Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 17 May 1951, p. 6

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How to eake Sliced Hem GoFa rther il ERE,'S awoderuly elljos ay of maklneg sced soe J-ham fgo farthe, ,Sileed pineapple, rIsý5T!ain ndpIrsTey aildo their r part In this newrep. Two suces srnoked baen, ½ ýinc ick (2 pounds>, 9aicspine- aupp1e, 360 whole cloves, prly Dein:4 cups sot, breaýd crumnbs, 1 cup riis cup bow sug, iI teasýpoon dry musar, cup mle utr ixbread cIrmbsrisin, sgar and nmustard togetIher; ou butter evenly vrm ur.Paeon 1eo am .n athree. uar't heajt-re ssat lssuilty dsSpread de ss:g' ihl overY the sllce , Top withsecownd slice of 'ham, Stýick cloves In th lat, around edge, CUt, oreple azpple suce into edesto make llwrpetals for tihe tociofthe ham. , Place topnapescs one onI top of the other, in eaîch corner of the dýsh-, Ba-ke for one h,,Our ýin moiderate oven, 325 dý-egrees F.Grns with parsleyan serve. The olowngrecipes wil] add som-ethinrg jncw oui mnu without running Up the cost: Spanish Potat&es Saute 1 tablespoon minced onion, 2 tablespoons chappedý green pepper, and 2 tablespoons of chopped pimiento in 4 tablespooný.s &of cil or cooking fat until the mixture is light brown. Now add 2 eups of cold bolled, diced potatocs, and I/ cup of cold cookedhai ehopped. For seasoning, add 1,/ teaspoon of paprika alongwit 1 teaspoon of sa]t, Cook. the mixture until il is heated thiroughl, Hash Piekle Puff Pie (4 serviags) One-pound cani corned-beef hash, 2 eggs, % teaspoonsait, freshly grounid pepper,ý 2 teaspoons grated onion, 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cucumber pickles. 'Empty corned-beef hash into bol; mnash thoroughly. Separate egg yols s roi.wxuces; oeat yolks untlu iignt. Acictyoucs t(o nasn mi7xture and seasoni with sait, pepper, onion and pickles. Beat egg whites untlil siff; fold int hash milxture, PFut mixture irit 8-inch piepan and bake in hot oven (400 degrees F.) for 20 nminutes, or until brown. Cul into wedges. Serve with tomato saýuce., Temato Sauce: In a-small saucepan, combine ans 8-ounce can tomato sauce, % teaspoon Worcestershire sauce and ½telaspoon celery sait. Heat and-serve in a small bowl Ilapis ev, nlulibarahe iîn tIbilIun- awýfui dmg fwr 0eal their couniitry ta pay its o(mial ta mneet ils obligations, and 1 toplay ils part in t1e defenise of tlie r- dom of mankînild. One egg anid 8 pence worthi of meat a weeký! The resulîs of this seif-res( traintý andI self sacrifice on the p)ýlrt of theý British people shoulld beressr ing 10 their friends andasondù ta future historians. Ourpane bas, arbieved slenvatlas e the moment. Sie bas -aisd br industrial production 50% and be1 lir e xports 7001 aovethe preýwar level. Prop(ýoitcly, se is do- ing at leaslt as muc1( lias Amricra in meetng theimelunceofSovetCoi- muni -l . oris Ibis tre loesry H is imutcl casier for arich man 10l t conribte 5% f is icoeto wvort;iy -cauises thlan il is for a a in of modIest Imeanls. IlluIbe one case there mayil(.Tie the scrifice a Om nle luu il) inte other aofItbareecs ite.The trulc test i5 o mc mail is dinlg a, oprd~t wba1t le can do,ý Wb'o are dagn teret? Fron theAgoAmrcnPart; ,nersiip" an[addess byLalWricce Hlunt, of NCw Yr City, at Pia depta Aprii 7, l1951. Sou Conditions Peat ma ss and humus, as sold comnicrcially, differ in appearance, composition mand ue.Tbey ýarc nat interchangeatble. Peat lmass lis axailalile in bioth impi)ýrod anddo(1- es'tic brands. Imoredpet,iusii- ally marketed inon-uddpon burlappcd bales, is mdi(iliroxl, coarse and granular in exur Damestie peat is more fiiLyý gran- ular and v aries from' ligfit ta dark brown. It is generally pack-iaged ini bags of, bye cub;c feet. Used as m1rulci over sbruli and flw r leds, bathliran'ids arc valuale fo "(r ligbt- euling gardlen soil, iceaigits ability ta bnold mcOiSture aud keep1'1,ing dowu edsl eihrkind i pef at, maoss ias priua odvle althoug,,li saie oesicpeats hv Commerciiams is tblack and medIliunfinein textre. ",sIl-y Tig infetigliyil may liecn ed arounld plant rots ý, at p lig limte, i ecsand igbtes ai textre andli! hclps re-tain nîolisýture.C or boxes, or so iiin blk b1y) the cubic yard, lbushIel -or- tat t1i ilocali supply firmsl. MO1THER'S FRIEND uipa ficndbip w il)%itlia Autraia lady. O lt-iiariaïIi-brforl child, tbey set br I payena somlewiat atnse Tako so mut or the pe. iT is ý,a 1Per- fct godsIen1d. 1sit iin il er ale-- nonand read and libe clbile catglnear EARLY DECISION The judg was jut aifuol delve bs smmngupof te ase wben t'e lnotilced that ithere er onlyii eniin t1e u lrybox CVhre is fIlt weîfî jurman? lie aedirriîab. "thjlats ailighit, yer bnr,-" thie foremlal, ansýwUCd _niLy."H wscalIcld awa on bsiness, buti' he's leI is verdict ywithmel]." GADNNOTES Keep Them Coming There sno ireason wby lie pea seson shauld last only a couple af w eecks, and thiat goes, for beaiis, corn or anythiing else. The trick is ta' spread ont sowiîlgs avec sev- eral we(eks, also ta use pcriaps an early a miedium and a -late var- îiy. ý l' n'ost parts of Canada it Îis Possible ta make regular sow-ings of such tiings as bears, carrots and lettuce every îwa weeks Uill)10 the, firsl week or sooai jly. Be Ready for Trouble For amtevryfower, fruiiit, vegetabirean shubil ees ter is a;pct nsc rdses.Fx indecd ac Irce ran atack au n3laeyhav seerl eýrns.The licst defeýnseisheljy-rothaii gaodsee, I iscamaraivey easy ta cai rldamlage il] a dawl culltivaedgade a hsk go1b b)ut il is a bigprhmwerth Plants are ul oing wèl anid vwbere tbere are a lot ofw cd and allier rub'bish ta pro,-tecî land lelp pro-, pagate burgs anddiess Fortunately for tlie garden cuemies there ar:-c dusîs and sprays specially preýpar-d ta deal with them.,For the bugs that eat holes in the faliage use poison. For those that suck aut the juices causing, the plant ta, witber, atîack wîth a spraythat will burn. Disease usual- ly_ bits the plant cells and causes witliering or ýrat iin blackisli s§ots. Chemnicaîs li1ke sulphuir are used in this case. Oftln one good treat-, Ment will bc-c enougli but xih tbings like leaf happers and patata bugs whiebld y eggs, tw o or tbree suc- cessive trealments ta gel the young ones will lic needed. Most chemicaîs lose their potency iii lime su a fresh Suly l)-eacb seasan is ýadvisable Give Themr A Tria-l l's a good pan ta try so(mcthînig entircly ucie cýaci yar B ddîng a fae or vegetalile tcdisao anc wii ake new and pleasing discoveries, widen lie range oaI iii - lerest ad also value. 0he lob-of ItheplntIrede bs envrs il ew type ýs and1 vaietles ýtuing i-Otlbetter or bar dier plantis tht ill do ,,:CI ili awider range 11,n addition toebrnd ew low- e'rs and vgeab ene sads avec theflwesand earlier, or ten- der aritiestotanidardveeals Som te ld fvoits f oulr fathers' and g Il'l' rand1(1fathie rs' days woctild hrl b eogie oday, proved in sir*e 'and(icolor land ve ge Evnor thie le prsof Cn ada it is nwpossible 10 get varie- lies of early corn, tomaiýtoes, melons and sulcli sm-tnertinigs that vil l do wl,v The pl nant redr poinit s11o ulCIb e Co)ils ide'reCd in m1akýing Iup !thelist of prhss Adit i's un1soG.wcllto add some- ing that, so .Q4ar as thie rea-der i onendis euTIblly niew ,but that This ;ay e od beausor 'a ý1term-ileloIn or brocotal tr ulips, wbite ads, oecl,,Brus- ses prut,,wischaird,chns cabliaýge, 1hybrid c ornl,(enldive or soeof Ithe hrs oeo s Sthings areentirely ne , tog tafwof any ofi thi are to lic fondin theaerg gren h beinerisad-,isedI to give alew of teni'a tral ach car.He ay well Iîn:thtlle faily ealylîe them andlhe bas miade adicvr ht iladd itrs and var;ety to bis -vegetaibleplt River -Pollution ICan Be Stopped Draimatic evidenice that a water- way choked witb iindustrial pollu- tion for decades can regain much of ils original us efulness thbugli governmient - industry co-operation was offered at the annual techni- cal conference of the American Chemiical Society. Frederick H. Dechant, consulting, engineer, rieported tliat waste dis- charge from aIl mines ou ý he Schuylkill River and its tributaries has been effectively stopped, the rivý-e r's flood stages hiave b een lowveredJ by thiree ta secven feet, the qjuailry vof the -waýtter h- as been uotieabl imrove,1ad Ithe costf ofit.almnt bs bee1 rcdced Mr. D)chaniit said thaithogl Iblis work lbas been carried on pri- martily as a state an( -d federl pr-ï ecseven large steel works, fo-unl- dries, an d other mnetal working indlustries have joinitly spent, more thali $3000,000 ta purify the. waste waters tbey return ta the river. "The outlook is gond that others will follow in thieir footsteps," lie said.

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