Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 17 May 1951, p. 7

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77i I. By Richard HWilino Mr. arlow sat. bolit pitl is chair.'Thlepsbagyecrr -nss, saying: Ad utin ora family, wbeu the dnie ece tce age af 12 or 13 Htàlaquite lkeY thýat ber fixation wili bîft frain be1r m tierta er father, Tbey ,w!t i1 become cgreat Iriends. Olten thlis fxton au ather will remtain uil ltedaugitertrnsfers lier Affc- ~ILs aamaeIawvrifatr duoes notrespoud (ita, dau e' ia * ian lte cid wiil, neucasy îblt Scie a toofier, who, luian cases lbas rescuitcd the or1iginal transfer-" Mr. Harlow rose, ileNade Ibis way ,dowu the long ii p ayiug n biecd ïthicaudydglauc1ies aI a)ther listeners,gauincd ftice utid l.obby and pauiscd thlere, dab )Iug at So that was id! i told blinscîf. So tht an thecausCeof hîs wie [indignatiüansd waband reu- met.lu is mIlind'sey is ic, af thepuzzle that had tranhld Abi- foir thie past mautoii 1fecl ilita pjlace. Hec0uucsaad pow what ad bap- p ue;becould (sec it, takiuigpae stpby step. Virgînlia, lis ouliy ci badattaincd ithe age i f13. S v as ueai aturity. rau nllyucnsýciou1sly, 1ber fixation badýc trausiiferreud from m lolser t faher Tetw adbcaegreaýt fius Ms'.Harow ad been truleeudouslJy proud and lîappy. Not se Mrjs ,ïiHariaw\, Mrs.lii Y111w1 tas auuoeyed. Sicbau1 ude - stod nd pr-etly belirauonc cbugdtarsetsetagailiat iber M0r. Hriwreturiued ltec st1 ight.It wa -,a nat is h abit ta retu uloe iste, but touight ter wsadeflite ïpurlpose. Mrs, [fai- lahad rectir-ed, ïaud 10PnutestC lter lie euiterIed ttl bouse bis daugber Viginiacatme l. Vrii bad been ta a psrt. Seiga 1 litlutic l1iving ruoam, Virginiscme toacsedoarAt sib aiber fthecr sttiuIg thee alout sic utttered a littie cry (of'deigbt sujd 1bonnccd upjonis ccwt týic fullil iteution I povdig l wýlitb deails caicerilngiug bereve- ning' activite Sosebing about thtexprmuessOn aurparen' ai ce, Mr. arlow siled ai fber lu asslaner thait liespokle faiiut cemba- rasoet fLc attempjted ta0 bruab1 sa(mctiulg Irans bis coat buitfailedj. Thus h laving biad! ber att'enltÎionat- tctedtathe samtif)ilg, Vrii uvcstîgted sudfauund àinab da'iafpawýdcr She lookeod t It ao rod. cLaak1iug futbe eu discoveCred alog', rndof blnd bail wader sudiucedltylgana au ccsansu cou Sh da "Why. add3eileWbatcx e- disarseaud hapendgWbsatcing tisaI itswonl nt h sor c Os- mater. Sn l mAttrwha apeecicaol Eyerkowut lic i unprmise Il ans aI e]jry sillynayways TIIEFÀMIM FRONT Heeareally gad ne-wSfor everbad-exeptin1g ttLite n by îrats I 1de NOT nîcancomn lIfellow-Iravellcrs or ailerro detso!th,- human variet,1y. I mean r-ats o! tht sort wifihwhich sn kiând has been wgn esla battit since befare tht dsýwn of recorded Àiýssry- At lonig Isat à looks as thaugu nw-a.d thus tint a dcsv-epnhas been, fonnd. And here la tht set-up. A nn orfI Ça i gosen cýatîle werc dy-iiug Iranaiugspaiî- cýd aSeet claver, cam"e tcfirat lo tat Ca nets'rat porisonsnsiuWth nsaiu. bcspailed ,claver .vsa rsnsbefor aie'al hge n dliian cusedliya txefc sellclotted thtbla more sai Ibsu nômab. Researcis sltd idenitificd asudiuansed Ibis IseTorý aDcnaa.Dcusrlbsicen Dulriuîg flie pasl rflýitec yarCl t'ic D' epartunejît aI Biacienmist Pro-fessor K1aI tai l iissudais ý efeî o i-,bglats il tht neutfrle t liud a Can)Ipoundl" mo e Lpeedy luàaction.1ýLui193 nînan>lg anc hundred n ffy x lie effectiveas at po iiso.full l)1 o lu yarmhlr insstf tive lui produdcioghearigi cn diin nrats su- mi11Lt(en opdtie twen>1ty ta hry ie nand Couinarl42" Ir;ýÉa li foty-scod aîpoudinesigte lad isrvere ti coupaud cruel Lini us reitc arircould s lias igedssar .yftl Thtie anioriofaIearai 10tic bal us, so amili cht ttdangr aIpoi- anlnig t usu dmetie soi- maýis laiowîSinglIdoes re1rel fat ain taratsor luce, ut ar bal eling uesnt-boodeagu ue ay , cas sd l osfaItic liat er for usce, Wanrar la effetv a latreseicli bitherito Ibas ual bcecu iincarpIoratied hlu'anyoser- d Phcie ats ayd nire re5t iî liit trit1i no suss1in liuint iî'g tseuecsit I aetz'm gc t o* e7 * poison lare nos iicssed;, p. t' aci le rts hv si a cet puercenwdaimhrate.How'e,1le j c auidenaian a al fac toi', s t a posn rs abe reusmue ta Ïarermpileekils il) ailsec- ptekilli resnulîed lu ail rasesern tliooiI!ti C rats vweteailuleincose- btentic asaeiatsd thieir regullar d1it. iLu, naoy case, i aiaspref1errediced(cadly mn- 1cril.:eitlier did ic rats sceos neae iI lItepoiso ans artn- img tIin. e'ysckannsî cre tic pisondisienessting isieareig poultrc f')r issaCOn lu ac ifans11as nssny1 as ltyrats acre cauniti edé puit oni t sud at ilic (,]CIod ai- Cu -ve ys furteen rats seere bfon-,id dcad.Fol- hanse atasecxained eve! ýý'ry ayfor a peruod aI i igits sudsixty tbe cdrats e'erre d*ciscavered. Il laulk ly tal] ail tcrtskl useere:ioundi i.JBut ïlie radents haid lu sua(tier test, dead rats accre- fauud , on tlic iitrd a sd aht "ise eod ýJof tenll y, it-trc b le accauute L'for, liIis cseil p- perd tat tieic ata had becu ccons Honliing tin't dnr1ing cbese expei- inent ticratsIad js Irce coc bctwý cil tIic al sdtc e prov idc d for tilensuýý. luiad itionta labor atary sud ( fielid t esta pral.cil ex c'perî1.1euts vseere ca1rricd onit jinbtorbk OUcý ies goccry L0 ",s tsdssa- iinuslae rcparted ti thei preusises arerce or a lissas1ct firce If usita for tic frattis'e, eventhug bad used othrrodefeicIlLides tu t I abilc Lel ioru heu, Iaoc yesrcad,) givei 0070n1igan pc.clt îauti, Drugi se n'isole cfila tir 'mso iiug . ti; 1 ici 1 rt frtcaýl tic pisoni la taiog laceneay lie sci 3 i tirdr feourtîs dsa sd persisîs;,e aliualccu rdcnsdtrainc" lu sud tic an11îiais are content ta re- min asquitas posible. lW/heu wsliog tb cy nv ialo and neasured shfflhe'g gait ailli a n ted ucytadagtht luifuiee, 'fliclat-,wet-lývonr baours re Iceding ,deýaI th, th'rat lies onis aidewilb iiale or noa mavenen Wtuer han beatiin, Finalit i dies fonsfoato asdly luug bmrraeor iforn xas tianduc talusffci'tiadt carry foad lute hlisse.Tevs cular systesa bas na sensory nrve]*-' canuecCtians, CansýC(entl, hreu na previanuswarnÀiugwbo em arrisage accora su--d no pini. Thtc animnal pasýses an. hwigna ouI- wm rdSiga cf vcmt actons iclmi ni-iglit educate ae enirsa thirpopulati n ad thuacus ýï"iît shy'es.ý" Tht lbiitgîfs n physical associatian hliecn it arcd the bemorriage cnditian, odhet tfie lat ni the eieud, Paru o s. -C t Exgam. iateiaus mcle au dea a mals dscioseifiteral hoorîaei th latoIOtetýgIu ai tra.Intcr- Sul argaus erofpie, udia -i tha ti e andause af deat waa ti ap pet ee flai faxgn avia exîeroa-pi nula h a a ic -cdeonurie sud tlîoieicnsl per cenýt diiilutofI rrai i carutarc, titedgr'eeî aditn arc one part af Itic pois;on ir ralled osî, ot Crunis, dagfood ms.lcrusbed dam or acier sinula foada,. Sn(c-paisIcl il ed nixcd.Wiecli aia ln eeudeue,(y nha ust, Zadd ag sn a,- fi, fessgranoLd usseal oru c tabls, tcy saoldlieset onit lu lecaIeserpnan sd replaceddji, seii re itls. fHacwever,bess aIre likcly ta bc morentrciea c als, ud dagsa, h11iey are i ua7lto 1hbly rcorinmcIcd, wîgta thtlc danger Iilen sd livecli eomig lucontct nithiliit Ibat mîc sad e 4c11! a-cývai'de. Do at use mudsoored o ýr dema liaits, Aniîussl fat, ýýor ils abald lo liensed foýr latbcu o'ftei vtninKnetVitanin K at as an aniaetawrainpios Býaiting siîaolid li ou wcr rats sud inice freuent and sbald continue as lang as tCtrodents are feeding. Tus ilî1tefra, ntise bcgiuiug i cotrcalsud lJSting, avjer â atIwa-ekpciad, ýRt- bas-ting is-mercly amtter aOI e- plishiuf ic li'ait suppiy as tise aniai ,es MiiltIhe lui day amaller qusotities seul ie u-ýeýcdd forrepaceIctlls,Werinstto 'daios saud iesa-i- place-dsud' rcplen'Iished shn ecsay ven sal aF ose, lmua ui on 1aIresýcis îI eidsulivestaoli, ý'ccýi Rodeni contraitîcrougi warfari make about p anc iude auL-ýnea average ars or for amî ere-ý bouesMudCoadlusndling plans,- OmmeIqorter jpnud inkes l'ive pauulds aI iai, nugfrtý icaeru- age iueodraevnetuc pesa itial lie ba,-il ticey iil0' est durinig t'ise firat faurteen dsyaý "A fEATHER IN YOUR ,ýCA' as pasoiug a biardexniaan i eati n au ex erthat b s engane lu yaur cap," Ansrîan lds se t ad tusse lby killcIsus ennss. Th custne t as lsa uaiv in le f -~ -~ -- j* hti', itike taolil i"ed peetsof the ather,ý as a combinsion CI conVenieUCe curîosityad noyne-hrei is natili drde S aax. But bust 111 mr'esnwp c a of irrgaton water, pa a litte more ras m aithe rihttune to imature dry iug laiandcrapa anlucrasepas- turge lsslighiting ta ,buru 1!for- esýts, nd leas hll aï lat( ros tlieuseCwouid makea1trïmeudaus differcoice ta our cnoy ematial, than da peapie s lu te Hast says PuscuwFlemng, witing lu The CrsinSciecM onior are stlil debatiîîgwhte it canl be clonue ou ai, trtbwhile caeth For -1951, they will cavraa, lu oain's ra rprap avmore, sinice ine %' istricts ar b1 gfoai ed dily. ;lu its imetrapol"ita area, is te lar-g- i4,; es cammluuity sa fa,cIta li1- clnde lu aconisttcI, ietf, sccdiug prormwih ilproS- bably b utiun.TeDne Water Board bas jind itb ucigli- bauiujg ilotres ta buysncb& prograin-t ia ernbb i ally benexerecig sedei w-eatbier for severa liatbs, Geci- eratars alang thi elotiuicutal Di- vide have been scediu:g gencral atusfor suwpck l te jmaunit-. ailus aIl winer.1Tbsilver laxýidîe over tbec ýity anin o thle lainsý. Beiug eculy itrested luiith1 sbctaswclIl as in aur -ýîweatbcr gcucaliy.---L hve been xatchling it usore cloe,ly thanever It bas soc:aui that wbe, nair- maly w igbt h a-ve gat a mere,. fluryanalmatevcryocainw gat froiin anc tao seveýn luches'. Fu1rtherý aur weathler bas trc foocl arouudWbenthe claulds came' aveyr, it starta lin tfo awor rai,e aud keps it up nil thcy break. Yet the proportinaYsoushinie ta laud yis aot normal, nda course, vcry 'bigh ol aedt h chluy Hast, Sin1ce tbe sp1rjing aeigpar atarc c ilubae bad at least anc geucral rasi, and agasuntheChar- actecristicS wcrc the saine: t ciuastartêd imarchiug, the r aml. tatdfallinig, 'a sogeutle ssi]- Nawî, thaiotiiss ony an pjcraa0n's ipeso allfre IronA. nvya few mou.tha' experi- cuc, i seni tamethat i'sccd!ing liascbagcdthes chraceri Stics eof aur clilrate, natice-ably a ayan prha watcbc the 1weatbcr Baîin sud îiüw lau f ý or alager tinte durinig ecaIsas u h bias ltue ,ta sok l, rath-er ha runuig off. rcipartcd from Other areas l wic scdIiuig ibas gat an laý nge-r,t la ,00a esrly ttil, a ourehte w cnlyget mare asur.Ta can ble tld lfor 5surealyAltr ofu o tecrs. admmm Whien we 1litai' an elerly nl kil bouthastmi Setterthe boy won'der wehrk l ufrn don Vsii JI'fER. ___ ____ ___ ____ _ _ ____ ___ ____ __ y Àrthur Pointer --~~ANDO WHIW CAM5 7WLL DNtiYU WO*RV Ly ACO1 LASMKS _____________ Ioeý 1NOA iT ND MY \ i sel! 'MEÙw CATCH Tm'Eru LMPiSM FAkLISMVUA JUWU iC BOXUP$IE IDe AReClA 0* 741G5 N'(OU 'V GOCTHIMl LC!>ýP4AND 4? eVERç-ITHN t s s N s b N 's N N N 4. N -À N s N N N N -N N s N t N s s N .5 '-i s N b s N N b N N z s 't N Heaids C.P-.R. Division-Jamýes W. Stewart ha ee ppointedsuerntndntof the Caodian Pccific's Bruce Division under a new setup whereby uines in and adjàcent to Toronto are p!aced under a separalie division headquarters. TremendQus increcise of business throughout the whokle territory mode thie separation of operating administrations n-eceýssary, in or-der ta imprOve service tao ntarlo centres.

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