Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 5 Jul 1951, p. 3

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NEWand Aluminunt .Tile t hase getcletgh ade oC Alodine îreated auiumand lin- fieis baked (1intLo nîtal ithmita eedoen.Said 1nOt te crChip or ee, ad o becwte rsist4int, tilt -ontes la 12 by 16 inch sghett whth 12tis to a sheet. If Yeu Cal'I wi To )be sale iii oa rarnt wiater, try a 11f e saver eCs;. Ot1ly l6onuncos ila Wight, veSt is claii 1 five tfjits ot uoat than cork. Stufeti xsýith Kapok, ýsst bas ito ietal pat rnst (or crodandi is painted brigbl orange for blitî NewEmgecAdpo New dpo mksi psil ilstrial type xge eutranîd a Cylî1nder of exyge-n, Adapter com- vuetspeuniser square inch pres- su!re to b;ters - petý - inute flots seuinemergenciosinidtrl platsatifla iviian dî'efense, svben Itospital type reûgula;tors are not available, adaptor is mlatie of chronme for jlong service, Sntall andi ight- w it t anhocaritilaglove Plasic Shades Mýtade1 '-Iront plstc1 ino s;hades Pre Coîmpletel abbe fast2and opaque. Coing Cn four Moors, shades bave bonded Items and ae lasened o th4 ro11rc b GemnCamera. shaltter setsfront I tn l/3(JOtb second, lItem ba1s 1built-in slf timeri for de-layed ato îsam'd an tyt'ý-leve-l optîcaliewidra Weil as a larýge ieing area. Leading Lady-Youngest -horse- womon ever ta compete in the Richmond Royal Hor-se Show ot Wimbleton, Enigland, 2ïl'month- vdM Jackie Hunt managed a .mile as she lugged a saddle Io Ihe site of a specicil contest for- zhildren's ponies on leading reins. As a tribute ta her poise, na one macde Ath the horst lough when tiny Jockie fai[ed ta win first prze., Not Enough 'Teejwtst aren'i enough million- ai;rets in Canada te ay tht taxes tht govenmtt nedsFinnceMinlister Who Compbled about the newde- fense tax-es iin tht Hon-te of ACon nions thteother Cday -Ont wouats The late sociajlist o rieto Australi.,a ieaned ta esn ehat conntr-y thty bt uitidea SUbaIt 1ht rthwouldbe ýAlete furl- nish ai thttaxe,ýs ncessary ifor thecir grand scheme, But thee wreni't enough of the and when tMy ran out of milionaires and evocAybd had to ci uand pay txeolt went thtsmoiit governuet. And ln Great Britain thepy are beginnming te 1leamu thýat lsotoo. If ail tt ccmuatd e inhl ibis or 21nï othercutrwreo-- lisCted by ttgove-r1-ume n omo- 5ew t would ontly be a mateýr marks UNtIl tis was sont Afler tuat busefhohd ~thttxcollecter wcndbaveto ýget buscy again -Froint h aca ot Carefree Casey -- MaonageFr of the worïd's champion Yankees, Caosey Stengel, has a way of okn unworried reven whlenbse by the most crucial crises. And so it was smro11 wonder 'thot New Yo.rk catcher Yogi Berra looked icreuoas his boss put on a corefree juggling oact evýen whik a Yankee relief expert walked towavrdsý the Yankee Stadium- mound vacatc-d by Tommy Lyrne ofler the Detroit Tigers cut loose with a three-run aïtack. Yanee£te akeit aI. A tîwr- 'D it pLace nd hoUn sgn o overtakng1and asaîng tht antax-g VtilV, iliayoys- rs nul yo 1grhtrntmoCy n u choie wexvoud adisethe t te do a ~ ~ o bit f bdgin IFa tatsabavs g big and sr, scbangevor then -cýiee. be ay forhs foretcips- we woîîlbe ýd b eatiy c heRd t ý,take ahetit îit4<ethonthteBosneu RhetihSox, cstcMly if tht edbut a fairiy smiofetra e- Why thaie- udden sitch 10the Red Sox, ateant stbav1stý e olis waTtr'ýtd even wtr n theildke1 ï.ike stiaeut? There's jnstar- reasoncandïi S avoe-matl ese n For ïý-t'h fnitiît snce nbtbitht boigirntee Wihiams ows signsL-c olhaving sheddbg i gr te atI-arn" ma te l and e bech oigthttmNo morestndicgostar h3-1lwys bad th poetamites of bhe ting. he a tidont Htand-thpain gfo ht feantdratr titn o bihpe s p- pingsandescoulesiiy carr tt Rd S.ox tedthe titie it the une up t- hbae, Wit iwuloin't tae ba tecnvomtead o exta bclp. in he oura nni*. n* -e A crie ption of ysa gantaant doe offgi ttha ft-1Williarbs fia "T bedatuhe tareiiite Ie racIngtathe soeor amk W iam ctu.-My deIiberately ,hit-. -ed wote cusxhibpul ever sînceJas been taing hack, eutensithe CWiiams batting ave- rageMW m oig games fortht o- ton;team, Fans and payers bS Ceht hndreds have pltaded ith Wilamsto sop iing foýrItht lo have a heap of mol leodd i bave d-orIn htbusine, Tt lettr ing crowd afïer e ucesful defended hi5 ife os U.S, Open Golf Champion'. -f Il = alldtPajper MliLimited Th l ,1ant of ïngeCnadan îtsl an Papr Mils, Limited at Quebec Ciy asa idwae locatin and an esimated ultmate cpacy of 250,00 tons ,of nemapint, 70,00 tons of sui- hite pulp and 30,000 tons of paperboard Per 'l'li Te Company COntrols lMts estia- ed Po contan some 22 te 25 illon cords of Weofraspin pas Aniglo-Caniadian Pulp and Paper M31%, Limited Commaon Shares of No Par Valuoe Price:- At thie market, to yield about.7 ý"on the basis of the presentl dilidenid rate) Earnings of the opayi!î 1950 vîal for dividends amnounted to $2.87 per share. Dividenids declared from tlhese earnings ane" payable in 1951 total $1.80purshareof whilh V0 vspaid May l5th, 1951 and 4,5ý is týo be paid oin bath July '21)1and Otbr2dti year. The Company has rio fonded decýbt r) preferred stock outstandingf. Raymwîd Cobaththe adl of theti a chl-nge tci Vee Wd ily ie Kete y Cobb bas long been an ad mierOf lIlilia, but didn't tbink) mtîch of iliTed's buitaddd ins, ý i tene tat htisButeau hillewa a calnge tulabrat coul ol Bumt by cotinuig liittig TO I!gHT 3l '0 ah tht t iws ive steparn basebil ntht tt wpien y ar," Cobbtld aIfriend sever wat monhs ago îîillamsis tht on01ly ont TI îbugtcid bak ryrcord. ButaýS C his batingaverge y tusn to, hit t l. t; gjie mcca ai toin that $100plîjtheof are makinga $10,000 hitter do what hoogh o do ho c ol b11oni thtfirt .50 iter inhasbalebi- tory." 11o&ýlis ma loScîto rXViliams -e anyb o ýýin sportre 'Co Coran, tgolf prioter. Nýitol doubt Cor cran phst cdthift ccordc ahlongydto Williams, but w it hâ otcabioe tifeet hoben, 1i', stht Carh pat of t preiý3Set lsason, il.limCse tn ivis ghasslb-3b t 8, for a an i-lik Wichiiiam. o ob satydon a l,,giants up t ow s riebused ito ham. t it nînst have bee bo stif beiic jifthe verüiday icl lien doube an a i eal ta-, -lft Il ilge oideIC l Sce won't pmit us to go o urther te-deta bt, uptl([,1i Wliam s icq ltckfIed polehî soinceIeaIngfo y ob ingclor(selt, tit i notuf ltetethat aot t hoser(iigb ýingîes h aveben goi n lu ht drection theith he oc e disdaicin eas o ain frNIAtý Jeht mago".0 mr-r vng go toT Cobb.Ft cash. Fior i ou geiieslareadr on tht sstrejng.th of i- sv t we have make a nietiau onthtBsto was t astipd ouof. u Wolf andmouon iknntba e n C1asýs ied NO artlgfor oNoteliCaabanAp protrO hiek. Popt diVRery of ai non-ear. piles, cckseis Alon Tur- key ouit, oler uiles. l'reecatlge. H i) OI 56-na ge olty isael oteu. W itefoWr e tailun W ltddaB; W*6 vrry eek t.ntf the wonderfu)l lv- 7f9T1 eeldle Chic. fyu an th be. iopa Urei.nnsxtpues okr- rillo ,iey pouits. olle uie Hathe evry àe-, h, yfar a.oun i rgno , Ontar S oubo lesWrit to ~ to inormuete wte ?ýl one t . 5 2àor 42unto. ow 3uy dirctfron, t, iu nntrsrwle ba- guarnter. Wite or rscataloue blilrs Deics fg C,.126 t25r innis, ,lenarm1 Ont. 22THEN 6 nT3,cswbite rei o eel ex- ai iii.5 $3.60.gi toi oul sîge ri sord ighto 1sf hatt wih rob u sran now ýgtr aue, aoot cabine, 810550; 25x 4.seas aove wit Arorte opant 1 x 0 inlerabd tion, Otar fin. ýcaga ak Bus ustoi-bit. Appý-iandrstn axi. Ï SEY- 11tS, 5 facor n te iA Cae bS e-ipikpbae;ayr Hutrts of i i odmca1, flashng eOPPORTUIIEis iFOR MEtN AND W33E BE A HAIRDRESSER MmN~'tD' e iJiNt CIO Ors'Opotunl e PATENTS ventions a nti fuPlIfomtO-sni frea, l'Ife lasyC. Egist4eetiPateFnt At, neya, . Bank îet tae Bay Stee Sronin nptle t Infýorma- tion iili equets PIESOINAL LONELY? DerÙ, eiFer;l thatyou ueeý, a býaps tPh,,, b- yo. No ohlga,1r nlimieai 3 01 veng, eec Tr.1,- 30e PHTO SERVICe ,jc ARTsizh6o t epo.erlaO u i printtniaheti o DtasVlofoos sherrooke, Que, TECESWNo.Ec', Maide Prc--ýg ý'uiyîin onty doisit cmmnchSpt 4.15.saaryeceueinmm600 ,zdt. Thoma,, Ont . 1jl lt Selnot ictin N, , Malahie, Rîn p- t; s I s 4 7 *1 4 t 'e,. 4 '0 s t I LIHUGGENERATOR SET Tl- BANKS-MORE nan 1-1,t atnd ACi, gslîegeeatn st 6-yc4 Bli, Ham. Ito, Ont SMactr outtt, 8,80. il rlvas uito andihvitiua i H. , home.s,& So,li am ville, OnEt ,- ,ý 16-ACE f ar andg new n,,room b oun, basement. gas. lectr ittlyend etr youi$-- B ShCn De,,ts o.i eiad trad 1'ulyequiprrd an.d i efc BRITfUL G rret OPyrenees Popotscfo ItmsiSnhaptnOCarî, oaerc Whts$10e f0 1800molur 50740 Airconifonin unceo2.00 pca may anaiedllrS ywthntidenc su ibv ice oe Stîfctogur anEeEtradsot f aC'talge. 4 ifw uopyeeytisyttnei frcu piste lumbîn or hAti L aalaln MR II veey aufFerer of LRheumaiic poins. seNeuritis heulel try igon'a zRemedy, MUNRO'S ORUG STORE P135 OTS CN SALVE frsr eif Tour Druggist sella ORESS. molves lngrown nsal lniafwplitln 10miuts.80.tet tAid y POSTS ECEMA ISV sent weslng oeitouls.PalsEceî rlngorni pimles nti ahlt'sf"tf ~ respnti 'èabcte te stilpur oire oiemnt. regar asenIbuse sîubrn PoAe). îhysen L-

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