Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 5 Jun 1952, p. 4

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t,,.aN$,t v. FEL.fl TIMES - THURSDAY. JÙINe,5. -1952 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES ,Aut1iorized as Second Clase Mail, Pont Office Departient, Ottawa. Rates on Request. Subscriptiîon$15 Established January, 1937. Publisher. R C Forrester TOWN PLANNING' 1Four weeks ago Mr. E. Dent began a series of two articles in the ,clmsof this paper in which he gave is impregsions as, tW the -nbed and actuial planning of streets, in order to mnake building lots available in the village through a Towni Planning Sehemne, These art- icles have drawn miany commente, with practicaîly everyone voiing -.a sinilar opinion and endorsing such a plan for- the village. The schemne of opening roads for the bettermient of Orono is n sounid venture and should be exploîted, However, though the maior ity favour and would encourage such a plan, it at the present lacks leadership from an organized body. If Town Planning is not directed liowards a defînite goal by such an organized body it will thien die in îts ifancy and the village will ultimately be the l oser. Sc4me towns incorporate a' Town Planning Commnittee within their coniothers are guided through the influence of aý Chamber of Comn- mnerce and in Oronio we believe the latter, if functioning, aloca body to start the bail rolling on this plan. Sources of information are available throughi different medias such as the Canadian Chamber of Conpuerce as to the practical approach to such a problem. Wewud alIso recommnend consultation with the Municipal Engeneer when pre- paring to submnit such a plan. Manpïy places in tbe illag,1e if-opened by aron ,uld increase the value of the accessaýbJe land many times and w,,ould thus be an asset toteland own iers. Also if homes, were erected on this iadit would increase theillag assessmuent thus stabiizing the proper tx It atppear is thaýt gia and organisation is aIl that will retard teTown Pliniiig sclhem-e. If so c ould we not encourage either the PoieTrustees or habe of Commerce to give MOmIentui o ths p1an Let Lis not be atut bY sayNing "they," wont do anyth-.Ing \hen- deri~w'ite0ikil'g1 4been rp rted in Otarov, butiM Most years Orchiard lgrass- will urvive Since 1943" there has be-n n e.v-er and mrn,-e vigoro,-us spnn-,-g growun. creasjing demand for' Orchard grass1 -ed in anaa. hat lhas -aused 1There is ani- crangdemand for Os iceased use of Orchard gas Orchard grass in the grassland type hen totai yvield of forage is s of agriculture rccomnmended to pre- îan the popular fimothy or broevent soil'erosion and Vo increase tbe -w'euMxdtr. R A Forreeter ans W.R Csion, eralf ,;Expra eiproduction of fodder 'or livestoýck. that while 1nylon is -resistant to F Otawa soe f______________ ________ilkali, it is easily damàaged by win- entai armi, Otwgives s eof eral aioýds, Some deodorzants andi ýce,ýCscns.-Duri-,g the bnnWm '- '.fi inyrm~eiasae~ufc~t3 -ien prasts are l g iý- iong u ,, r- i>IVIacid Vo damiage nylol?, especially ifl tardgras wll rve orepasurenot rem-oved by thorougli washing .an eithertiitlothy r brom)e. The creseduseofgraýs silage, ha Strength, elasticity, blt' before ironing. oughit Orchard grass into use b-hold definite shape or dinsion She suggests washing dyed niyIon wse it mnatures early nnd cain be, he washed, and quick driyîng are with lukewarmn water and inild soap At within the first 10 days of June I ome of the characteristies whichi or detergent. White nylon fabrics fore hay:ing hias got undI(er way. have made nylon one of the inost should be washed separately as they ick recover-y of ,ftermaiith will populajr fabrics for wearing apparel may, be discoloured fromn dye or soil -en supply pasture for mid-summer and household use. This statement removed from other clothing. Blue- Ihen dr-y cOIionitis prevail. It makes cornes froîn Miss Eleanor Kidd, ing seems to improve the Whiteness ,~Ietgrow,ýth. under îrrii-aton Supervisor of Clothing, Women's In- and a bleach can be used to rmmove n i b fer-tilisation; but orchard stitute Branch, Ontario Department rpecific stains. However, the bleach rasS Mill not tolerate flooding for of Agriculture. She adds that an un- will not correct over-ail discoloura- ng peiodgs of timie. derstanding of, these characteristics tion. and of the cure of the fabric to, pre- Twicîýe ini the last 122 years, con- serve -it will enable the homeaker Vo1 To minimize or eliminate ironing SER: The Empress of Seotland, 26,300- ton fIlagsbip of the Canadiani Pacifie fleet is Sssng uander tbe ,Jacques Cartier Bridge at the entrance to _Montreal harbor to iake argest vessel ever to arrive in the world's largest inlaid port. The big luxury liner p, wicbh had o have ber îmasts sbortenied by almos-t .15 fe et Vo clear ander tbe 'bridges posed Vo very strong sunlýight.- CAN YOU PAY FOR THII S hr buit'can, you pay for thie ac- , ide,,?You can if you are prpryiinsured. Guard a- gainst this cost. Insure now. 6 o CALL SNF. PORTER ~ t ORONO, Ont. Orono Tinshop% We carry af uli uine of R. E. LOCAN Phone D4-1u RHot Waterý Rleating CALL TJq FOR ESTIMTES HARRY E. LYCETT Plhoye 84 r 12 106 KING ST. W-EST COBOURG> OINT. This> firai erected tbe Oronot Mem- oriai Gates. Onie of the bigbest forme of Cane adian sentiment is our tradïtionai custolù of erectinag a Monument et granite or marble toeour leved eau who left titis life. 0AI F THANI/S <'LASSIFIED OOLUF NS 1 We 1fold iketoexpikýss to our miany irends or e fi taks FRSL for the tokens of synipathy 'cendered CMI VNT , i n-hreWgnan1oehr to us du ing our r-ecent bereavemient. OI( ýETon-rsWanade;i b- I would aiso like to tfiank Dr. _Mc-a ofClare Uiit e4 ~C under W-.A . c ns.Apply fGeorge Butters, phone Kenzîe, Miss Dewall,/ Nur-ses and fCak U1e hrc , tI45r-19, Or>onoç. a-p staff at tbe Memnorisal Hospital who Suniday Jn 8 a7.30> p.m./ Gue1t_______________ vere so go Kthn to ni& during my etay Pece wl eRýv on~Ctee iîieCb4s - imniediate shi1e- there. of Orono. The Orono, Choir wili be in ment - wide choice. Dayolds and jam1ý sa'id Dren Lwer attendance. The Public are. coçrdially started. Real barga4ns in these fine Jam ndDoeen>~~wrYinvited. a-c chicks at sumpier pti ces. Agent E. A. D)EATHS ~Come to OrouX6 Town Hall, Friday,LeanR..Oro Tune 13, at 8 p.in. wben the Burke- FOR SALE PEATE, Mrgaet Amabell-At ton United Churé'h play es will pre. 4 humner New'Perfection nil étove. Memiorial Hospital, Bown anville, on 'enV their play ý',Aron» 8lick i'ron'iP erfect conditiorn. Phone 42 r 1. Art Saturday, May, 3lst. 19S2, Margaret Punkin Crick". Adlmission 50 c. and jyWqite. b-p Annabell Peate, in h -T7lst. year, 25c.b. .Service was iheld at the Morris IyIRN Furneral Chape B6ýýwii-anville on The Kendal Sunday Sehool, Aini-l Floor Sanders, miodern equiprnent, Tuesday, June 3rýV/at 2.3<> p..m. 1In-,ersary will be held'in the,,*/Xendiial'easy Wo usé. See us for complete terment Orono C emetery. î d"Unted Chur 1ch on Sunday. June 15, floor finishing suggestions. Phone vhen Rev. T. Wallace of 4Greenhanik 3 r il Oronio or 2425 Port Hope, CROWTHER-At1 the i-esidencé, will preaclia botb service's, il a.mi. Coleman and Philp Eletric Co. Ltd, Newcastle, on MoIday, June 21d, and 7:30 p.ni. The muasic ~in the mnorn- 1952, Water Cro4bher, in his SVhi ing will be rendered by the Sunday;LS year, beloved busbiid of Ada Crow- School and in the evenixlg by a quar- Person or pesons wýho Yemoved a ther, and dear fatlher of ýRobert tette from Bailieboro. The following rubber coverèd electrit cord at the Cha r]es, Toronto, anxd W. tleoarge,t Wednesday, June 1SVh, there will be hom'e of Mr.; Floyd Nicholson are ur- Neweastle. Mr. Crrtersteýd at' an Ice Creamr Supper foliowed by a ged to leturin samne before action is the Mor ris Funeral CIhapel, Eýowman-! three-act play 1by a group fr>om ýiCani taken. Q -p vile, ntl Wdiesdy nooii. Servicel ton, Admission for supper and play, wsheld i G. ,orýge.'4Anglican' aduits, 75C.; childre n oV iin Stnday STRAYED Church, Newcastle, at 2.30 pan.' School 30c. b-p' Prom Lot 18, Con. 3, Clarke twp., Intermient Bond edCmtry between May J5 and Ma ý 1 two Ail parents and taxpayers ii u 'r- Hostein calve4. onie steef caîf, most- hamn county i*e invited Vo c ni o me black, and one heifr 'af 0 use nylon o even better advantage. Orono Town 'Hal,,on WtO1ldye cî, 0 dnsasblack. Anyonehaviiig seen these or Another of the characteristics of June, llth at 8:00 p.ii. to hear JVfrs. knowing of tlieir wvereabouts kindly nylon which Miss Kidd mentions is Moore, Str-atfiýrd, speak on "Good phone collect t& Clairke 1230. James ifs braiveesitane. oweershePublic Relations in Ed#cattion," idTBrwNcste _.- P pits abrasive r esrce.eUofurse also Vo -heur the Orono Scbiool liT Brown,-N - ra ------- - pyons outithatthesr opre dren siug at the Aintial lmeeting of WANTÉ ' TORENT nyte lo soetims rouhens or fre the Trustees iand Ratepayers Asso- Seif-containeà, 2 bedroom apart- subjected Vo rubbing. If wool- is ad- cain of Durlian Co'unty. Alltbose ment or bouse ývanted/ Vo rent by ded Vo the fabrie when it is being înte1'ested in pubcspeaking- lu the local high school ten~cher, wife and made, this is overcome. Converseîy, shoTol ted baby. Contact ý'Ray IVtcallum, phone shirting 'flannel with about 12% 46 y 16, Orono, . nylon lu it is much str'onger than ail- Miss Kidd says Vo wrin1g the, nylon AUCTION SALE w-ool fiannel of the samne weight. In lightly. Knitnylon, so treaited. seldomn othr wrd, te tregt whchrequires ironirig, btwve nlonl The property of-' A. Biahovich, lot makes nylon popular, stili serves its fabrie wiil look betterif ilîronedjt 25, concession 3, Clarke Township, purpo>se when the nylon is combined while slighitly dam,-p. since hligh1 teml- 1 con. uorth andi one mnil ýast of with othier fibres,.peitures ixuay yellow whiite nln ecslet el ypfffc auction and, if too higb, may even mei-t the at 1:00 p.m. on Mon0,1(Iy, June 9th. Wienylon is easy Vo launder, the fabrie, she emnphnsizePs ltat acool Nal e u'tr n losm iw ashability of any textile depends on iron noV o uisoi b sd arm stock. No reserve, terms :cash the ýdyeing and finisbing, the type Incchso,ý!epit-.tLra Jack RiAilielýe' of fabric and seams, the trimming I ocuin h onsotta ed uter and the desigu ftemrcads.sunflighit causes sev-erýe deterýioration- Thus it may be that dissatisfaction of deluste1 ed or semni-duilnyn 'with a particular article should bc arc.Tbs xlin b omie of i 1blamed on one of these f actors the first nylon curfuins proved dis- îf rather than on the nylon itself. appointing. Howevýer, those iiunde of Anoter ointVo eep u md ~briglit nylon should pr-ove service-a -- Anoter pint o kep i min isable, if noV hung in windows cx-o i ~rass Popular Your nurne ot cenbe ubsnia lly e iar nd sPaying erin oce Qoatoous on treqo urst Leroy Hamiltnl i IIING 1 PIioN.E 734M LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, BLA. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE. ONT. Phones; Office 688 Home 563 TED JACK.SON Auctioneer and Výaluator Conducts Auction Sale. of ail eaim and at reasonable rates Communicate- with hlm ut Poeg Perry, Ontario, or sec hi@ Clert. A. E. Morton, at Oromo, fer date. JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuat>r Specialize in Farm and Furniture Salesl Consuit mie for terme and dates LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; Edticationial Poi1cIeeý Protection and Savings Plans fï« Children and Adultse; Mortgag lla- surance Plans. F. E. LYCE¶'II ORONO, Ont.. Phone 20 r U The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Dm1 32-16 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Monents, Gzra",V C PakL! s ,-3 ILITY MOMMETSANP2 Let us eiect a handsome,~ nified monument over the r ing pace of your loved a If P~ XpenSivie. SAds yo eilýe ofr Monuent Prof essional Direcétovy A. P. MvKENZIE, M.D.. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON «« Heure . 3.00 t. 4.00 ." teM.64.W pffli Sundaysand Wadmadage bi .appointaient ni, PHONE 47rl fe E. C. SY1ERS M.. PIJYSICIAN and SURE%1 Main Street Southt officeHours: 2.00 to 4.00 p.in.. 6.30 to 8.00e. Sundays and Holiday. by Appointaient PHONE 74 r 19 ORONO S. H. WITZEL, MD: PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Cor. King and Mill Sts. NEWCAST.LE Office Hours '2.00 to 4.00 p.m.. 7.00 te, 8.q6pin6 Sundays and Thursdays by Appointaient OnIy Phones Res. 3441 - Office 2621 A 2

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