Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 22 Jan 1953, p. 6

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ank of Tarif 1*s, excessive tracte ban-r and ~E :cUise taxes, the effct-IOC, -53 buciget had been a heavier over-al txtn;price re- whiIe 11)ey had oc- some extent, played y smal part in the trade whic-h took ~acstht haIfwaýy th thiird dvc, Ilhat ofcairret ich wvas apparently Sbusiness ansi gov- s the means to re- tronger current of acti vity. Constumer t xcswre a'bolish- yr 6th, 1952, and the restrictions on bank ere remt-ovedi, at tht of the Bank of Can- ýay 2-0, M152,ie are rig the buoyant et- riese decisions, In- e- is somie evidenice eclin in activ7ity bas, -corrected, ansi that ias again becomo a the economy. d 'easy'consumer bu most costiy botb ismrand to tht 5 avho1e. The cf- es is immn-edîiate a'nd to business; but me- f the debt by the le futue may weu; an enforced reduc- ,o,,mrner nenrimyi n Liction or0 a - aaetex- secnt boom mrospect, ani o~e n a t c.auy ueUiine. Ille resut tlhen, arinl 1952, coulsi only)e a ýoncealesid inflation withitsattedant danges. 'l believe that a sounder pro)spemi,ist a1952 wouLtd have esultesi from ,geater tuse of tht two othercoretiede- vices. namely tax ai price ro- ductions. These intemact ith anireintorce. ont anoth-er in r-omiotïing a bealtbyexa. sion; in other womds, tht cx pansion they pronllote wufl flot lie basesid on the shift-ing sanss Of Consumrel r cedit."ý >r ivesmentinsituton an- General Manag-,er Reports Assets Over $2Z6 Billions FLH.AkisoGeneral Man- ager, in r-eviewing the bn' 1952 report, stated that total assets of The Hoyal Bank of Canada have now reached ithe Jimposing, total Io $2,69i,4I5C-873. This, he saisi, was aà ne-w high mr in Cana-i -ianankinghistory, and is the higheSt ever reported b-)y any Canadian bank, Deposits ]ikeise hasi reached record totals, said II.Atkinson, They now stand at $20,M'7,17 anon ease of approUiaey $176,00,000overthe previou yeai-in"This in.case," said MAr. Atkinison, rfet not only suib- stantially higher balances in the namnes of former clients but hias been acîcompanied by a record- mak1ing ubrof nneeP--ýs On our book1s. The numiber of deposit accounts oni the booksF of the bank1 nwexceeds 2,250,000O, an in- ere-case of weil over 100U,000 uin the year." Mr'. Atkinson repor>ted, protfit for the ye-ar had incereasedi$, 762,182 over the previous year, Aftcr providinig for txedepre- ciation and dividends, incluýdiiigm anl asditional dividensi of $875,- 000 (at the rate of 25c per share) the bank tra'nsferred $3,00.000 to fleserve Fujnd, wý,hïch now stnsat $50000 Th)e bank's programme of im- provem-ieni.t tobrianc-hese,Iieh has gone o)n steadily sinice the endi of t1he war, conitinuiedt during th erto provide the piublic and sitff with mn-odemt, up-to-date faci- lities and surroundinga.Som275 bancrhes were provided with newr or improved pr-enniss,18 new branchnes were openesi, ;and a fur)ther svnarinc iithe cour-se of preparation, RýOYAL BFAiSARA 1\r, Atkinson revieýwed thIe 0!tryo the banik's exesv orgaizaionabroasi, pointing out that ifs growt0h had followed ac- tuai or, potential channels for Canadian trade developmient. Of-i fic-es were etbiseionly after a carefui survey on the ground to aiscertain whthr he fiei w vas adequately banked, and if not,i whether the bntrk could not onlyý service Cana2da's export trade, but coulsi contibu)te somiething worthhileto tLhe business comn- mutnity in the particuflar country andi operate on a r-easonabiy Pro- fitble basis. "Thec volume of business trans- actd by our foregn branches me- mains ver-y sublstantial indleesi, and profitable. During h. past year, our oiverseais chair has again demostrts ifsorth ais an b- -Portant comipi ement to ou11-cani- adian organization. N'ot nly was this so fmom the stanydpoin-t of recod ernigsbut theco .ntri- bu-tion mdein t'he irection of business to t he Canadfian fied through c on ta c ts establishesil abroad wvas wvel worth while, As hias beepsaidi in orPub- lishi ,reports f prevîoius years, Lthrogh ur extensive over'seas ýldirect mpeetto plus our world-widereain %with c-orrespon-dentý banks and the spcilies epartm-7ents we operate in Canada to aid traders, wec are proud of the serviesw provide andalso of the contribu- tion vwe nma4,e twaurds facilitating tracters, the value of which cari haýrdl y bca tsedin-?a nation whiich rankýs third ilu world trade, PRAISE FOit STAFF, "It is a, daily occurrence in EeCad Offi-ce to eceive letters in- dicating thLat rit one Point or an- oilher sw)-e îmember of thie staff bas gone out of is or ber way te d!ealin fdly andsi toughtýltullyi with the poblems of a client, Pulcopinion of a bank is- by anrd large Élhe opinion eLcd of in- dividual branches of the bank so that our eputation is llargely de- pendent on the deportment andi aýctionýs of rachperson,,nel. That it ini good hnds is 'p; evi- dent. "ýAifxanig uins nevit- abiy places increased demiýiýcs on the staff and in tihe past year w-,e anie wel waetb.at at many Yaoung Girl, OId Blaýde--Tryi sizej prefty Sally Tepley, at she doeF on the ice woýuld Dutch ýbicide. Blonde Paulci finsi ealy orlth wbile, with it on your panty shoîf you can tumn out 1ibùrowies-alsocmnch cok its andi quick cake-mb no time at aiL, You must asisieggs ansi vail o the mni, whlh aso corn)es in hânsiy t ', use as the basis of aFsg Sauce or cake fiElng. QuickeSt, easieýst way lto mxix ht àrjigredientis is in a large paper bag. SM W;tnt bag 4 a esfled ail purpo"se fe 4 tsp. ba,,kig 4 tp, sait *lï Milogether 8 e, Sugar siftedî * orinto bag, Folsi optenS over Gr:asýpbot enssas hk back ansid rh Pour inolarge bowlvv or dish pa-n. *Cut in_.... 2oC. shOrtelng *Store, covemesi, nq cool pl1aceý. Mdakes 16 c. min.-enougb ,for 3 batches of browics or 4 batches of coolsie. IMOWNI-Cs *Beat'-gg * Aic...... t Sp. vailia cbrewnie mix * BenI. ixurewil ot 1lce *,i Mi1- c . hepped mats *Spoon into greasesi B-inc square pan., * Bake iii 350e oven 2:,0ta5 mlinutes, o)r until brownics pul away7 from isides of pan. M4akes 16 brouvaies, -ns- some of the fonc )I while wcti ht at righi, res BRtOWVNIE QUICK CAKE B* Ba't . . ý3eg g yolks *Sir in.3 tbilp, milk itsI,, vanhla 2c, blrowneix- *Beat until stiff...... ...3 egg wiles 0 FolsiMntobaffe. *1ou into0 greaseci, w paprjC-lines suaepan (,'3 inches). *Bake là 350' oven 35 minutes. * Iiae 1latimes browtiie rCiCpe pour into gess,9-inch -ýsquare pan ulneS wý,itüf axl paper.I- *Bak rin3W0, oven 2,5 f0 3 minutes, *Cool; e- ut in hialt. Use u)ne hall & Cu-ver a board (ý',1 lOichtiek, anilarger thanicae wiîIbth trce layers ot broýwa paper o isl afo.Pot cak-e on thepaperx *3a....... 5 egg whvIte! *Add grasi uriuly......... c . sugar, * Beat unitil srnooth ansid osy * Toi cake it.......2(1 PtL) brics peppermint (C Icecra sholIdo frozpn su, ansi cake shoulsi extead il Cich bcyond Hm ice cream on ail sdes, *Spread mi-eringue oýver ck ai ice cream; covýer opltl SOice crecam won't 1-5Lmelt. * ý Baei 4 ven 3 bo 5min- tutes, or untjl mrnu rws Slice ansi serýve &t once.Srvsï. BROWVNICRISPIEZ *Beat 2 eggs * Stîr ïin ... 2 tsp,vail 4 e. )rewllie ing for .-icI layer wcake. For His Livingi Zîp! Ansite-hsi .ku burfies îtselC n h wl wt' a' fraction of aninch 0fthefil star's profile.Tt happens ail te WVe know it imasnt theilin of to acf, Tlh'e knife-tmQwer s rbal a myiddle - ages i)ma, nme AgeGOmnez. For thity-thrCe yashe hasmaebslvn Se'rlactorshave suh con- fidencei Agie*s skîll that th!ey refue doblesin sc cns sa'3y's: 'ldon't rai iet thorowPt stars Itfs net because 'd rather rîk mckigng astnt nmm AnI because the hazard wis alWays ereate% Witb a traiesi wilawys bec hr- issp poses to be and iwhere te ki± J, not supposesi to, be!" The lngbof the kuif , h ditnefrom the tage, ndth position 0f tht forefinger mrust, ail be takeîî into careful con-t sideration when mnaking the throw, explains Gomez, Healwvays inisists, on o)ne ho --aniusalyOneonya prcietry-out before the piay,-~ or zeps int'o po"sitionHoba nyrytcausesiany injury. There l othing faise bu thsknife-throwving, but týhere i aea few trade secrets nvolvWi Whnaknif e plun[ges into tý ht one is goJng to bejieve-that1tht actor ha,, playes i hs last mole. Tfhe knife lani a sugar pl wood block cýeo(aled ndr h "viJctimn's sirtThe idesdei facesi wth beavy alanuinm, 'jua in csethe point oF0f ttki shj'oulsi o5"( artbru nbth Wood, SAD LOSS stooi ovr agra ve f Or thr dy Lunngieating bis bcsas repeaing in mfourifu] aene "Wh sd ho have to de h suid he ha'V( ve tle l?" An atend ase,"Was thedeaedyu father, ima-ybe, or abrP hr? "Neither," obbed thile mun sauf ~en~ca (6B.C-A~D.6~ç) TH' -1E HO 0u s E OF SEAGRAM TOMORRÛW JPRACTISE MODERATIIT# TOIJAYý BL A L N

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