Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Sep 1951, p. 8

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's FAIR 28o and 29 yNight At Park chant's Display id Con~cert -Midway Bingo Saturday -a and Stock Exhibits erand Beauty Contest Caif and Swine Clubs Saturday Nighat Dance at Town Hall ilorse Races Midway aud v n..were neîdat th e nonle of 3M4s. A. J. Bi eil o Wdesday ev- enr- g, Seîptemnber 5th. Mrs. Br-yson ,presided in t-ie ab- 'senCe of the presidenit and ope-ned the WJM.S. mieeting with the siniging of "Lord o)f 1>11r lade"IU1owed by. priayer andi readiag f rim thïe scr-" tures.1 Mini. S. Cheupnan representing1 Canada and MMie.,W. Rutherford i-e-1 presenting home Missions gave a short diao.giie Whlch brought out '4mitation he'pful with oui- nýew Study, book on home missionis. Mrs. Wm. Wannan gave, a paper -n!tiV1ed "Back Seat Driver"' etressn« the la,,tbtait eïwh ne of us lias a work ini Bfe. Do not lie a bncik seat driver but geitite the front senat i drive, dbin~g your part in 1h.e ehurch. Theý W A. rmeeting was ope-net with thesnin of "Saviour brenathe -,-n'eý ening blessz*ing" followed by thre Lord's, prayer. l"" oir our bazaar ut Thangs.. givinîg were arrange.d. Evervone r -urgýedto t keen this baszaar in ind ai have your donatînin readv. The menetinig was cl(>s:edi with hynieti "The day -sipa-t andi ove?', andi the Mi7paii Beniedio-tioni. A delie-u-, 1uneh uns served fant a. isocial heur enjGye-d, Next Sunday ls Betty Day in oui- Sunday SehiosI when thre se.ol will jovin wlth tihe o.hirdhn iiits service. The menibers of the Sunday Sdioý)ol wiLl neet at 2:30. Be sure to attend on Sunday anrdi rlng yeur wbole -Mrs. Thomnsorî la enj<oyinîgatp in thre Sta-teÎ. Dack Start now on your favourite Vit- amin -Toiic to insure better health during colti Fait and Winter. We list a few of tiren at lowest prices. Tinte -~ FROSST NEO..CHEMNICAL FOOD Vitamnin and Minerai Food Supplenjent. For Children the Iiqulid ---......... $1.5.5, $3.35 $5.90 Certifid Halibit LiveForl Casults -1 capsules-. ........... $1.65, $2.95* $6.60 CetfedHlbu ie O asue...................-50's.-----75C. 100's---.$1.29 Vitavax -- Vitamins and oral colti vaccine combinqd- .................--------- . -- ------$1,5M and $7.00 Mead's Oleum Percomorphum .-----95c. andi $3.9 Im1nnoi ------............... .00> and $3.25 Wampole's Extract of Cod Liver ........... $1.25 Vi-Delta Emuisilon..............--- -$1.15 and $2.2e Kiepler Extract of Malt and Codi Liver Oil------------ --- --------...............................1.00 and $1.75 Ayerst "10 D", Codi Liver Ou...... ...................... 9'an $,5 School Bags ...--.......... -.......--$1.69J and $f!25 Handy meino pads.....special ...-4 for 10c Pocket Memo Books ............. ---5c, 10c, andi 15c M1ATH EMATICAL SETS-Made in Englpind With mnetal instruments, box complet . ----65c With plastic "See-Thiru" instruments, hox /compe...........-- ----.....----.....---......5Se Schaoo Paits 8 color box with No. 8 Caimel hair . brush .---- . .----- .--- .--- ------. 0 Wyaterman' a Contest ORONO EVERSHIARP Basic Juntior Pen -Recomnmendeti by school authorities.. as.. the.. ideaL..pen.-Ps)Oper finger grip, Iight ini weigt-Durable_ Buit-_ to last .....Ec.......... ah ........... -- - --- $175 WVATERNMAN PEN AIND PENCIL SETS Priceti from $5.00 per set to $15-00 Choice of colors andi points. Eclipse Fountain Pens ...................------ 00 Waterman -Balil Point Pens each ...... ......$1.50 Refis, bine or red, each .... .............50c STUDENTS Enter the big Waterman Ink Coutest. $2000.00 in Cash Prizes. Simply namae 6 colors of Waterman'sý Inks. 103 Prizes-Prizes are doubied if entry includes box tops from two Waterman Inkas. Get your free entry fo'rm at Tyrrell's. TYRRELL'S DRUG STORE ONTAJO> lit cal fe1 I katdi#. ii &In trawW., "I COST, FINEST QUALITY, IJTMOST DEPENDADILITY ECONOMY PLUS THE HIGHEST TRADE-IN VALUE!," rolet is a inarvel of value, id it's aIl yours at lowest with Body-by-Fisher .nd up-to-the-rminute has it. If you want with rhrough many iahevrolet's valve-in- ýes yen tha-,t, too. If s and comfort and miake every trip a impIer way to find he wheel of a Chev- ing (andi Centre-Point Design), making steýering e ven easier at low speeds and while Ipa.,rking. NEW - more powerful jumabo-Drumn Brakes (with Dubi-Life rivetless brake linings) for extra-safe, extra-smooth, extra-long-lasting performance. They're the biggest brakes in Chevrolet history! NEW - Safety Sight Instrument Panel, - safer, more convenient, more efficient and more beautiful than ever before. Yes, Chevrolet for '51 is a car that defiùs comiparison from every viewpoint - in- cluding price. So, if yo'u've been toying with the notion of settling for a lesser car - corne in and see how easily you cati buy this thrifty marvel. --- - -- - - - I i Î a ýhutasmohP wr I I ld, Ihvoe s is n . th aoetpiefel obii I1 yo h. . ,'etfetreo fuWith utrmttanssoision.- à a rivj~evoledywiit e rst n è sti a esrceAned wt brin :yth prudngest feaueothe fully-atmic ansmission.î 1Thevre's n clutch edal! oen- I a drive aU day wi-hotr eei IMrs& Amiele attersoir le afpnding a few duiys vvithlr Mi. Evans, Orone. Mr. P. J. Bigelow anti faanily, MyPrt ffope, visitet i s parents on, Saturday.1 Mrs. A-nile TotseMr. andi Mrs. Marwct3,d MeKee, Gadqimus, vis- ited Suuday witdr-MIr. andi Mu. Wan.1 Mrs. Bannoni, Osfhnwa, visited withl Mrs. 'Win. Rutherford on Saturda, ORONO - PORT HOPE (Conitirned froîn page one) Weet was on the. mvourd for OrSio turning in an ei~4ntgaine. D. Wesit and, Ârniatrong hethI drove ini 4Jwo i-une ne did ineslutho- prtnvious gam-e wi'th Port Hope. The f4lfth and finral garne of -this fflriýes will'ceb.played în Newcarstle tlhio Saturday afternoýon ut, 8:00 P.,n. This gaine w'itI deoide the céhanip for the South Diuham Hardlkall Leag-Ue. Men's Chec.ked Doeskin Shirts, asst. patte-rn-s $2.78 Boy's Check Doeskin Shirts, asst* colors, sizes 'I to 14. Each selling for-........ ....$19 Now ils the timne to plant Holland Bulbs. Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils and Narcissus, New stock of healthy bulbs fromn Holland. Kleehex, pocket pack. handy for pocket or purse for sehoo1 or traveling, package.......... 5e. Good News - Knitting wool reduced in price Sterling Wool, new, reduced, price per bal...37t. Golden Glo Wool, new, redueed, price per bal . 50c. Stedman's Baby Wool, new, reduced, price a bail 5,k 1 Cupa and Saucers. Fancy Englishi China. $1 Overalls, Children's,Corduroy, sizes 2 to 6. ea. $2.39 IRexoleum Mats, size 27x54 in., each .......90c. Christinas lay away club- A small de.positI- will hold any artice. Ciark's I.rish Stew, 15 oz. .~.~ tins...... ......29c oz, tins for.........4,4c. Hereford Corned Beef, 12 ~ Heinz Tomato Soup, 10 oz. tins - 2for.......... 25c. Bread, sliced, Bro(-wn's Crown 3 for MlC Jewel - -........_15C. Heinz Cooked Spaghette in tomato sauce wîth cheese, 15 oz. tins......1e Seedel sticky Raisins, 15 oz, package 35c. SPECIAL -- Sodla Biscuits, 8 oz. packages- .2 for ...... ...... ....... ... Asparagus Cuts, 15 oz~ is....1c 20 o,19r. URONO Sol.O $1.OO STORE Y OUR POP" T'~sHoPPING CENTRE C%"oASH PRIZES 21-) Games and Jackpot--AII for 50c, .ALSO Special Games and Share the Wealth Thursday, Sept. 2Oth, .TY HAIT -B~ LF- WORI iý 1, 1

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