A Case For The Kids By O. F. Lathrop SaIn Bromley replaýced tuei tele- phone 10 ita cradie \itbi a slam and reahe fr bs ro-r;imm e d felt. "'ingoing ot nth li îs caseMy- self," he told the ofc gr."Tbat's the third caî l inan hlour abot these explosions ,and thIle dpte o' Wrigt Htchry ~arSuni lle He tomp;ed ont adgt n his, Hehdan uncasy feeing aout thesec blasts andI a v erypesoa reason for investigaing ýtbem imiIii- self. People in littie twn al over tbe country Lad been calling for the last twenty-four hours. nd isso, Tommy, was msig S1 tbioughit the R!o osh-ans[had bombed ns,." old Ben Gubbsin Claremonýi tfadsalid. "BnteI(d the sidewak overthe cickike egg shelîs." Sain drv o al the1Cspots re- poredan isted ed he damiage. Sidewý,alks heiiaved upý, windows shatL- tered, btt fa due. At tbe Sun- ville Hatche(ry hil( met his deputies. "Wbat 11, cdo y-ou make o-f it, Sheriff? Could. be Red sabo)tage, Sami shook biis hiead. "Hoodlums, probably. Not anyý real damage doue." But be d 'i't say wyhat was in bis mn-bi t conld even be kids' prank7s. He tbought nneasily again of his own ,tson-, Tommyii3, and that crazy gang of bis. Stili, it didn't seemi as if kýids oul g that far. Ailday'hà drovearoundaud at supper-tîm le he wnt eaihome.c Somiehlow tbeae d potatons and ham ldd't appeal to ïimý "Whet's Tomy?"ie de mand- edof bIs wife. "Hellbecoînilg ]lter," da as- surled î."esal xie bu thes exposios.lTe felos ave been lddinli iiiiabouit his dlad not st)topinlg tbem. I'm i)sorry, Sam," sh si sbeCOumpedfU. "ýVhe(re was, hie tlast iglit?" lie«, persnistedl. "Ont alhus1 "Ojust aroundýC, as as Studying t Tedsand they stopped for a amilburgýeratJcspce But am pt onhis at ad -ent ont. He ha.d ]to knýiow. At Joe>s place he.got nt fi t he car and went iIi "Tomy n brelaýýt nîigbt for a iYe, ch was, Sain,' Joe an- see.Just then tbere was an- ote ho oomn and a tbud. Sami stade for tbe door. He tracked the sounid by thle crowd, And there be found Tommjýy -aicl bis gang hovcr- ing ovcr a hfole iii the bridge. As he rcm ltotbe ligbt, Sain saw darnings aronndl is s on's eyes and saugc nRn ite freckles. «,I1saw 'eml, Dad. \Ve'ýe folloxaed that old jaIop. iîlI-ve saw them tpbythis cr-eeký, and we slippedu up ndwathe. I wasthiatwild bulicl from ivll ihTe had a greaitstt-lonsfle wîtb gas.TbeY lighýlt thle ker"osenIe- soaked Istring nd then bea)t It. Auid 1)y the time tbe icstiir, iig brns1up ttebalilo hx aob ie Sam crathcdbis cadsbeep. isbly."Assmpeas that,. eh? But we'Il soon bave them lu jail, if Tommy l cooked togitu -Oh. t hve iBt ha tos kdsneed is soethiu to d-not -' al. There',s inotbîng fýor kcids to do arouud the(se litti L,-tow>ns but tbink up devilry fori excitement. People ougbt to help plan somenitbing for them, to do iustead, I migýht have been one of tbem msef. Sam griuuýed. ' g sfour rig t iat tat. In faCt,Ithnt thatyo ight be il, onet. "Me?1UI Ive bent r aIi i1ng ltei IOwn bcCausethefellowsýsatid my dadIL' was a no-good sbierifî, anld I uwbettecr 1 J had t elp;." Sam smiwtled agin. "Guess I(bet- ter put youionas cdeput) Y ou lhad Jo anarî as Canada anyS Otoward keepdin the farm,. ra- ward or mnay bave n Tea Company other years, con gwrtlot For, wibîî foux fortuina f are going t0, of stuldyinlg- conservatin miethonds ini The boys first andseo cute Junid of WOo)dvillî, GFRALD AndToh Jersey sec ýXtn Waer Wrk A deey'al tatie( puocse fresb atu, plieso preven chouild nwit th fluoride orc sco copun f fil than lone p 1ikely to becol inanent tootb c- led cxperimnents that tlbefluoridj tal cre.Hn Public 1Health t can) Dental A. national andc have endorsed- water wîtb a ý At its recenf Miami, FIa., t Vorks Assocu11 fluoridationiof the intenition implicationiso New Jersey st dentîsts. Dr. J of thîe Nation1 taI Resear-ch, vention ýtbate iii a iliion pâa willbaen goes. A good order 50mak i ng of furd after cyear 1bas are lglap îguocred T Hc