He pital1 S houI1dBE speakers fahsia.Tesse 41as its, pointis,buitaorspth nerves of patientswho eed est and quiet. Onepait decided to attack Èis probjtlm. l11e was Charles IF. Neergard. Thughin radio ex- V_îpet, h viuaize 2ashort-wave radio mieanis or commiunication that oudpermîit ptienits to sufer in s3ilenice. Neergaardappald tIafiend, HarryRoyl wo was îin the eler- friraI communiiiicationb sin ss Royal turned to a gifted Iradio fan, iii the Per-soi] of AI Grass, wOIj knows bis wavsiid eetosanid 'who tosses offinven;ujtions as a Brawywit oldts off jokes, At Rloyal's inlstigation Gos work- ed out a. smaillrnmitrand msounted it on the tenthl flo:or of a Cleveland hiosp)ital. Thie receiver could be siipped it the breast pocket of a bulsinesýs sit; it started a buzzer thiat told thec doctor who carried the receiver ithat he was wanted, eevenif he wasini a,,closed, completely lead-lined -ra thera- pyroomn. Selective callinlg %was anobvions- eebecaulse oIy the phlysîciani wlso was v'ated was to be r-alled, ileýre Ai Gross' ingenity 'lvcamie to, tefore, By ani)arrangenit of e>pecial selectivecrystals, ini bothi sendtliing and receiving sets,Grs maide- it possible for thie transmnitter to bjoadlcast over 800nninee- tible sign(aIs to 800 dfeetre- 4encvers, Thie average hspta wll aeyer need mnore thlan 100 to 200 receivers. Fifty watts ofpoe gives a fourile jcranige to- Gross, ~yte-mrethian aplAnd there is nio initerfieence utf any ,kind witfi any eclectronlic device inside the h1ospitalI or ouitsidle, Thle signial transmnitted and re-d cived (llasts less than five ml ioniths ,of a second.L' After ar, mn- fiaitesîmnal "pinýg-g-gl 'the receiver itself does the sinalliiog, So short a broadcast signail cannot reach other receivers. It canniot be ignor- ed, yet it canniot be beard at a dis- tance because of its îow volume. The doctor himiself carnies a plas- tic box about two inches loniger thna package of cigarettes Com- plewth ba1tteries, iit weights Juest twle ouces-niot enuh t sr tchite 1breastpokt OP1ERATIONS _6efore ýthie Amnerican Geriatric Society Dr. Louýis Cr followed Ur a study mal,ýde fouir years, ago of the nsksthat persons 60 years of g ~dolder rmn whelïn they must udergo ani- ertinAfter osieigeighity conlsecuitive new auatop)sies of oMd people wh!o died a mnrth after an oeratinbhewas able to, repýort aj drop- of "7 per centin i tri Il e rgenlcy cases." Deathis fForm hart aiufromn SEp)sis l(utrefactive paisoinrg). from iperi'toneal anP kineyinfec- ion wvere lower tlian four y ýears ago, Dr. Çarp attribuites this good shýowsng largely to t he wide- spea se of the antibiotica and imIprovemlen-ts in wha.the cal(s "suip- portiVe therapy." Al th lismen that an, o]("persn hlas 'a better chan)ce of suirvivin3g aa xjor"-op- eration thflan lhedid only four years ag4_o. But formrsoon thlat i n'ot yet clear, deathis from bonho pneumonýia lhave iceadsria Neck and Neck.-Helen a gircffe ut Doc Mcinn's zoo gels oa -cse, look at Narry, the 4½,,-foof tod- dier she brought mb t he world the day before. The proud n'ïo- ther was bonit at the zoo i 1945 anrd ber iorîg-eged son ,s the second genercîtion Of the fomily f0 o em rnltre, EIvEnyoNE likshmugr.Evroewe nlesn upie Ioon Se put tet oeh er and YOU911 have aýnetrtetfo Alwysallw ne poundhabre forfurodszesrvn, the more times nmeat 15 grou-tnd the rmore copac te lbr eo Redytous hmbrgrsuld under l:cur'rent gove-rrent regulations,ý wIll by ruHing be ground twice. The pattis rmade by thîsreay- grOundmeat Wil be firm. If yolu pee~a jiirpr.odýUet, býuy t he lent by tCe pimeeand have it grotmd on once, Choberbonelea chuck, round, nack or flak for this. If meat isprtcalyInd 2 ouces of suet fereýach ound 0f leanr; t HabrgrSuDiss(4 srlg)OePoud ami rer 2tea- r up flnely chopped onio, 1 isîce bread, eutIn e squs, %àcup chili sauce, lÀj Ixhmugrand sesoning, 'vdehamlýnrgei rl(noE8equal porn Shape each poio nt a round patty about 3 inches in dlameter. Meitbuter or nmargarine in a largesk' t~ACG onions une bresqurs.Si and cook until onions ar:E tender and brend~ is browned and crs, Push oions ïand bread suare t(,ne sidC (-f the skiljLt, Place oefu-t ftecooked oinand a toast square in the center etf each ptt.Placermilg4paties on top ofbea qurs Seal edes of each 2 hamburger pattie by gently ressing them together wih te back 0fciaispoon, Whe-n bttm atty ln cooked through, turn it over andcookci top patyTurn cï.ref',Uy In- ord'er fot tea break the sal oo bout 7½ mnutLes on reach side-. Plýace cOoýked surprise on sîlýces of tomato and then ïplaCCc on lightly toased bun. Heat chilisaue insillet untilvery Motandserve over the surpri"ses Steaspoon saî"t, 1/4< tespoon peapea, l1/2cupcrsecrflksita bLespoon fat, 10 pimiento olives, 1 "P (, I c n3cndescrem tomïato saup Sepson harmrburger wvith saiUaM pepper. Add cornfakes Fom nto pattcles 1i nch *hick;, pïrinin bot tuaiIn heavy 00j".t,.&V eJax-a Ar\tvewe 1Informai sumnmer mieAs eatený outdoors-on theporcl! or e!veni oný the lawn- are becomling more and mioret popular. The following sug- gestions will be of a heip to youi when yen w ant, ta serve thefok with "something a bàt different." A whoe malsalad milay be served atractiviy 1asa buiffetma bîniationis into youn own indivîduiai sidwith aly oeue aiofse veralý dress;ýings teppin1g i t , Ei theraIr- range oan a big platter, each in- its own u, or srv o idiid ual d1ishes(: hand-coeký(Jed gg bsuces, bngh ed tomate wevdgeýs, Cmmmi- ber sure i s ebimps, whIlite tunl -1a chumn k S, Cuilb)rd cický en carnet sticks,, èlery cunris, thin suices of radis-hes, stuffed olives, and salad On, another piatter serve fruit cn>t in suices and wedges-o)rangcs, pinieapple, cherries, berne'(s, grape- fruit, avocados and thin lime ,,suces. Tartan sauce, French dressing, and mayonnaise complete this cool supper--and it's fun-ta make yaur own chaires. If youý'd rathen omit the tomiato wedges and serve a gelatin ta- mata cheese salad mon1lded in ente fluted moids, ak it this way.1 Tomato Cheýese Saladl 1 nvelope unflavored gelatiri i cup raid water 1 can con1densed tomato socup (1!/4 clips) itbespooni Jiemron juice i tab)lespoon finely r hopped onion i cupcttage cheese Saftn th geatin in the raild 'Water.1-ea the tomato ou and add gelatin, stirring until rm pietelyý disovd Mix in thelme muire. Cool until IL t egis ta thicken, then s;tir in tle choppedl onian aud chunks a ottgecheese, Pour miixture inta four individuai molids. Chili uni il fini and unmold ou cnip greens. Makes 4 servings, If you 'have some raid sliced chceveai, lamb, beef or hamn, perhaps you oun d like taserve a clrunuihn salad with it for auimp-ret«pýtu outdoor sup- per 1Hene is -anlunusalS 1-)1 onetm- binýing bighit greenl peppers, rosy red tamates armd wierire Mhi an dneCssing sud, if youn I-family 1ikes onin, dd siilamaunt oF it, Tomato Rice Salad A, grpeen peppern 4 ripe tomnatoesq LettuceL eLaves Cîold cooked rire Curry dressing~ Cokrire ffuffy adChili, Pee Soîaosandree ed ,,fraýi genppePýrs Suice peppers and qu1ar:terI tom-1atoe, Co:ýmbine and mleastire, Add halIttheulr quantity of the ro, (A rookeC d ir ;e. Toss,' Serveonlttuce leaves 'Se rvs 1teasp.oon curry pwe 1tea-spoon sait Pinich sugar 2lý. teaspoons vfinegar ½teaspoon i 5nely chocpped nào (optional) Put curry powder, sait and sug- oniion jS t ir.Mxwihsla "i'g adbeýauifl-in the rne o'f ourlrgest lpiatergansd saind' *ni.' ' yfnishhsms roundd bywidegee epe rnsfiUIed with hede aros cluster-sofradish naOses, luted ruýI- cube sce, wedge ftoao dak lrencesspaegrenlttc le as ud the wiehersof gus o r beci ihalemnbuItter 1 package lemon flavoredgeti 1 cup hot water ¾ï cup of col'd water 'cup lemon jucice i taspoon saIt '~cup mayonnaise 2cups salmaon flaked (tua wlllM te just as good-orichn 1cpdiced celery 1/ cup sweet picklIe relisb Dissolve gelatinin bii ot waterý add raid water, lemon lire anm-d sait, Chili utlsigtythickened FoI "il l îain, ýcel- ery, and relishTutu inta batpran --- a a-mlon miold srtier - and cilI ntil irm mrakeattracticivfl,)we(ýrgaise for, it îwith suce's of sufdaie for h bliossm and wtrurs forý the lea'ves This le the way ta do it. Swoaannvelepe aà plain geatnnthree tabespnCrod waterî'fer five minutesthnds solve over h: o ddslowiyl conIstaýntly. Pour mxue ete boat and spread evenîly over en tire biat with spatula. Pla!;ei a floweýr garnish whe--r ,eah suc will be. Serve a Tartn auc wth au Cish lo0af, or if yau've aeahn iat orni o n s s emake a saur- ceisauce o tb adn t 2~ ~ ~~~j- cussar ira lomt, eae Thic Bnitish post OficIcble si jobt oDff th c oast of Flonida for an AmencanCompuy ill saîil againý of the cbecnetn otcro Cornwall ith HabourGrc, e fndan ad lta diven-t ta eee Wate amd rnewthecable IMMun Ht-biracm'ttc ' d ,i11x N'S ! Hamurgr SrprsesOn sIIed tma4 esserved wthb bot dill mmk.. olivet and tomýyato soup (or saondAnd thickned tô atojuce. Simmer 10 mînutes. Serve con toaeted yEngiish mfin r &pi na tctoated rols. Trped On DoôÔmat, Ge e h'uaetwas a tîdy soul. Suitig his sweet tooth and shrewdl bmuss nsictshe ikd to sund out his swesuf aese ith iltir fondant chips, sgaedbt- tonsý, iqunicenii chs dotherr products raniged Wn idy unesliE troôps ,ready fo reîew No1,tinlg -caulght the (ZyeC he thought, as surely as ai geometrir patten neatly arryed on an ondery sample tray Buit cane2 day Chlýle Thiompson, one11 oDidhe firm's salesmlenl, trippedl aver a doormat in a cuistomer's 'hop spiliîng ;li u saples al over tfloon-nd 'vs his face red! just as he was gatheing the swecesnt a heap the usme shue~"Stop! if you can iscli'm some OF ail sorts Mie tat," hl- plalited, 'm sure tbey will sell ! And ithat's hlow liqýuorice allsorts were born!1 Be',gin.nin-g the Bcoomr isjust a)ven fifty years since the fiuasýsett famtiily begani- its hiiggledvy- piggledy boom; anýd now lîJquIorice allsorts are camong Britini's sen- satinaly sucesfuldollar eprs perc i nt .of ithe Amriiican lmairket. Hundredu! o f cas sCr r e-Cceunitly , shipped te0,l ýos AngeleC 1's nta keeQp th11e mie sý ýtars ImunJcinIIg."e havenl't haIiHed any "Amfericanlih- uurc n Il vo yearsusas a tmog Chcae hodesaled ci-tmjbuýtar. "It just isn't as good as" theBits, rintcNe\w York, Seattle, San Frani- cisca anld other ports pour thie [alI- Sor, A nd Cte rneninig tiuml1ph_ caime whe hethýlreebigge-stichinl- stores in! the states starltedl stocli- ing Biisliquorice in thecir roast- Sho cke' (d bythse1 et vi c to ries, Ameiirican candy ïumnufctiu-ers have tie ta iitte-w"îih e uccsa Asif ta mlakeC it easy for thevli, U.S, helthl laws deml-and that a litof )ingredients musnýt !be printed Cn thefli packet. Sugar, fleur, treacle, teeBut thieAmrcs cani't tell how vlong ,we bacil aur aIlsert iu- gr eduins , howxvwe Imi-x thleml in, ithe "juice ýRoonf' X tin a block of factories nlear Sheffeld, pecial bilt for- aIl- sorts, yout'll ee nde ds af pretty Yrhiegirls standýing 'at Coni- veyor beits, auning ssortilg uand weighig aisont. The pnocss really begins mnu thje 'juieceroom"' where iliqunrice pusteý is la'led liket black dough from thle vats. Po the extrusianm a lchines, peety plugs of hiqurice sueeze ike sn iýa kes 'or flap-like sýheets ., . adi on- t a crh hee-t c~ i[ uorie ges a lay(cr(-of lhite icing with anotheIIr liquonice hetntatop the s-and i- wich. The sheIets are guilotined i ,î lt rinilps iandlthe sztr-ips into Ore peer inta the ropper vats wheýre the tiny nn-ari inhead( ine su a als reroe, Maybe y-ou l ;1 ic ftiei udredsaund theui- ad- anld each lonle begins as a1 single rainof sugar, gradulafliy picking up mulo ad etra ceasin Buttos, no-pariblck plu gs ramrocks, reels-ail the pdier- entalseortýs ihavec their sýe Crets1,. Jeaiousiy wtridfr iu)tb eIeCtronic eyes, _jazzed iot)oxeS tand tasaetbgthey're ex- oorted te îfIfy-twoý different couIn- rissobig is the Britishi alsont probîemsAlsors foc Bornc r Starte d Candy Boom mnade in1aàspeciaàwayto enýsure" theýy'II stand up tate c lïimate. ýMalay-a, te aliad shsand Sweden, Al ave separate ahisort You Can't Fake Ir Liquonice ïz is nesbsanethat bas ney e en lmade snhtcly Thiat bte-settaste, to sdue ta g13ycyrluizini, asustnc lfty timies sweeterthan ýiusugar, Onrigini- aily extracted for- medicinal pur- posestfrm a phlnt taproot, thec con- centrated h1iquoùrice h locks arrive if yu'elooking )for 'ltese eýst n ho1CSiery for thse"al-rese-. up"occsiosask ,for15denerc stckng. ut if you wniamr durbl yt stili fairly shecer Stock-~ in1g, ask for 3G', den-ier. F'or aroundc- the-ous adtvitesit's youir best buy ecaue he highier the den1ier ings ta aetochotyour feetÊ a uni Sïttin1g, beninlg or rah ing m'ay becomle iiinComforta-ibit movmensIf you11have thiese dis,- com,,forts conisuit a foot-sizech1art avaialabie at 1most hosiecouner On- the othler hnif your stoc k. 'ns are. toýo lonig theyý will na m-ore aslybecauste ofIthe loose.- nes ofthe fi t, tn wyto avo 1ilnnce2ssary runs is to, roll the stoCkin]g downL1 to the toe, before sipn it oni, Then ~traghten thefoctsen unoî te stockin-g slowly an;lé àmohe to-ver the leg,. To asr soknslonger i hfe eseaýted whien fasteninýgfrot and sidle gar.. testo allow for knIee ation-.Stn up to fastenj the baçký garter. We ther your stockings are fiil-fashiioi.,- ed or seaml]ess, fasten gatrter in. 0hc welt rifocdpart) and nort n the seamý' Tetermi "gaui.ge" indicatesfne ness oQf stitcli. A stockiing with a hligh gauige flke 660 has mle stîtchles anid Sc gives bettersag resistance tanone with alowver gauge like 4.Deier-thie weight and thickness of the ttead îý-- is the guide for sheeCrnes and then Most im-rportanit factor iii wear, here from Turkey, and M.esopo- tamia looking like lumps of pth But a lîquorice allsort is not ena- tirely composed of liquorice. Th. rest as the children say, is puire yummy 1 FEEDJNG THE HENS -Fromn Countryman's, Yeur. by Haydn S. Pearson i I-T'S 4different now, Hens are kept in multidecked apar'.ýnenï houises. Itstknfor granted that the. feathered ladies shail have ruingii, wate, eectic igh!t, air conditioning, and a scientificaily concocted ratjion týhat includes jti the righit am-iounits of proteiin,, fats anld carbo- buit sile ebesofte am' ivsocHe granlted[they wr intelignce Eah srinig a few hnswere Setn c-Lutches onf eggs in! the uit innes ndr henorth cai odof the horse an adi dueictime cfýt clnckýing, fussy nothcrs wvandered arouid the fryr wit tei boosA good farmer liked to have plenlty OF fry-er-s for sumimranid ïroasters for fa11, plus a batch of pullesfoLars Feein(thhns in thiose unscientific days wavsa sim,ple task, 0Whein cor ime came, a ladl took a wooden measuire, fiditwt whole c o, tad barleyv in the grain ro.om ,and !neyer had, a worry about ita ior ntritiona1 blaceAshesteppIed froi01the barn andsrtd inth directiono tiiencpthe birds came running babelo oice-imlrte the tnoises -m-ade b1y aIl forms ofi ma-l ife, high or lw , whn food is in the 1coffling. It was fnti tklahfl ofthie dean, a grinî,s ad catter them -jwidely ,0,aIl thehesrol gtafair share, focprcer arebullies and selfisif ones, socialgrdain and inhbitions i enscit as well as in hurman society, Feedinig jtih hes \as paa ntdaiy's-end task. As a lad li sened to ttheecie huýngry talk, chjange to a P low, contetednumrh msed the fundmentllportanice of 2-00( in life's schieme, N N N N N 'N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N 'N N N N N -s N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ' N N N N s 'N -s N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Your Hoim'