Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 17 Jul 1952, p. 2

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TE "My wf accuises mei of beîngý ~obegýrins ia astonlisinig leffer frma mai hlonlest (or defiant); nugito a-dmlit I;S Jfanits but tink,!s heis en- tîtled to theni. He bhas nr told his wife a ey lhe imakes, S pockýet lor biS da 1 Marruniag'e," ,leiemms îm is flot but on "t-~din, Ismke ad 1'm a tihtad ]!eco.nifesses. -'But hanta 1man the righit to snme f-nMyfth'[er onice told me a manicold strike hkis i if- she slapiýped im irs anld I agree. -My wfewrk iard. We haýve forgirls, anld Jhe is raiing themn lu aChrstin wy .. .I wisli yoi' prinit this letter. I'd like to setethis once ad jor ail." WHAT A MARRIAGE! *How to conivince such a man liof flic meaning of truc marriageý? ~ Whacveruis wife (or 1) say, * would lnews to him. SFrnm bli-ýis fathe le as flic * ideata h lýiusbiqiand dominates ii fli one, and fl lie wife does as *shie is told. He(demanids ail the' *privïieges rof a ba ilo;she * kecps bhouise, !bears is ckldren, *and suibits like lic slave -shle is. *from tble bibsof Iis maie * uperiorify l l îaries Il bis- BareAnBeuil R471 9 PUFgo tfli cîcvs on the preCttîat day-o-dcia te bos yo oudchoose! Square neck iin fronit, and wo'd guess it phlnges to dxamatic dleep MIn ba1ck? Easy Liey, hr' us t onle paff te r! part ',0 front; b-ack is -a1il'inOne wth fies, îwra!psf0 fiýy vais-f Paf fejlrt 4ï19ý Misses' sizes il, 12 14, 16, 18, 20. Size ¶16 taks 2yards 35-iloch fabric, Thils patteril easy lf0 useý,sm ple t'o sevw. s testcd for fit, HIasi /,omplctfe 1lstratcd instrncfions. Send THIRTY4-'IVE CENTS (35) .n cins(stamps caninot lie 4icceptcO for this ptcr Prin t SIZE, N'AMtE, ADDRESS% !ýTYLE NUMER send or d tr to to,> 0 .1 '3 Eightcnt S..New Torcnafý, On. ISSUE2n - 15 N N£Pm Ri *power, -and looks dowu,,tipon b *lesscreaue ibconî:tmpt. * This 1man"s tiikig s s or *thbougli lie came Fýfrom ano' L, ýce * F L)o\V is wie iaîsoo Phm *daedof marriage lf0iithei)ma1 * ~ ~ ,î sb1nc1us ;av1ovd Dlce- * 'cern vaisli oneby nue(, swept il vaiy n slf1isbnlcss. ,1:.i * ecus f lier for irls. ~ owlis ucmaaîged to li Àing * te ui "n aCiliistian w-,av?" ct iold oo n o1hirices *ii ing needs Oor teven wateduca- *tiono f bey could cxpecf, she lias *lived fromday f0i. t day in anxiefy *and despair. Plodding along like *a Iiurdcncd animal, lier spiriftlias *beco èroslid, and lier hopes bave *,witliered w-ifbin.ber. * This bnsband 'would neyer * tiare treat bis business parfncer * as lie bias freafed biis wife. He * would laugli at tlie prem-ise flihat * araeis the most important'- *patneirslhîp that life offer-andi *ie flco lin whicli lie lias faîled * ItLi is wi, ý-fe wlias ny *symrpafliyý. As for h ýim, willlie * ver kniow all iat lie bias missed ii inmrrae n Illcontinue f0 TO "MÈRS. A. C."' bý youir bus- I~o realize bow anxous yon acCfo *~ ~ ~ ~~~0 cofiot ote aîy ic o Y.ou do nof fell e of ynnr aýptitudes> ýoftlntanld ài idf- fien-,it Sor one wIollý, loe ot know you f01liý e of patca i These suggestionsl, t bootgli, male woli afe, 5 laevryudo tkeon sbold lie smcfinIg yocan do aft hýome,.'The Sadeq eincsyUvre- latLrvalyorshynIess, xwhicbl you say >yoo ani vrcm.So scdI- ing, for Yeii, is ouf. Can yý on sýew?' 'Alter loflies? Sicli services arre in dernand cvery- How about taking tlie child of a working moflier into. yoor home five days a wcek?1 Many a woman makes real pin- money by gtting magazine suli- seriptions o, -verlier telephone. Do-)ing pronlsbopping for liusy peplwile yon)tr son is af sebool cao li)e profitable, ton. Lctý aIl ynnr finsknow yo're lookc)ing for ,Orký. Tbey milayv bave oflier ideas, accorin eïr 2 -1cirneds. Als, "conisi;ïýqgood empînymOienit agnv n~~Itliem y- ýour prob- 1cmn. TlIcy)-i'be ahle f0 put On ïin toolwitýl smý e siess that cao supply worv()k yoocando at Rnningdow suli deas will sngesfothrs.Try if, if ond Have you f ailed a3s a hnsband? Ieaýd your mlarriage vows again- and be humble . , . Anlne FHirst's undrsan.irg.and. wisdon'. are here for al who atsk. White fier at Box 1, 123 'Eighteenth St., INew Tororito, Ont. SHE KNEWý Havling been taking a girl oit fc o soe fim, aîs*yvyounlg man 'Vas, 0W tryiing to creup lbis coumrage f0 propose f0 tolier. But somcow lcO cld'f finfli ri ýglIt wordls. At last lie hlurted ont: "W-wold yo lîdpmc f0spend !WIyo 0f cos, h cpl gid "1-1 men fi~viaever,"lnin- Oh wnt at slogas' fliaf" she~sssned lim witi lir TaIe Of The 'el.tce'Cpi-at. Jon G. A Bradley is "wdesacked/' in lhe sense ha he occupies one of the moýst unsuo liingqurrsaot.raeyvern of 34 ye;Drs' evc wvithe Cunard SeaspCopny as hmslivig acmodtosin the foýrwa"rd funnel of the liSAlsatia.' The fun= w hIch improves the Clinof the 1,750J-ton Freigbter, vwould have no functicn if il ywere nwtfr the façiduthot fhouses Bradley's quorters, !he radio, room, and ,wbeel boufse. :Avobservation and comipass platfom occupies 'the .furnel's top. Acmodtosare rarny, s Cj!~t funniel is 31 fnet bigh, 20 Thet high, 20 Cetf wide, ajnd 32 fe9iniche-s in len)gth,. Alsatia's forward fupnnel is a dummy, and bas nce connection with the engine- room. nstddif ouses tbree decks of installations. Captain Bradley plots the course în the cbartroom wbich shares funnel space with radio room, wbeelbouse and bis quarters. Captain Bracdley waives f rom the portbole in his Funnel bedroom,. M-is qurerore on the boat deck level, above which is the wheel house and radio room, Life in ai funnel con be very comfortable. Theca cxptain's stew'ard, Ronald Giles, brushes off a uni- form 't n the 20-foot-wide bedroomn. An observation brîdge- is located 'atop the dummy installation. lH RON ICLE£S fore o workandpcare oy and' relf. Wf "ork ,and yorry af flic b)cgýinniiing nf'lic wcck; woýrk and relefat flicend nI if Picapàp- sure w 1as snwce 0bfcn ini despair, woudeCring if our bfest field of ba ws oomled f0ospoil b-cause of tbec damp, îridar And f1lien. flic son camrecouf, a- c paidby -albof, ryin1g %wind. Parfner gof ouftflictractor and rake af0utoflhay ejustaboutt flc same ime as flic balinig macinae moved in. By 5.30tflici cwas scaffereýd with nic, drytig ,lhaes. Whic hs \as goînig on i was for gning away o itfefrip--a tnip that wolave given mfic littie pleasure ad fic balîgngont been donc. Or fliafmiglit have been canccllealtogether. in facf,1I hink if wouid bave been had Partner nof însiscd that i sick tf0 my pýlans. "Youbave1een lokin1g fort- wýard te> this trip for wcecks-yoo iosf go) and forgef l b fifliiay" iFn a way that madeses- c(onldn't c'hange fic etrbu wliatfarm wor Un1caogo aa frontbomen e omot knwing slit is ievnher parfoer , face ok wories alone? lBut everyfhing furincd oufine by 'veing -I waS 0on mly Vay f0 Lon1dou fiowni. bondýcon-,Otro ilthaf is-przOb)ably the on'ly odo 1 ar-n ikely f0 sdc agair. Andwb fui tp t oidn eI ba is h,rc flic Aqual Cnv >io f flic Canaid;ianAuo'Association was Vi0 cso.Lasf yc ar ifwaia Banff, and flic y--ar befo r af Rau- fax but wilin it ýcme s nwar home as Londoni 1wais dctFmin]cd f0 gef fliere if !couild. Now "idon'!t-suppose imany o you wolbic intcrcstcd if Itod yhebutfi lectoresc and discus'- sions fýiaf fook pýlace diay afer ay, bot i fhink yon wýonid cnjoy mieet- in, s id, fic aufbIors -of nîanoy books. shorsories and imagazine aricles witil whicli mnost of nis are famlia-an Iaso f li hiiff le liani inltcrcst sideClines flifaebonld f0 corneintofli ctorewcver. pepeaehcld tfogether -by cm -Thice Unfnl1fillcd" and peietof flic CA a chairmlan for fic on vention. Ccoln'f hv a bef fer man forific job)ý-witt(y, whimlsical an eficint.Undcer bis lcadership flic sessiosis conjld Cnot becorne dl.Jtiklcla h wOmrefo'lk onde(1r aspl! Thilit i sfory almost pr i sif, )One ven- ing a fe' of 1os wereclifif- getheýr, inclning wo ldrlylades Opiniions àabout Dr. Hardy werc tfosscd bac an foth.Said Edr ly y No. 1: "1ï do t1inik Dc. Hard-Cy lis'a ndfoclarn" E.L. No. 2: "Yes, 1I d octon.He ie vcry clex'cr. Have yon re(ad h;is a lot about if,à and 1 intenided rad irig if, but 00W F io't fhink i, wiil. IlieDr. 1Har-dy So) mucl 1 arn",afraid if1Iread b is book01, EL.No. 2"es', thatis lit 1Iý arn afraid "of toq. I do't t1111k Ish'al - i rad i îlirl" If you h lave read "The UfJnflil cd,; you viihl inderstan.id their re- mak.Ap)ropos of thaf, ontsc of flic lectrer sad taf anybct'k~hadl f0lcbotîs pl-ovocaf'ivýe and po yokingc. I told Dr, Hardy 1 thouglit biis book filled those requirements verywcl He repflicd, "Yes, if was meîant 0. Barngflaf in md, tlic f oedcl adies in question could surcly read mlie book and sti1llrefain ficir prsnliiking for Dr, Hry The Camiipliciýls creý-ated a gond deal of conifuisionra amusement. Thereas Marride WilkinsCamp- bell, Toronfo, Mljorics Frewcan Camnplicl i, amîlfon, and Grace Campbhl, ontralal of w.bom are wcll known, but geffîng fli rîglif anfbJors fü flic rigli'r books was wlberc filic conifusioln ae in. ilrdjniry, listorian-, gave an îllosfrafed lcoeslowýiing linianl relies and camip sites alon1g tfeli l- rnian ralparticul1ariy ai Sault St. Marie. TUi was folloxved by an address by Frankin MacDowý- cl -utliniiing fl.iwy anid wlirefore in' biswrig of "The Chiamrpiain Road." AIl these sesýsionis wer bda Thamies Hall af flicestrnUni- versify and >ýeclet accommoda- tion- for tblose atfcndîlng wa3s pro- vidcd at Spenicer and Huiron. Coi- lege. And f lic baIf flic e,s- if nld hiave beenin itolerable. If dlid, loceadd imocli f0 flic in1form1ality. Th-ii men .discarded fies andpackýef s. The mcndid n0f pay ton muitcli attenrtion fa appearanices ciflier-liats anrd gloves normcos c«À ns by hflasne. I1riedhm hiome Fîiday aI- Leriino.s f0 fd tfeliblinig 1machine huce again;Parfncrraking af fli back of tfli arm; ýa cowjsf calved 10 flic ficld!: Bob imove' dowvn f0 Oakville - fcmpo1rar-i1iy- coming home 'a1t îighf anid takcing bis !lunch Ucd day. Hlardly a fhbiog kit to c-af. of cours-e, an en comîing to dr h i ay again fllism niglit. And flic fîoisc .1ave lobup a-le car i make this iew dress ss3 casilyl Tbat lov;ely designi is simpile ta embroider cther by band or by mahn.And for fashion -- flic Empiref-style iwaistiie, flic beau fransfer; fissuc, pafferii Jr7. Miss sizes il? 13, 15, 17. Size 13 takes 4 3/8 yards 35-inicli Sfafe size. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS ini Coins (sfamps canriot lie accep- ted) for this paffterri fo Box 1ý, 123 Eighteentb Sf, New TorontoOn )t, Prînt plainly PATTERN NUM.- BER and SIZE,"yor NAME anid ADDRESS. Sncb a colorful roundup oM hladiwork i, dea1s! Sendtwnylv centsnowfoiolr Lauira WhMcer Ceedleraft Catalog. Cboose your "aff"ns foni (or goiy ilnsraed foys. d olis.losehld and pcî'sos,,>î accesorc'.. Apattera for a 111,- -- , Gdoa Mai of Fi judges 6:11-17, 2S-27; 8. 22-23. -Memory Selection: Teach me Th7y way, O Lord, and lead me ini a plain path.-P.salm 27:11. It is always refrcshing t0 find a man wbo possesses flic great com-- bination of liumility and faifli. With sucb men flie Lord cao achieve 1lis purpose. Gideon was sucli a man- He came from a poor family and ini bis own estimate lie was the least in tbat family. But bcartcned by a vision ficeliccame an adventurer for God nflire great ways. -la the rcalm of personal religion Gid- con fonnd a faitb for bimvsclf. The story of tlie fleece bas been judged by somé f0 be a crude method to test God, but ont of it Gideon cvolved ai faith fliaf satisfied him. tbat uipleld 'him. Religion, if it is f0 biave ny ersnavalue, must lie foondled npîon pecrson1al experi- ence, Becanse Gideon bad a ivinIg fait h lie moved to is nexf gcre-at ad- venture, that o:f aledr nsocial service.'Todlaythie land is in btlie grip of eneies juait as relentless as those of Israel. Political life is full of evil; ini ton mauy ways on- 'scrnpnlous mfen exploit the people. Tbe poor are oppressed, the weak- are cruslied. We rmust adventure for thie defeat of ail that liarms or borts our fellows. The noblest acf of ah jin Gideon's life wa's the refusal of a crown wben it offered no0 opportonity fer serving men. The man who would lead for amnbition's sake always ends a slave, but lie wbo adventurcs for others \will find bis kinigdom awaiting Ilim, for lie will lie crown-. cd in the iearts of those for wlioni lie sacrificcd. The lesson llostrafes thli mport- ance of morale. The fearful wcre sent home as well as those loyera of case xvbo laid aside their armons' while flIdrank. The victory ivas wnby men-j of faifli. GAo give ols more ol men foday. Simle mbr ,dey

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