Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 7 Jun 1951, p. 4

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OROvNO WEEWLY TIMlES THU1RSDAY, JUN rhe Orono Weekly Timnes INMM A LAS8IFUED OOLUMNS COWAN-In 1ovii igÎeiiwirbraneec f____________ zed 2s Second Class -Mail, Post Office Departaient, Ottawa. ader tl mother, who FOR SALE pssed a\ý Jiunie ý , 1949J. COMING EVE1NTS tisine Rates on Reqluest. Subscriptio(n $1.50 God kn hat -s 'wasý, suffering, TDmgîi nntî iEigtrnnpic That t h ill whard to cib o ut a iplex Jit~a[- EsalsHdJnSe clo-d h wairy eyelids-, ~ ~ ~ ~ s efe r~ ah EstabishedJanuay, 197. »wi be blevening, June îý with wr >idaDLa And w~ser "enc b Tin. 250 ean r rsto eaator. "medu îm RAorstrPablisher. R C Forrester Aiwa n t bea'ti I. Mnearlypr- -4he. le Fvntsofarr onnt i eaon' o Who new. Apjply to Msugs, Soretn~e ~emeheewe know M41)on.Yi' oo .Cone and ;nJoýY acrce ra h rooGea~Y SOilýtiiiean cveiin'gs entertainnent a-c 1 wNheii,1 JULY lst SPORTS DAY W mill mjet ou, oed one tiiere.1 FOR SALE> Ever ,romernbei'ed bYBro4oks, Vildia The Kend-ali-Unted Ch h . A. j 7,11t anay seem n y1va fesv ronVIhsýaga o tt ttld jancveun<erseat {hee>aterg tLiaitagig ___the______Sprts____o,______________ ý),n W. A. U-plif oiety ad "The rdigood ndtion. :cýBasnott, ~eeranth yar psa tni dessoanVotr~e D- heTae ' lh ecton byiPhoive 60v7, 0 an-P w - al s t g fth e fa p r t a o u y -tw a s c i n -1 1 Q . ~sh~g temoS it îs to&ay that we stanýd on the tireshold LVflLE-"At her 1 ate "Ysid.ence,ta.F yJ 5 8pn.th f'stof uly.Onti-X on n~lay.May IL,195 e n al ra ine R 1M. AmsinFOR sAl'E iC)AnWI<Ibii Sufdi'Y, M i 7k,1951,1Ault e hlie % b 1c ~ Od o i I' wo knoýof u-,,,)feneoits orperttiofn which are un- oprofmkte thls dac which ha hecolie kiown 'an a yeariy ot- je, loial paerk. t woulid cien Vo', o a <L¶sdýappodnitaneifit if thias not spoisored agiaai this yeànr. Not coni-y does it aefud n,ïuraa4Vy w either in the park o along tlhe nporto ne, but it keeplg Oruno a centre of aativity anid a. corniaity where «is eain ±ind entertaimneit ier yciarste ILeOrooC <>4e f Commec-i-e honsponGored eilier directly oridirenly. It -would also' secm fitting if -i Parlk Board or the Onn Amteur Athietic AssociaVihn plvuate~ans frtbis day andl geVt le bahi olig 1 means, espeeialiy sdtxVceVthe dany hua beeoanie ei IsoletVa pain spons'red i-n the con -nity,. o't Kills Germs- After Y ou've Lost Stock I ooks better to ByFrsi Clean W ITE Stails. 1-ogs and Chick s do B1et'eronýJ eas Feed When They Are j e of lice.n 'ressure Equptet u I~s- tio into Smalest Cracks. I ILH. 5t.0e ýe4rlO - - Orono, Ont 9iut. ... )urs of your bereave- is to do everythîng to lighiten. your bur- £fY lR. BARLOW FUNER.AL DIRECTOR Orono, Ont. Phone 18 r 2 Northcutt and Smith unaiDirectors and FurniturQ Dealers DNESS COURTES-Y SERVICE siped . tkecare of the modeat funeral ai the out resnbechargie as Weil as the. large*t and motexactiflg Telphee:Office 668 - Reideuce - 829 and 726 Bawaianville. Ont. CAN YQIJ EKY 'Luckil3v Io one was h ùrt . Sbut can you pay for this a dent. You can if you aire bro-o operly insure4'. Guard, a ainst 9this cost Insure now. SN. F. PORTER Wu ORONOerOlit. Real EstateI TOBACCO HAIL RATES The 1951 hiall rates have been publishied and 1 amn now taking applications in either Lloyd's of England or Homte of Ne'w 'York. Mly central location assures you of prompt service on dlaimis. Leroy Hamilton Offfice 32 r 10, Res. 1 r 16 Oronlo, Ontario INSUTRANCE In aIl its branches Fir-e, Autîiomnobile, Liabity, àife, Hsiaiztoi ind Plate Glass, Burglary Oarvethb,21c BsliTand"m c tfor b ulýaic TheKo n ýlWme' nýttl',i4 lf» tatr gt$,6e a WOtaco 'eýtat the Go 7-ft: Dasc. lnmpreal. $292.00. d<on We e te on aJn rai xap xîlbWH ar 5-t. 6 IS. a it2 qarlnte lmStOOH otr, t livt H-orne-r, Iediical 9ffic F' (,Il-ilth Plflp Jak. Woo46s Cou Cýbin2ntion' mil, be te Apae rpc v Freeszer and Rýîgerator t 5_,O000. tatiun is extûn~fd t mohe of LJwd lait rnaitJÈnaI tratûePlo ew young ebadren a~pPhone Cal.dd, Cmnrke I62(1. C-21c DEOUJMÔN Vý-D-EAD LIVE STOCK TIbe An mai1I;(ecoratiA Day r er- Picke-d Uripren>00 -I vice in ,nÔoIIO Cre iwil'l be ess oaH s g held o 1dy u 7h. Servie ait2~Qp.. erretios~of heWepay -forr.eC ridiHeifers lioeill éI4r ;onuBand xKI fur- As an a4 dseqe e w Ico- nia masefor fthe service. b2coperate - our t eriparian ini 21,,cper ib.fo lveos 'Notice to Creditors! Ca coiie t Boni lèe 2Q M\A WIffLL FUR FARIMS VNTE AEY a h OF' hip f Clark VEY Vle Cofnthe. of Dun, Laboure Ail pe-raoqïs baviag Cda-imts againast t1e Enstaite off Vhs said John Have wh'o. died oni or about the l5th da-y of Mnirch 149. are hereby ntified to sei.md Vn the undersignedi Adm-inistra- ton or bis Soýlicitoýr on or befo-e the 29rd day of Junoe. 1951, theîrirnines and adiress,ýes and full paiiiulars of their eludimi§and Vthe ntue f he seuiis(if any) held bDy thena duly verifid lby stat-aitory dela-ration. li-iiieediately after the said 3r day of June 1951, the a-ssets of Vthe1 ý,aad edeceasied, will be distriibctted a- mon- he persons' en-titled thereto haigregard, only Vo the clainrs oi tbiheVhAdrninitrator (or the u-i dersigned Solitor shah tho1n have D'ated at 00onc this 24th day o Maiy 1951. W. ARTIIU1 I? A HAVEýY R. R No 1- yrn , On't. R. R. WADDELL, k.C OovOnit. il (fr &on)c oeLGL$4/, i. of Maiin $-treet tonhas corne far! It was once juat a wave-lapped cov-~ of the Pacific. Now it is part of the vast Iumnbering industry of Canada's west coast. f i 4 Andi servin-g that inidusry . .. andi us.. la branch of the Commerce. The manager is our friend-knows us well-gives service that cornes with long acquaintarnce. Our town depends on iunber. Andi you can dependi on the men and women aft the Commerce-they are gioodi peopIe to know. The Canad Ty49-tf U%'se the Classilled Columu P1umbing and Rot Water Heatlng, CALI, US FOR ESTIMÂTES HARRY E. LYCETT Phone 84 r 12 ORONO - ONT. Orono Electri'c Plone 30 r 16, FANRaCT OSE WLRI' nGOIS FIresimate APreeANE SAES Pp AN aaALtES ear tomi il maesofElral E qupaient Ioal ad »llcIace ,,.,D Sncb as Motoirs, Watr Heatersi ry goo4à 'nerce Professional »irectory om TED JACKSCN Auctioneer and Valuator Condeicte Auctia Sales eofa&l du.. and rat ramib rates communicate wjtb 'hi. .t Ve Perry, Ontarîo,- or scea hi. CIoek. A. E. M;rton, at Oras, for date. JACK REID O-rono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuater Specialize iFarm and 1Furniture Sales Consuit me for termi and dates LIFE INSURANCE, Pension Plans; dctinlPoHlelo. Protection and Savingig planai l Children and Aduits; Mortgage la- surance Plans. F. E. LYCETT ORONO, Ont. ?Ahoo 0r le The RIJTTER GRkýlNITE COMPANY Dial 3216 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hlope, Ontarie Mlonuments, GravemarkerM EnrrnvinL.Gldefi STAFFORD BRUS MOnumenltal Worksý Phone, Whitby 552 SI18 Dundasý St. E, Whitby MONUMENTS ANlP MARKNERS Lot us erýeet a handsomie, dig- n ifiedA mon-umerit over the rest- ing place f yopr 10'J4 ones. It's iflot epnie And seeing this laIS4t tibute- will give yoju ndlessecomfo)rt We Will h pleased te pick upJ dead or crippled farm animaIs and lpay highest prevailing prces. For immediate service telephone collect Brooklin 62, Cobourg 1266w, Toronto Empire 3-3636 CORDON YONG !J41. O0rono Tinshopý jNbw i& the time. to talk about* Eavetrough. R. E. LOGAN Phoet.18-10 lo-w oeaý etI inl Ob den. 18 r 7 KIN ý Equ 91 iL A. F. MCKENZIE, M. PRYSICIA&N and SURGEON 1ee ctHour : 2.00 t. 4.00 vp.m.4 SM te .00 P.M~ Sundayn and WadneudYo by appointaient .nly PHONE 47r1 - êEU E, C. SYBR, MIL PHYSICIAN aild SURQf0eN Mlain Street South Office -Houri: 2.00 to 4.00 j,.m.: 6.30 to 8.M00p.. Sundays and Holidays by Appointaient PUONIE '74 r 19 OBONO LEGAL Lawrence C. M'ason, eLA. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE~, ONT. Offic 688 Hom* 553 il f 1 1 ýpe

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