-ENT) n latply *o ttOnt. 41Y a-c th fternloor, >many have rty andr pay- 1 4-, h oltSe- Leating, ty, only 2200 i. a-c E/ or hjdrauhci Otaca yrs$220 Comiination r P*Iow. etc. 15'20. eC-21C OCK PUY Sheep, Pie alve-s and Heifers erinarian in e horses. ille 2679 FARMS 49-tf le led tg 'IMATES I)ETT ONT. trie OR USE MLS Repaira Equipment! Heaters, n s ery go ItL uvulle A. F. Mc-KENZIE, MIL PHYSICLIN and SURGEON @ffce 1Hour - 2.00 to 4.00 p.n£ie 6.81 te 8.Q00 p.n Sundays- and Wettnesdayi; by appointmeflt ,nly PHONE 47r1 E. C. SYRR, Mii. PHYSICIAN and SUaGBffl Main Street 'South Office Houiri: 2.00 te 4.00 p.m. 6.30 te 8.04pi. ~'Sundays and Holidays by Appointment PHONE 74 r 19 ORN LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWM.ANVILLE, ONT. office 688 Ro(m, 553 TED %JAC'KSçCN Auctioneer and Valuator Cquidlicts Auction Salez of ail auff and at reasonsble rate. Commnincate with hlm at Phl Perry, Ontario, or sEf hie Clerk. A. E. Morton, at Oromo, for dat6. JJACK REID Orono's Licenmed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm mai Furniture gaies Consuit me for tenm and dates Phone 5 y 8 * LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; Educational PuIldwî Protection and Savingé Plans fé Children and Adulte; Mortgago la- miurance Plana. F. E. LYCETT ORONO, Ont. Phono 20 r 10 The RXJTTER GRANITE COMPANY ûiai 3216 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontari. Monuments, Gravem-arkem, Rnirravinz. Goldleafinr STAFFORD BROS Monumental Works Phone Whithy 552 318 Dundas St. E, Wbitby FINE QUALITY MO'NUIMENTS AYV MARKERS Let us Frect a handsome, dig- nified ir.onumrent over the rest- ing place of yo 'ur loved fines. It's not expensive. And seeing this Iast tribute will gïve. ycu ondless comfort We will ho pleased te pick Uip dead or crippled farm animais and lpay highest prevailing prices. For imniediate service telephone collect Rrooklin 62, Cobourg 1266w, Toronto Empire 3-3631 - CORDON YOUNG -Ltd,- Orono Tinshopn Now ià the time to- talk about R.E. LOGAN Phone 18-10 i -I