Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 22 Jan 1953, p. 1

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. I.Staples üles:j Eveuing Auxiliary Meleeting ïHartwell J. Lo )ate SekrA NLbeiln1 The reguilar meeting of thle Even-W d n D f ing Auxiliary -vof th, W.M.S. was helci The Jasmary meeting of the Wo-, ited Church on Thursday A-vening,1 afteroon withi the President, Mrs. dent opened the meeting with an ap-j ry 2d F. Ferguson in the chair. There Was propriate reading folawed by a hyn al g1od attendance. JJuring the busin- tand prayer. Januiary 20th, [953 the Wornie business eýss it waa> deided that eac ieqrbr Th euarbanns, astas Christian Tempçance Union le chage have a card party as had been pre- atdadteana eot ie.Sho omo h rn nt d of this viously arraniged, coing to the fat Rev. John Kitchen conducteci the Chureh. The Presidenît, Mrs. Y that a number of card parties had worship service and installation OflWalsh openeri the n-eeting wit he past already been advertrsed. A nominatsing the officers for the coming year. Thls1s hyre ill your anclior hold." Mn 5ned and commi ttee cons:sting of Mrs. Rolph was u iniost impressive service. F. Kelly gave the devotionial wlith ean h11,S, Mr. Dean and Mrs. HaimÏ' The officers for !95:3 are as followýs reading "At the New Year," an, cG'li Of nanied. President, Bileen Billings; lst Vice ithe Lord's Prayer repented in unisoi edth~P resident, Olive Millson; Recoring losing wîth hiynin "I need Thee ever: hallis in The meeting was i charge of s. Secretary, Ruth Allun; Press Scr-hour." e gien ~d eanandMrs. J. D. B rown, ý aryj borothy Bailey; Assistant, Vlue ftels etn e ry lices ricuUlue and Canadian Convenoi-s. 7etty Chnpman; Corresponidiiig Sec-redadnpoe.Te eae e remîn rs. Dean took the chair for the' po- l-etary, Jean Allini; Treasurer, Mae retary, AMrs. F. Kelly gave a fin, in the me and called on _Mr. M Allen; I'ianist, Mary Berry; AsitPeading on Peace for- the New Yeaï [hlocal Staples,, the guest speaker. His talk i ut Kathleen Chapmiaii; Christianl Mlrs. CG. Carson gave an inspiri thlclwas miost interesting andiîfoia Stewardship Secretaryv, Stella Carson message for the Little Whîtýe Ribbo(n ci, is a tive and \vas verýy nmch enjoyedi by Asistant, Rena TorblY1n; CoinmuInity ers. A solo by Mrs. G. Carson, "Stan rvyoile ~lpresen-,t. _Mr. Stapfles sýpokçe o01ja Frîendship Secretary, May uthler- ding at the portai" wasý enjoyed hb ity. recent tip throuigh the States, whk-hi iford; Assistant, Rosie Grahain; Ms i.Ms H. Walsh, gave a' readiný ha,-d heen aranedbthe Uniited Co- sions and Supply Secretary, Beth of Hope for greater acivacce in tnh l,v,;,q 7pera:tive. He told of the mangy inter- Sherwin; Assistant, Dorothy Baley; New year. vii; stngplce vsied icluidinig the Christian Citizenship and Tenmper- The President closeci the ineetinip Pl"'nuýc SecretaryatleRany A- with' prayer and the Lord's Praye:. AddUnited Nations Building, whîere t]e sisýtant Kathleen Chaprtan; Litera- in unison. aittended a mneeting. Mrs. Dean ture and Miss. Monthly Secretary, Orono fihanked Mr. Staples andi the ladies Elleen Billing-s; Baby, Bandi Seeretary, ~Nt ankof )rýett ýho,vdtheir aprefaio, ean Reid; Assistant, Muriel Pattonl. Orono RandNts$3 7.00 vith ex- ~~~~Eachi of the group leaders gave al At nlead ad at ETofth e 1 yhadcaA eiits short tall< on their particular phase CouoeadLr a~ on wNî,i lunch was served by [the con-venors of W.Mj.S. work. Miss Betty Chapinan ,hich is anci their committee ani a social favoured with a, vocal solo. Lunch A very successful Card Party was t ny haf hour enjoyKd by al. was served and a social hour enjoyed, lheld hy the Qrono Band i.on Friclay tlarger se the evening. Everyoce present haci a 'ullding ni ~ ~ ~ T'rv I ~~ -7r ost1 en joyable time and the Bland a. The I viI-X hLIX WIIl 1Ij-MA RGOT'<Jjleareci thirty-seven dollars, ised as ________________ Mr. Charles Tyrreli donated trie fw aic special prize for'highest sýore wbich whchHagigin the halilIan-ding of thc time a search party was orgaaiiized was won by Mrs. Fred Powýec. jHe Or-,iooSchooi is a paintiag, of a an~d [bey headèd doýwn the lake iii the also donated prizes for the gentsý ke.'Northerni River'. Entwinied branches samie direction Thoùmson was last high score in 500 and Euchre for ,omi be and long tnrllk trees ban-k the seen. They searcliec ever. tee cf the'which the Band wish to express their third wnigriver. Al [he vigor, and nunmerons inlets on-the lielke and tne appreciation. Alto to 1Mr. C. Alldread tieing strength cf [lie Canadian north is only other two lakes where hle could' wh9 donated a bushel of apples as a goals. here portrayed by [the artist, Toim pssibly have gone. They foucd door prize which was won by 1Mrs. in the1Tho-nmson. To an-yoce wic lias spent g Helen Schinidt. eut- rany tîmne tin À'1onquin Parkl, this About a weeI< after the disappear- The 5;0l prizes were won by: Uligh 'ed [ho e ma's caire conjures up maey cayst- ance, a for-est ranger on a regular' Score, Mrs. Fred Bowen -an-d Mr. Mýyles. erious, intruiging images. There is a tour of duty, found ian overturned (Chas. Taylor. Low score: Mr. Herb Io euit-1 tale [o be told about this corthern- grey eano-e on somre rocks. Oc further Murray and Mr. Ecigerton- Haecock. West, artîst and wodmabs life andi his invýestigaýtion, hie found [tie body of a Prizes'for Euchre: H-igli score Mrs. ng the unexplnineci deathi. mac, whohai been drowced. - This Clarence Duncan andi Mr. J. D. Brown blie - 1i ttebgi1ngo li Ohcn mac wVas identifieci as Thonison. Low score, Mrs. Fred Duncan andi Mr. he sin ttur, Canadingofthe sprati cally Stra-nge [bat so prof icient a woods- George Butters. ow nconexistaint, except for macwatît should drown in [he ver3r waters The Crokinole prizes were won by onlY wh o oic e uo a ea rtiists thlat gave hlm life and inspiration. Miss Gail Cooper and James Powers. SO cpie theEurpeanmasersEven stranger [bat lhe sheulc have lad DotfoetoatndteOng that tlieir art lacked sadly in origin- h-bac-;ted wth fishng lno Crd PIarttendorthevenang eO-aiity. But about 1914, a cew camie ol ti bes fwodmncn-Lcg On- D. iCppear worîs o wodsenco gan [o apa in the oi of art. ciai tangled hiireself in the lin-e 7rday, January 23rd in the Orange b"i0"derii o fioThompson. He was an expert [hec tipped his canoe? Wbat happen -_____, 8P. midrfisliermai,ýn and guide, and a rebel-1eci to the Indian wlio -was sui pposed to 0 rploua painter. He wanted te painit the h1ave accompanie ii hlm? 0f course fIra'i, rdPay WI Doug- north as hoe saw it, vwith ail its wild- [tie naturai supposition was made. [blir ness and beauty, it garish auturen The Indian bnci somehow overpowvered 1upre yEtuýat çcolours an-d soft spring shades, ire1- Thoirnson, tieci his bandis, and over- 'Sp rei Ethsas goc eetai ry, black, yellow an turned the cance. A mnanhunit for the The first of [he L.O.L.'s 500 Par- d it renrocks,, but nrostly tlie Sun-aetý I indiaii produced rio resuits. He wasi oa hap-lof[lie nortb. Colons heretofore~ un-f nover seen again. 1 le-wavs helci Jactuary 9th and ýevery- turd(aY heard of were nmade on the spot by Rumiour neow enters the storey.! one reports a gooci time. The -coin- n [bat [lie use of pigmient and <)il which Somie say that [herener was an nýetitîfin is very keen but cio record Thoreson carriedî with him. Canvas 1 i ndc that Thomeson commnitteci breaking scores were piled up the was too heavy and buiky to be carried j ucd.Ohesdi ht hr a irst niglit. Everyone is looking for- [c be In a canoe, so Thompson made pi-an d'Manc ta lewa csnîywrd [o the others, Januamry 23r'd ng as, Vood hindi panels for bis rougli jealous of Thoreson, and there \vasa February 6[ ()h and Febriuary 2t. made sketehes. Durmig [i umrmniwmcivle.Btxb ok ths The Won[hy Master biushed a br- A.e - h ats ould guidea few fisher- seeiringiy lhappy creativýe nmac take liant red t[le other niglit whec bis, is ex- mnec, an-i ta-vel by canoe atbout AI- bis owrieindwy hoedon umber wen [lie docir pnize, a beauti- gares ontin Park. HRis favourite spots îg f[eewsa nin fui chiffon cake, vhich -ad. been! plyc eenred [o be in anid arouni Cutn-oe cudlehvecepwn hisn onated by Mrs. Wmi. Tornlinisoni. becgtake, wiere hole-'ad!befrien-deci ain acne wtotfrs-ipng[i -owvrh ose gallantly tote i c ___ fmiyby [ilie came of Stringer, who cno?<Rremlrtat[ o ne asiad lenext time up [ho ca, 'till iîve in tho e bouse, an-d h mus t bave been overturned AFTER as woc by M'1W\1 E Daey 'lave provide i us with most cf [lie Thomsoc's wrists were tied>. Whatý The first n-iglits prize winers were t 'aralabout Thomison's '[Ife in'[lie happeni[ot the 1-ndian? Al! these ]VMrs. Geo. Morton, Carlos Tiamhlyn, ilth Somne of [lie foll'owicg acco tqetinWmimn oe tl a ntjW. Taiinson and Mrs. E. Hancock enta- 0-irreftidbire facbt hc her ledic.naisoe Ore nice feature I coticced is [bey s uou ndlersybt h r arl te region weelk'id Adsm O n alint even claire [at Thomsoc comI back stant promptl'y at 8 o'clock, play utl j l )-)itout 1Inter. ýn- heae.O eran ah 10.30,have lunch and i lenanyone

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