Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Sep 1951, p. 1

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Vol. 15 No.34 ONT.. TH[ lnspiring Services Cconclude Wl.J._ETN Opening 0f United Churchl h gearn ei O a o1 _____________________l' i re Unitedi Churolh.auditorimes_. WIhe preaidenit tpesied thea fint KEND L 1 lTheUilted hurc ncofi itu h àyn 485. Mi. All.eýn ' KLNuA TheOronuUIIIcisifroLniRomans, Ltlimi pe î'etKd the cieonisiof esening John , vetuss Sf142 Thert-11tikli nom eurchi building mii twC ns. N. hb tl, M. N. Elgear ltnspri1g ser1vieces yn eSundau, Sep- There m-e a nuiibar of "haiik -insi -ay Banale, are aiPendng thie, emnier 11h u oe"f'u lkmiiesma ,Bulannt eptxaa Aat h.r t the lmornigser-vice, IRý-. S. R. ehee hirhsiadihiaisi een rememiberesid urng their JOu71sam fe h orhwek-enrdsrande H-ersi, spw)ke tote i uu verlîeýjw illinesis.It was desdiî4 ta hIvld Vl 'r' joina' thsmiorwek-nd. gilgation %,iilthe ,uýjLrejG"-Be- tihe entertiniag uf re Toron.to Me. led M s GeClrk some.t heYond udiunan Reason". He saisi that Choir ais tuera mavre ,,Io an itohey weekr-eand aIt tsli uma hm. ellul coaldi nut hereduced to. churancr tvitiasi it a ien. Mrs If4. nd es G Sxit, Nivasie unis eaunthiat it -me.., hoiyoud. Kellly, itihe Pelaise Saperintendant, 'Selitors wmith àMr. anrd Mrs. L. We 1 latuiaahen meredcfteiIifluflile On Eaeh Ollier"l. Mrs., n' n Sundny auterneen ansi stay- be i pvp e smro are o - the daslnddpoientte " hcd nior m J.ea. I ,inrg t) -Put a-ay Gosi andi wurip treaAurer, Mljs. . DBrroiwia. Y Mr. ',and Mre. . MulCeeandsiReasoin ansi yet tu-day imnnny ort us rntes O as!sistýt Misis SirerwinI <Yhi'o ansiMe.ani Ms. eh,sOh- aie uryng Vo sd, exac ytiesueSutton ami dMes,. F el wr s aima, nil nMr aindiMes. F. Stuker tig.Weattep tl fthe silan-Tm'ianiealeeutrug t OIvn and4 rsh. BeritdMr-ýy iintuithe 'boundis ofcfur finite Wahb lsb'Opke Iteelingflv on thi.e jMýTr. ain si Ms te. Byeek astirac-ireso ns i lt canlnotitliedune. Re.w, goft Mris. Nelli MClunug, Gainl. etmanr Tocane, eeitdames tterHiorde-non urgedi bia herers to dia mwieterniLýemperasace lendeer sumnrhm.rendtheir Biblte verY a thy si nsi Mes. H. Rom-ýe rend a sýhijt Mr. ainsi iMrs. L. Ha1joswe1jandsi Mary woukichange-,,their l-kpVn '1rd meIrg eeei ihteM 'ou Starkijl'la mare viaitors ii b er Temiizcýd teMz1 pare'nts4 Mr. ainsi Mm. T. Falls. Ai t'ls ie venilirg holur, Rev. J. K. pah. Beïudieti'on. MeS l iebdng oft Port Hlope, a ras- Mffat tepuke onl "ChËinqtianity fo~r idet fKendait for many ye-ars, the Joy cf it'. He saisi hie mas e hue r ucsîil eýpeit a. feu days 'wth Mr. ansi me. nuniniing dithedifficulty of Chist- Mlllt'onu Rdinsion. rallfty but tihist lt siulsi be a Jcyy te d wnnn et Meimbers of tha KelidaiW1jsy. las ub ffllIer-s. 1ev. Mottat inntion- le rossiniun et tresil VO Peiteuibomo on Taasday after- ed, ais sud Bey. HMdern' nDr M-o, SePtenubler luIth to visit tia W'aflae, lire nspiring eaffect aIt Atar a very successful series of tDorn~uWkIlf.Uqens and Worsted gcod pvireswlth religotunSUb- Si~'n niLf a milký Mls.Reg Elliutt, convene for jeacta nipen people, aind esI)edialî on thic- Pat surnmar, udr e <ime -lý,Ut eanam Caniadiani ndustries Y5>ulgf PeiiPle, tioen of thbe isno Red Cross Braui<jr 'ki"flY ofitred -bier car andi was at ~'~i lei gi ~le ethe undmi mithiMr. WnBagneli, as lin. 'iwh-ug ie ud ho kihe greup lIltlg0f tihe sunging amdin utheirlstÂ11Ute. Tests maere given ïv ï tbircsul in ml an eihinneiop-nu tviems, imor-ning ami evening. week in thre p01itait Boismai1 lýaosih axiigh -hg ia ntaen o'-oe a Iudibon viie rmnling SarisCe %..'ýç Trtaliiaiig Selmol. eriP'si to hreit' mhicssei 10 a e nrhchad.by tmo selens, sunig byiThie folluwiwng more'suiccesauful in te ,0l ien~ V ga ii'cessed) 'm Y111 iletamsVlley QÙnitette f rel in wn,_nig aa~aSnirL Bag- ue gaiaiiadUries3"dniTlbury. Thc quartette was coin- lre,1, Marie' Lewis -4nteiedlate- dieiau' geas te a coenubing nmachlina.posas cf Raipl IG1,4, n, HaroliBar- Giaiil flagniail, Gyarry B agnell ai, îa Next cornaIs'thea spinning upration t'on, Orvila urtknaniOwen 'Buel' Hilton, Douglas Lyceit, JackieWil- fros e h'th istis te aainto he llsi Faigani. The atter, a for eos- Was, DoýnibidSiaerwin and Jewmtte ynt ioncessa uuise it tb py.dent of -i Orn, mas' eemd b i~snlLTsiu 1ai-uauAl tisüneoesary for ithegirls on tmany ld friende anidthanei o deud on fnWyn auIy tir fahia u b eyninehîs uefforts ilu brinigisig the QuarII- àilene raiana, Mui I,ý a cKenzý wTh thi igers ami lit mas fascin. tettie toiOrin.lintl- ngM.SunevQaîrlEiabt e, atiueg Vu atril them The group bh aGoiiAle sitS nte, ;lyTjbyGom ni aj~ ellnant uat with JuaitaMrrrwthtm fn as oeSI yrei wad ii opvea wIa as on aixne Of thetmaihines. __sol, Tl" dyLý_ing r02-1 was Vthe mtto bho as test aarssa0e sigileS by Vire- b-ý 'viite ani eretub grupmatcheS felks enjoye si ig snMre. W o.BeiirtlîeiS'n lntc VIr mclibiin lf'e n frei h y-jJcsnan r .Swanbrick Ihelp- tank-Dougla hrwiViior iî1g ru'ts ansi put 0on1drieIrs. AWter secl at tedia plane hn 1Meïs.Vannatto ,,f tak- uin Fetr aiy Vint t St Peer' ta'er l d Ianti Ccii mre callaS te tiho Mjo sd ea;jerpterpl ades baS lune c si' pent a Ituirornt aiM.sB oy Ma-Cr rend tile ct~r 'f't~ i ea'iývdv o',the J unî(or tinrie sopn.On tr r"thpeiice tatn h0 ocrry thre folks clais ext sa bn uit dia abe - 34ïe. hhitut oohc iliadies uhr\g ere te lose' them froune fl On gme w ere thea aiony flcs preentù J Ré-n' Park, or' the may passing nanuuity ~Wishàig tliem haippineas t ha &tiestesi. th n emtoma ihall mhie'h 'slis inthe dlli hur re um suaiudig Meni- cflet yferecitien ans i dam (ýtehe tien msas una&-, of tue kindlly !aclp lrf a OI,. àlwCivile HosipitaiL.Tha meitu -ýfor Mils. Val1nau',t0te as, alwayn su iii- 1 h'aNurse H" "'re 0ePmtam0be mas "Leam by seeing'" iing Vo g9ive wlaeneyer thlere mr nnd tlle relit cal' "Cire a. M tat quihts te 1>a quiltasi. Daing, thé ih2 .r evc O~nadaaa ndunry."rending of th addsress Mr. H. Gars- 0nu Monday right friands of Vira Cadsienandsi-e.Thonupson 1beoaghit Clrnh and si onnaniity met ln tbel an dlectii table niodel radie ansi an Miss aronBrumai-, dnuagh'tar «u ktmdal Sa'nday Scihool rooise ' viwshb1elet-ie tabela lnip t0 the e bouresi Mr. ainsi Mes. J. D. Brown, Oroieno, Mes. Cecil Vaufnuatte aindi Cccl limch guýsts Bath answered in a, mmi a iknlii upielya op hppiness in VIeir nom 'home in Bm hnnmodaaisiVa opandi rierdsai thdis hme mnaflile sid voice their regrets at te see hs friands' in Vrl new of ber brother, Mr. and i Mca. Jameys tuea fei tiia omuniy.iroie.Mm am Ms. Vaùte and tuaNewcaastle, Wededae- MTr. G. Catlartast vitue c1ynan amlcarne tethe village lnearljy tniber i2utlhi. ansid a geec progran m aS CenjOYe4.1fIiir ty years age ansi over n year Tmenty-five years ego, Miss M_,ar- Mr. S. He)y aindiMe Helen Huy aigo ýM. Vonatto passed amay ion Browin enter-es OshawaGnea aaaagVu te aecempnilnan.t et Stann's Tbe niiygiing 'oft Blet l'ectthe ie HC>sipial as a atadenit nurse ansi aver gi*itna. en a pleansJing inianner. Mr, C. ianlb'ids" ansi "Gusi Save the 'sînoe uns devoted hec antire hife Vu) Giaiy~~~~~ ~~ am iI iennRs SKng 'mas fullumasi by rf -lhuait therab5at <e huliam,,;ufferilng.Th, Roourue avesee msial'ri "dhrsans, very fr'iendhyevenin cin as felt osf cstb « ame re- 'v*llh areaie nijsv& its. G.t a cjlec- gnfti0ml ennce, ast Wadnesday eV- CeAftroert gavaetwn maidlgs adi the a'ing, WlIâe aMiss Brov w i*rRber ________________________________________ needutate faeniîly mas enjlotysag a dian- ~.*>. ~ ,.. ~ . mer pamtyin celebratien ofthier Tar Aent's forntY-ixth Weddidng Annuver- ,;ary sofine tu>rty relhativies quietly as- ,aebked in tire attractive living roen ouf 14r. aind MMi2. James Biiow'rn te pagy hem tuibute- Mr. A. J. Tambbyaa, andie rd mls" Beomna, aiter a Item fitting remWiS usheresi Marlon itri a charin -he centre Rf the group. There slae mas ýadsireseasiby Mrs. W'lrdBorwmanI anuS aesented mwidi a ioi'ay Cama Pendnt asi raitbing En-ria ' ber sister, Mr,ý. ESmard Millacea anS Mis. CaioesTamb'lyni Aifte Mis Bi*wn apresssidher deep gratitude, a etoia buc mas rietin: eusie anS reisece, fWl umd l'y a tasty lunch. Cengratul- ationsansi ha erahst niFhes fer Miss BroM10 'sfuture suc esa ns hapuiee ere Vthe tbîenaelet fhe -V. '~ i ESLEY VILLE Sulifiay visibrs mîthi Mr. ansi141-z Cacrut Nachlis mere KMe. anc MrsAI IHar-vey Nidrus iiînnpeg, Mr. S. Lockhart, Port Hope, Mr. Vernon IPlîiflipe Wateeto-mýn, N.Y. oSd at Toppins. -- r. George Tuff>rd aeted a,,; Sun- dý Sehuom-l superintendaiit lu the ab- sence of Murray Pvn-ie -,,hi mth Ibis Ii te vi siteS Me. ansi-M~ A. G. Leskard Report 01 1894 Creaing Interest Th.(--foulflloing is bha Siundaý School Reipoilt givien ait the Aniver- ,airy ServIce ait Lesklard un Octobaer 15. 1894. Tihe report caime lut»> the hands of MIr. L. Robbimi receî-tly. Dear Friands; We aire Pleased teý presnant Vo you n()U A~ul Repoart ouf Leskard Stin- d,ýy SloIn i doiintg se, ive believe me can, ssay our seihool, hais made, eâsunabîe pogress. Ouy a nat-ur- ail growth peehapa ian iunahers but tut tihe e tirnie we bellleve under ithe effticienit atIaItIt of touaichers with wbhich orsahuisjesupplield, gon-.d work ihas been dione, for Eternity ,tihnugh it"s re.qn'ILS ay rot he knwn ini e-very case, wme ho-pe andi rbruist that labour hais nett been in, visiin aind,iait on the greait Anniver- iairy Day at est mit hýe aaIl sial bl jeailllesi Upun ta rende-r an aiccouet oft ithoir seu'alnthesithe-aveict wil hie "AAI ils' WeIl». On our ~d for th- a eetyacar. wa bhave 141 naie eniýtered; Rible Clas 29. Jvaermedatb-' s21,C):Th, The SunM-ty Sch1ooâ-4ttff is ais T"es134. 22; Primiauy Girls 17; 0ifficaien aind ufe'iec.:Suerlaendi#.A. W. CaLr. A*t Rosbhlus. Train., lYavid Bepil; Li- Ibrr4iin .Airthinr Drviey- A-t Lib- IIiqtrr, I'R-îi4t Rýn;: lie Cta-Ges 't'.aihier. W. RT. Tonlikisa; Ni. 1 lAows R~. L. Raille: No. 2 hboyS, ' .Jss win No. ý lovm. Auart rm bi 1 isit g«14;. Mites Aêh Trll - 2n4 idzA s rs Waýleiýcr Cornlsih; lrd grs Ma Tennîer>lnar. Toialltiendneh~r tube vasar, "-,l43;,lnetaige ailindace 7. Ni- hrnf dIavet Scihol eb'r Ihee'rn np-mu 9.Versus, ln boys Iaag; v gl 4n94. Twvenst.vfive çdkliirz bas' bie apenlt for Surlday Siýcnrheol purposes. We hav to pidie in conc t.ien, with thbe Sichool. 0nia, a Tois-i- piaiepi edgeP with slbxty s;gniers,' rihe oÀthera pi r a nms PIrofanIe p1cedlge willh forty-0eîoi clig-tnr. Woie cury )Vhave b)t recorid tie ecease of e(,ne memtiberof nrv F1oioýoli si:nee hast -Al.,v 'sary, nimuyMary Jnhsi.Sorry ' vflom a lilmanstndp~tbut Y(elt ek3, Flied isog ouf Zi iou ~teeer ecuetrustimgsube e îs sigliig-the- -1hlores ouf Painadîse wità t hne mWho soe JamFres ne hei's. We are nom at Vo enter -upion n1 t'amyear oeut labour fonr the 1Maater nsiw m"u ire bhIlevi¶g le inhffe fùl'îre thet Ver mli b god work doneI ansi eîiai t he ,vear will 17)-P ena o«f ad- Niteaneenut tihiat eadh «fificer andi teidhr ll' ns &be SAbathý 'winz liheir m i litethe Paei, b-coûiie fll~nnhlk~ eiltd tu tiheir wor, ien al'wlIl go om hainaien- bush' mhlhi vi lsfiýet to tne rflI¶Tey ouf rCad lard thait mlin an- nfhe-r ç,air hbcoeesnumhbýred ifit %lI'M' I b4s elOn(,Ieretihat it*e. Ain- niveP-ýrsary T>aWwlil Asow'àa 2-00d r- v ced i wr dore --for thle M-aaer's cause. NE WTON VILLE Mis. Win. Ughiow ha& etUrIIed aIt- Ver a sihioit isait wfhiuaMr. aindi Mes. Etbain Jwnie& RowmniaavlIe, Miss D JorothyV roWn Mwals home oV- m-r the weiek-e-nd f r«n Pceiboeougi.1 -Mr. ans Mes. Wlilbeint Langistaff,l Anneaisi Helen, whiu hauve b3een viai l ffig 'tin week wrtlh Mra. Tome Lang-! sïL-ffle, ret7urlned te 'forentu on Sun- day.v 'Mra. A. Langaitafife aise ment midih themn for a mýeek-s holiday. A uverY iaeetn isour meetîng mas heilsi Wýensday afiter- nKKin ~atIbia baisernett of the Un-ited ehtxrch. Our .Pas-tur ansi hie wfe b-othl adldress-es iuseetn. e.Larcas-- ter sbaovnedthe libtIe "btuts h w V use pastucline. A ve-ry dninty lunch was; ei yed hieveroe Mr. Jack «hicver vIslitei th St. Thoia-s aird Lisla hs eek. A vecry pI(eanaut tin'ý-as suent at tihe hume of Mr. a-nd 'Mrs. Milligan on 'Saturdlay evenling miaou Uheir daug<hiter Jean and husibani, Mr. ansi Mrs. Royal Hall, , mere resentesi with a beautiful Ios lamp, card table a chairs. A bouintifuIlilunh 'was cervesi. Our ceumn'uunity mas sasidenedi y the deeth oft Mes. Win. RamiaiL. on Saturday. 'She e ms reeted by al1 whoke hier. The funeral ç-I maspri- vate frein her home to, Lakeview At Durham Cen~tralIFa Clydesdales - GeId Mare- or GeId- Ricka>ixL; Buil, 1 I. --GRDekar illg-Vinre Baker. T. R. Taibli; Mare Oaborre; Buil1 Cabf, Si.--G. Ri( or FoiaI1--V. BalceiR, Jais. Stark, Foal J. ptiikard, R. Os~born~e; Bull Cal t)f 3J50-V. Baker, J, Sýark; Col, -lahi 2 ,J- B4ckard, 3 R O-ý1 1 yr.-V. Baker; FilLhy or £edinMqledh Go W-J kaaid. R.- Osb 2 yrs-,-W.J. Boyd & 3on; pifllr or G. Ridkaild; 2 yis.- G, Rickail G&Iddmg, 3 yrs.--.V. Baker; S8pan Osboitie J. Rickart; U$<ifer, 1, Hoqes and iagoe-T. R. Hall, L. G. Riiekard, R. Osdlofile, J. Rid S~eheuobB4yyd & in; Marre' ad 1ifer (Caàf Jr.-G. R arJ. 2 a£ hIer progeny-V. Bakcr, Boyrd & ard; Heird' Bull ansimtfour fer S'on. --J. 1R4kard, G. Riekcard, R. Oýs AgriultralHeres- Mjýreandmi Ge of Sire. 3 aiimals f ofif oli Foal-G. E. Robina'in, Boyd aud qýn -J. PRickami,, G. Rifrhvard, R. Osi Fuial of 19l1-Boyd anad Soin, G. E. Aberdeen~ Angus -Mj&alcon] RobÏfn Fffiby or Golding, 1 yr. awarided all prizes in this Olassa -4Boyd aid s oz, V. Baker», Filly ýO HIereforils -BulR, 2 yeas-A. Geldiilng. 3 yrs.-. Siiark; Spain Hor- tion,, G. ea. C. Turneu anid ,t and Wagoin-V. Baker. Bo.yd -,t dBull Calif Sr. --G. Stapeitori Soin. Câfff Jr.--Tura-er and Son, GT. Sb Belgian. Percheron and Punch tYn; Milei owA.Lïn.toin, G. Hlorses- Gelid Mare or CGeldiig-.ple*lon, TurtiileirainSin: 2l Ufer. 1. amni 2-G. E. RobîSrson, 3 W. G. -A- 11W,011lf. 2 -ild 31 G. StaW Shlea; Mare anil FoaIl-G. E.Roibinr- IHjS 03M lfSri-1 anmi 2 A. L4iXt si in, Ekîn.r Lee, W. G. Shea; Foaâ of G. St-ipleitouin; lird. Bula aain4 1951-WI. G. :Shea, E. Lee. G. Robin- FOflapei-A. UitoP, G. Staç so;Coilt, - yr.-R. CGehraine, W. G. Tunnise ai-bd Son; G(t of Si-re,~ S'; Filly or Gelding, 2 yrs.-G. elaisll sex --Turnerr nd Son~, G. Roblihson; -,Fil[l or Gelding-, 3yrs- Pkitoin. 1 andi 2 W. G. Shve. Span Horses und Jerseys - MildeI Corm. 'LandI wagi 1 n-T. R. Hall; Mare and ? pro-. W. Sherw!i2L 2 KM H. Stapiles; H( gremy umisir 3 yoiaxus-W. G. Shea, G. 1 yTr.-W. W. Sherwunqi; Hifi Rohinsunffl; Slingle Horsie in hbarmes -71 md 2 W. W. Sherwi; Bull andi vehriee-Iiami 2. Tý .RHa, -W. W. SheRwiNùn M. H. Stw Spanf Houses andvelle-..Codi- Hed, Bull andi Fcruiv Fe~a ramne; Bost H«rsie, oniuixein-V. fluber, W. Shellwin. T. R. Halil, G. R4llksSo.1 Ayrshires-C(. Allen & &~n ai Carriage Horses -fi4M2re and Foýal cd aq Prizes ikjtila ean -R. Saddhmi; F;iI}v or Geldi-ng 2 vus. SHEEP -1 ansi 3,R SaMluer; 2. F. Bald,,wiin; Leicester, Cotswold and Cirev S Harse lin h-arneais, over 151/2 IR. Saddlter, L. HIsi-ln, A. R. whÏte; 1 anud 2 Bo(yd Ayre, , N. R. Andy 13ngeHnme,1 ar%(niuia 51 Raasheiarirg-l ainsi 2 B. à -l and 3. R. Sadlier, 2 F. Bald-wýirx; Raman L=b-4 and 2 B. Aire, 31 Paiýr Hecrseo înan es-.Sacddler, Aninudfrvs, 4 G. Rickaird; EwNe, ai L. Hosii. F.Bwi. A. R. 1hite. i am 2 B. Ayre, 3 G. lickard; Roadster Herses -- Mare aind bni Iug..and 3 B. Ayre, 2 a -Wes. Bro n od aiud Son, Mit N .Adrws w an- Wes -Broi, 1fltLaciçy; pfflv or ,2N.RAdew,3G dirg, -i ',- . W. oiph.-in. Ruth- ai eodStrmflley Chapran P' or Southfdowns and Shropshire {CeldJlng. L? .-o hilla;FU'Li«.yd Ayr-e a 111eedall izes in or~~~~~~ Ge'ln,3ys ihrei-.M iassecp .Ayre, 3lr Bligiitaisi'DaghtasW. H.Ldiayhearng Szinrgle Hovse iiîrnes over- 151/2 Oxford Downis and Hamjl ilainrs-W. H.l, indsay., I. C)clie, o w . BGIiaspOeIl avwdp Me.Wheelber; Silgiele Herse 'in pieintisCla. ne-s uni or 151/2 hanidst-.Bill Reid, W.r1 'S n tlis las Il LIndsay. IMrs. Whleeer; Pair Hor (.n 10sWLoal raei iisarnass --.4 ochaîe, . H. Bco g-1 ar,2ye« ILiaiiclsay , Mi t La , ii. . Wee1 ;Rk-ie l; EBar, i yr. .- Geo, H. St Single Poeiy in huness, Under 12M2 elns; Bolair, ovaer 6 nûrs.- Geo hand-i andi 2 L. M4 lghRa.y îtpei;Sw is-G. WR Cochiratne; P-Aliy under saddleý, inuder Gi. H. St«-phers, A. L.Blinhr 12V2 hainds -L. M. Blight. R. Ooch- 1 s.-.H. SephnK. van c vane; Teain ut Porlas unier 121/ M H. Stakes; Sow, over 6O res ihani&s--L. M. BliIgiIt, R Cociheaie; i nd, 2 G. H. Steipheu1s, 3 G. Rie Slinglue Pony inharnesaveuô er,12 ffvu iýer 6r ~i.-iaindi 2 ]ands-4 ami 3 Mus, Wheelar , 2 L.Uce> H. Stepheqnis 1½hands-4Mrs. Wilheejber, L. o lidBaans2Sw rrIy Sasidle Hxse4ami Gný4 Hntry, ckSialdl G. H. sllepheffm; r. 2 l~l hili;Geatleriman-s Turnout Roirand 2 Soiws, under 1 r.. -T.CoililaeMms Wheeler. L. 1lios- StiePhienis, G,.Rickard, K. Vain Cý klI; peliiSe?-h. 4041-W. H.L Ur-GeIt oft Sire, 4 piga unvdiernin day. 1. C~rui~Mitra. WlieehleiS Bill H. Siiephinis, K. VanGan ip kin; Special sec. 42-,-Mrs Whealer BmnOosiSýt w-G, H. stepUlhanis; G W. T-. idl L ~, ~Rirçaurd; Thne --Somos frin Sc. ReiiRo lipJSpcu-BstLay6--.H. Stephe-ns K V-aC Di4veriMss.Wheeleri. L. M. BIîehIt Sr. Chianiui>B iaa-G. R iciad aniDugilhers, W. H. Jndsy; mi~re ~ ~ 1951 haip Boiai .ei.Stepheais; G girZ r d ls- hamSiv-G. llclklri; Jr.f_> ,Bynd p-,14wSon.H. stM1phieýs; GrWa Cf Ilsi aif, 11951 sîisW'n bv y Oý r Srw-G. H. sttipleuna. girl umideýr 15 --Gamiet Rickaa-d, Carl. Canada paeirs peciall for L ;4ns Tami-bl-ysi Cale aindiPisM C. 1waimi CATTLE KR Sutt1, Mr.T> )rDl( , Mm Shortirorns - BuUIL 3 yenr-Jno 11Babl, Ms.N. Maklk. T hird Consecutive Win For Glenafton Futurity At Shu For 0 thi lurd eonseýcutdve year Mruiiff SvlviaRa ppe Nw1:1e Gda FtunFtIity won the imaie Tan'lyn budtha eRae,,rve Ji -Gran-1d ChanpKilonlghiul t the Duilhain 'Chanrplou, takig this taiward oA ,Colty 1BlimkamiWhte Day hMwliïngJnlsrieifer Gaili,C SpebrSthl 4-cnin1tonwlihtihe Desk.y Rkette. jOronuo )Fair. Futuriity wýho vvas AIl1- Jnlraed Reserve Gi4%and C Camadiain Bull Call in a1948 ani Re- pilon bull ms tlihe flut prize seveAII-Camuýdllan in 1949 ami 1950 Yailli Malco Rag Apple Bald leonedby a gloUýp aIt Durhani b),dh.yLaiwreince S. Wc>l Couit beedrsoprating under the second pre senior yecarli1lg nMalIneOf the Central Durhuavi Bull Fldersýîle Trilunie Sir Hlil4ui, eman Club. A. Mirai Sns took the Re, Jamnes T. Erow-r, Nmateami E.-uiliorawar& J. Brcîwýn, O0rono, ena hasi four fhists 'in the group ê1Uassees. E. J. BV wldle A.Mu17 andI Soqra, (%urttce, toIok the JunIor Gto-iso haid rireIe siress insiJ. H. Jrase aindi progoiflly ")E inaftnFlftxpd Souris, Neweausqtle, J. W. Berrarb, En- als«o hiadi the t irat prie Juundour 1niiskliei, Neil T., aI NPll , NeetIle,.%0--UieCirvIl se Tanimblyn bro>ugihi toua,, HairolsiC. Mulir, <çouutd'e rc iewinlgSi rGtu&i T1 k anitn M. J.Tauly Oronx-,gîrou~p ,by Mlintliuc Hiemike- Oauioe ambynOrtob aiq- uw-pouse(lh. -A.-Mvc1ai i 4s show

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