Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 24 May 1951, p. 4

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WtNI 1EKLYT IMES HJS The Orono Weekly Times .Authorized as Second Ciass Mail, Pest Office Department, Ottawa. Advertising Rates on Requé-st. Subseription $1.50 Established Jaxnuary, 1937. Founder. R A Forrester Publisher. R C Forrester Orono United Churcli The annuncing od the Diedicati*i ericsof the new Onn Unted Ghurch for the third and foi'th Sundays ini Jly ,vil! ne o oubt add an enceeiiaging note for everyýnt, tatemrest mnd conceni for 4k4- buildin~g mill be -zhaipeied and the apenin~g eagerly awiie.To menr tiffl that the opendT*g services Nviil bc greaitiiy recived us 1ne,0deuM an uniderstjatenient. The ceongregafion 0f the Park &ret United Ohurclibas awalaed paliepty *he erection of the new edifiee for alm-niet a yea7 and a haîf. Durinfg this tisne the' St. Saviour's AàgIlican Church has made it po- sible o carry on euar Sunday -norning womehp in the desired at- ncliere. Also h geneýsiity of the iM£isoniic Orde,r has.-,upplied cia-ss rooms forer ± Sunday Si(hool. Both «f these organmIzatiOns have r-L'vea an the continuance of -worship in the coin- munty darnig his period of a year enfi a haîf. Creditale bas beeri thefr g&stures la ths prfactidce 0f teir eahings. OOULSION, Arnm oito, Sunday, Mi M-,àudu Coulaoni, miiter of Josep Damis4on Creek, '1 ('Mrs. Reg. Loi MoTrla uneral heid in ýt, Geo Neçwasti on r intermer,,St.C REID, E vice Ïn c more beaul eves for 19 npw mode> De Luxe C à ATHS eMauLide--Ait Tor- lyokh,151, Anale wca 3t,naid dear-ý filamP. UnelHele l'i), T. .Aged oulsmenmr ted et the OhIapel. ýe'e A nCuc uesoay 'qt 2.30 P-1m. tDavi -Ait the mesi- 1 EntReid, aged1 ,'M hq 'baïd of Ru'byýI si fatthe Mri ~ nnçslVo~Ser- ;iel/on Mondiay, May &'itermenit Lkv .E REFRIGERATOR if ni and praeticai thas 5in four coinpietely - ncluding thia 6*0 i,î-WalL FRIGIDAIR ELECTPIC RP G! M odels for vr icnadb- t. Model RM60 Censa d bud. * eAl while you'rf'&WO. Tv iàd""*odyard COMING EVENTS A àuce je bein-g leld eon Thursday Mray4' in the Orono Town Hall hy the Odâfel1ows end Reb kah ~r ice C lub. ro-cceed:s ae i Jn d f h e Bowianvll Meonor;aI, Hspdal Aiso at tVhs ýtinie a cheque will be ý haanded the esi3 Board frthei equippinig o w tïýebdmard. AMI a;,re urged Vqstuppt this ve4nture. CO EVENT S The Finance Comuittee 'If the O1foýno United Church are -,poiisorrng a play fron-iSt James Uniited Churcli of Peterboriough, entiitled "She Is My Daisy". This three-anct pliay is Vo be >n Friday, June ist at 8.1i5 p. Presented i \the Oi To wn Hall Proceeds froii the pay ar'e In aild ofl the local Butidig/Fund. We wl ike to V1anI a" il the kiind egho\ and friends for the mnyoffers of elp ýipon the a-rval 0if our son in w4nç 6eHospital May llth, Aise 'to V~keveryone for- the bea-,u ifowsand' cards re- celçved. 1 Irene and Ken Heron ra-c CAMPAIGN ORANIZED TÔ RAISE FUNDS FOR NEW HOSPITALI Residents of Don-,iingtoii andClak Twnhpwifl be cnrvassed Ftnrtinig Monday, May 28 fýor donfttonis Vo the' new Bow'ananilie Memor)i-aI Hospital. $ý50,0190 sle rquired to finish pay-ing- foir the buildiing and equipping V he' hosia.A fewv yeams ago a sisailar1 canvasIS as made witVh a generous ree-pons.e fiom tihs peuple, for whieh the Boand, was vcimy gratefui. This 50-bed hospitaul with i'ts most imoýdemn e5quipi-ienit will ser-ve hs Wholle aren.' Thre enihp have heen organ- ized for the canapaiga and the Board a.sks tihe supNport of 1,111 sud te0 in as geaeluSS, nP0ss4ble e h euse. FEDERATION PICI%, T ORONO ON SATURDAY, (JUNE 23rd Trice annvai Fsderation Pkinic wili again this yreer bc- éId la the Oronc P.& The date fo- tVisgxrat cournty ý 1 - - - TISne ?eue D w anil* meeetbas te~n set 23Ad and çnlll -lines ss1îuia4VO ti ,zm Thr guest speakei Ois tGbe -m.V.S. taqin Federaion A ~pleasant ti he home 0f Mr. owel on, M'ly4, ~WE HE FYOIJi Associntioa heid forrc Of 'a sociaL. 011F YO R 1) dsec1Ssia it wl ~11~ME their annual A-ns Sundayev g U otrofhlard huranad a H Ad Trne b eap of55"Vins v'hdaw-ay HBowan 111le, las 1].... \mle yenare covered lde lsmd 4- by Il~ika Don't gamble. o be held ian lir CALL opliving ga-ïmesai N ~ ~Wa54 servepd. Saturday by the ORON, On. fiest Reid. -A larg Q=>o=>oc ~nattended the fur( 4ai n S eetl The~ townspf Canada can be beautiful placeS,' là many, each sprîn a rebirth of blossoms is promise of harvest to corne. 4nd good crops -mean good 1iv ng for all Canadian 1own.s Servitig Cana ian towns is your bank.. a bi anch of The Comme ýce. You go te your \banker as naturally as you go te your grocer. No banking service is tee large or too smna te expect of yonr Commerce manager., iNot ail towns have a biossonm ne, but most have a Commerce branch. And the men and woemen t-here arc gooctpeople to know, L -ecoînd'ueitsd alon lat of foeelmer ye-ars. oe for the rifterneooi Milbumn of the On- 0if .Aiieulture NY HI LOST Purebred Scotch Collile PILp, ,age ,ix .~otS. Sable With Nwhite cia and Tuiff. Rgt alitme HIWR13E. Last sier2 in Orono1 dis~- til!Ct. Has iVather coilar Rewaird. Phone In MeGee, 24r4, Orono. aý-c FOR RENT ICittagee for refit, 5olotskfer sale, b,ýatis and ice siuppied, G40d fisbia-g. Po u'ir4or s4iilaippdy *ý W1i A siiforthKîont, on t. Fo$R SALE 1i(Gendron Baby Carriâge ila good conditimen and 1 Ei4ctric WÜshing M~achine. ApIy to Mos. S. B. Ruth- sodPhone 40: r 10. TAKE NOTICE Leeýse pape-rs wilV nk)i be pic'ke4d up wvith the gailbage collection unie se kthey ariýeVid M unis Orono Police Truitees - NOTICE bus-, ' I lave ths To-wn Hall coe0-r oeiThursqday,-May Bet foýr Maplde (rove. Distict Ana4ual Co-i v4entîin of the ean' Institute. ýTrip 25c. Pe phone Mrs. V Robin- son, 35 r M4. . a-c D)EAD LINVE STOCK Pickeul gp prosaptly Hoxý-es, Cows, eifem¶. Sheep, Pgs Sand i ne' borni 9aïvs We p4y fo-r Horses CoVys and Heifei- *As a ar iddd service. we will - operîýte wibh yur ete1inanian ta 2 e cper lb. -for 1ive herses. Cal collet Bowianvill 2619 i I s ceniag was spe t at1 and Mrs Sid Hall- when the Woien's; their inieeting in fVhe ]Yua-ing tVhs bus,-inessýç as lecided Vo lwoid ierayService on juan 1Oth wch Rev. plans for a bza WfaR ier The bui- everyon'e eajoyed iif a bowuitiful lunch by -,aiddleq-ed or, ,pass4ing of M1lr. Era- e numliber fïýrmnr TyGWLLFR Fne 49-1 Use the ClassIfIed Celunmn SALE REGISTERS I have recei-ved intsections f rom the executor of the estate a f hs late FNelyn E. Cooke te ei by public auctioni Satumrday, May M6 at hem late esideacs at Nerwastis, hem ernae heuseirold effects. Jack Reidi, Auc. I. on Monday. We exitead our a~nrpath~ lcxlu ing and Rlot Water Heatiîng CALL US FOR ESTIMATES LIARRYE. LYCETT Phono 4e r12 ORONO -ONT. te, M-ISs. Relld. imost of the f crrheebv oa'i pletçd their spring seùedilg aad the tobacco grewswrs aue busy preparing for planting àe 19 Orono El ctric Phone 30 r 16 FARM and 1HOISE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repairs, ito ail makes «-f Electricai Equipment 1 ~aad Appliances Sueh as Illotors, Water Reater&. J s 3ank c ofComimerce Commerc, ~. -~-. -~ - ~ -~ BIJY WITII CONFIDENCE -- AT - Art's Car Mairket , HOME 0F Better Deals on BRTTER CARS WYe Buy, Sell, Trade in vry good U$SED CARS $EE US AT~ ONCE lWain Loio 175 King S. W, Bowrnanville, Ont. i Phone 2148, Bowmanville lie A E 2.0E] PI 2.04 P. i I Coi ( P.' E. JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuater Spe4lize inFarm »d Furnîture gilet Consuit me for terme and dates Phoune 5 r 19 efl LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; Edacational Foliole.; Protection and Savingà Plans fut Childron sud Aduits;, Motgage Il.. surance Plans. F. E. LYCETTr (OONO, ,Out. - Ptono 20 r le The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Di,] 3216 - P..Box 622 Port Hope, ontarie Monuments, Gravemarkerl ErnLyravinLg. Goldle'afintr STAFFORD BRzOS Monumental Works Phone Whitby 552 318 D)undas St. E, Whitby FINE QUALVrIY -MONUMENTS AMP MAREERS Let us eret a handsome, dig- aified muoniument over thef rest- irig place of yonr loved ones. ItL's .arot expeasive. And seeing this last tributs will give yon endless comfort Oro-no Tinshop 1ow is the time to talk about Eavetrough R. E. LOGAN ~-~1 lF. MeKENZIE, M.D.,- 'HYSICIAN and SURGWON Oe. Ra ours: 0te 4.00 epnm-l&M te .06. Sundays and W.éedearubr appointmeflt 0«17 IO-NLE 47r1 - *RONO E. C. SYER, MMl. PYSI4lIAN ad StIRqUE Main Street South Office fleurs: )0 to 4.00 p.m.: 6.30 to 8.00 p.n. Sundays and HolidayA hi Appointment HONE "d4 r 19 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mdason, LA. Barrister and Solicitor BOWlMIANVïILE, ONT. Phones : Office 688 Home 553 ['ED1)J ACKS CN Auctioneer and Valuator Sducts Auction Sales ef' ai] i and at reasonable rate ommnunicate with him t PU$ ry, Ontaro, or see hi. Cirk. à# Morton, at Oroo. fer date. 1 -1 1- We will be pieased to, pick uP dead or crippied-fanma animalg and ipay ,highest prevaiiing prices.f 'For immediate service telephone coilect Brookia 62, Cobourg 1266w, Toronto Empire 3-3636 -CORDON YOUNG-LW.- , tillinsi) Tyroite Phan* 18-10

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