes. Titere is oro-a-n o, comnmon case eiiuid those m atit er rs.If cold b e apbVi cail change lu Vzite nuucus o(Vit cels. ft could bh snitht years. t provOd, selves au t 4, BU'ot eô METOIl

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