Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 5 Feb 1953, p. 8

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3 drank and ra n I gave h It ilUp Nve been tryig to I l ove ywi Id ber IfUhewifl wouid try 10 for- after sncbshr ise me? SAD HUSBAND" n wvould be fool- 'arya iman she- îi tre onths when she nust r homne to dio it, vife wýill stop se fto being a loyal od mother, 1wman can lau rst siýght. But It and nmonthsbe tcertain (th-at te y for the rst of )f you oser Wrn? Thesrwel- orne first ina aay 1. They are so tis probable the eue ther tu hi eis unfit.Coul e your place l% Coud the young- .g ail-1hswith hope you xviiimot icious tone whicb, tr 0forg,-,Cý" ýu, of ail people, Yer heartaehe and liroughi your in- inkiatiand vour balance ",Cling eontly te lni so loga fig-htly heId ithese days. But par- tilularly -whlen children are Jin- vovelnarriage s&ouid be a ,saered trust . Axmie Iftw1il iry to help you stay mlarried, If you tehi her te diffiultes tisa stand lA tise 'iay. Address ï'cerai Box 1, 123 Egtet tNewi Toronlto, Ont. Moder EtàiquwiletCte womando T snd hing -in.- t, of course, ami ~ation - even îer place b offer sIte wishes. She ll-breeding if site any spontaneous teas. e plates removed rr table for enbr- n4 aid down cUctn e of the besent to fhe days or two s day 0f the es the bride ,wledge them, more women reets. Is titis 4t' ' DOUBLE VALyuE No2your problemns, it wr-aps. No -ùironingàý problems, i't opens flat, Check, t-hat diaramit' eay sewing! Pattern 430.3: Mtýisses' Sizes 12, -)4: 16'1,20 0. Size 16 ita1kes S/ayards 35-inich fabric. T'his -pattein easyta usc, zsi- ple t0 sew, ibtesed for fit.Eus comepiete, illustrated instructions, Send TllIRT-Y-FIVE CENTS inv)l coin,;st nscannot be acceptedi) for thlis paýttera,. Print plainiy SIZ, E, ADDREss, SYENUIMBER. Sedorder t o ,123 "Double" Trouble For Film Stars 1"u.nïis-Led1" phoar nuberstout 'vistors 'lliwod ot ,rnow- ngthis, iook i in the phone b -)ol -adsomne seventy,-five peopie eosatyget calis whicb arce not intended for theni. BobhHope is listed la1th)(1 o as a doctor. But tat doesn't pre- vent phone calîs telling hlma how b-ad or ho3W good hie was in sucli- and-such sa picture.IA request usualiy Cfows for Jane Russell's number. Dr. BHope replies tact lhe asi medical ew ri and. fot a cone- dian. The -,Willam H.1ioldei n i thook happeiis ta be a Los ,,Agelespo liea.The William lTolden aif filmn Fam hais flever nmet the mnf w7ith the poic adlge. "'But if 1. do"he sauys, "I hope il ,vitlhC u"f'a socialmetn. A contractor rnme John Payn, has et his actor riame(,sakec. For svrlyrtars contracteîrPao !uas bècaenforwmardling fan Tmail. to actor Payn-e, and by wayý, of ~apý precato the star in)vited t'130 contractor 10 o ehis guest on t flm et The "onntt oo!s one no.sat he 'eert, ho was wear-ing haypiratfe >makCe.. cip onti n aand coml-1 me-ýnte-d: "I'il, tik o uildin1g boussW"- naUMeS of Ana iSheridan,Bet D -iDoris DyEhe illii.~ ams, Mari Wion, George Sai deus, JmsMason, and îma:ny, miore. None oif ihese people orI ~hmgtcalis" dkant for' thi, stars. ventired to-)have bernanl the b5ook wasa chracte act ~e5namewd Gise eWebeserk Piffi.For yeas no oae evar caled her except ber fiends or busi-' ness- associa-,tes, Then one day Z, pr!acýtici Joker nphoned azn(l said "Isths GseieWerbýeserik Piffi?"- "Yes" reliedthe ctress. 4'This is Jo lI, adthe ,joker, NewYok?? "'veneecr been0 in New Yýork." replied the act ress ýcoldly-. "epardon," ais the -man-, "àit ust have been, AÂNOTER iel Wree But a man n-ame C iisst doing?" TMatx Éion wheýn lhe chen a lttLIe, reaýsonI? 1had tie pies f 1 side was ; Piôl paper -- the o, end of the vta' paIper enIvelo' havent aread. tecompletio orgy. 1 bad be 1)y fo-r (the as-t the clipingas into the envel han been qil Weou sati.ed il hecause I had sorted, I waýs ail knds of gc suable to paý Iorous bonfli My ovthIng ig pil e f f ar mes and I j, iterestinig lit doa't rememb( fore at au.l,1, tLacts Inoi thmigovei number of thii farmns to uips, fre;and t bie nsd har fok tae up i Among the thing I1rea break of Newc pouitry, Thei River Anod an, rngOf, the in1tere'StS, (tt1tby clon't nave a chanece te w"orry too mucli about prbesthat thley, 'erso-nal]y, find imosibe o olve. Of, it may be thiat the farmer is filledi with optimism after ttndn v-ariotus anni '-lf "aimeig suhas w mrentiojed ln this coiurnnImana. As for hobbie aind hnd(icraft - &mong farm-n women ternumber !is legion and a bettr type of occupa- tlonal-therapy cldn't be fo).und. But from whatI 1read 1 think the top honours should Po to a wo1ma1n I rts oubawho had nýo les hanseentenhob- bie, ost of whchsh hd iearned by sending for materi and a book of instructions. If you vode hwshe hlad -o imuci htime on he-r hands ise ltn tohem onwi expaaton. "It pa1sses the winte'r, mfonthis aftterI halve gpiven our two chul- drenIl and e, their sehool les sons. They canniot go to schooJ during the rainy months becaue we- are practicaiiy surroundedi by water. We-- put our cash into thi f arm when iny husbDand cameu out of the armcy but the re-al .state agent for.got 10 teli' hlmn the place w-ould be under water during the NIe. y h u- band w'Orks at Port Aiberrni and wades through the creels every day to 'get bo the road w-here ho1 leaýýves his car. Lann how tLo doe new%ý thinýs takes rnymdof our %worries." Weli . , . underj thosecni tions I ansurwe pou WiH! agreit wvouldi take at least seventecen hobbies to keep one- comypleteiy., on aýn even keeL. -ut 110'umany Of us woi Illa e e ourage t o 1l ist iThou.qands a offbie w uHoatered frrn ,igMý> orgaai, aueha-e tried lDr. iresGle Mcedicaîl Dàov -uwt azinlg resulits. And4 noo od TUsï grïat-ndicnehas a wxndeacm fini stomachic to.ni ctio. ir-t. taken o e ladly inro -esmre normal soa acity, u hlin o dget food btter n* yen un't hve gasherturaeid soa Sec-ondl.) with somah ativity lpoe you caýfn ea t he fods you like w Il.,'fer aXWerdiUtesa. Gener,ýous Suppiy iJEYoeaprs ha.this medicine wIJdo viîWhlltt iskine oniýe penny. For ailage $L1.35patçkags maled re-sndyour naine anS dd te o resPoreais o, 0Cnr if; q-rt a .,)nt eau n lwanlr limelight 4,and theit tii and fait of the .hog mnarl ýhtiieiadairy products posbeadverse influen, spolihttoay Perhaps youn nay hibm al thisrein sme refssing,. Oni thecConi getting it liketat, a: dose, as -il were, 1 jus satu back-nd siito r. 4,M43 goodn-ess, farminIg alrg after ail. Fara-f met with aifl thôse setIt- disas-ters and yet nost stili eeptc g"It w,ýellwîith a lutIlepiecc down ttr eaii radio .-"I'lninot aIra WI1T H LIFE? 'Me* wkq mUp your H¶ iver Lit nt wrt livin? I y bc Jolia fr.sly y ief,4 marotnet dgtu. bloai '0yQroa wCh ,. -yoien fl Es!I etl',.dadý]l theo fuis 4d 5üid o n CarersLIt. LveM, Yi e aepCrtne 641-, Wl yor ive b letione aai Itl OUÏi ont a rate of ute wnpnt iday ànto yessrdigstie at. Thtwe6c y-O, ye ight Ur" , maire you fiW l tiýtappy "iaae here 3ani Se mn'tstay ai a CaTer Ltýtie ver la.Awa 0 b .1~n mm IsuS X,1r 0 yros, ny ýJdrggiet, ode ration0-i is but ano triam SOC R A?~S flI. ears wa t Bottie 25~ THE HOU~I~ 0F AM -l Ui),iAX

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