Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 31 May 1951, p. 7

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Piayed Bagpipes And Was Hanged For thaMfinSte ilNU20 yeMs, Scotîand lnow bas a civij1li elg of pipinig, whreenbuiatsma learuiroýw (te play itht baigPiPes. FfFouaded at ýiLGiasgow by),wekean pipers, the schooltoa bas 130 pupils and bas c1airedvutgrown ifs original promuises,. t' Aparît rom iipreiy riiitiary sebýouis of pipi;ug, t!ui, is tha firsi piping claeto holestbibd Britain s;n-e Jacobito tunes, wboen baipaai ng wals banedin the coud ÈKido After thocollpao b"5Re- Ceiote instrment was ciasscd' asawar soaon nd Caven ,te carry a nst f agip s aapnsbe Offence. A , co\ch an.cUgbt play- înig be pie sYork, in 77u a Lml i".e iet sifernrom the o san wSO tnhe Mcrrmonsm et pipig insrucors te Scotiad's leatding can.Tbey ran a choi S whn-i htha sons ot proinant -iiScot- lish tamnilias waroe snt for mnusical tllîtion. -The MacCrimmoîts are said to iae însisted una course of instruc- ion lasting savonyaars. If a pupîl liad not hecome an accoiisbeý-d piper at the endet tbat eioha was sent homie and advisa-d te for- geS ail-about piping. The of ut1745 wbic baned pipausie was nepaied blu185, bu the acnmmnswrenver jable 80raasahish theirfanis Pipir-g seChooL. Theivntrof the agpips i uniknOWn. He ccrtin wasn't Scetsman, for similar musialin- struments hava eau ound lin Egyp- tian mu1umm]y ecases, and iqan;e au- thoitis hliae hat itha duicimer xefemmed'l$0 in tha OjdTesio wasrealy he agpp.s striuunt ie Br aiad aithougb il was nvrwdl popuflar in Eng- land,, it bhecomei Scot.land's Mational niusicai, initsu'ment y the Iourteenth cnuy lunsirmanufctur, syayrata, Istoafor themaeral cm fi«rm varions par-ts et the werd. The od are of -caîte, anid tht 1)est ton the purposa comacs ftrn Sp-ain. fvor-y for tbaý: ornarntntai lmouiniiigs is ohtaineud troni the tusks et elephiants in Africa, or Cay- ion, and tha sbeepskin hg areý mnostiy bnmAustralia h takes at iaast tn yeans te ha- toma1 a skilledbag imalter, tha rettitgi ttt( r ïeeds sp)eCi1ffy fa- qsliing carCeffl traïiniig nd cuSid- arale xpaiena.Yet e na Blritîsh flrm alna produ1ces 50,000 rneads How bSurvive An Atomiâe Atack Alasput irSt thin1gs flrst -and yee osayur head, satanoffi- cia LJite StSesgoermant under aluitattack anld wbiCh eli- phasizes "You Cati Survi!l" Staling tit your cbuces of Surviving :nAfnuic ttick are bat- ter han yau have thonght," the Iooklet con)tenits of whiîcbj are pub- lihdin dtht cunr(rlî isue of Helh, fficia!i magazine eoftIhc Hecalth Loagne ot Candii!stssx "rvvlsecrets" for atemic aS- tacks- L.-Try t gtshîeided, ,If yeu hve imue gaewnin a basemneut or ubwy ioSujd4 yen iloos, sek helir aongsidec a build- ing, or ,imp n an ý an ndy ditcbor glisser. Z--Drap fiat on ground or floor. To kaap troni bein tossed about 4and 10lesan" hchances ut beig %-rnk by tng a"dfinug oh- casr fiatn eut aseiba basa WvaL ,or astha bottorci ut a batk. 3.--Bury YouAr face Mi your amnis. Wh you droP fiai, bide your cytshi ia c Oof yoîur alhow,. That .will protact youm taca troi Whipping Up An "Atom Bomb" - Smnoke and fiamnes rise in a "mushroom -shaped cloud" after explosiA c f a h-omiemade "'G.I. atom bombe! somewhere binKrea. infa.ntrymiien asioedthe poor man's '1A-bomnb" from cissorted explosives co stng about $30. The biasj eorel kilis al life within 100 yards. With ery h at t er nowadays swinging from bis boot-tops and homo mus 1mo re traquent than squahhles ïiiniiiUnited States Leg- isliure, it i- rather retresbing te beaýr orrea ,abut a woll-pitcbed game.Assoîotingetaitadmir ,ottPe fdn art of r-eal pitcbing, wewold't b- iave min1ldd abit ha-, ing preselît as Crosieýy Field a weak' om 50 agi, wben Ewell Biackwoii oi Cincinnati aî,,1 Vemti Bickford et t, t Boston Bravos, wara doiug ti r stuff. Fer ii n ibose rmemuier Big Wat, oalter Johnson, Ed Walsh and ial Che rest et the old-time grat VOuid hava beau torced to admià t that thisý was realiy pit'cb1ing. Asa aslter et tact o0'ly3 twîcahae- foreincte lit ftty yar fbvate maj1 or ieagues sýean sncb a trii hnriling diol.,,iust,.in, case youn miss- cd tibaeals et ;ofthis une,Bacwi y;ieIldd jusýt oea it-a double Py Bob Ellioits His rivai, Bîcktord, was almoît- as ssîngy.- Con1nia Ryan) donbiad flu the sixth, bPut as lts îtraîîded. And thea only othler bio)w was a ihomer Py Jobnny Framiesa, -onuough to'giva Thec Reds a 1-Q tiumiijph. That's pitcbing, ncîghbors, and in spades. The Pmajo'r lagua record for 1t11 teWast bits ruade by hotb tecamii i etie garisn l two, There were a pair of sncb aýnd if-yeu tan personialy recal ither et- theni-well, yen can't piay juvonîle any more, or aven junior. Tbe first was way hack in 1906 wben CaI luuldgren ut the Chicago Cubs aniid Vit WilIis ut the Pilts- buirgh i rates gave up eue ht aic.The Cubs woni tht. gama 1 Se 0. 'Tho.n, in 1917, Fred-Touay et C'îincîîjaîi and liJini Vaughn of tl(e CnPiis duledf for nina fuili iunings wîtbnt alowig a bit,.i li thatut V'augian vekeedte tbe eXtpnt et yieling pai et iSs' and Cincin- naý-ti sook sagama 1 su o0. The Amlerican Lea uark for tbe f aw- est, bits ]hy both tearuis in oua gaine Sïinal sxaling in hasebali. - or slinsïlù as the players tarm it -- is al ý ometbing ut a lest art tl'es dfcsteou and Arthuir Daley-, recentffliw rota most interestingly aýboult thie groats sigît-thieves of il tuei(. Thay wene the nid Phil- - aeihi Pillies bjack in 1915 wben Pas Moran wa%;:s ma-naging Shen; 1anid, Pb Stewathoera are lots et basebal e,,wbo shonld know about sncb shbings Who e ilevesin'- corely thatPa, if untimecly decatb badn't eus sort bs career, w\'onfld hy no,\-barve heen akolegdas The Piliswh oute pan- nant in 1915, ha(!honthe vitually unanir'us choýe (oilta xe rt t finish Iast. Thoni, iin 1919), wben Muran sbifîed te, Cinciînati, ha took a lot ut hçpaiess lso)-ranis and, steerodl- the Reds to a NAational Legapannant. Su thare mus hsmobaisis te tha dams rgard!- iuýgjPai oa' raus-n o- l oua utis gre(aieýsSt aosi i ewn abiliy, andtlt t b is play- boxaelaytl saot i, ad Ilan tcu-avaery pitiI wbJ 1îar faist ball, cur7ve, changeý-,-up or anytingl aIse.- The man "itlgboý;ide bim listenied irî asuazenleunt hamdiy ha- lieving, such a tbing possible short of blackt magie or sonîefbing of thu, suri. "Huow in beck do 3 ou knlow whbat's going to ha tbrown. ," h flnaliy asked.' WMy the pilebeicis, telling me,",answ ered the caile. The big' baldi- 1eaded, gent a Fred Luderus, wbo as captain of-l the 1915 championi Philliios airea;dy mentioned. "Steal!ing Signs was a miania witb Moran," said Luderus. "Even whn there as agae e spinigtrnngbtenta a- nliganisund te eglas o b, ay inisedthtbob eastry ani, pikup the signaan wath o t,-tI Je *ili ' e sarilcdsetbîlîc olid geËt scond ] 'fo-r a good view )f the Onace Itle w-ydPiska acurve, they 'd wthoeydti ,0t bis, elvrys sewbterh -ipped iÏ of y om uioiou gesture. "I once bit a balil ffjï sBares, said Liiderus, "htwenjt '500 foatL Knwwhy? J1eol tIl1)vy bis bauds that ha was oinigt.tbo 'a a curva and 1I was setf or it. "Gosh, in eni- ouiebedel made savon straighî bits. 1i knew every hall that was gu,(ing te ha, pitched4. 1$ was ike mreasifing it off a black b)oard." Ther wasono ay i St. Loisý bit tha doubles. B-ut ueuinw how haie happened te be ittIing thoIl The Cardinal piteber wais a spit- baller niamed Marvin Goudwin and the catchýer wals a guy named Cieni- on&. Ha concealjed bis .Zsig mohst adroitiy froný.i any eném1y s- ýpyin 11tbe vicinity of .scond biSu býi« "For the last tuec stop tryving te ireformm! *CL-ASSIFIED ADVERTISING BABV CIne 00-, besc scure li o lcs abdlen, mor exfor î u eggs tif yOtIw icottsa nigs poi ne mretiorit For ftlhe 122 atfi Box Number ,12, 123 - lltfli :,3New S0ME cbickis are dear if you g-,ett hcmfoir no,nllg. Thbi :year tvith Cega and! poitry onces bý igb you Iwant to be s ure that your puilets Oi llay four 1-0 ive dozen eggs; extr, an coiterl cicilts tbai pt lon meat fas. Tweddl IOPý. Piredchcs wll do that for Fu.Tbey bave eun breigback of temSend forcalou anhradwbt -our customrers Sa-y aboult TWE"DrLE 0141CKRi HATIRIFP ,qLTD. 'GfU ,Ont. table polroom,Luccone.tbc. Chati,I Ont.),r 1104E luins' setrty noneý. sar Siafl, 'snack baOr, pr. et tn ie placs, sme lneshqing t. d,l orthe entanc f Bariebyass ontl No il 141gb- Shanty Ba, t.,ý,-,--,ý,l21vay fi le ared gld a Iwr! yCIur qesios ,e plannt FluI. Psr rs yeWrks-l11, te1, onî engefPs .Toro"t, riAdefiPýllroa cSlll 81 80 1 eorgeArdcIner Prt ydey 001?da ýIy farni, ePiectricl'eped abu 10a cresP goo buidgs, bri a-n os w at.troeols Vshor 1iew O1tanio. EQUIEENTfor arnliAlary fo sale cd o ae onge, betteûr feeigi, l eniagyo anba t PIuIc4dride"otybiis Trl idandsvenineyour conlaIintinty, BuPrjide O 66 for Lafe ilage. C 1tPlr ie 841, for ()ly P iiage',;Ic ifs 81.0t Ronds$1000 Diýered mrs ttion f 119E HiMtCOPl)NT 0F ANADA1 Cisahani S(Inarie GIAN Whie lPkin ay-ld Ourioge Availabl iieekly e around U;-Sprii Farie Ltnied.Uxbig, ar'd i.i Eaabihe 13:ato adoacetplumbng witoutbuidin. Aril Box 115. Heks týI lR 8\I;CIIIN ýEIY ili 1nît Bake t awelAicorOtrio Zon neENGLiel a etrs. caetered. rcl ra- tuale.pupisan ulte;frroi,, thenee. PhI One 2"le 1921. Iil G1-,_tiRAL Stor he, $4000. Dow amn 1REA iY4IFUL, 'i-t0rey tlDg lodge. 25 1rooms. an',onensHaJravood floorýs il ety Ion baanc. i eaif b reason forsae William enrse0minenOn NEARIfirladLake, gsssato.4-roon- bouse, store attacedb rn, wT dsQd garage.seambatb. 37acres; on No. A HiaIway $4.00.Alsn farm 1J27 ars sale. rite Irs. F Niem , rwell. Ontý. POMERAIA P pApireed, ""aie anS femleAply inston, po»mrn Kenneis, i2 Pîxth St. Klelgstn, Ont, MIOTEL Licensed-erybuies ater- felue aie Euie shre, 10umiles froep r uffak--1n viclnlty weethaere le excel e'1tnt base .Uirg andîduclt huntinab; 1,1 and g0ocSfrthng nldstlvso ,MspMlous livig rooni und gss"d-n '7nlng3room vrlooluns the lai122e. able $0 ac«noaeJ0prsn.NafIIral sas heat- ms wlboke fr bscaesn; excellent invesment 828000,term . A.D0DenIs,> Realor,29 Cîon tPm oe.Otaro. mae,5yr.,des 4 rcis s5-gaite, nekrinn nadlo m'are, falel ingle and dobl arness. Write Doris Ilopin, 117 RleISt., rnror, Ont iiKrEG7PTEsJ, Geran tShepherd Puppies forale la and! silver and creain. R..1,Ont. Hmnun n t ITfs.l Wrte J.Locti.219 lDur- fýers aft iîwe bacit. ïInca goodlocation in cetrl ,ntFor priuasapyP Ku11lima.. 7 Barclay Pt. Hamîiltn.Ot FIELP MANTE" in sFnall n-derie home-, one clMïJ. LIveî in. Apply G1 Wbltm-oro A-,venu-e, Tornto. or telephone ORchard 741. state wge.Fred MlirRR ,At Pisor Neutis $hoUId try Dixon' Remeeiy,. MUoNRO'SDRUG STORE $1,25 Expressý Prepaid pains:if rayu caniot gel relief. wrile: Box 123,.vWinnipeg.Matb. PO)ST'S ECZEMAA SALVE iIANiPiri Ibetuvvo-reo u(drY eczems rashes and weple st oublesM. POls Eczeins Svewililnoetisppin ùsU. Itebilos. scalins.burinseczems.amie, rIlnsw rm. Plnles cnd stblIee'sfoW. HI respon ËIreadiIY to the stainless.itdorl9Es PO0ST' S R E MEýDI ES Sens Poi noso RerelpIi of Prîce $89 QueS.E.. Cre f!es, 'eote OPPORTNITIESFOR MEN & W01MEN BEAHADRSR MlOI! A1ASFi EDINOSl"'OOL OrsatOpptuiiy Leerntro -1,1d8esIn- Pbeasans ad nlldvnfsi.sent saes ne- 273 GraPei Psfc dWrite on Ost SEILabove tnead desians c6100 -10 $14 U,'.;610, 610-il $16 I9I. lsedTie $8 95 and 812.506fi810, 60, 67-,0. 70f)0. $1,0 ealrswate.] 21% deoie- Ouired l t - u(Il erorreinofi Hanit'snTire fanilton, Onarlo affictons opreions , Gse tsd muial Intr J)uments.i Wri'te: Gospl ne TE SAM IUTEII penny samp (fot lî>,god cndtiel 880.00 o 1912 $500 green axiavnsf qulUlctoosd cleitn is ucbsd nesoard rte,eqlePrtttecers o RBunderland. Ont, QULFPDProtestant ea erîfr tlsf TonbpSI-h001Area J'f Charyberial,, DiaIric t 'emskaing Pdool1 iIe ercm O.N.,- bus lino. eabe'scottag$ on the s' chl gUna nrlet1 i>u»lls. Applicantr las tteqaife, ins paInd salryexeed utsf0ta' Bept. Pb1. Apply: Mrs. F. M. CoùIquholill, sebool Area requires publiG colfs braIy, etc., Sýaay $1020to$210, Patê tanTt teacbeIr fr55 o ,West Gast& fraxa. 'onpcunt rad, ibydro enulpped, bulsto îcommence in, epteuibjer,. .Apystatins qualifcaions and alar woed, Ont.- limmicdlateiy for -bdosta;alre $800l and $160 respieotlvey]~rpus lui! aw 1n c;i montb's lholiday and way rface tram Toronto reýfunded afer'eav'ý catis- ts.ctory service cmpee v itlb opoor- tueulties forilrae.ApyM, et ter. 'Secret ay atedUin %pt Fiastend. Sask'afthýem am ioskee or srnlaii fanjily u Knn bln.Fr nerview, laewit pPO Genleral D)ufy Nre eddfrLadyj -Mînto Ropita, Capieau, nal.Slr $140.00 for 1-8 and $6,0fr81 n 11-7 ver mont',wiI fil anenne A-ppiy Sppnfnetofr res b. Pleau. Onlarlo. WANTED IMMEDiITLY Wife to conk four -6 me, usan t 1ýorkon tarin Pepýarato IigUures 8ý145 mnontbly, including bad o 01 Brantford, Ont. Tou an' bat"his nceitnîvhMlEmie tire. Pr c ar isina. frctre vilîlbe ecarce-rite for 'a free odrtdy FACO EUF/iPMENT CO. LTD. e8 L stnAe -or t W e Cs to 'n 9 '5s thfe new issule of Ge-orge Weston Limlited 4lCu- mulative Preferred shares 1 enttes you to preferred diiridends aonigt $4.M, peýr an Ana investmecnt in these sasisan investmlent ini a natiÏonlly-known ~m panIy with a long record of coptÎinuous dividend, pay- ment. Qualýitiy products and Progressive imanlage- ment have made it a le'cade-r We>, ripas ff er Gekorge Westona Limited 4m5% Cumulatve Redeem- able Preferre'd Shares at *$97.50 per share tyield 4.61%p George W leston Limited ba piddvidends reguiarly on aiutstanding prefrredli shares since 1928. Orders for these shjares placd With us wW ireceve prompt atetin tAprl pectus wviii be forwarded gladly uonreqjUest. & Company Liitýed 36 King Stre' West ISSUE 22 - 1951 N 0~~ S,, N N N N N N *~0~ N N N N N N N N. N N N N 0~ N N N .5 N N N N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N a ~0e' N N N N N N N N N N N # N N N N N N N N N "o N N N N N N N N N N N N N ~ N N N N s N N N e;

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