Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 5 Jul 1951, p. 4

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31%If Weekly Times Mgai],, Post Office Departmeat, Ottawa. Request. Subscription $Il5 .i.ed January, 1937. Publîsher. R- C F.",2t ,li Of 1 r'l-datJ Ug G e- Ivu âlne tolIi ý' d Jo'sep'h Lai( e Jate 1Mt. Murphy. Thie wit talcs' p tce i Oromo) 1like to take oAI p (oritunl- elia licr Reblc L111'11',the lA 1o iahonl f he ron yi auneA-1 rog pir * -111i no Iinshopl, new Circulato'r ttsed for cooling or iraroom. the thing foè- S u- ttag-e or sc om E. LO01GA N Plione S 18 The M, LUqi0ion BnPi M, ill be1 hel Fida, uly6t athePark a Spm.Crne and in'ite a wicles o cooies.a-p NOIETO RESIDENTS 0F ScilpoL SECTION No. 15 are invite Vto attend a -Pic bsn hed t nptnPark natra Jufly 71lh < mni at 2 ..Cm enjoymient. Tanpot ntats neede wiflbe ava sdfor b r janmes oia 1r. Neil Bry u ver olicin, ' Cs p1 rf(aI, I and i Heatnr CALE 13, ViFOR ESTIM TES I Phonie 84 r 12 ORONO . ONT. CLAS8S IlECD FORS 1950 ýChe .Sdn eallie Greyi PhoneCbark1422 SALE Rt GISTERS -1 havereidisrcron on Mr. Ciris wn Lot 18'S, con. 9 Claýrke tovnship, to 1ssii -1by publ-1_ïc Auction, Monday even4nig, Tly 9 aý t 8 p.m 45 acres ofstdig ay TerMis'cash. Jack 1ýReid, i toer 1 have receýved istucio foml Mis. M. A. Pin-king, .(Lt 2-co. 1 2 Cl~iketons', 1 mue...east Of Newcasfle on No. 2" llighwa'yý,to sei'l by public auclitin n FidaI-Y1Itily S'ti 8-'l m..50f)acres ý,of Il nlnghy Ter'ms cash. Jack RiAcine 1 have receivedintciosfo tefarm manager of T,'kwvin Fr 8meseast and n ien~h Bowma-)ýnville on the 1tow1n lins to eli 4y ý uli uction Sat.., Jl 7 t'heir entire hioussýhold efct Il pur- lchased 'a ihi h ast few mon- this, M.5acres of stndnghay 4 n. of mîxed grain. Ter-ms cash ino re- STAFFORD BROS ! Monumental Works 1 Phonle Whiitby 5152 318J)uda~St. E., hity FINE QUALITY MOiNUMENTS ANTP MARICERS Let us erect a haadsomie, dig- nified monument over thie rest- iag place Of your lo0ved ones. ptso expens'ive. And seeing this last tribute will giv you tncilss cmfor PeAP R C ýI ECooNi I Choe Btraon ill b e nay a1,9,51 9 Pu rcfal i ,rs, 1 Becaties, ron Metals .1o2b1t2 e Plae r esout Bou-levar-d for Colllct i hy 9a IDEA E ,Iý_FSTOC K Pi ked upiii pt) HoresCo , Hifer-s, ee igs and ew, bora ale Wetc pay for . orses Cow's an Ielfers Asanadedservice We wil1 Co- oprt w orv etie arian la 2/cplb fori e horses. Caîl ol et Bo 1,anie267 T n Or ono Electric Plhonie 30 r 16 CONTRACTORS FOIR FAR a~d OUSE Free Fstimiates APPLIA,,ýNCE SA--LES Prompt and Guaranteed Repaire to ail makes of Electrical Equipmnent and Appliances ~uhas 'ntlorq, Wnt er Heaters. JACK REID Auctioneer and Valuatoi Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terme and dates pbione 5r lS - (*- LIFE INSURANCE tpension fas dctoa~Plce Pfrotection and Savings Plans fo, Childýren and Aut;Mortga2e in Surance Plans. F. E. LYCETTr ORO0NO. Ont. - Phone 20 r lt The RIJTTER GRANITEý' COMPANY Dial 3216 ý O Box 6-22 Port Ho-pe, Ontarlo Monuments, Gravem-arkeri We will be plea,,ed to pick up dead or crippled farm animale and lpay highest prevailing priCes.j For imnmediate service tlephone collect Br-ooklin 62, Cobourg 1266w, Toronto Empire 3-3636 60-ROON YOlJNlc 4.d._ Pro fessional Directory A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICI.AN and SURGEON 2.00 té 4.00 >p ; m M .94 LH Sundays and Wemoudeya h7 PHONE 47r1 MON E. C. SYER, M.f. PHYSCIANand SURýGEO« Maqin Street South Office Hburs: 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.. 6.30 to 8.00 pm Sunidays and Holidays by Appointment PHONE 74 r 19, ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Masoni, B.A& Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones:- Office 688 Home 553 TEDJACKSOU Auctioneer and Valuator (3onducts Auction Sales of il da -and -at reasonahie rates Communicate -with hlm at F"E Perry, Ontario, or ses hla ClQrk. Aâý E. Morton, at Orono, for date 'i <I uury Uniliedl The resilient softness o toam rubber, thse taultiess good taste acheved by choice fobis and gleuminq chrome trim-alI combine te give tihe Buicis Rviera oun interior of unpralleled'uxury, beauty and comfor. 1 he Buck Custo ra ivieres Whte sidewalt tires arsd stainless steel wheel discs optionci ao. extra Icot. M-951 a 4%

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