Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 26 Jun 1952, p. 1

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e WE ESàgâk Vol. 16 No 21 ORONO, ONT.. FI-fUfl ýY, JU(JN E26th;, 19,52 ,%uI--ciptiop. $I.SO perI' rono Takes First'Victory Over Kendal Bail Team 0rýoente-ced inito tche souti O.A.C. To lake Sttudy ln ~LuhmBaseball Leaglue, a year r' Fm ~ada haif ago, bhey were pia gued DuhmbfFr Labour ty Kendal -ho had up until lat __ niglit defeatodl them on every startt1 Farmiers in Ontario have been Lest niglit the tables turnied and hvn adtmefnigeog Orono lefb Kendal wMV the longi- od farmi heip for a long býie now. ~end of a 6 to 4 score. These teains l this tfitey are by no means any if- w.,hen playiag bogether have certain- ferent fron'l farmers ail over Cana- ly caused considerable interest, both <a, for te xdu ro antoct iocllyandin er~i ad tis fi as been w,.idespread during the last -,vas again borne out in the last wjtnya.Ththe ovm tfri -innirngs of Tuïesday's gamie. yfas and at thewor i ynto mn Kendai led te way for tite, first enlded is show\n by the fact that be-, ,stxinina receiving te majority tween August 1950 and August 1951ý ~ ~t:in i, 1.s+ of th -he -h le lnl,hr jf Caniadians en aged in witea bheyv secured a couple Of its .and capitaliz-ed on two Oronio infield eirreran At the saline timie veberan hiurl -r, M, Quantrili held the Orono boysý dowyn to three runs in the first six. Carman U.,un1Sh icdIl for oronio througbout te gaine finîshing a sroniger -Wit added assurance, entMir pitcher The climax of te entire gaine 'cam-e l inte first of te sevni i Orono came te bat with a One rua-" -deficit. Raye West, firat to bat we-s struck out by Quantrili, but a tchrec ,agger by Armstrong pub Orono in1 scorng position. Fred Lycett was put la as pinch ititIer. With i.te fi'rat pibeit ecross ttle plateArsnn -made his bid for homo and Lycctb naedétitis possible titrougit bhis sac- rific bunb but whicli aiso pub lin on first. Titis pie-y we-s previously tried îa tbie gaine but failed. Dean Wesb a itit and itotit le and Lycett were drivea acrosa te plate on e- lase hit by Mercer wite turnod in .a, good gaine tirougiout. lante lest of tbie seventit Cornisit took bwo strikie outs and one team pie-y put Nendal t on te short ide of te A Evening Auxiliary Meeting Hiarriet "Crooke" CampbllH resR c M k D TheJun mètin oftneThte de-et occurred in Beeitwood %.uiliry as eldint it r Nursing Homo, Peneteag, June 5, of I r n hsS of the United Church on Thursdey' evening June l39th. The meeting openied with. the bý-5 iness at hand It was decided W hold regular meetings durîng Julîy and August. After the offering was taken te President, Eileen Billings called pin Joe Bariow,s group to take over. Jean Allen led in the devotionai. H-ymn 16 4, "The Chiurch's Qite Fountdat*in" was sung. Joe Barlow then g-ave a readng on Christian Stewardship. No 7.34 in the Hlyt- nary was readl responsively. Hyma- 35 wýas then sung. The rest of ihe- evening mwas spent in wngA<e- Midland resident. Bo.rn 96 years ago in Clarke Town- shil, her she atended school, she was miarried in 1894 in Orillia Wo Joseph Campbtell, who predeceased her. For som-e- tne Mr. and Mrs. Camipbell lived in Midlanid, later tak- inig up farining near Elliott's Cor- ners. in 1918, Mrs. >Camipbell ,-e- turned to Mid1l.nd. She wýas a miemi- ber of the United Church. Rev. W. R. Auld conducted service,. June ý7, froi the funeral homne of A. B arrie and Sons. internent was in1 Lakeview Çemetery. Six niephews acted as palîhearers: Alvin, Nelson,I Bruce and Herbert Crooke, Victoria LoaNeinbers Attend OOF.Convention Fifty-fouLr district Deputy Grand Masters of the Grand Lodge o n-ý tar-io, Indepenident Order o)f Oddftel-i lows, r-ecenitiy were installed incers-, mioniies atltended by some 12~ dele- gates here during the LO,.FY.'sý Annual Conivention. Highlight of the installation cere- monly vwas the election oýf T. n. Mc- Fadden, of Durhami, asGrn Masteri of the Grand Lodge of Ontarlo, suc-, D.J. H-T72picKinney of! farmng dopped büy 63,000 -- or 28 1 liclous lunch consisting of straw- Harbour; Lynus Vasey, To o0nto, and Brookîin. imies the numbler of fariners in Dur- berry shorbcake and tea was uerted Richard Vaisey of Vasey.1 hiam Counity. by the grvoup and an enijoya1b eveni-1Am-ong te deputy Grand Masters ing broughit to a close. u-f-onriai; adfi ndsin'alled was Robe rtGereCar many sugg"estions, thleories, and1 attending te service caeàrn rom ào Orono as head of Duritan district.1 oPinonjsar advanced to explie-m he _________Oen Souad, Toronto,St Catharinesý farmn labour problemi, but fromi thei Por-t MNicoll, Victoria Harb)our ii The convention mnarked the 97th not too much 'emierges except 'tw,ýo MisS Jeannie Forrester Vasey. aniniversary of the fo)rmration of tite facts: firsi, that there is a farmin .O.F. in Ontarto. It wil observe labour problemn;ant second, that no uoiloîed ith S(1 hlower& îSope I l, its centennial i -15. aing ah one knows too mnuch about it or how___ L.iI' total memrbership of 65,00 in h it i tobe slve. -province, the Grand Lodge brandi of Beaseo its acstteD- Miss Jeanne Forrester wliose ni - Citristopiter Leamian, 83, veteran the 1.0.0.F. boasta a strenglth of! Econonoftîes f c a nge oMrhDnalDSap-sonjuIy of two wars, died suddenly last xnighb soine 37,500e members. arbthentaof Agriculturi lleg, 2th in te Qrono United Churcli following a hiert atack et te Kerr Bro. Wm. Riddell aise attended as at te Otano Agicuturi Coleg, ias been feted at several pre-nuptial St. N. home of his de-ughter, Mrs. Gueph, plans to carry out n sbudy events. Reginald Robson. a delegabe. Mn. and 'Mrs. Gordon >of farin labour duriag titis spriag and Born on Terauley St., Toronto, Mr. Watson attended te Banquet._ summoer, wibh the hope of reaching Mrs. Wm .Grady and Mra. John Leaman was te son of te le-be J. Sistor Mildred Rainey and Sister soine debinibe conlusions, and me-k- Forrester wene liostesses et a ilais- C, Lean-an, àt veteran of the Fenian Elizabeth Cornsh were delegates to ing recommiendations as to hv celaneous shower in Onono on Fni-Ibodrris MrLemn tmtef eektAseby-th emetn. fariera can beat get and keep adyoenwsa b eerans.Mf. Wona i ndl eea sebya h an ie good mian. The work will be uinder te _____________a________f________rI an 1direction of D, R. Campbtellof tiis'COn' arrivai home fo Tontte BoeenWar. He oýperated a muarket1 f'ýofl- 1garden Todmorlien until his retire- Dopert-ment, Jeanne was taken by complete sur- mn 8yaseg ie oaa amrsFedDyadFedai n Ths tuy ii tepttecoerpise by sonie forty guests. A special wife came bo Oakville to mae te-r of Agriculture Pienie a-ad apoke bo ai o bteliesoc cunie e Ot-chair awaited tho bride elect, wiohomewolr.Roante gnoup. Again ber mnanner of pre- ario, leaving until later most of the wa rsne ihacr age e e.i Ho as an ont,îusiatic cycist in sentation ead knowledge of farmingi areas wvhere cash crops are more me-ny lovely gfbs. 1Itneresting Con1- bisearlý years and won severnI at hom1e Woa iten mucit admiration11 - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ jnjiý for.. ess er ioi drile eeaaaCi. ...Z,. Mr.,,a as lb had wben site attended te 1eýsts wen'a einstitute DistrictinAnnu1l important. Te cover Untanlio, 5kilIOQ onumerators wili visit sixteen townl- siis acros ite province witicli are st Victoria in Janetvilie on The g-ates of the Orono Exhibitieý) grounds will swing open -this Satur day and admit harnessa race fans tý the opening ceremonies of the ieý speedway and also to witness oe the most popular Canadian sports. A parade led by parade ponies aïo and the band will sound the cau t the grounds and on arrivai, openmn ceremonies wiil comnmence. Officiat îng for these ceremonies will be tii Hon. Eari Rowe, a most ardent horse mnan. Other dig-nitaries present fo this occasion wiil be the Piemiier c Ontario, Leslie Frost, Our local roi, resentatives botit in bte Proviac' and Dominion house, Fred Orpe and others.- The Orono Turf -Club, sponsorsj this show, hav. e etivAted fro; thirty-five to fifty heres$bo be prc sent oin Saturday and ail striving t set a new record for the haif mil trick. Plans are underwvay for s: races witi twelve heats W. forn th days prograin. Further enitertali m nent will be provided bte youngster in the "Merry-Go-Rounid" and rE freslimrents will ho available on th grounds, Titis debut of Harness Racingï Orono has beon preceeded by a cor, siderable fine-nceil utlay ead mn hours of ojvertinie work being es pended by mernbers of the Tut Club, The impmrosemnents to th .-r rounds andi especiallytet race brack, which is no~w cone of tb best in the district, ma-de titis meE ine-vitable. The degree of aueeess ï this first venture wll decide the fat of harness racing in Orono so ]et give it our support. where they caine nome'. n wiit a score of 7 bu 6.1 te mound for Orono tura-1 bliher excellent job of piteli- [n al ite gaine was Weil id gave the fans wliat they e- gaine. Bob H'all was ho- bat on Tuesaey, June 17, cugit for R. West and did tion job considering lb bis npt in titis position. Againi ,d ho teok tiis poition ite lefb itaaded hurler, ser and a littie harder to lnd Holliagswortit visited t Leugiter, Mrs Hr~ Dun-' )rnte ad ntended a foot-, d. Mcai. Andrew î,Bandy ead - Lewtonville, Miss Ellen1 -tom spent Sunday et Hec- d Mrs. C. Burley 'visited flore ina Two enumerators, Don Hart an.d homte in Toronto. iFoIewing te un-1 Grant Bomnberger, will be visiticng a wvrapping of te gifta bthe listessa number of- farina la Hope during te served refreaitients, week -o.f June 3. Information tliey receive wiil, of course, ho treabed e-s Tite teechers frein Morris Scitool srictly confidential. Ib la hoped titat enitertaiped te bride-to-be at a dia- everyeae wili co-operabe in tis aer party and pre-sente-in on Mon- sbudy whîcli may be se importe-nbt ode-y eveain-g e-b bie Kilcooiey Gardons farinera as Da wleleead te titis aetonMimico. in particular. Misses Gwen Wray, melba Polly ead Mary Bucitain were c-liesteases wîbh Mr. e-ad Mrs. Roy Burley, Osh t - a iniscelle-neous sliower held ini awe- on Suraey. Toronto on Tuesday evening of tiis D)on't ferget te Straiwberr-y Fes- week., tival at Clarke Churcli on Monde-y, ýJUne 3tb. - Mr. Iferit. Hancock ead 4eugliber ~I< Lo-uise, vi'slbcd witi Mr' Titos. iins- ~ * rait eo e-inn at Millsoni's on Monday even-AtRai1I.O u ilig. A a -ia noa - isRoualoi rahed tee- et C. Bur-, leysa on Tuesde-y eveniag, Soveral pupils ead a few of te parent frein bote weait by bus te Niae-gara Falls on Mon.day. Farmer's Picnic Held In Orono, Friday Lasi Fnda m ue 20th et te Ornao Park -ývs one wi me-y inberestingt fe-bures when te Junior Farinons atui iteDunitein Federabion f Agri- cýulture imet je-an entue-l picaic e-ad, FleldDay. Thte guest speaker, Mr. Craise of St. Cethermnes, eddressed bbc gatbter- ing stnossing te importance o)f Farin 5--arýketing eand also te importanace ou'fermiag in Our cOuntry, Ho esaid, te-talt Itougli farmvning hfAdme-ny itardahip e-ad pib f allit àwes wibia te gra-sp of youaig and energetie fainiers bo m aasuccesa ef titis profession. M. John M. James, M.P. e-lau spoke on te importance of ex- peaditunes la Ntinal Ifeace ad titis topic wea mlost imelyad il]-, terestia'g. Othon speakerýns included1 te prýelidet OF te juaiorFrer e-adMiLsa Nicholson lofBe-land PrzaWere anded ýc(-(lMn. e-dMm ArbtunBlweb aite ldest couplýe preseat. Also bo Mne-ad lMrs. Les.I Coomibes; for ite langeat family ead bu Br3Lackstock F-rut 11Foirm orbt larg-eat bunout. Fielà Day TIte titr-ee top mcal or wom'en la ph-i',p,~pnn w1 vp sEpnt -Dur- titis ye-rnte-tbie Ontario Scitool for tite daf, Bleil, Wednesde-y, july 23rd. The wianen s of te boys eveats are es flo Softba,,llho Alec Ma'tin, Han- Monde-y evening, June 23rd, bl-ie. pupils of Mrs. W. E. C. Workmianl gave e- moat inberestiag ead oduca-1 tiouai piono recibal la thme Sundayr Scitool Auiditoyr-i of bte Orono Un.. ibed Citurcit,.. Tite rouit was tasbefulîy decorated witit standards of peunies ead bowls of roses on bte pie-ne. The children frein Bow-manville, Orono and surnouaýding viciniby, ead dnesýsed in their best for the occasion penfonmed their be-sk witit demure- nessale-d poýise-. Mr Workinlaa acted as master of HiitJup:Newýton -1ely, ih nnas their bura camIe. Thney îlaburn Ferguso,.n, Ale-c Martin. iînbnioduced biýlteir numbeit% Mne. Work- !Go Yard Deait: AlecM ataAl-ec meal au iaberperaed thte prognan MAoffIat, Eu-rie Browe-. i with incidents in bisow musical Girls- 75 yard deah: Boa Craig, c"ancer. Jora Craig, Rut Bragg. 1Titree little giIVý, Juie llawke, Soe-ll Titrw: Butit Bragg, Joan Robera -HOesrgspon, -d Lie-de Creig, Gonde-Cai.Gibbs, who bad.- comlebed them ha te Boys' Softbell Gaine bite Kellecy, Kirby Kindengar-tea course,ý Soub i-0pnoed t ýbu hobou powerum o wr raebdwti hiQcrii Vit N rbi, innag by 1 - 71sco-. ctes durnig ite programme, gaine for bt soutit, bbc norttit bot-c-ý At te close of tbie progran, Mns. îaghu fr ue uain te fiat e-ad S. B.Rubiterord e-led on MB%~ là-i ad 4th ad fou in bce «ILti t rmaa wo we-s prweeed Witli Ketit oos as bite otsbanIdia-g re ammnd aluaîiaum sandwich! pie-yen rfor tite b-a ihtiee hib i tray by IPetsy Joaes, j aprci-to ieI serloai'-,tnagcatches. I of hon fiae onk ead unbinig patiec The Gils Soft-be-ii gane bweL' ,un w iitsteauwi)ng givos. Mrs. Bebitenu eadbie Fnarrtes \Ve-S Workmý,aa, in e- few word thnnked! eveiy uatsbe wihut fnlScoreý {he moters forn tite gifb, beinga e- - bc (itistneAlliUM Lunch of icweream eadcake fo poebube the big guA fr bie Nie cl dreane-d tee- e-d cake for bit farmeenesMOIthtw one us and adults brougýIt e- venypea-t even- e-pefetde-y ebat e, igbue1coe grand cniflren, lnieîests Of Durham Sl.wn To Visiing Farmrette lb was a ful week apent by Mis Valerie Elizabeth Nicholson, Ford View Lancieteaer, Durha-m County Englaind. une of a group ef young, fariner delegatiés ,viFtùng Caniada, Her clieriing peraenalît y won lier me-ny finonda while la Duriarin County in Ontario. To step down frein the train prac- ticelly on te treicks we-s a -new ex- peience site told bliose wbo met bier. La Eaglead plabformns level witli the train maeo l impossible te geb nearl te tre-eka. Sitevas met by Dw.,aine ead Bey Gray, RIE, 1, Pot Hopei unad se-veral Juniors le-t Saturde-y eveaiag. Hon itosts M. aad Mrs. S. B. Gray and famiiy exbended ot- standing ituspibality bu biteir Englisit 1guest trougitout te week. Ia n rder bu see sente of the bouriat country a drive inicluding Ceasarea, Fenllon Fa5lîs, Bobenygeon, Buc-khona-, e-ad Bewdley ,vas eaijoyed. is Nicholson thouL-,ht thiat there wýas more forest lanttis couaitn ead vst to te DurhniiFor-es eaid tbbcRe- foroastatien iCetre at Orono shwe her somnetiing of bne pianned cn servation being pnectised. Mur-,- faýrina ofbiateresb wene visibed e-ad site geined mu11cit paIowlýedge of J ni-Cý in- p-ractices lanttis part o F ontanlo. IThese farmainldeBrowvie owe yJe-s. 'T. Bow:Cenesmo-lre, G, B. RiCkard; Edwiin Wil-son's ea Weson annstes.-Visitiag bite Via- cen1t Masaey Estate gave bier anIc,'" pictune of langýe homes and gros A tou,,r of thie tobaccofrm hoe ber biebphase oj arcutrel dho country-. Peberboougi-s icue nb' prorameead a tour f uae 0e-t, Wetclo Liflock e-a tb watorworkswere te tihlghs The -Junioln Fariner Executive"e-a Dfrectora mect- on Wiede-cesday eea- ing for a weiaer r-oast eï-ad ie about fnnn ractises eadyoa fainera 'work la Engi.and. u.Fia Miss N~ichtolson attended bthý-,Juior aLbumn autograpnue LJy those at-0f course this activity Wvl1 tendinig the dancet was presenlted to at the Orono ComraunityY lier by Mr. Merril7l VanCamIP, Vice The prograi begins at President of the Junior Fariners. when- Orono and Newcast She thanked the Junior farinera of il.Tisma e the sae fo Du4hami County and particularly jn.Ti an ilb lier hosts for the week for. the spien- Bethany Girls opposing did hospitality sýhe had received. squad of girls. Keudal will wmining teain of the first: The six delegates who represent this will complete the aporiý different parts of England and wales' fo--- tm day. However meet in Guelphi at the District Field Wealth Bingo Nvill coimni w.5here they wili part agnin anid visit ing the compietion of the ether Counties of Ontario. In the final gaine Proceeds frorn middle of July they leave for the U, ave to be turned over to S. A. where they are ctaying untilI Board for use in te mI October, plan intitis playground. eh é dommemb, -

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