Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 5 Jun 1952, p. 3

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Walks in TheWod withlout takling an occasional m bLie thr'oulgh olti wooduroadlsan pathsl which wlee i flsttrod, it for te ae rou os ouh maniy wntr ay re gle n crysFtl. Th'g'lt is pdlc' 1,i nd te S i l' (1'ighsiding downilshafts truhtble -woot!ýis is alost 'hori- zonltal, 'slopicig oly gradually T, 'he cver Ilte ground an;lld Uhimg the- paths from ilecp the knowinig. The tree rns tn clear and Lare and the liit goes in amonlg them, and at thec tops some oaks still have torii brown tasseis of leaves. There is neyer any loneliness in the wos for the chickadees anti nuthatches preserve a modern so- ciety, and the whole accumulation of the past presents tselfon every side. Underfoot, too, in the roatis so, long unused. Older generations used to require2 more roads, partly, because short cuts were importanlt, and partly be- cause the wOrk,.thley did 'was if- ferent from or.Som-e of this yeac.r's %-oodL(lti wasin openlflelds lonig ago, as thle stranige mazue roS stolne-,walls still esilesuni the roads thatwetacross the fields of the pstmaiy often be traceti in the woodland eu the presenit. It/is curious Ihowcenduirinig ,,vlieltradks and footprinits, both oüf imec and ani- mais,. can be. But sýomîe of the tracks aroe,,- inistin1ct to'the vanishicg pint, arkedl only hy a slighýt depres.sion or an, occasiocal Straîghit lne of old emibankmiient' hoig thrughthebetdetjIleaves. Just lhew xthe revisitic1g ef these forgotten ways seýrv-. es okeep ùone abreast of -worlti affairs is a lttIe, difficuit to exýplain, Ibut thie truth rean.One bais to go waikin]g -il toifi ways 1 of the ,woetis to utierci- Stand tlie currenlt commi-enlt that 1t'he wootis conltainl. erhapls it is be- cauise the ab)andon)ied, roads go firam n-o startinlg-poïint to no c.destination, and Ithe walker whio follows t'hem muiakes th)e greater jouirmey in his min.- From "Sinigin-g in the Momn,- ing, l)b; Henrcy Beetie Houigh. i "Weil, there goes George on bis return tnip!"5 Chamnge 0f Attitude On Drinking Drivers A feýw monîths ago the Lord Chief Jusýticesat "Drunken drivers are as plain a% menace as mat do(Ige," For macyv years the administrat1ion oS theia 1w bas shown remarkable tentirnees towards drunken driv- ers. Theuir sins have been white- washecd, tbey bave been ficet triS- iing amounlts, anti they bave been allow edtot drive again (with their periot et suspension reduceti frein 12 months te six menthe) ater thie second or even the third convictio.)i But recently there, has certiiy1 been a great change., The influence of the igher courts, the pungent anti heatline-hitting commente oS Lord Gotidard, the debates anti conferences anti inquiries . . . 'bave ail bat a powerfui effect on *pub- lic conscience anti magisterial pro- nounicemnent. Anti there are few peopile totay Who wolt h ave rmuch, if any syml- patby w\ iith drunken diver-s. But ow thie emphançs is Sh1iftiug. It shapinig puiblic opinlion whc'i ibeý reai foulidation oS iaw) hv gaineleir peint about drunkenCl drivers anti iare nowcectrin on tirinikingdier.Thiesptih is now,ý on tediveýr who is net "dmunýi-k" in the accepi*teti ense ef the word buit who blas 'at a littie drinik whichi, acrigte muicb scieniflc eiteceinterferes with his ability to retain 100 percent CoS is nrmal rïcontfrol Fomthe Peet MaainefLnto suoet ,1 1 1 iý,i-i, Yorký cJx~AwTiew ~- (-COCONUJT VELVET CHOCOLATE PIE 2 squa1res Usetnd hclt /cup sucgar 6 tafesponsflour c/ tasPûoo] sait 2 cupa mS ilk 2 t easpoonIs butte'ro other shirten ng 9 ae -inch pie sheli' Combne cocoate,'/4cup o the sgar.and ateri' asaucepan,. Cook 5 minultes, sirigconstantly. Combn forrmIlngsugar, anti sait ini top cf dule boiler. Aclliimilk gdulystrig welg thenadd hoclatemixtre.Place thickenied, stir-rinig cntnlTe continluecookiing 10)inuties, ,s1irr- ing occasionally. Pour s ma aount of mixture, over eg-,g, stirring vigoronsly; returu to d'ouble houler and bLei1.' Remiove fro m boiiing .water, add bultter, vailla, and 34 cup of the toasteti çýcoonut, Cool. Tuirc into pie sheiL. Top with coconut. To toast cocnut spead thinly in shallow bkigpanl. Place in moderate oven (310'F) and toast 5 to 7 miniues; or unitil deiicately browned. Stir coconutt or'shake pan often to brown ï eny BROWNIE PUDDING 2 '2 squalres Unsýweetenjed Chocolate 2 tablesp,,oons sho;rteninig icup Sifted floutr 2teasPoons baking powder 1teaspoon sait 2cup sugar '/4 cup millk 1 teaspoon varillia '4cup choppedl nut meatsý 2cups water M CDP S Sugar 1l square Unsweetened Chocolate Melt 2V2 squares chocolate and shortening together. Cool. Si*f t four once, measure, add baking powder, sait, and 1ý cup su ant sift agaLin. Atii il and vacilla; "d i y, 111'yv unt i soothi, FStir i lýcoe lei cocolate mixture. Thfen add nutts. 'Tuen iinto greaseti 8 -x 8 x 2" bakînig dishý, Com2bine waV;ter, 1ý1/4 cupIs sugarï7 and 1 squilare cooaei acpn Plare over medlcium h- eat and stir until sulgar is,, issoived anti G chocolate is meiited. Bring te, a houl. Pour over top) of batter. (This makes a chiocolate sauice in bottom of pan after puddinig is baketi) Bake in m11oderate oven (3500 F.) 40 to 45 ml1intes. Makes 8 to 10 servings. CHOCOLATE MINT COOKIES 2 cup&s sifted flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/ teaspoon sait 3/ cup butter or ather shortening V/, cup sugar 1 egg, unbeaten Iteaspoon vanilla 2squares uns-weetened chocolate, rmelted 1 tablespoon miik Mint Filling Sift flour once, mneasure, add baking powder andi sait, and sift together three times. Cream short- ening, add suigar gradua liy, and cream together untliigbt and fluffy., Add eg-g and vai,1la anc mixthoougly.Add choçolate andi Resignation Necar - lnformed sources close to Mohammed Mossadegh, above, say he has decided to resign his position as prime minister of Iran. Resig- nationt is expected after he pres- ents lrçsn's case against Britain ,i the oil nationalizatdion dispute i he World Coujrt at Th'e Hague, The Netherlands, beaiat el ITe d IIflor, a zll ami1ot at a time mî]xînlg Wel-iafter eachaddtjo, Add ilk jýanidblenti. Shape dougIù _to2 roues, 2 inches in dameer.Roi eah tghltly in wxdpape. Cil)Qvrtiht Cut baking 1t 1 ~i mdrt oven(350 T.)10 iinte, or nii l haf f hecoki~.Top wthre- Mint Filin.g. Cem '4cp dasb of saitiltaespoon mIiik, anti 14 easoonpeperintexrac:t ; CHOCCOLATE POMPADOUR 1 sur n etndchocolate 2 taLespoons milk 1,, cup sugar 114tablespoons constarch Dash of s;ait 2cups mi 2 egg yoJ!ks, slightly beaten 2egg whites MeIt coolt oeîot water. tablespýoons milk. e aie Co(mbine 1/ cup sgarcorn- starch, anti sait in top, of double houler. 'Atditmilk anti bienti,'Place over boiiing water ant co at stuntil mixture tickens-about 15 minlutes. Pour smaiýt1 l.lIounlt of hiot ixture over ecgg,,yolks, stirrinig consýtantly. Return te double hbouer anicook 2 minutes longer, stirring cocstantly. Remiove from ,heat. Atit vacilla. Pour into custard cups, flling two-thirds full. eat' egg whites unftil stiff but netf dryý. Foiti in ch6colate mxue Pou1r ,over pul(ddings. Set cuistarti cuein bot water. Bake inmoer ate oven (,37t' F.) 25 te 30 m-in- utfes. Cool, thlen cil. lakesS FILLED BROWNIES 2,3, cup Sifted flour 1/2teaspoon baking powuder V4 teaspoon aalt T!3 cup butter r cther sh0tan 2 squares unisweetened chocolate 1 Cup sugar 2 eggs, wi beaten /cup bro>keni wainut mecats iteaspoon vacnillat Confecioners' -uga-r fiiling- Ïlif t flour onice, maue t bakinig poiwder-anti sait,aidsift againi. Me-t ishorteig aiÉicm , ,!,lut over L-ot atr Atiisgar graduaiiliyv toegsbetn tho0rouJghl v. .A4ti chocolate mixturantib1lni,At fleur aniix well: then att'ituts anti vac!illaBake in- esei8 Yx 8 x 2" panin m'l, loderate een(350W F.) 25 inultes or uLntil tione. Co-ç,l in pa, lhe ict inte s'quaresSpi eacb reni n hî, hnput layersitogether -with a ,conifection- ers' sugar 1filinig, scasPeýppe- min t, Orange, r LemonFllg. Ma ke s iabout!: 2 doen fiJleti browc-iies. Peppermint Filling. Ceam2 tabicspeonq buýtter, atiLentin gratuaiiy das oS ait ai!/4,Ïcup sitteti confectiners' st'ar. Ai1 ucbeatc cgg white. Thien atitij gradually about 34 cup more iftet confectioner-s' sugar, haigwI ater each additioni until of righit cocsistenlcy te epreat. Blenid inr' teaspoon pepperinit extract. Atit a few drops green coloricg, -if desireti Orange Filing. Use-recipe for Peppermint Filling, substituting 1 teaspoon grateti orange rinti for the peppermint extract anti orange eccoring for the green. Lemon Filling, Use recipe for Peppermint, Filling, substituticg 2 teaspoons flnely grateti lemon rinti for the peppermint extract anti yelwcoloring for the green. EVER-READY FUDGE FROSTING OR SAUCE 10 squares<1 packages) un- sweetened chocolate /cup water ¼cup iight c9rn syruzp iCuip evaporateti miik "'Alarists" BcWaÀre-As punishment for tu rning ini false clarms, these Ccrtland', N.Y, boys get busy scrubbing floors at the local ire station. Wvork on fire trucks or other glamorous equipment was ruled out because firem-en dcecided such "punishment" might make -False alarmis a favorite sport. right cecsiý-Stency te spreati.Mae 6 cuips frolstig or sauce-, or enioughi te rs 4 tw-a eakes, 8 inches,' in diameter. Use thie bienti at once iftiesireti, or turc 'inte bowiî, cve,antistore in refrigeýrator-. Keeps well for 3 or- 4 weeks. For Frosting: Place ,a bout l'A2 cups of the ietilin top ofS'double houler Heat over bo(ilinig water until of righit conisîtency te epreat. (If frosting Ibecomles teLooý(ft, beat unltil it sti.ffens ceougb teoepreati.) Covers tops-anti sities of two 8-inchi laye rs. For Chocolate sauce: Pliace ablot 1 cup oS thle blenidil] top oS double houler. fHeat ov-er Ioilinig lwater until mlixture hegînIs te soften, fthen atit 2 tbeposwater anti beni wvell. Be-at uctil soit elouigh te 'peur, Servýe hot or coiti. Note: To make oclly 3 Clips SrostÎing or saumce, use about 13,11) clips siftet i of ectioiners' silgar and baif ne'tfic other ingredienits. Keep Eyes Open For ValuiabWie Stampa The postmaster at Buýtr y St Et,- roundis ran eut oS "postage duei" stamps . . . su0lheovrpnti some blue penny stamps ian t uwittin1gly telet iluta saifortunle. A psmnbuh ihenof the Sta mp, as curies at the face value oS is, 6d. ani jFceu soit] them through'Il a frienidte a stamrp de aler at £5"apiece. £90 for eightebn- pence wsa da l! Yet, the deailer soit thie stamp11s foir up te £0 ech . ani whn¶ chooi- boyl on \uyt acethier -oS the stampIS on a disca'rdeti envelope it brougt £55at auction,ý Stamp wachrsar rbbcgtheir ,hanis. You nyrca-IliteE iîe mistakes will creeýp inito the best- printeti staimpls ant i fe cnming issues for QIuce liaetexet say. are bouiiite mean errors at flrst. Just look at whIat canhapn A London Civ il Seranlt who bouglit a -5s. &koff stamips in a post office not()icet that ti econdHI( sheet of 2V:,4. stamps was upr forateti Quickly he took h bo t stamip dealer anti soItl it for £200.üù In as many imtes t, he dealer re ,- soit it for £275. With equal seda tm col- lecter notti thliat somte 2'd, stamps at a pos),t office we(re of a siightly differenlt shaide fromi the general issue ant-di he promrptly boughit ail the remaliiig39A single, starlipfroin t thîs hee t bas been soIt for£20 Another lucky cutme ,ought a 5s. book vith enle 1pa-ge c3ultilatet, the 2d. stahipt ruiniigdagnly It, tee, rcently S etcht 551t(a plainetit a phî Iatelist -customer that stamps from one oS b lis sheets woult i ntstick. Thýe pilateis bought fi cm the insýtanit thâýt lhe notice t theprinitingws nlthle gum andti te other site plaiîî. Stamps oS the wrg celer similar- iy crept into circulation when acI printer's test sheet became nslixet1 with the others. Sixi .stamlps once soaretiï,in- value becauise the watermnark was s id ewý-ayvs, others eso(tfor £26. They lackIei perforation! L'ast ya ablock of t'estivai anti three inicompIetely printeti. They now repose in a safe-deposit vauit ant itheir value ativances Sromi year te year. 'Only last montb a dealer leSt a Pali Mail auction with a King Ed- "wart VII ixpenny stamp of 1902 fer whichi he bat paiti £800. "Worth eve-ry penny of it," he sait, "I've been chasing that stamp fer thirty years." Mâýint officiais bat withtirawc. it ionk the day oS issue- anti put the In1lai Revenue, mark on it. It is the only unuseti cepy îoutsitie the rayadi collection anti museums, yet a Swiss financier once threw if away, thininLg it a forgery. Se watch ont! The coming stamps of thie nw 'reign give us al il a extra chance, in this freakipl- Post Office otry WiId ukFyn distnt aketipetiove-,the wor tuvetiri bhitianti troppeti o t'hrough hdimeniy f hea anti other bîrds t1ook i ' p 'echocti and fiung it-n o ýýOthiat rawild and forlorn, rgacro, intotheligt a]of n day b'- anidithreaveli at alost a ilesrI excitemnt thatf sckometis ne io, sometlime afsha group, atigIm times alm os il oS hem tgth woaodclayson, th sidig i wavo'n aan winmers pay in the sea. Heof antithereo, bir wul lans2-e ways othe flick oS a, sý-tjris ing px in on lieqlikea ish undea nelo, anor while cs ecin fngssutienlg toi aoiicllbisinthen str;ij eh thent haain fi a vaant adodpc necks Iatdirlliat eyes1wre jhje iheng wih thiesei-e,,nortemndei Athe r and soar suddely, mîst ings ote.firs. fahe'.wd1 neby aid ustt itf oolnt tan t crelsspefetctin athcnil tis arilballetilep hatibeen re- beahrsei touanth ies Frtemoment t c h- a th il patiucs eapseto telept on Çlhi fireat lapof tshe great fiight i the nrta hi hyspeemeti to hveî dbd- coes foongteseoging only to They titiflofly igh t-nt mor thallwth rousItitilabovetelfe ing fietis.Smetim tthre R rushaý5L ofaed their oin tfreortýen figu r ofia laorr ulturnh t posiebltch oS ace upwaürçzdefor U andoent t,'o wtch thm as hig qverheturt.e lwfrtems ÎTough Lating in a4 Christ-mas menti fromn the famous VOISIN RSARN in P'arîR, durïng the siege"oil that city by the Gerrmas. Franco-Prussi;an War, 18M0 Unable to get food from outside the city, the people were forced ta kil! and eat the animais from the Paris Zoo. 25 December 1870 99th Day 0f The Siege. APPETIZERS: Butter, Radishes, Stuffed Donkey's Head(, Sai.Ines SOUP: Cream of Red Beans with Croutons Clear Elephant Broth Fried Gýutgeon, Roasted Camne!a l'Anglais Kangaroo Stew Roast Rack of Bear, Pepper Sauce ROASTS: Leg of Wolt,. Game Sauce Cat, garish4îed thRats Water-cress Salati Antielope Pie withTuffles CepesL, a la Bordelaise Pesin Bu1tter SWEETS: Rice Cake with Jamn DE SSERT- CARRiE R'S PIGEON- Bobby BrasEeli', 10, bas ai genuine carrier's pigeon. "Pretty baIy" accompanie:-s Ecbby as he makes ffhe rounds of his riewsaper route, Let cdhlp ? him play basebaîl, right. The pigeon ;i tie boy's cn.cîtamanocnd even flw,;I the"-Schiol Ibus - ws~' hi ycn aster leaves heeach morrning. 4 45 NI NI N '1 N N N N. N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N '.3 N N s N N 's N N N N N N N N 'N '.5 N N. N Si 55 .3 Si N N '5 N N "s 's .5 N N N Ns N 'NI N N

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