Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 2 Apr 1953, p. 5

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iMiss i-annah Brown,wh lived iný Dr. Orono for rmany yer, pased away wer in Cobourg on) Mond-ay at thie age iofDrm 96. SteedI Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Sh-arkey ndgla Terry -who have lived in Orono foxo th2 in Spinri THE_________ of AMr. and Mis. A. A.1 A numiber oif ladies fo rn on the- weok-eirl. Rev. Uie C urch Afternioon AuxilÉiry r] y a Missionary in An-ý of the WM.. ere gluests of Nev-ý da illost iDterest ng and castie Atixiliaiy on Wednesday 11on to the Oronio Uni ted aftiei noon. iQuinte District 'Cattie Breeding Association R.R.No.2 - uELEVILEONTARIO Announce that they a.r-nw sup 1..yng ARIFCILBRUI3G ERVICE TO SEYEN BREEDS/' HOLJSTEINS Bùi4s owned by 'Quinte Ditrict Cattie Breeding SCQTCI SilO THORN~ S nBelleville, Otro JE1&SEYS AYSHRE tBulis owned by Eastern ,ntario Cattle Breeding AYT SHIEIIs Assn eaptviIIe, tai' DUAL PURPOS1t ils owne ýiy . amni1to District Cattie Breediag- SIIORTHORNS ssn Life ebtsi Fee $25.O Service Fee $5.00. Service to Non,-JVem r $'7.00. Over 2,200 formners bed 25,000 cows to our sire-s Lasl year wi over 70% conceiing on the first Service. Inur 1Wfenyor aet 11 ro A rutr erentative for more particulars. For service contact the man living nea tst you- \ Keith Wood, Orono, 84 r 10. LeRoy Short, Bowmanville, 2479- Jaan -Toavit, Carke, 46i r 0ý3. O./I~ f DlerwAM Don7t lmiss seeing our Easter Food do4ger It'11 trulyv inake youir food shopping easier, RegulJai 23c. a tin TOIMATOES, Choice, 20 ounce Yms, each for 19C. Regflar 39c. a tin SALMON, Fancy Sockeye, haif pOund for .,., 33c. Regullar 43C. a pkg PABLUM, Baby Cereal, pcae fr ..... ... 36c. .Reguilar 12c. a roil TOILET TISSUIE, Blue Bird, roil f6r.......'-,9c. S Regullar 29C. PICKLES, Sweet Mixed, 24 oz. jar ........... 25c. Our Fi-uits and Vege- tablé are alway-, fresh Shý early for a better ROASTING CHIGKENS -\JCook)Ied PICiý4IC SIIOULDERS- 5 to 6 pounds - per lb. . 69c. ready t eat - per lb....55c Easer am have a 1entif uI supply of E aster Hanis -AIl attractively priced. Peamlealed Cottage ROUlS- Tenidersweet Hans -- PIjcnijc Shjouders, hune in orhoess reg. orcoke CoIr nish.Mrkteria Dr. Wilfred W. Sherw,ýin is spénd-il ing il couple weeks holidays at hisý homne here.i mi, George Wilson lias accepted a, posîtion in the Ideal Daiîry, Oshawa. Mr~. Ernest Aninable, Toronto, visi- ted with MIr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood on Sunday, X11% and Ms Jimr Rickaby and Noýr- mail spent the week-end, in Toronto. Miss Audrey Billings , Oshawa,ý spent the -week-end at her homte hère.ý Miss Shirley Porter, R.N.' Oshawa-, spent the wveek-end with Mr.nm. N. F. Porter. Mr. and Mrs. Wmi. Staple, o- mianvilie visited on Sunday with Mr. nld Mrs. Carl Billings. Mr. and Mrs. M. Burns and fml Peterborough visited with Mr. ý,nà Mlrs. E. Ham- mover the wýeek-end, ar nd Mrs. J. McMaiolln ands0fl, Prestonivale, Mi-S. H. Masters, Bow- inanville visited on Sunday wýith Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Nicholson and faxnily. Mr-. and MArs. Bowen and Saýndra, Ponty-pool spent Sualday with à1r. &nd Mrs. Sali Brown. May wve remind our people of a rýesolution un animously passed at tiei Co ngregationlal mneeting in Januaryý 1953, authorizing the Finance Comi- mittete of the BujigFunid to organ- ýze anld condchit a Bl'itz Camipaign in: April of this year. The Commnittee, wishes to, state that this greait event, vhich neans !mucli to our-people will lie held on Wdedy April 29th). Kindly remeomber the date 'and the: obligation that rests on each one of us. Mlore particularýs wîll be tinToLwncedl as the dIay draw-s nearer. The Oronjo Wolf Cub Pack hemi their' regular m-eeting in the base-ý ment of tlie United Chur-cl. The meeting opened witli the Grand HowIl immnediately followeý,d by inspection' aind the gatherýiig of'tlie fees. Balooý led the pack in a" game which every one enijoyed. The pack then \vent to thefir classes, wvith RBgheera taiking [the Cubs working on their second Star Akela taking Clis workinig on first star and asothie iew ch ilsiad Baioq akngCubs wor-kinig for.first star-. Thie Pack -are plea:sed to anî- nounce tliaýt the hv aneladr M issEleen Joiies of Or ý' ad <so that they have a iew rhuml, Neil Smiithl of Clarlke Union. NeÀIlte"ils usý that thiere are somie mo)re boys from Clarke Union !honiing.to,)Join thle pa-k soon. The park i alsopese to an- nounnce ftat thiey haive averaged one ew hum eacýh ekfor tlie p)ast -ix veeks. The mneeting tho -tnae to a ecse with the GadHw and Cub Pray-,er'. Good Cuibbing-Baloo Onil)Tuesday inight, Marqc! 31sýt Browniies mret ini the Sundiýay\ Schoo.l ro-m,11tJ14rset e opened the mewihtbe Fa)iry Ring followedA by inspec-tionj. Brown Ow-l (Betty Chpian pssed sorne Brownies 0on tertraffiýc rules and Union jaek. Tnwn,,iy 0\wl ( Do e in Wliite) pass ýd 5 Browniies on tlieir sipn o their Golden) Bar anid Golden Hand. The e eting closed with ,Brow'nie squeeze, prayýer and taps. There wv'ill~ be noc Browvnie meeting next weeký o w;ing toGothe Easter loias UNITED CIURCH Orono Paistoral Charge ReverelM John Kitchien Mliister. please in Q ash B ingo 2 2L Games and Jackpot- Il for 50e Q ALSO Q S4ecial Gantes and Share ýhe Wat Thursday, A 'ri 9th O NEWCASTLE COMIMU: HALL 1< EA STER UINDAY O1ROO-Sunday -Schloollat 1M Service at il "EaLstLer Mledlitation"' LESEARD- loint Sunday S and service- t2. KTRBtY-Sunday -Schio7od t 2. service:at 3 ALL WELCOME "Well, Cathy, it's out in t] ge i bf"ewehae'u need to drink rnilk too, ju, young 'uns. A wise old do about it, says nil-k 1keepsr DAIRY FOODS, 409 Hurom Steet Frorn. the rigimal oul pa i - fg &y the weill-n the kitchen, andi l'Il story. Folk~s ry age st as mue1h as you lctor, who kniows a lot n~iy bernes strong and Iping yours to gro)w," SERVICE BUREAU TorontoO, Ontorio n.....

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