Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 13 Sep 1951, p. 1

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Vol. 15 NO.33 OronoFair Breaks Record For Entertainment-'Attendancel The195 edtio &ftheOýr)ii Ex inçUImher of enbriesý, Finuit and graîin hditc)1n edwatîàngof the Orono Ex- classes, however, dd i how amairked ~ nw athng f he ~t caiii nerenise over-'tjlat of otlih e ar be rercordeid a deo--ided succeas for, the while vegitables settled iin the &tker possible four thousanid fi've Ihundired side o)f the ledgerýI. Farm cIner a er d I i g . a n d t the m >d - wý a y iro u n d e d >,u t tih Teweatherman Spieed 'the day day for those attending. th'e ïnaniy to attend. Thris aiong with -M aesMP eitdot u eiaiiion 'iptetrson ;s;n tanoie a rtbhe fist nxeving and slviuigen-elM.JrlsMP 'ile Otte edrtonpsneln tai)n teraisunt i'viedb~rtie umr- great efferet that snch fairs bhavei opponitinty te ctudy- the Farma Bur- Otu5 sections cf tihe fai-r waerrtedI tue couintr-y To fthe f arIiii i ves g eau fembeiisMp ip OlranÀz<%tnn in the acresful reordi,,gan-,incentilve te produce and breed Onho. This t4houljd cie hiluable ite the successffUli hetter productVs and farm stock. The cJounty 'dtrectOel4 ecease, field1 In îmaniy ways the foir mas above 'work of orgaunznig, le kne,-\feUon ~en d o4he-is interested iheiipi'n jlhat of lIast year. Attenidauce rose thei sheuljders ,-yf a fewý, but the e e0ee srn ederatien1. abo've the figure st in 1j9ý5<() wtih suit wasS wei otih thi- tremiendous The O-hieo nganito is siuilar te thbie gate eepi oaiu$15O. effort. He Fspoke of the desire t9- see oYur roia lamna.ny res.ýpects and it Ht.iseininwith theïruispiIted steeds, tihe f air co>ntinne (on tfiroughl the ýWouiîd le helipful to kri-w how tfiheyl ma ruenfrs, et iov, obc nltau active interesti luthei- or-C putou ue if hehas ~hw~ e b . gorzniih~nho-w il, is fianced and te seen at the f air in some years. Driv- t jWords oft the niajority, lias it as tPake a leok nt their Farm- Bureauc inig classes sawrniany entrlos withih ý h e, ar ve ob d Co-operative relations sand tube wellI kei2n coinipetitlon The racing. ne f h bsslaisp-, e ebe plEd lu nmasny beats roex±te a phoDto in the vIllage and recelpts hi the deveh>-ned Thurancre rgrarna. Every finish and the porIy races, a favoinTite brotiLs, ud as 4the Oreno Fp-uIo i awgineed Vlmt (the eonpe lentous otai, brougiht a ch-eirug <cro»wd te skating, aisej set an ail-lime hililh. rlisîy w at t iie eprenei thi r feet as they spe nuder, thene peoipi-e eel lht a week mn f-inish wirue at brcakneack sped The fair iay nuew be only a mem- 0Olido ealveF thon a f*erirap of-4the ory but records set inu Vhs 51 edit-iples of farin-ni o"aYinzatiln :than Eidibts inthe dril~l hed mas of iinv e hop, will. lie broken lu ýt'he -,, r sppnt aure- r ,vav. bhe -suai binýe isd wlih an ev&rage y,,,ars yet te one, l.t was frnny i sdby motioni t1ilit the secre-ýary, _IT-r. Fd. Mlsn and tjwo pro-)nviinent fuior Fnrmaers of tht countv lie autihor%iediii ke F'Irst Day Win.ners At ietiticidbii bakinfOmaivie liormituân-. ThIIe esdn, Mr. M. fi.Stle 1jur am I-i%; na r mt F îr!and r e suemr. W. . Rey-, nw)oids were a.uthonlzed te dieua - ndoe -t itihem anragert~stationur GîRAIN AND SEEDS Leach; Lomibard-K. Scuair, C. CKLB r hwaTt is,;lraiv vident FaIl wheat, 1951-H-. L. Blanchi- TmbIyn encad .~nre tajoiinî cinieshalVe 7ard, H. Swain, Gai-net Rtickard; Squaii-, J. H. Jase; Prune Pluma a jonceed ther c-pea ion r suchl" Spring Wheat-H. Swain; Barley, -Mvrs. van. Homre, C. Tamnblyn. n -oga, 6-owed-Jas. Brown, G.Ri- Chas. Frost Special-il quart Th icrtavwas nI skd fte 1'ýVai ard, H. Swamn; Barley, 2-rowd- basket McIntosh Apples-L. A. -rsntefnw D'haiCuy i.Swain; Late Oats, A.O.V.-W. Squair, L, Snowden.aten tihe PAl FolkS11< Il),Iec oir J. o~ & on J.BrwnG.Rick- FLOWERS AND PLANTS ~ebpb held ol the _2g1-h te (),+Il urd; Early White Oats, A.O.V.-- Col.Canaion-KtCpHp-hpr itJerry 1111, Jno. Cnickshank, Boyd & Son, kins, Mrs. Ný. Malcolm; Rose, dis- ~Urîioii Onanl. j, Brown; Dent Crn-G. Rick- play-Mi-5. M. J. Tamblyn: Rose, Tt is -exp-ecd tue nr netin ard, FaIl Wheat, sheaf-Boyd& sinigle--K. C. Hopkins, Mlrs. Tam- Son; White Oats, sheaf-Boyd & blyn, Miss P. Lah; Znna ch i:Oe.ll on heldi'si i raiv S1on; Barley sheaf-Boyd & Son.1 pomi-pom-K. C. Hlopkins, J. H. Ocbemibeed a avnwp VEGETABLES Jose. Jas. T. Brown; Zinnia, large Beets. blood-Lloyd Snowden, -K. C. Hopkins, Jas. T. Brown, C liBgins At FJred Blackburn; Carrots, e- Miss P. Leach; Dahlia, cl.K Cares ambynL.Snowden; C. Hopkins, brs. Tamblyn,Ms CahB n ewcsleT1ngi Cabbaee.redc-Mrs Audrey Wal- Van) Hornie; Dining Table Bou- NwateT-ih t 4 k t- t _ __ v 1 r t quet-MrvIs. Van Horne, K. C. Hep- kins; Living-room Bouqujet-J. H. Jose, K. C, Hopkins. H. Hais- cock; Basket Glads.-J. H. ae Mrs. Malcolmn; Glads in low bowl --Mrs. Tamblyn, Mrs. Van Homne, J. H. Jose, Miniature Bouquet-- K. C. Hopkins, Mrs. Malcolm* Hlgh Basket-J. H. -JOse; Low, Basket--Mrs. Van Hert'eý , J H Jase; Afiican. Violet. coll- '-Mrs. N. Malcolm, K. C. Hopkins; Tub- erous Plants-Mrs. Tamblyn, Mrs. J. C. Gamey; Miniature Garden -Mrs. Gamey; Coisage-K. C. Hopkins, Mrs. Van Homne; Asters, coll.-Mîss Leach, K. C. Hlopkins, Asters. whte-Miss Leachs, K. C. Hopkins; Asters, pink - Miss Leach, J. H. Jose; Asters, rose-J. H. Jose, Mrs. F. Stinson; Asters, red--Mrs. Stinson, Miss Leachi; Aste-rs, mauve--J. H. Jase, Miss Leach; Asters, purple-Mvrs. Stin- son, K. C. Hopkins; Marïgold, Af- irican- K.- C. Hopkin-s, Miss Leach:;rMarigold-, French-K. C. Hopkins, J. H. Jase; Nasturtiums, coll-Mrs. Malcolma; Scabiosas- K. C. Hopkins, Miss Leach; Pc- tunias, single-F. Blackburn, K. C. Hopkins; Petunias, tancy-K. C. Hopkins; Petunias, double- Kl. C. Hopkins, Miss Leach; Stocks coll.-K. C. Hopkins; Verbenas-- cll-K. C. Hopkins, Mrs. Mal- colm; Salvia, Miss Leach; Snap- dragon, coll., K. C. Hopkins; Cos- mos, col. K. C. Hopkins; Dahlias, cactus-K. C. Hopkins, Mrs, Vani Hoarne; Dahlias, show-Mrs. D. G. lHoopei-, K. C. Hopkins; Dah- lias. decorative-K. C. Hopkins, Murs. Tamblyn; Dahlias, pemn-p)om --K. C. Hopkins, Mrs. Hooper; Dahlias, miniature--K. C. HeP- kins, H.,liancock; Dahlias, besi bloom-K. C. Hopkins, Mrs. Van Hernie; Gladioli, single-M!;rs. Van liaine, MrýLs. Tamblyn; Glacis, white-J. H. Jasa, Mrs. Malcolmi; Glads, red--Mrs. Tamblyn, Mrs. Van liaine; Glads. plýink- Mrs. Van -Horne, Mrs. Malccolm; Glads, yellow-Mrs. Van Horne, J. HL Jase; Glads, A.O.K.-Mvrs. Van H eMrs. Tamrblyn; ass cel-.C. Hopkins, Miss LeachL; Tuberous Bgna-r.Tamb- lyn, Miss Leach;I Baby's Tears- JT. Browna.Mrs. Mlom NEEDLECRAFT DEPT. Luncheon Set, emnbrodered- Aimna Cuttelil,Mr. aiom Lu'ncheon Set, cut wvo7k--Mrs, Mïalcolmr; Buffet Set, crochaeted- -Mrs D. Don-elh. !Mrs. Malcolmn, Cash Bingo is agaiu beinig spon- souied by the NwateLioins cl4b tIis- iai-i and- is intenided te coitinije on thougis the lite sp-rëng. The tissuy wWho stttexsded this ty-pe cif entertaininn5 noatlh ie Newcastle Comnunnty HWUJ lasti year wIi find (Coitiued on page four> 1 ARTHIUR MAN~NING 'ion1 A I iyaedalîst inust& ise .-~Vnld ar, Aiuri-Manuing, 337 iitylica Str-eet, diad irv Oshsawa Geni- ,trs orl lositali Fnid-ay, Seýptenabeui 7th. H. Hehd beeniîn poo(rhealtis fer tise ofe pat timo mni lie was boirai on was, Aipvî 7, 188, at Ohester, Enigisut. SFor tise pas-t s-aveu yeails he 1usd thse iived ila Osha-wa sud iad worked at wvas General Motors. Piloir te htisih-e sud the hos anaiN had llved ai Oieoso where iUg of1 of i War ho 4ih Ent- awarded triviee in îmriesuber ~Aii-glican irvived- by his wife, the' .-y' Jane Bail, e>ne dacgh- Robert Skerrat. (Loreen>ý ; twoi ssens Edwin Manu- ontl aind Ellils Mauningý la Mr. Mining aise erai brothersan sser d. There are five grand-1 The 1funerilService mas taken by Rev. H. D. Cleverdeni, o01 Christ Meuorialnl cnCurch, a-t the Arm-itxoug Funeral Hlome on Monî- Iayý at 2 p.ni. Inteament waýs ait Or- on Cemetery. W.A. Urges Support For Fail Bazaar On, Tueýsdaiy afterP.von the Worinens Assocliatioen et the Uulnted Churcis bel isfiirst inetiting ilu thenw îchuuich, building wi-ehn arosi grod at- tiendauce. Mrs. Clareace Duncan was Ilii the chair and everal nffices gave nIoýst enicouraging rporlts. Faveur- aihie cmenswere moide concernl-hg the Dedicimnlion Servies. Special mienion w-,as madcetofthe be-aitful bouquets et gladiolîi mzofe mi had beeni prize wimiuers rit Orone Fair. The W.A. bas beeni responalible for the a-semabIinîg of the new Kit- dieu- and Ühe furnl-stiugof it, tisane- fore iny plians ore mniAdefor- the f iiýhnzyýf tihe wa,, aitif- er, P. Wooyard mli don tiful nom electie i-a latýton Prubuishln Ce. &onition výowar-ds ile 1-retived sppecl mentif -incere ofani t Mauoy nis ft),-r ft- were vade, ',0ýh Is speý Ari tihe Bamsest-o be 'Ch i - i ý4tinas ý and a i N ear 700 Attend Opening 0f Orono United Chï Th- 1 - -h prt Draniatic Csatest Fis Hall On Betb Showings The oeaitDiamiek-Cointà-sitheld in coujuntimi nwltth the Orono Fair recýeived -th smppart of malxy s1pec- 'tatees. On the Fp-,ifday aind Saturday nilghit slioinfing se even hund ned par.,sonis attended this niow fiteof thýe fair. A total of $3U075 lias takeni at thle dý-)r on thils occaýsion aand an estinateýd prollit firum tihe sown wiIbe itihe ueiglhbeurhood etof$180) Fnlday ervenilIng saw Orono and two plâys fi-ouJetle coimpeting for the Iroueur of a wvinnisigpsion In tbhsphase of thie centat Orono waqs successful aaud played te n full bouývse on S1maturd;ay niglit wiîth Lake- flidtd and! Greenwoied The Satuuday ndgll performanýce witnessed the beitter wating.-wher4 the to.p ih ree pnlze vuin8irs strove for, top mnieýY position, First prlize went to Lakefield with Oireno spccnd ard GreenwooDd tbhird. Oqnno alse eie addied pnlze mon-, ey for its twvo appearances on the stage. One ie(Jtl th tree judiic-atorýs, inein- ager orf 'Thre Little Theaitve' group lu Osaa poýntc-d out thewenknesses im eneliplay wiving tille PreiMOtoirs âsid piayers id0a, in be-tteuiilug theïr 1-n di4ng uthe future. Tho Draim'atlc Contest il, its, fiirst appaTnloeon Pair ndghtzl was a diecided succoess, anid>i it seem!sosnlyý log'iral that tius Tenturle 110 nw epan gaijn lin J1,52. lIn couepnri, o wtlithe two nçght de-fleit oftwo dolý- laslttyei.r the fnnlai setOf the' 1951 project is, far above wlitlh n 1profit e Of O~ Total receiPts oc)n tihe en'tlle fair Vsyeair wvere u,,p $111.25 over that foisuppl- te be held nrouad the Ariversary tiime, ïearly la Novýýes-. -ber. Ml hladies in the cougregation are asedte prepare articles for V tise Baisai- sud te help luneay way they fia u ilhithe social aIde of thsece Ch -%Ns ik tbhattthe fell 'Ship it( wmÎs-sedi smihwlat 4urlisg the pat 7 year nsaniy lie renewedi and beceme 1 sbonger duning the cerulng season., O inieu;ited iGifuret .o sýeven lhundJred peol lparnt i the a pelling 'uis niew sanctuaey thIusia-Si auiriongst th! ulation as çeal s 1hoc town aind dhrioug~h ni& packed the usa of the chui-cli aLong day &foiroolinl ui Thcse pi-osent ieeuld favourably comsmenit ef thiis structuire and it Lcaw give tlirough j the COI)n1uunity. ThM srv e oss Wali-ace, as gues,3, speaker, acarel sing tihe c,nrgregatÀ,n. Dr. Ar'eber Wallacce gave an excel lenut add-ress ilu whid- ho discusse the diffeweuýt types -of amis Îers ihurches. Hie noted that in preachiný in ever a thousand different churche hoe had feit' the spiritual col-dness0 some -while others were allve mit He -,nremt on lte say tihat we didaý go toechusnch te be teiLd- wLhaI't te d but te ho brouglit -ite tauch it God. Hie empshaslzed thet liît wag th r minlster's job te preacli the gosp- - iailer thani give advice. lu conclusion hle stgted thiat n atmosiphere? spirituniiy warm an. alive ia needed toecom-bat the moi' strous evils, in the wcsr¶d to-day. Dr. Wallace's final reu-iarks wei ibout the beauty of the clihurdis an tihat is -was týhe lovelleat chiai-ch fi lina ever seani in Caniada. Musie on tlis occasion- was e ered exceptîinaty majl blith on tF r-t ret the cho(ir sud .soloists- MiNr -MI1ne, Toronto, soloist ifu lii Pairk Un-ited Ohurcis sund Mr TH beit rCebbieick, Lea-iningtlon, bot] -added pgrea-tly te the "0io. ~ 'God Our Hfellp li Agies Past" %wo bic s -,u.,(ndahlv i-endaired 1w 17 Tiseeveiung service [rge coniregaiilon ml triuem as putliste -fi Ai series mitlkl ie C( on1nn Sunday a-t lthe ted -Oburli ait Il OOi A svnoir, 00 O} otise chirc a-tt iese SOtt kerCitrons-L.Snowden, Mrs. W. B. Hoar; Mangels, suar-R. Osiborne, G. Rickaird: Mangels, A.V.-C. Tamblyn, Miss P. Leach:; Oniens, yellow-Mrs. W. B. Hoar; Pasnps-L. Snowden; Pump)- kim, field--L. Snowden; Pnmpkin, pleL. Sniowden. F. Blackburn; Squash, surnmei--Mi-s. Hoar, F. Blackburn, Squash, wnter-Mrs. 'N. Malcolm,. L. Snowden; Toma- tees, ed-L. Sniowden, F. BlacIk- buru; Turnips, Swede-R. Os- borne, G. Rickard; Turnips, table1 -R. Osborne, G. Richard; Musk- aelons-L. Snowden; Potatoes, early-Mrs.. Hoar, H. Hancock; potatoes. late-L. Snowden, H. Jiancock; Potatees, collecion-b. Snowden, H. Haancock; Dîsplay of Garden and Farm Products-i 1,lo-yd Snowden, 2 Jno. Karapoa- tiva . FRUIT Apples-Coil. Apples-R-, Os- borne, C. Tailiblyn, L. A. Squai-; Duchess-L. Snowden, Jne, Kar- apativa; Gravenstein-L. Sqiuair, L. Snowden., J. Karapativa; Melba .-j. H. Jose, L. Snowden; Duch- ess-L. Snowden. J. Karapativa; Melboa-C. Tamblyn, K. SqUair, J. Karapativa; Alexander--C. ,ra-tblyn, L. Snowden, J. Kara- -pativaT,; St. Lawrenice-C. Tamb- lyn, J. Karapativa, L. A. Squair; Gravenstein-L. A. Squair, L. Suowvden, J. Karapativa; WealtlY --L. A. Squair, Boyd & Son, C. Tamblyn; Snow--C, Tamblyn. b. A. Squai-, Boycl & Son; Mcintosh --. A. Squair, C. Tamblyni, R. Osorne; Scarlet Pippil-R. Os- boirne, T, H. Jose, L. A. Sciuair; Baxte--L, Snowden, R. Osbor-ne, C. Taînbiyn; Wolfe River-L. A. $quaii-, L. Snowden, J. Karapa- tiva; Bâlenhieim Peppn-L. Snaw- deM, R. Oshorne, J. Kauapativa; Crabb Apple-L. Sniowdenq, Boyd &9 Se .Kaaativa; Spy-L.. A. Squi-., R. Osborne, C. Tamnblyn; Delicious - C. TFamblyn, K. Squaii-, L. A. Squair; L-aSalle-C. Tamiblyni, Boyd & sons, R. Os- borne; Golden Russet-R. Os- borne. L. A. Squair, L. Snowden;i Stark-L, A. Squiair, R. Osbor'ne, i Snjowdcen; B'aldwin-L. A. Squaî-, C. Tamrblyn, L. Sn)owdae"; Gr-eenng,>- K. S3quair, L. A. Squair, j. Karapativa; Tolman Swvet-C, Tambly-In, K. Siu a ir, b A. Squair. Pears -Best Coll.-K. Sq(juair; Bartlett-K. Squair, 1H. HaaIrcocK; Shneldo-K. Scquair; Flemlshi Bea'uty-Boycl & son, C. Tam-i' lysa; Bue*rre Base-K. Sqquair, L, A. Squair: lp aoieK -SuiC. Taimblyn. _

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