Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 31 May 1951, p. 8

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KENDAL Fals i Tronito forIai week Mr.andMas BlkeAlexander and, - ~ ~ ~ ý-ý ~ Vi-i n r.F. VFlîsvis4ited in P'etýerbo.oug'h onjiuray 'helistrctof Clar-ke LO.L. will on .) June 10 IPh. Mr.an Ms. eogeSmirbh of aur '~meon S-tu: day cven;iu)g last, Mr. L .el asnd la r n e.R Eliotand famiily, Mr.nd Mes. A. i-'wJve rnIjMes1 ow Se ior nd MeVf. aliA dMr >s. M. Raýbinson. Durinîg thieenngMe. Cockburn etran ed %vith Ha anycoloured ilmoving nicure, Uebeutfu ceyof the zUO No~had satetto bhi.Be- fore lieiviný7 for hue hekinrdly - i ostesa aerved a daIinrtv lunchai md al ef t feeling 11-nny in tile f act tfiat we haveMv. îid ca.Cociburn. 5v.:an ' M?. aiid Ms. (ookb rJ. to add py to 01 godnehorod iat noi trus--i ut that -thywill be with ils for n'amly *year lS tolore. Mr. rd rs.N. Thielitel, _Mr. and FS" Mr.N.Egerad baby daughter - 11 ani r. -a1dMrs.Leo Woodicock -and, 7 ayson tt Ii ome' u niiimer ho e hae. Mr. and M.eýs Wml. -Boy-\d of Tor- ono ith Meâf. pBr.t Holkl-antfor. the musclesi the leg,,heresut of()Ca fai ~mn tire week ae.We hope WES LErYVIL E MN -Grce o de PrtHonpe, vis~ed wth uth a 'e for 'he flssDoisDuff, and M JryLy- me, awvisiteti wýith Mri. anl d MIr. andi Mrs. Jms1Hl1, Mris. Graar ad Jeani of Torcoto visited Mr. mi es.Tolippin, Sundayv. Mr. anti Mrs Mortoi, -Mr uffl Mes. - o\veIl, Millbeoolk, M. aiM-s.C. Raby lvanhi -lirein wreSundayv ýis- i'tors 1wth M. anti Nes. Hacold Bar- ranwýlough. JenRuther'fordweee vîiors w,ýith Henespa -enItsfor. thewe-ed Mr. Douglas Barne t,FeusMs n-e fmilesin thie commnityiý on Mr. la-eceNicholsý and son, Ja es et Fesiday t spnid a'el siigher parenits. - Mr i- Mrs Perey Snell, w ith eirrantcildeen1, Barara and RoneDinnler, M Viiti thM .ad Mr.Ken. :ag' iTr ntoon Mr,. antiM-s.C. Pan'Miss ft-th ayeni Miss Gerie -Rowdenp, siwent SLwday visýiting., wth Mr. mand M-s. Hrl Bebee, Bailtiebo-ro. Mr.anoMa.Howard 11payrp ne n Noah S -hi na mctored to Breg COWANIVIILLE maiid Meis, EîwoodRiusk of Tor' onoMr.anti Mr.is IIny RUSk 0of Port np sporlt the ýWeepk-enciiiWth 1Shipping Fever Vac( For use with veterinlary Hypo S 10 doses - ---., 1 .2 0 59 dos; The New Effective Rat *Easy to u lse *Effýctive against ai rais" * otaste *No "Bait ShyIIes'. Small 50e. Medium $1,75- WPe have a large Stock," of ail the r MlASTITIS BLOTTERS --,A simple a-, CROW For thie certain detr ctionogr BLAK= RM NEEDS BLA'K-LEGOIDS For innocuilatîng catle against blcle efore psuig Blottie of 10 oids $1.00l BLACK LEG AGQGR ESSIN (,iguti). for uise in eeiar Hypo Syringe, 10 doses...5 J50 doses.$2.77 vine E.i- Vcterinary Ilypodermie Syringe Syringe, Aýccurately deliveres froim 1 to 10 ce -- 1ice, seS - $.0 coi feie with twp nieedies -------------- $ l. 2 5 Treatrmts I '4 or Coccidiosis In Fowl Vet-Aiti Sullfaqin.. oxaline Tablets 'bottie of 100 $2.50 Ayerst Coxine Tabiet bottle of 25 $4.85 ýTTIS TREÀTMIENTS Ogi4ized treatp lents for miastitîs, Ointment, Bougies, etc. ac,>urate deCector of Mlastitis, package of 10 hiotters ........ 35c. PIMYCHNINE - 18c. and 35c. ý-hogs. Easy to us,,e. i IÏ.'til.m$i137 5 IL. economfy size .... $&.0 VETER1JARY GUIDE FOR FA\RMERS New facts ou the diagnosis, treatmnent and p)revet*in of diseases of farmn animais. This book profusely iliustrated, is the niost practical, authoritalive and unîderstandable work ont veterinary medicine that has ever been pubiished for the laymnan. -Cil in aned seýe this unusuai Guide. Priced at each........ $4.50 ORLONO TYRRELL'S DR'£UG STOREr ONTARJO NE WTON ,7,VILLEý7 Mix ud ôneswashomiewthhs paens orte week ir td i been o the c it u ehp Sugo wiithMs.illimUlw hoefiaeeigadetaan Soeof the pfliower I-gardensla i e vilgwre re-ally aI pictui,-e with thle different spigfoesand now ather vrt~ are co)minIg ao Qi t wfromheeaedd the Aco Sale of thie late Milrs. Colc's furniture in Ne-wçastle on Saturday afteinoon. Me.and Mrs. Jack GIaver and faniywere homie for the week-end fromi St. Thomas. Mra-d Mrs. Cecil PBurley have purhcasýed the property owned by- the lateMr and M-s. Charles Marris,. 0 0 o PA'RK ST. g g ~UNIED CH'URCIg Revel-endO G A. E. Eustae g Minister 0 SUNDAY, JUNE 3rd .f 100a.mi. Sunday TSchl An fi U niersay Dr. îGeorge Tel- g ford o)f St. Andrews Chu-l ic'h, Oshawa.O Want -a FREE, FLOOR POL ERS- YACUT E Ï Ali lMEtrhandise and Work, Cuaranteed and our service cantbebet Coleman& Philp Electrie PORT HOPE Blouses, Ladi es' Crepe, assorted colo ýs and'styles Slips, Lde'Taffeta, bias cut, lAes....$1,65 Dresses, CI.h*iden's Crepe, asso ed6C colors, size 6 mionthls to 112 \yèars..........$1.59 shorts, Misesrduroy, Ïjp r back Thsteners sizes 8S to 14, par for... ....... ...... $2.98 Siweaters, Infants all-wool., rtbon tied, long sleeves........ .. . .... $1.75 H adlclba gs, L d1i es' Plastic, a,ýorted st les, white 0111y, eachl........... i.. .. .22 Carment -,Ba , plastic, holdsjS garmen s -.89C. Slik Wisks,d" sanitary wislk broom, lristles wash perfectly ,4th soap anid water............. 45c- SPECIAL -- 'ýive Dressing Com1bs, one each, 8V2 in. dr1ess*ing, 7. pocket, 4V2r in. purse, a rat-tail curl- 'tnd a,41 2 in. .obby comb, ail for.......... 12c. G1QC ERY FEATURES A-r-Z/ 7\Peaîijut Butter, 16 oz. pkg.. 35c.' / Campfire Marshmnallows, 8oz pkg..........25e1 S Special -- Corni- Niblets, fancy 1 lb. 16c- quality.. 14 oz. tins, 2 for 33c. Lip)ton,-'s Orange Pekoe Tea, V2. lb., pkg ....... 5 5C Coffee., Galey Brand, fres'hly roast- ed, ground to order, i lb. bag 95,c. Avlyer. Grape Juice, sw,ýeetenied, 13 oz. bottle. ...... 21c. Special - Cranberry Sauce, 12 oz. -1ottIeýï'. ...,.... ......... 25cë Snap lland Cleaiier, tin.... -.. .17c. Special --- Quix Soap Powder, lb. 39c. *2 lb. p)kýg. for 60c. Save 18, Nu-Milk, simmi-ed milk 'powder, i lb). tin for........39C. 35c. ORONO 5cT0 $00 STOàRE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE NEW-ýVýCASTLE LIONS CLUB u sdayMay 3Slst 20 Regular alG res - 5 Sp 'arnes - 1 Free Glame $8.OJack Pot Mst Be PROCEEDS FOR LIONS WELFARE WORK 1 e W , - -à- -fie -,W- r.ý ADMISSION 50 Cents

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