ElmraOnLIntresingPair-Uitile Carol Ann Maortio andl her pet Shetland pony attracted muoch attention. Dresen, nt.-BearDown, Boys, You're Moving t!". Spirited action je sen in tg hie 5shato ea ntehev aIng net et Perry, Ot "LooCk Them Over Curefuliy, JudgeTM. l's fun for Most people h. utrc ri wr o tue judgeswh hae Ita select the wrnesfrom ail the fine animis s ,hown at Ontairia PlFair Port Perry, Ont. "Gee,, Con Remnember WhE'n They Weve 7takng Them", Frank l-ioney Iaoks ovetr enlaýorged prrits of some of the picturEs, o ur phtgahFr ak ttePrt Perry Pair back ini 1950, I.kfeloM.-"toek At AI l Te swelIltl ite rsiI c THE PITUESSHOWN ON THI1S PAGE 1 -0 1, OJR APHFl-ER j F.oAý,LL T-,.f, mý, 1, LUI VI/ O)N\/'rr-" Rjý, W.! ý -Y, 19