A fvrittaI errf. . During the hours of y ment our aim is to d( in our power to light den. WeAi9bee Pho RARTLEY H.el FUNERAL DIREC ne 18 r 7 Orono, ont ARMSTRI i THE VELVET TRI vogtue this Fal-nit yolur wisest selectiori soluite wearing m sheath-slim dress of sey . . . . edged lu S... detailed with hi p3ockets. Priced fromn $17.50 IT'S THE FITTED) fection for Faîl wo)rn or 'neatb your best s Or-of Eniglish ero- fittesi to the waist flared at the sk-irt. with its double para( tons. Ail Kinds of Marven's Fancey Biscuits Comb Honey pkýg. 75c.l i Phons Sr rour bereave- oeverything -en your bur- icbA ~ARLOW ORý Phont18r2 Weions M sthe md here le oimfort. A fwool jer- the velvet ip-bow flap ýO to $2900 COAÂT per- salone . et of furs. adcoth *.easily Debonair ide of buit- qts. $1.59, pts. $1.49 Margarine, C"Olor ,2 lbs ,..29c.. cwt'....$10.99 Theat, 2 pkgs. - 29c, iocolate Bars, Peas 2 tins,,27c. nd VEGETA--BLES - Cabbage f - Celery S Orangiles ARnAR.............. Oheese, 3-1 lb- pkg, , 49e, 40 bags ., special - - 53e. ~ll" Haddock Filets wk, Ocean Pereh and ALITY MEATS sting ~KENS - 6 te 8 lbs. FLESU 69e. E~berta Cann at a low prîce. cBarl crI GreenCbagi SLIEDBACON 1-2'lb, pIkg. -13e. CO CORNISl -THE RED & WHITE STORE rapes hLap~t~ basket pt. basket ,.,.. 65e- 13 qt..........~e. f3 ~. 1u'nc~îes, 2 for 19e ~ P Peai~ïea1ed TTACE ItOLL LEXN lb. 67e. i. - Orono~ Ont. Sunday 10.00 a.rn. 11.uo a.w~. '1 r"~oc i0' PARK ST. 'JN1TEDC~URCH j Revereiîd r A E Eiî~tnce U o Nlîuiater f3 -- f3 o Septen~ber 23rd 9 Septemuber 2OtIz t. 2qith OPEN EVENINGS PriC es CutFor Quic C L ER'A0RA N4C 0E m M&Wi-. L.jJÇn. I urW SPlhone 9 r 1 with your personals 1 k0vîsIîhd AMrs. T. A. ReikL _________________ f3 spiEng a xeek wilth Ars. Wm. f f iSeymnour and he frielidis in the Frn.- Sat. Sept. 21-22 1 Mr. and Mrs. Wmi. Bni~ley, Newg ~'nîurninrCO ÎTO BaitaMid fnllyand at- f ~iite thedii U T IHD t lfli erie nVii e Chiarch. WiC TvUn Poer-. anod Mrs. Lawrene. 'inand I Wih'arne Poywr O Anmii Marie had Sundawv dikiner and Susn. aywrd itlh Mr. and Mrs. Carr iflig' "MASK 0F THE AVENGER"MW llre otr . ihw 1 'itthe w-ee1k-eind W'1~M.and f LTechniicolor oMnA1N1 l ý* Ith John Der-eland f3M lss Aurylijaguýalt e J o d y L a w r e ni e e o j o n e f t h w e e - e n , ag Mýon to Wed Sept 24-26C, h 0 h Oo- le o~ti f3 . r.Aa Mas,. Rey C.F.res-e I-if IuLIII f3 Pan o cee the(- rgiat tli- f3 Jerry Lewis neoj>f-Gf j .Sptme f3 Senlsational New Fun Teamn sastle ailo Miassod-tl,,'1 SRecenît visitlons w0, thrs. Har-,vey, AT~~ V GutisereM5%.-and Mts. L. Buck- DUI o ey Petë"'lesio, Mo Ilfis. CdMrs. [) Lake, Mr.id Mos. Billett; Hlam'p- Q o O<OoD >tîo _n'Mr aind AMrs. «Sid Heair, Tyronteý mu. WnodlM - Osaw , Mr. msu Mrs«. George Bekyand(l sin, Huan sville, Mvr. and M1rs. W. Ný. BuvIe(Y, Miissý Ferg_,us nTlandli Mr. G. and Feruj&m, Necaip slt î.haif of thi- week M,,ad Mrs. Leoy Hmi ton a .ul hd 1fe OntarIiie onrve o Rot w atla-er he J-mbelinls Muttiail ICasualty Gýo. aif the(RalYeoek, Tieroýnto. miss Abima GuIt1 List week took overtbie s ok indfi urmesof'lthe c £LL US FOY' TiMATES M. suald MUls. A. E. colber anel IIAPRY _E. LYCETT Mils. L WIittl. ,sth oidi, ied Phone 81 r 12 atenpded eýveiig sev~ ORONO - ONT. M.ai o.PrvLn r Tnoonn~ttcLnhokTexais fte Miv. arnd MaPr. McKenzie aiid ifainfly lhav\e rîoved tetei,î-r new RealEste on Malin Streeit s Ith ecenyt- eaî LS[~Ciy uoisdfroni t1he GilFilanEs Mv nlMiu. Keneüth T 1qniie have Po1ved 1irtbo thse hnse reeecnfly )c'- $,6,000. NewAcast1e, 2-Story so- c_'tspied hy Mr. uînd Mi.'. Comilsh. lid brick reS;deu1ce on pretty Mr. anel ils E. J. Hnln havle street close to hopig been in Oshaw.i for a few~ ek eurcheS, and school 4 rooms oun str wt r.Hamm'sniaýlnt, each floor, furuace, elcricity Ms Souclh. fil basement, S -pacions ground Mi(a sd Mi-. LuilLowlP'ry have mnany extras. co'ildsale o liberal terms. Opeýn lfor effer. ovdneternwhon nPr nots ili thir mî.he as $1.Oper acre, ranch with Mr. To)îýim Bça rlouýv. erdnroir,ýl good 0w1ter o iechside of Pro- -Aie ,9 r#e r. vH. H. Br p)ertyý. 220t acres. Nerth-west of ba ad rs. Bîaiowv. 56 hedCf il, (ld andrM.s. Gle AIWin on Saiv Leroy Haitlto i i~ M~d Ms~ BROER urds wïe is tior, Mrs. oe T "di .iij ~ 'id is. .oî Mar Phone ~ k'~11 il cf17ro te OROINO ~RING 16 IV 1Wr Ka.Tîonvst îdwt r .1 sWEDvv IiSJjNEIa ai f l Flrd'.av ~*Macdonald CAREY Marta TOREI4 Rohert.DOJJGLAS- .... ... -- ADDED LAUGII MZOT b5y OIL>Y'<4111imilxed UP b ~LUREL HARDYt loth Chapter "Wi!l Bill Hick'ock", MONDAY -- TUESDAY -- SEPT. 24 -- 25 The fuinniýest book tg corne out of the war.,,.rnow a mîlrusmtion picture! , ar&OÎ~ j o' ~ o' k' c M~G~M's ~?4E CREAM TEAMI -; ~io' ~Lff ~ ' t,. , i H '-i '"I lii t? ~~<~OtN f W'- s~r'~Jf T7Yl> I 1Knlby Crown Jars, Good Luck mix bag, Icing Sugar, Suigar, peri Shredded W Neîlsin's Ch 4 for onty Sure Good1 FRUITS ai Il EVERYTING MUST GO INCLUDING FIXTIJRES Rlonecraft Gift Shop ORONO, ONTARIO FRIDAY -- SATURDAY -- SEPTEM1BER 21 -22 LI 1 Al -P all T asý