Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 17 May 1951, p. 4

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ORONO WEEiKLy TIMElS TI*URSDAY, MIAY 17tbh, 1951 Lie Orono Weekly Times as Second Class Mail, Post Office Departinent, Ottawa. ing Rates on Request. Subseription $1.50 Established January, 1937. R A' Forrester Townsbii' Publisher. R C Forrester MEÈ*IN G 02f,'Cla4 he Electors anti Ratepay r a (or) ail per, ns affecteti in resent Township of Clarke ch I rea are her with being noti- that the Municipal CounciI, U e Township of 04ke shall con- anti deal with a By-Iaw to withdraw formner Sch I o.2 the Township of Clarke School Area~ at an open meeting tohý in the Township Hall, Orono, on MNay l9th. 19.5', at 8.30 p n,, H. E. MILL ON 'lerk COIMING EVE-TS A dance is ieki o. iThursday May 24 te e e Tewn Halt by the Odd ws RebaeliS0er- vie Olli. ed ia-,e.aïd of the Bowm-anville -Melorial \ tsptl Aleo a' tbiS imie'a lh eewil be harnded thý ai IBoa fe£,r the equipping ',,j a th ee-bed Ward. Al are ur,-ged te sDupport tliie venture. IN MEMORIAM FORBES- a1ovI(ng memeory of a dear othera.n' wife, Margaret Forb's, who p ILed away May l6th 194192 WeJe eStî q-ad sient, And ýýlep forsak e,ý4-,iy eyee. My thoughtarë in t ~sent grave. Where my dear Vothei\lies. Lovineýb/ yramembered by daugbter Amie, son-in-law Rose and gr'an- daugliters, June and Marion and husbanýdIGeorge. el by icreivo e m pre ïssth-at lias obeen n macle- uihuneenterior or tne vaurca. Thn paru is tha chancel. The drop ceHing ut tihe back is for the insýta!lation of the indirect îgling. ThU Dur semion around the indows Mihmuo completion bc panelld iu mahogan-îy as will the sides,. >nster Wednesdlay, Featuring The Harve-,-Y BINGO .-GAMi Spornsored lby 7V <t' the OronD O r&han Ho For dessert variety, you ca't beat ice cream. There are so mnany delicieus flavours te choose. . . emany ways te serve it, yu fric a mphlr et tehling ab.,outoire st- mMg ilE of thîs fine dairy food. Write te: SERVICE BUREAU Toronto, Onforlo '0 LAS8IFIED OOLUMN$ COMI NG VET Leskai/d W.1 a-,re holding a Si» cial Ev riniiiioà FridaY, May 18Bth. art 8 pgl*. -Ag rogra has been arran Ïeàalld 1 l d by play unti Rrt ing Witlh Grace". Lunch hbeîserv'ed.Amiso, Adulte, 3.5k.; Élîdren 15,. c-17-c The regular mneetifi of thie Wo-1 men's mmette l Ue held on Fi-J L-day after ýon, l«a 1th, îr the Town Haroegramn will be a-1 rranged tý;ýheqizenship and Edu- cation éý'vencrs. 'Rv. A. E. Eus- trace, will le pras4nt to-*nstall the of- -fîcers- foi 4eýig 3y -r. WiIl ail offiers U 9me ýers make a epecial effort te 'liend and if possible bring 7a friend. MT ' Sild Ru h erford wll be the speaker. Lunch will be served. A Socîal Evel4nîl under thle u picels of t c4*eWA group wi.1 le h ttrle ej, on Wed- nesday, :, ui.There( will be pic se ý,ýsbo-wn by Al car- veth and a[ sa] f mîiscellianeous ar1- NOTIe E te{nome mad i i g Sale and Af- teroonheldunder the ausipes Of Ha Social b; ,1 l the To-w Fa1, Studa Ma l 1 *es,,f0rakes',Tarl'tc,'EVery- Y. b-c' 20 PER CENT PREMIUM (Conrinued fron page one) Breeders' Clubs which have been ap- prorved by -the, Ontario, Miniseter tif Agriculture ouan quaqîfy for the Preiumes. Beîore such an ýauction begins, al bulle must be is.ce nthe sale premdses. Inspection -wil1 be made by a Committereoîîýrsiig of one pe-rson naemad by -the Otr Livesrqtock Cominisioner and a rpeenaieof the Ontarie Association for the Braed concernied. Oniy bulflt. are tan manths ld or o-ver-, wlgo for tÈheir age, in good condition and are typical of their breed in evary respect, shahllie elig-ibla, for approv- ai. Bulls, rjected by -the Committee s>hal'lnet be inciuded in the sl offering_ Tfhe premiumi for a buil pur-chnsed -under these conditions will ha paid by the Livesteck Branch, Ontariýo mu Dapartinent of Ag-riculture, upon receipt of an ýapplication, and of the pedipgree, recor-ded ia the name of the ipunrchaser. The premliumi will nmouint to -20 peTz cent of the purchase price, up ýto a mnaximum of $75. Iune -case shall an individual 1ha- eligible for a m-remium onmo re than ne, bull iu any year. CENSUS DATA (Contdinued from page one)- western Canada. It fbrmed an im- portant proportion of ail homes only inthe urban parts of Ontario and the Maritime Provinces. In 1M9 virtualiy ail drellings in the Marlitimie Provinices wera of rW4>Id c0onstrucetion. 'Plis wus true alIse of rural uad---s luothier parts of Canada, exceptiag Outaie, and, te! -a la"sser extent, eof the urbancets -14 the Prane ronwes a-n d British lmba i n ceuitruFti tftree eut of ever-y five dwa'Iligs lu urbeý-n Ontarioe-,and Quebec were, built of brick, and in upliarnQuabec ,)bout flan pel'celt were ofJene 1tucco bouses %vere net commolen ini ea' stern Gàada but in Vfie Prair"ie ,Ploinces they ouLtnunmbered brick bouses by soea4.000. The etuec.o boeuse was mosrt commlon ilu British Columibia. In the urba'n Centres of -that province, 19 par ce-nt of al homes were ce.netruc.ted pinicipally of stucco. WÜESLEY VILLE M4ther's Day Service was held1 1ýSud0y mrning. M--. Truaa.Aus-' tin actaed as sýuperintendant for the Sunda-y School. The regular W. A.' Meeting was held at t-rIe homne of Mrs. PrySe There v,,as a largle abttndaaoe o-' f ladies and duin.g, the meeting they prasentad Mr-s. E.anl ijelhvith an eleCtric Ilump. m ,lrch lwilil be le ing the comniýiunÀtyi the future. in:dami Mrs.MuayPye is iitad wth AMm. Pjyn-e'epret, r und mis.,uf, nMyrtia, on 5(UndalY, A Ne S lver m Contest will lie held at Ci»o tlýhe Masonic hall oni Fnidayev May lSth eom- menckng fait SA le dA. There are several Mt et tela agood pro- grain.À-Ilts c i[ldrem 15c Erveryone -welconie. a-p FOR SALE A large qukidyofýïravel, eand and stones. Tm,- o r'àle> /south of Pontypoofl beside 85v Highjiýyr Apply Webb' »ros. 185 il x- t,'*ýte4boro, Ont. F0R, SALE Pige, six aZîtài we&cs lie Coenbes,! Pi,4i4s2581, Ville. old. Les- Rowmnan- at-p Paris jý ",erigerator in ecl lent eon ýioIn -soelectric hea.ter aimnf sne ,'ý o e778, Orono. b-c DEAD LIVE STOCK Picked up promcptly Horse, Cus, Hi e Shepigs and ew o CaIves We pay ý7fýjofSyeee an and Heifers Aï-,an 'ady4d1 s er w4 \e will Co- opemuta wi4f'lyour vé inarian ln Io"t-me ýteni 21/2C r .fo i vae rsee. Cal col ac B a e 2679 MARGM LL FUR FARMS Tyrone, 49-tf Use the Classified Columnn SALE REGISTERS 1 have raceivad instructions from C. B3. Sisse>ns, 1 mile south of Orono ail N0. 35 Highvvay tO sal, by public auction Saturday, May l9th at 1.30 p.mý, hedreemý-, living-romr and kit- chen furnitjire, raiigette, near new, and inan.y other items. Termes cash. No. reserve. Jiack Reid, Auctioneer. 1 haive receîvad interauctions frein the executor of the estate of the late Evelyn E. (looke te atoll by public auction Saturday, MUay 26 at her lata reeidence at Nerwcaetle, her entire heueehold effecte. Jick Reid, Auc. The undersigned hue received ini- structions, frein the executor of the estate of ýthe late John Couch te sali by public nuction at hie ,lute resi- dence, Lot 11, con. 2, Clarke Town- sýhip, 1-2 mile west and 1 mile north Of Newtonville, Friday. ýMay 18, 1 p.m., sharp. Ah bhis farma stock, in- plamaente, feed and furnitura. Furth- er particulars, see bill. Terme cash Jack Raicl, Auctionear. PlunîblNg and CALL US FOR ESTIMÂITES HIARRY E. LYCETT Phone 84 r 1~2 ORONO - ONT. Orono Elctirie Phone 30 r 16 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM MW HouSE WIRING APPLIANGE SALES Prompt andi Guaranteeti Repairs t. ail makes of Electrical Equipment anti Applianceg Snch au Motors, Water Heaters, BIJY WLTII CONF'ID]ENC». Art's Car Markët Professienal Directory A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. 1 PHYSICIAN and SURGEON @&e Hours : 2.00 te 4.00 p -i §-»te .00,e Suntdays andi W,&neu4s m b PHONE 47rl E. C. SYER, A PHYSICIAN anti SURGEON M~ain Stroeet Soth OfficelHours: 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.: .30 ot0 8.00 pu. Suntiays anti Holiday. by Appointmnent PHONE 7î r 19 ORONO S LEGAL Lawrence C. blason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE. ONT. Phones: Office 688 Hne 553 TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valu ator, Condutets Auction Sales of aui mise anti at reasonahie, rates Commun icate with hlm at pornO Perry, Ontario, or ueo fls Clerk .- E. Morton, at Oroxo, fer tdate. JACK REID Orouo's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuat<>r Specialize iFarni'and 1Furnture Sales Consuit me for terjua and dates Phone 5rl18 - A* n LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; EducationalPoli; Protection and Savinga Plans Ϋ Chiltiren anti Aduits; Mortgag. Ila- surance Plans. F. E. LYCETT ORONG, Ont.. Phone 20 r 1le The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Dial 32116 - P.O. Box 622 P~ort Hope, Ontarlo Monuments, GraVýemark-era, EnffravînLy. Goldleafinr STAFFORD BROS Monumental Works Phonte 'W.îtby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS ANP MARKERS Let us erect a handsonwe, dig- nified monument over the rest- ing place of yeur l"eeens It's not expensive. And seeing this last trihurte wili give you ontless ofr W. wiIl be pleaseti to, pick up ticatior erippleti farin animais ant ilpay highest prevailing prie.. For inunediate service telephone cofleet Brooklin &2, Cobourg 126e, Toronto Empire 8-3686o Orono Tinshop Now às the time ta talk about R. E. LOGAN

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