Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 17 May 1951, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY n.NIEýS THUBSDAY, MA4Y l7tli, 1951 SALESILS SERVICE FORD, TMONARC WèVARS apd T CýKS FORD and FORJ4SOIN TÀTR id EQUJIP1ENT WHITE ROSE GASOLINE AND 011L GREASENG - RWASHING Phon e42 r11 -- -- - *Acid-Resis iing Porcelain/ * T r il q D T h er mte sî toazeDri e e- Twîin-Unit E ýn-Heat O en T7ED W'OODPYARD'm APPLIANCE STORES ORONO Ont 1k 'b & BOWMANVILLE Moter Equipment Pl NQrthcutt and S Funerai Directors and Forniture KENDN ESS COURTES! Equipped te take care of the modest fune reasonable charge as weIl as the lai mont exactlng Telephone:. Oliice iffiS Telephone Coilect Reslidence, 'rivate Ambulance )mith Dealer@ SERVICE «ral at the mont g rgeet and 52.1 and 726 Uwmanville. Ont. - THE RED & WHITE STORE Z=;-- CANADIAN CILEESE, Medium; Tasty ....... ...........lb. 59C. DARE'S SODAS, Salted, 1-2 po qnd Packags,.............2 for 2'c POST'S BRAN FLAKES, with ree toys....... ................. pkg. 24c. COHOE SALMON, Fancy Red'..................1-2 ib. tUn 35c. AilIPSO, _giant size -SAVy,-E79e. ACCENT, new produet, brings'out the Graperuit, larç 96%s,4 for ..... 29C. flavour in foods, tin for.......3Ë' Fresh Asýaragus - Daily CLark's Pork & Beans, 2 - 20 ins33 Win sap Apples, for eating and cook- York Irish Stew, tinfor....... 32c. i or......... 2c Gold Medal Tea Bags, 100 for ...92c. We have a good selection of top- grade PeekFren's"Via-Weat pk. 2/c. Be f, Pork, Veal, Cured and Cooked PeekFren's Vit-Whet" kg. 4e. Meats-- For your week-end require- Shredded Coconutl, 1-2 IL. pkg... 2 7é met COR N-1SH - Oroneo iLt %-F %.F&Ltp, n Mrs. WiU-g1 ù, New'tnnovile, is visitiig heir niece, Mrs. Cecil Jonles M'rlid Mrs. Charles Disley have menveil fromn Newarket and are iiow iiving in Bwavie Mr. Gordon Wilter bascme- ced the construetion of bis rew hom>lle on Chreh Street sout1h. Mater Terry Mls sn of Mil. and Mr-. fHoward Myls, ad the miisfortùne ta 'bre-ak his co[fkir-1bone. LESKARD WA. SPONSORING SOCIAL EVENING fi the Lesgkarýd Churi-e on Fiiy ]ay 18th at 8 20 pan. the ladies of the Leskaid W.A. Iare aosni~ onetand Social Evemnng wihen ail who attenid are sure of a Ver'y e- ioyabie tiime. There wil1 be a nium- ber of wlknown entertainers m-ith a variety of se1icti-ns iluding vo- cal nlmnal, readirngs and com- edy, ftiowi.'yahun'ielous pl'ayl "Risîng wit'h Grace". AFter thle e- terajaentreresimetswill ýbe served. Ail 4 f he above is pg3venfor the small chargeaff aU. for aduiits qnd 15e. for children. Yoi ur sopart is invited and a good.time ass'u'red. Came early for the best senats. ~0 . PARK .ST. g fi uNtTED CH UR CHI 1 0 Reverend A. E. Eustace g) Minlstet f g UNDAï, MAY 20th f S10.010 am. Sunday Sebool f 21.0am. Rev Wesley Hutton Real Estate 1 $6,000. Newcastle residence of 8 rooms. solid brick, detachied. )rivate drivew ay, combiried workshop and garage, lovelY grounds on quiet street north of Cbmmullity Hall. -furnace, electricity. low taxes,ea rly 'Pos- session, reasoiiablie'terms open for offer, $2,5001. Conveniently located on accessible road, 100 acres level land suitablel for refor- esting. Mortgage funds- available on improved property Leroy Hamilton B4RO KER Phone: Office 32 r 10, Res. 1 r 16 Orono, Ontario INSURANCE In ail its branches Fire, Automobile, Liability,. Lif e, Hospitalization, Wind Plate Glass, BurglarY i5>0c=oc=o 0(:=OC=9=0,c=oc=oc==O<;=O<=OC > C=>oc=o<ý=0 Local News Phone 9 r 1 withI youir personals Week end viur wt r. n Mr, .1 , Leaaiiýn were Miss Ber'- 'Îee Rodwela, Miss Dýoa&hy Devinie, Mr. Arf ,tLepper aind 1Mr. lem'y. .Mrs. Glenn Wiggins bias returnedI fromi Newfoundland ta her parents hoeMr -MS. M. IH. Stle o iionth3 visit.1 M-r. and Mrs, Chas. Crease of Bairrie and Mr. and Mrs. H-irry Cowvari visited with Mrs. Fred Cowatn over the week-end- 'Mrs. A1le Rowe-Slemain, Traonito. was a week- end guest of ieT cousins -Mr. and Mrs. Maisn all. Mliss Jeanne Forrester entertin- ed 'Miss Thelma, Êtapi&ton, bride to be of Newcastle last Friday eýv nig wvith a Miscellaneaus Show, %About twe-nty-nine gue'sts were present pAd Thelmra was caompletely ta4ken by surprise. AftWr apening her lovely ,gitits,. refreishmnents were sPi-ved in- blie dining-room. Mrs;. George pCair- son poured tea, assÜsted by Mrs. R. A. Forrester and Mrs. R.ussýefle Mal- uske of Taronto. .Wednesdaýy evering of last weeký Miss Stapleton was lso theý recip- lent of a Msela nsShower given ta her hy Mrs.Jon eorat tbe hoame af ber motherMr. BlieyOf Mr. LeRoy ronson, Of Mrndl Mrs.J. 1. Bn'i nd Agrriculturali' honor of tak-inig four Junfior Fa1rmers on a trip to Kentuckv, Tennessee and Obioothiis montb. These bays a-e memibers of the first a'nd second prize winning teamse in the Juinior inter-County Hors,,e plougl1ino ePventl at, lasit years ItznfnlPogi inrg Match. Thev wîll bave theopr tiundty of s~digIn osra tion and souimvl ee~mtoî in thebove, etondstts ClarikeTonh.Putc Sol teachers held tb.ii'e! 1n metn jat Crooked CekSloio us dacy eveni'ng whr hyejoe pienie supper before temeig Mris. Smith, wh luias lîved wvlthi Mrs. XMcPhersO-n for a, mbrofi y-earjs and bas beenl visiti gfrie(ndsý ir, the United States is tyngwt Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hlo1oerfor Vfiel present. Wayne Miller, son' of Mr. 'Ind Ms ha.Miller, lad VIt msrorunt bakbis leg in twa- lce hl paying on Monday afternoan. Mr- and Mire. am row. Pnty pool, ha e awnýved 1to their ehm Cfiurch Street south.ce-ntly pur- cbiased f rom Mr. Gardoi, Wîn'er.- Mr. and Mrs. Orme GeYrryare st ing for a fesî days ait ther co>ttag-e and wiIl saion lie moving do-n. f rom HamËilon for the, summer m'ionltts. Mrs. Marlon Gireen, Mîr. and Mrs. Bruce Cbagpmnaa, Toronto, spent tI. wek-end witb Mr. P--.Ch'apman aýnd family. Mr$,. Lloyd Craîhbe and Ginriy have e'&urned iaftP!r spening tw.o weeks with relatives; in Ottawa., *Mr. Chas. Woo, Ji'cbn.r nd Miss Gwenn Ph.as'ey, Oahwa wre at home for theweksd Mr. and Mrs. Wlilton ,i Bo yd m'oved last week ta hirnwhome Kingston. Jim Gamîisby spent the week-end with tbcm, Miss Marjoine'1 MeLaren, Leaýsde, spent tre \week-end athoe (Mrs. J. H. Leslie,Ptrbru' spent Motber's Day with Mr. and Mrs., W. J. Riddei.l. Mvr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hay and f:amily DBawnmnsv4IAe, 'on S'unday. Misses qllirl-,y Flinltoff a'nd Flor- ene Lia1ton1, iOA.C. <Guepih, spent the wee-end at their homes. Mr. Murraiy Pautergon, Brantfa'rd, spent the week-end Wt home. Mr. and _Mus. Wmi. Bunt-Ling spent t,e week-end in Kînigton. Mrs. Walter Cobbledi*ck hats re- turn'ed ta Toranto affter spendinl- a f ew week's at ber homie here. Mlss' Alice Basnlett \vras in Toron-j ta, on Wednesday attendIýng the fun- eral of a cousin. 1Tihe president, Mrs. 111. Walsh m~ade special mention ait th eet- Il 1 Ps-one 111WIL

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