'Foe,-fr ner iiomiinapply to Mr. E. F. Hall, Counties' ALQtsýessor of the Unitied Couinties of Nortiumber- land and Duiai. H. E. Mnlson Glerk of thre Town'shiip rf Clarke Bok-,, 31, Orono, Ontario. The property of Mr. D. Bronetein, Lot M6, cneo 3, Daringtoni Twýýp, one mile nott of No 2 higir- wny on Lihe Solira rrond and oie rmile ws.Sale of bis vraluejable liestýck feed, pouiutry and rehtinery vwill be neld on Saiturday, September 22 at The livestouek, mcinrpotittry, feeýd furn-iture etc of MN-r. H. Woodley lo't 23,-oceso 8, HpeTw\p.. one mile wesýt of Gardes Hill insd One m11 noirh will hosold by piblic ito On WeVidnesnay, Septemlber, 26 Ut 1 p.1n dmy Tp, on 1'Oay, NOTICE St., a us haîsiig Ser- vices., October ldltLh. Particulars Ister. CARETAKER WANTED Trustees of School Section No. 12 Township of Clarkie Afýpfioations fo)r appoi.ntment as Sehool caretaiçer for thecaeakn of tihe Oilorno Armo«ury ilb eev ed by thre unldersigned Luitil Septeni- ber 29th, 1951.- For further. information apply to lMes:sls. A. J. Taimblyru, C. B. Tyrreil, F. E,. Lycefit and (or) tihe uinderigaY-i od. Lo-weut or any ipp,!icatio)n-rIr ~recesr~rily ~ Micepted Serietar'y S. S. No. , OooOt Box 51. 119511 Ford Fi- 40 r 2, Oronei. Pholne FOR SALE Lots for stie, ou Station and Prinscesse Streotis. Resýtricýted to bous- iiig. Mrsk. W. S. Roy, Orono, Ont. a-p COMING EVENTS A d nce lh be held in the New-ý castIe Conlxnunity Hall on Friday, Seienhber 28th. -Bans. Cre-ihfo's orchestra wili senpplly the ms Ad- niission 75c. per person. W&-bc ATTENTION GRANDM-ýOTHERS You es"pe.eisily arýe ilivited to attend Grandmother's day at tIlle W. m eot- ing on FrdtnySeptmiber 21 at 12:30'. Progmmame ini charge of Historal EXpfitassstacewýih yi urdr- erIy -pil Idrns, bealulif'ul ateidS t o dosef rom, tacsandrsisi tal- leà' Caml colleS 122,BrmioiilV.SL Mooûtlioery, Free estimates 35-p PLUMS FOR SALE PlumF for salel, J. H. Dave'y, phono 54r5, Orono. c3- FOR SALE Ncnw Bissne-l 26-plate Disc, stani- dard or for hydraulic $t9S.0. Tactor Piows. Otaco large Maniire Spreader 92.00 and tup. Flýexible Harrows. Rohbey 91/2ý ft. CubitIvator $9.0 fl?'iniken XVearinvg Wagon, $1 29.00. Woo's' GCo. Elýecîtrlc Grinlders. Roll!eirs Coolers, MilSrs, Facm Fr-ee-zers. Phýomie Ca--rl Todd Ï52O> Clarke c34c DEAD FARMý STOCK Picked up proinptly Horses, Cowýs. Heifers, Shee-p. Pigs alnd Calves (We pay for Horses and Cows) Cal ps collect Live hre 2 to 3c. pelr !ý lb.fr cripplednd -)ld horýse-s MARGWILL FUR FARMS hne Tyrone PhleBowmanville 2679 PAYS UP TO $ I 00 Po average famoly of four, if imli invlved at anyoute tUrne A COMPLETE PLAN EVERY MEMBER 0F'YOUR FÂMILY UL- SURGICAL- MEDICAL- NURSING - MATERNITY IEXPENSES..- 0PAYS CIaims prornptlyo *PAYS uny nurnbcr of tUrnes Un a yer 4;..0 no limite *PAYS; for Female disorders. *PAYSMarntbneUs or other ofildbrtafer 'plýa-n haCs Lbeen n The New C mmunj y Heaith Plan offen's yttiu the advan- gages of coI~~ve buyhig--m you ~et these ~reater benef~fs at îowost cos~ ~iCono a Yaî moke your monthly poyments ta yaur loccil bonk -, na inconvenieni na trauble!-Easy! Y ~a ~ o~istted by a ~;tat~ member I-le is fui y qualif'ed to discuss the p'in wit Yau iIh ec o-nly dringte "our community yaur paflcy J cosil - Na Recluctian a un ity of acpîgt I i I I I I I lycu, ;plon I un:ty, j Pro fessional Directory A. F. MûKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICLAN and SITRGEON Offce four.: 2.00 te 4.00 p-m-, &ê.8 te 8.04 p-.. Sundays and Wdnedayn by appointaient *nly ,PHON E 47r1 E. C. SYER, M-D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Main Street South Offic'e Hours: 2.00 to 4.00 . .0 to 8.00 pm Sundays and Holidayu hy Appointaient PHONE 74 r 19 OROGNO LEGAL r ,CIH àýPLAN UP0T for any one sickness or accddent Lawrence C. Mason, B.A, Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANILLE, ONT. Office r388 Home 553 TED J.ACKSCN Auctioneer and Valuator Conductsz Auction Sales of ail ûm5G and at reasonable rates Communicate with hlm At pWî Perry, Ontario, or se.*MsilerkA E. rvIton, at Orouo, for date. JACK REIDJ Orono's Licensed Auctkoneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consult me for ternra and dates Phone 5 r 18 - LIFE INSURANCE pension Plans; Educational Policlen-. Protection and Savings Plans fe Children and Aduilte; Mortga:,e La-. surance Plans. F. E.LYCETT ORONO, ont.- Phone 20 r M~ The RUTTER GRANITB COMPANY Dia1 3216 -- P.0. Box 622 Port Hoýpe, Ontarlo Monuments, Gaeakr5 STAFOR BO 31 ara t ,'i i AINaQU 111 al et uks e';It' S chislm ibte<h' ýtç pyu igles nuj trtaH'. 126woritoEi3 re 36e 0 eýý ý 9ý D