Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 6 Sep 1951, p. 5

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-~-77777 ~.3.Bob GoodAe haa taken a p)os- M'i oyeSton1iecidg Ms. J. J. Corinh and Mr.Ro i 'rii heGaad~nBan1L of Ooml- t Carscladde-n sichool, eaast of Pon- Wntr ave retmuined home after a' mecOronio.typool.fiewkhldatoteWstos. LOCAL NEWS Mr. James P'ollard h-as acceptbed a teacher's Position at BaIl!yduff s(cho9l Did --ou kiok Gwendolyn iMlack' Tomn Hall on Fiday ilt Mr. 'and Mrs. J. A. Paterson aedý Murray spent the holiday week-end wdlhtei so amsand uswieat their suinamer cottage onCaro M.and Mrs. B. F. Dru-nmoid andý zon Keiiieth of Virgin4,atosvn are; viidgMra. Diru'smnionid's ;parents. Mn. and Mrs. J. A. Paterson. Mir. and Mrs. Harry Du _aran and dghr.Marguerite, ana Miss Nanny Arcery of Clieveland. 4de withl Mis. Fred Du-ncans. Afternoon Auxillary Secrotar-y introduced the new act'udy book and other v pflbooka along the saine iMie, ani wa-s ut'hord-zeýd. by the nmetIng to pupchase sevieral! opies of thse "Up)er R00o"te, be left in tise i' for thec use of 'ry onue congregation. Thetesue repoiited foaty-fouii paid up e- bes to date. The nepxt meeting wilI be theý Tisn1~Oferngmceting, Gectocer 2 undcer tse direction of tis et utv and gioup laes KEQA L Mr. Bob vannatto wpý aaSdy gueat with .Mrs. D. Vannatto ardý Misa Mary Ta4or and Mr-. RObt. Aexan-der 0f '1Toronto apent tihe week -n,à wth Mr. and Mrs. Blaàke Alex-1 Arm~r eArtillery eInfantry $26,000AO renovation of Park Street Unlited Church -wÎ! Dedication Febru3ary lOth190 We are aonry to learn tihat youlng Ray, sýon of Mvr, and~ Mrs. Eddie1 Go&nioux has been on the sick Hat for the past f ew wveeks, but, understand he ia noýw ouit of danger. We hope Mrs. H'eifb. Mercer whoù is ,undergocing treatment im Peterboro1 Hosipital wilii 'ýon be feeliig bEbtter. Miss Içnebha-, takenup iher new &tVLes~ at the Kenrdal eoL and Tueadýay mas bazIk te. ei idry Seori the atUdIeb. The S w teaheri staying with Mr. wld %ra. fAIStev- s t ens. visitoms Cordon on drew and drew -and anid Mr. CO. Mr. and Mms Mr. ai Mrs, Hairold Littie, and Deniiiiï-, e He1,aly Falls vifitors on M311nduy wthl Mr. ai l'oilFaILS. There was a good attendiau Vthe W. A. meeting held et ts ofIvs. Cha, Thiespson on We day.afteo~isAugust 29tVla meelsg opeaed wihtiehelyin Lord 1-, M1y Shepherd," Mn Thornîe beinig he eousit N. Keiinnedy gave a reading on Lost Slieep" exptaýining lsosv were mucih lk sheep inusanu of the shepherd. Mrs. Stokier rel they cailed for ise adiiniat, wheni they were lost and in tI paa,)iablefrn the Serliptureis4D SlIns sibjert. Thse rol cali l responded to1-jby namJing a ves l'Isle Bible irn whichl the Sheep ar shepiserd wîer-emeit;ine-d. Ts ing \vas very interested in hea., tise uctivities ;of the Sixth ULne t seetis a a askect bas lue- ilig arouild in thiat vid1i±iy hiome made pro-ducts aind ay box con-,tainedi thereir. A prodý taken out an'd a conjts4butkio . c ed, in ýthse monvey box. We uadei a rlice 1ldtI( le tm of moley W,- relsullt. The 'bazaar to'1ý he i TIe p W r the Young men recently grachiated from Uigh School -with a minimum educational standard of ýUnor Matriculation, may become omfcers in te Casnadian Army Active Force. If accepted ý1eou begin training at Camp Bordenr as an oficer cadet to quatfy as a Second Lieutenant in die Active Force. You will receive Second Lieuteniant's pay wliile intrfaining. Trhis trainingý'wiI1 consis;t of three courses totalling a period¶ of twenty-eight Wýeeks. 'When you are granted a commission you will then jerve for periods of 3, 4 or 5 years as you c6oose under the ShCnt Service Commission Plan. At the end of this service vii7umamy pIy for a permanent commission. This is a chant-e to serve Canada at a time when defence stands as miost imiportai~t national conicern. The training and experience 1i1 Ieadershiip will be invajuable assets to any young man dhroughout hi-, whole life. TOQ 9LALIFY ÎOU MUST SE: *Physieafly Fîý 0 D.iween 18 And 25 yoars of ciqe * A Junior Matriculation Groducto APPLY TODAY îrl persOfl or by wriil o i< 3'1Dpti Wt~@PW'"adCuh " Ne . 5PeVSOU"' ODept krtilary Park, Iu@"Z', t0 -L0t Caeaia~ AIIY R«""~4 SotIfl&9 M0U0j ld t. W". TO"~ 01 f4..7 Pe r mi'PtQ ZI ofO i . iUb.th Street,LodI.Ol' AVIUYReUUtImIC~"t'. 23» 1 treO We',totr5y M'~v ffgitP4iC~NJuNhe %*y, andMis NrN. Keimied andi sevDavery d voe0thanks was ntanfoýr er VWEf Week-end gutei awïtb. M Percy Snel were fRex. ai Lion, Dianra. ami Keiuh., ai OhLo. mrn aml Mis. .,eni fanlMly visiteýdil.4;Lay wL bitihday Viioswhth Mr,-. P. were lilSas lola tHoldawa Mr. and ns.Allais Glove Mrt. amd Mmn. WiLLaiamG famïiily cf Pbroo Mr. and Yr. Haircld . fainily anotoired tVlsroupi, Onailast wee-k. Mr. andi Mm. Murray IRuth Paylie spesslt Monda Exhibiýtiocn. Sclhool Lhas openeýd with Payne returning to Long Helen Joh>inson oýff Port Ji Thorndyke is the -only beý We are sorry to e ari Ia-nd JPan Neo have 1) siiek reeenuty, 'isliela Rymer, Tin ifisCatheine McKini gueats of Mms. Howýýardj wee,(k. Mr.-iand MCarl Py Mms. H-owiard Payne anid Sý 'l ngthse guta ps Um CkisiPtestswed il daY nt nooi n Lu Cnton Uni MNr. ansd Mis. Arnold ami fami1r'.vi i n sTo, day w-ith Mc.ali Mrua. Sbw J

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