Pinky By Pshl Lu ,ipauma j)tulia Warren iilooked qup from lier ie baking suddenly, and tbought ithadesbappeîîed IBud," slîe called. 'Please try tao kpPinky !by your side H'llget hurlt if tbe keeps 1caing crstlîe wacy he does." Pinkly by wviga fat inger him. "Mnstn't do, Pinkyl M\omý sys you're a bad dogi" Tnen be pubdalong the sidewa1 lk in bi wao, Pinky at bis side. apha~peawo-rried lok oen ber habit of cbaing cars through thie streets aiofCoilinsvîlle mlade Juhla dre(ad tbe ev-ent \,-bicî s inevita bîy occur.,julia badl uriged ber b lus- bauvd Mark to persuaide Buid ta give Up Itle dog, but Mark av,21as he Wouod say. lit nearly as badly as àt would if smtigdreadfnil kappcnled ta PikJuliaawasthlouglît. ITbat culd be somiieting Buid iight neyer get cove.Tlîat igâbcb somiethina bceWOUld alwaYS le- ilneruber lke a sapconinuonCýis that way. She tied tw cast thougbts from hec mmiid that were Jlike jsgged. glass. Shie Openled thle oven door, saw fthat the pie ,aas almost bronm1 cnough to take out. Then rslie heard iît-hieard it iL.e she knew she would, lCe she bad heard it once before lu the recesses of lber imild. EBud's scream, a crs futie bskès, Pinky'saganizng bark. All she could hear tihen iwere Bud'ssobbing od: Pny Pinky!" bre ik i mî wode bxin a corner of il, e back yard amongthe flowers.Jula put a marker with Piinky's namle int'o the grounld whîile Bud tjt watchd anaid nothing. Jutlia did neot kn1ow weter thre there was,5 mlore sorrow thlan relief inlber beart. Maybe it was better Mhatit bappened uow wben 1ud% love for Pinky would bave beenl ton bard for the boy ta forget. Butd couild forget Piiiky rnow as Sîse hiad lcarnied ta forget.,, At dininer that night therewer not mnany words spoken. bMark patted bis soli's curly lhead, 2sud trued to conisole hmii. 'Tinlky woid- let like tu sec you Os s on K. Hc'd wsîît you ta rememllbeýr lm ut a siéle on your face, and for-get wat bappened today." lForget ,. .forget. juelia îlooked at Bud's fa(ce and knev cbe ouldl neye foget.Youg mids onl't forget casily. Thley do'tf rget the m uost importanl,ýt thinga. jlia1 Altr iîîerwhen the fmiywas' in tt liingroôuii, 1Mark caîdinlg bi aeBud playil1g istlessly wibbblocsjullia sdenyput1 diown the setrShne wskiting. She got iup fron m be cbind wet owards the door. 'VVats arogjulia?", Mark1 aNctbin, deaLr. nuî ejsm ai Itbnk ll ec Hele:nRe udsfor a fewmiue. it did flot take nmore ithan a- few miue.Jlia as urrisd ow lIîtlctinse it atal tonok. If oly other peopl bad realized wbatu Jit 1a1flt untîi li, ua .ad step- ped inlothie livinig room thatm',M ark yealized wbat JuiabadM donc. Ht-l ros e towelabe, proud nà bisunife. uiskneît dowu beside Bud sud, tinybunle)f fur. A imonith I )d pikcars "Pinky he Se~od," .1 iti uad abot be itcrof pupa, Sbc was gldshe bd rnîebeelneda was oungwitbiuportaîi tibings i ibrli fe. (rmBdscyca as lie fonldled tht nVSlie remtcnîbe)red blerself a a litegirl 0on tbc day ber onu do [tiîf o vers long ago a t 1 tI gavearcuipe fo patryin which oeeal il took the place of ý're- 2c gular shoteing, aniii ,arn sure9 ti-oe;o y -u-hotried itfound it 2 ce highly stiisfactory, How\levcr, a re-t cent bride bas written askrng for 2 instructions; on lhow to mtiakepas-9 try "like grandrnother did' anid of () Ccours-e 1I arn glad !0 big-n c a clso ossin a few of tteisorts f fiD-- pie filinge which "grandpa" un- () The quanflilitiesgvni h aty psr reip ill yield eou à ora wo- tmt cruist niie-icli pie. Auid pleasse r-- laye-r v, shorting you use the secrt o maga succesýsfl pasry,) a t "lîght-, (4) Ilanid."- with: [j PLAIN PASTRY Ti;uCc 2~ cups sifted feo)ur -w- ihfin /to three-fourths teaýýspoon sait î orik. C 3/4 cup shoDrtening if StCai ?à cup cod water, approxirniate- 5 (1) ifttogthe flor ad sIt. bm'sh tl (2) Add,1aboutt haîf theshrtn- equala ig anld chlop in vwithl a pastry bIlnd- 10ower . er or- two kie tili mxuera- grc sembls corse elio cOr mea. bet to (j) Add renalainýing fat atid chop ndba Till itueis the sire of Srnall er o peas. cnist Cs ()SprikleWaceover the top abot taspo0on at a tilme, he tossing thi ry mix up from11 the GRAI bottom of' the bowl with a fori Use only enugh w later to inae the iqui particles of dough stick together. C, Renoeanpenlcd portiùl]s astht form anild prss togetiier. Cil (5) l) ogb Alto halves, pat t lightly w'ith rolling piinuntil flattený- ti cd anld 10o1,each to an igbt-ncli tbiicknecss on) a flouired board or-- a ci pastry cloth, rolig from the cent- àci erou- t back, and forthn Use as 5î tý diirected( for pies. Yield: psty'or 2v/, t a t lo-crustnie- ich pie.1g. a 'r si PLUM CREAM PIE sjs Srecipe for pastry pulp tiI: apprximaely ta rernc /, ctp sugar, (2)oinael Yteaspoon saît(2 3'» talsponscornstarc-h taýpioca, 2cups scaided Mil-k ~~ Us 2egg yolks, beaten pepri i esonvanilL 3 lys pounda plum-e mon A 5,cup creama, Whippd ur o 1) Ft pastry into a inici ic aty pa %itliouitstretchinig 4'rim off pastryfromi edge wi1ith scisýsr cv csos thai n iofpalnCrimiip ecit( ligea.Prckbottom a nd idesI' Mih inesof a fork.Bae on0the pastya oï lli iýe1 (4 -J ice over tof gesF.) til ronfîftceqn mintes (6)tB; or) lne.Laein pan11toCICOol, minutes. (2)Mi cnc-ouîbcup of thle (350 del sugar, the saat and two a:nid o haf twenty talepons lthe eornstarch lun a, 1 (lube ôller. Add mïilk, sîirrig,i and ookstirring t9 ili thickencd. 'Add gradulally to eggý yolks. Returu to double ble and Cook over hot Flaor îîdcoo. Tcni lto pastry nojeourtl, tnp sugar and a tabes- oaly ltpIlla are just sýoft. (4 Bend remaining tablespoont corosai;chwib altl coid %wa"t, aoýd to pluma and1]( cook, stiriugýý1, tIli bikid.Add mr sgrifcdc- U Somd.Cool.Spread over rream mix- tu're in paLstry shll,1 (1) C CorwiH, bipped ereaior float sonuaof wbippecj cremI CRAB ",APPLE ,CJSTARD PIE /rcpe pasyI 2 uapecled, coretid siced crab apples 'cupsua i tblepoo four 3 egg yolksM '/btapoon vanillat 2cups mik (May be partý c1 ine Ilniinclipie)an N wîhpastry and crimp edc(ge orfpress H ¶0pa) it inlofafol Fill ,Put ohtb pples. (2) Mi sga ndfLu. Add egg LeasDoom cnao teaspoon nte Cups very thinly sliced green toifatoes cups thinly 3sicd, pe-eled, a-rt apples tablespoonsý butter or mar- erl anid ciIiile prcparig materils. i4broma sugar, flour and Lmne a nîne-nch p)ie pan wý,ithj SFuI vi.sihtwo layers each an[ )s and apples, sprin1kle eachl \vitbl part of ftic sugar mx Wcs mith bits of butter or uic., poisteu cdge of pastry, cover op cust and ipresýs togýeth1er, OR exceas past[ry and crimp C-1r-orpre"s tb hinies of a :u t gashles In top for escape 1) a laedtop ia de'sired he cru t lghtl wih ncik or )aten egg, dihutedwtba amrount of water-. Bake ,or; shelf of a biot aven (450 de- !.> fiftcen mrinjutes. Redluce c)rioderate (350 degrees F.>, ke about tbity mnutes long- till apples are tender and PE PIE WITH CRUMUB TGPPING irt Concord grapecs cup sugar tY two tablespoons lemon uce: tab les paon quick,-cookinig tpioc-a or cornstarch or two> tablespoons flour recipe plain pastry cUp flour Uep brown or white sugar teaspoon cininmon, optional tablespoons butter or ima2r- Slp the pulp ao theýi grape Set skins asidie. Cook the- I thie sceds oosen and strain Mye suds,. M ix sualemlon juice, grape juice aiddskins. Let stfing onc or twvice, Vwhile ing pastry, Èiixflor, na and cilpna- dd b[uter and cb1op till mnix- Ms crumbs. uine a nîne-îch pie pan witlî Trin offexcess pastry wih caiga rim-î about , *înb vierthan a1 -2n, Turu i panld crimp ithiges Turn grape uitueinto nd -prinklecrum miture ake' on tIhe owcr shelf oI a en (-450 degreesF) ten ýLoiver beat to mroderate egrecs F.) and bake about nîlinutes longer. Prom Peru-Soft durable Iloima is used for this coat which feqtures large carry-alilpockelf with button em phasis. It has a high uile shiawl collar. The fabric iswoe from the f leece of dhe Peruvian lama. Seeing Newfoundland fils, not fair. ta fouladta arrive by air. Ea ýrly in the -t orng WC e svont of tht great wal aofocg over tht Banmks sud, sletpy-tyed, ssw a surlit sesai l ast. Bt f î ook.- ce, back rit thtfog, an awesorne spectacle. It cas indeed a great wall, bluec-grey, necarly Mbac, a cpeau-cut as a cilif.. ThSis istht view familiar ta0tgav- checrs btcuBri-aîn sdAe- Ca whao stop for a dfay or au Louir or tw ataiGaulder sud Ssy: 'Wbat a cauntryl' But ifyou comn Wiro tht esato âany of tht innumerale flsinig villages (or "aniýposis"ý) on a sinnny day, you waud ay you were lu Norwray, or Corniwall, or (excepi fur the whiale rollinig sud blovw,'ing ;uthe ýbayc) a SVi:ss or an' Italian lake. Every bouse is af wood, and cvcry c -ac n sd, silice yncan paint cwood ilu any coloutr you l k-,.thneditnvewl varicd auîd gay... Mauîy oaI tht coves and atcr- vllages cie cmctigy prty, suid tht Bay of lý'aasda, on tht wesî ,Coast, is anl estuary wmth a; gractius beauty on cwbich aycnntry imighî be pround- OTPCK; ý OCATÉ N4L LES iN DLES. DRIVEN INT0 EACI-i l-OL-, THE !ýDOTr IC< NCTUJRE Tlff NEVI PPAPER AS IT 1S PASTED DOWN. A gond deal lesa than a cenlturzy ago-n fct tereare probably people alive Whio ureeber the M.i den-tht gi'at Brutsh sckienit, Sir William iCrookýes, thirew a ,reaI scaru nto illionsof people.He an11uunced that ftie-world was f ing a terrible fond shlortage uulcssý new oures o fetapier nirogenl cou-ld be discoveredqucyso - thling which, at thlat tirnei, seesýu-sed hugbily improb)able. Sir William fhadarvdatis frigbtcning coDnclunsion by -addingZ up the known supplies of Chileant nitrate of, sodaý,gunro deposit, an a small lnumber nI ludustril byý- producta wbicb could be converted ta fertilizer, and had balanced tis total sgainst tde nitrogen tonnages required ta produce suffcient food- stifs for-the increasiîugpouain Sis Wlimpredicîmon rneyer camle 1ta pass, awve, ecauýse chemiical science stepped i nto thte picînire;nin most impressive asî ion, Appoxîately 2,0 tos I nitrogen are presenii ttaimas- phiere above every squ-are miiile of tht carth's surface. Thé problns then resolved usd1in hto anc af ex- iractiuig nitrogen from-i the air in a cmmecialyfealsible imannler-, The eectrica! discharge f rom a foflaIlighteungcausssome Of tMi atmospheric nitrogen ta cam- bine ith oxygen ta f orm nitri oMi&.As ibis cools, more oygen- atomSar extracted from the air to product inîtrogen diaxideý , hiCh% comine"s readily with water ta forml nircacid, ThIis processî take-s place during ever-y ihuuderstorn, with the resift thai a suibstanitîi portion of tht rain faling upon t'lle eartb dnung snicb a-storm isja diij- Utc enitric utcîd. Thus Natuire bas ber owu way oI replenishing th,- earus suply oI nitrtgcn necessay f opant frowih. BUt ibs aSSis- tance frnm Naure 15 hardly enough. where largef cormmrial efaig apeatins are costantly dplsiig flic tbe fertiiity oaI th[esaI Jin thie Carly part afI tht 2Otb- cen2tury, twvo Norwegian chem-ists, Biad and Eyd(e, obtaiued itric aCid from initric oiealid, wiihjthe1,) uise of an- electrie areý, were file atOU a f atmospbcruc nitragen. Sulice thiturnpe, msn'iiy pracesses and products Pave been deveopcd for the puirpose oI cnrchiýng thq( smf nd ççs trbutmg, ta the ever OMceipg~,ndsnceof the morld s a nother, sCieutilssbave been gettiig 'TERAm tait sud eide-rlyNreia ash ioured the South Bankc Exhibiton, recely. Ht loked luke Kin -Haakon; but, w'ehloiiug offiÎciais earnted that hie wsmerely a dslO mlan. Even inNr way Mr, O lav egstad is allen saluted lfor thleKi-nsaote case aI double înudlc.ý - Arrested 300 Timies And 1pit-y Albert Pankler,ar- iried Rubjr minerchi, var hlanging forelock ta con2ceal adis flgur-ing biïthmiiark on is r- head suid bas been larrested for qntestîoiîîig 300 tîime-s sine tht, war because hle reýsemlesHtir Asked wbhy he hssn't sbaved off bis imoustache ta lessen tht reseý- bklce, hie camiplains: Il grew mine firsi. Li lacijr ,I' nOt 1Jte double. Ht hsppenled to he mine!"~ Mrs. 'Mary Knoll-,as mobibed in New York b'ýecauise shewas mis- takent for tht Diichess ofl Wdsor. Tu Switzerlaud, iwa or three yearsý ago, Mr, Victor jouecs, a Surrey iceusce, was lhailed eeyhr he went as thctcteEne -Bevin. Wîth thick rimmned glasses al"& black bhat,-Mr'. Joues was Mr. e- vini', douible ,- sud thtfoýrmer Foreigu ,Miniister wass holidaying la Switzrud, tom As Mr. Joncs changed trains ai Lucernqe, age crowds demanded bIis autograph. At Inelknthe telephane ,,in bisîj hotel room hlad ta bc-,disconnecccd because phewere 50 Many inco- iuig calîs. Ont ewspaýper even pnbo1- lishied Mrn Joues's pictuLre simd a nounced be wass Mr Bevin incog- An Oxfardtshiire h1ead waitr,r Peait, hiad lots of Inni, ta Cause lie looks like acertain Mri Churchill. tseresembîsu)Illc wý'asý heigiened wh'len besoe d I(!cigars, blut now lie says lie cannalt affamai th 1! Ad bath Mr. Peai u Mr, Chu!rchlill had a double, as t ap- pens, ini Dudley Malonec, aniAel can actr Wbeu ftic real Churchill wenî ta WVash1ington during the ar Mfalane dlonulcd s spoited boie sud ,,hurried thiere, ton. Thou-gis cigars nmade hlim lsick, lie gallantly stu1ck anc inl ais mouItl. Cod fo!liowe me 1nýverywvhere. lu thte opulen Carltn Hoa]e he ordUe cocktais before a hnshed audience,. Hte strode tbraugh the Preys Buildig won ereportes taledhlm Somre lpeople thongit that th real ChutrchýIili was bis ipros a j,-lyn~teataiCsrb tiIiiigamvii Pierian Sing; ter saio dlrauigfts intoxicate thet brjjjain sd driniîî lagel soersns aan c -J MFRON IýJie bocsomtbing f abadumnie aey That lé& wyJToubltesht' F T"t'ý"lljul rABLMU-ef e lllfs 1 cjor,ýe iÀ-naee,ývý