Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 3 May 1951, p. 4

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Department, Ising Rates on Request. Subseription $1.50 Established January, 1937. R A Forrester Publisher. R C Forrester OIRONO COMMUNJTY PARK ,gwn.,zed ball te be played in the village this year and na roun'ds for playing wherte an admnission cari be clarged, it siblie that tMs w1ill be a foremost issue ta' be presented at d meeting of the Orono Park Board. This: annual meeting .ranged this week and will be hel i the ve1ry near future. ie has corne to the front through different local organiza- g the past year wltli delegations being appointed bo attend 1 meetiig of the Oro-nt> Park Board. nhe Park should bhave t of ail thie coinmunity and the four mile radius area for it tally designed ta 'provide entertainment gj'eunds for theý Chis area. such airnual meetings, a7ouse little interest, but it is hoped ear. a great.er concera is arousied. k bas through the yea'rs 'been greatly iiuproved with ereeýt- Idings. addltion'al lard and a -enerai brighter aip pearance. li the Ontario Reforestationi developemeat, fo'rms Oron£o's 'ar sununertime recreationnil gnounds', and attracts crewvds tendance anid expessed opinlion at the annual' meeting wl eneral prog'ressiveness of this area. The g-reater the inter- e of the inhabitants, mvii ensure a Park ïrua in thre mariner Smajority. FHE FOUTRTY-FOUIR FREEDOMS is a stirri-ng wr.Poets and oratorýs delight in u'sing i its emiotional 'pemer. But what, exaetly, does it meara la set of circumi-stanIces'? oyou prize more highly, political freedoni or religionsfe- .question may start you thinklng. cgain religious freeý,dom that thre Pillgrni'Fntthers came to nt in 13620. Political freedomn was won by thre Americn 1'781. Freedomi from s1lavery came to, the negroes of rire ates only ini 1865. tF. D. Roosevelt gave the world a newv phrase anda ,estanid'irg of its probleiris wýhen he enunerated Iis Four "Freedom of S'peech. fre-edomi of Woriship, freedomi from eedoni frore fearti"-were those the four? We are tempted here that what the East needs is freedomreýino want and, Vest needs is freedomn froni fear-and weme ight net be seý e truth, at tbat. But we mrust niove along, for. there are freedcmns of gmiat imiportan~ce' te ýhe individual. te Reno to ebtain freed-crn f rom the bonds of rnatrimiony; 'oin teethache go t threIr denti'st toe secure freedonr trom ilI for yeaxs ta clear off the meortgage ýand gain freedioni A Ruesian mIre Ieft iis ilorelandi Vo escape the tyr-anny of n, andi what first ianpressed him 'whenIr e arrived in Can- s eoniplete fr& I'rn te move around. ".1 get on a train at ,et off wlhey,.e 1 like. Nohody asks to see my paper7s,.1 amn estionied by the polie." a mýe e-njoy miore kinds of freedouni tha we cani count; and of them. But w-hen* me spe'ak af freeiag ather counitries Wve -e la inindi oltiilfreedoni. This kindi of freedýorir' nay or little. Birlta-in's colonies do not have it. One of tIre akes that can bIe made byý the West in its attempt to hel1p ta assume that its hnn'gry millions aweerying foýr poitical est of hem mwant freedomi te live in peace, fre(edoni fron. fr.eedonim froni debt. freedorn from-famiine, freedom te, -e living frosa tIe sali. Thaut is why iny- smiootir-tongu,,r cai lead theui. 1le nee-d only promiise thiem thre ownership lot af gre)und. and tre v \\il!l gladly help iii the iq& leir. gpas"ùg laflrds Wiat does' a Chineýse peasanît cr Cal fre-edomSa o long as he_ is freer ta ie-an as lie West wirt toeale he East fo'o-mns. w semillionis Othat e are able and' willing to'Lte m wl-n )f freedoni they are mo'st in eed . i.Kli them by tire isands nmay be an unfortunate necessity, but m\e shail Aie people of China by act of conguest. N-T INSURANCE BE REN EWED 'RSI-Please send ail uiin picyment cbooks for 1950-51 aid fprivions -years ely to the National Emplo>'mîent Office ch yo ea l, unless renwel -anig ements ýady beeiu made. They must je exchanged Ooeks. nding in your 1950-51 inmrance books, cof the daZte oîhich stamps; arre affixed, so Jd duplication in the new bos. of books ile important Io you, te your ýs and to the omisi+ Please Act - Have vou an insurance book lai ;e take, or sýend it ta thI nearest eforreea imimediatelv. If - your pri-setladdress 50 tIrait IN MRMORM HARRIS-In loving memoiry of ai dear huslb.and and' father, Wni. AI-1 bert Harris, -who pas'sed away, Mvay 21 We ofteniMn think of hlmi miren -wek-iealilalone, For m-emory i'sthe only friend that grief ccii cal lits oJwni; Like ivory on the withered o-k, 'hen ail other things deciay, Our love for ii m ili stili keep greeri and nleyer fadeawy Ever remembered iby Nwiferid fam- ily. a-P IN EO A1 WALSH\-ýIn loving inrenioryý, of John Homard 'Walshr, who passed awýay, April 28tIr,\ 1948. Lovingly rémeiYihered by his mife, Letitia. ~a-p CÂRD 0F THAINKS MIr. and Mrs. W. J. Martin, and fanrily sh tO express their heart- feit app ciation to, their man'y fiends and neighbourý, for ,thre beau- tiful florai token-is, cnirds of symp'athy nd "idY an '~calytlianking ieather Rýei$lekah Ltod>ge, No). MM, Oi-no and Re'y. S. Henderson for his comertingwoYâs sat tIre thme of their nrcent sad bereavemient. E. Dewney Nighti Held In Port Hopei Over 2010 Port Hlope and out-af- toasportsmnen gathered et the Ora,-ng,,e HalIl lest aighlt nighlt ta) hIa- or anc cf Port Hope's best-klam and best-lo'ved sporting figure1s, Elrve Domncy. Thils sucýcesasful "Erve7(, DomaIiey Niglit" wus a fitting cia t,-' the eleven years of biard marik Eirre Iras put inito sports in tIns toma. As aire speaker put it, "tire oaIly, thiing acking mas theproic ial chamipionship mhir Erve's jun- FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR MoDre beautifulAend pr»cticalth=a ever for 1950 in four ceanpWsely mew mnodela -includéng tit a DeL=ie CoId-W&IL ELECt-fRIC RANGE Madels for every kitchea. and bud- get. Model RM.60 cooks a whole meal wihile you're away, Ted eW.ody,,,Va rdýU Appliance Store$ BOWMLANVILLE - ORONO- Real Estate MORTGAGE 310NEY If you have funds which you would like to safely lnvest at the current rate of five percent it would be advisable to let me kniow. OR If you need a first mortgege Joan on your home, farm. or business property 1 have fuaids available for this purpose. L eroy Hamil ton BRIOKER xne: COMING EVENTS Leskard W. A. are holding a So- cial Evening on Friday, May lSth, at 8 p.qn. A good prograin has been; arranged and will be follJoweý b play entitlwed "Rising With rce' Lunich will be serve4. Admission, Aduits, 35c.; (lildren4 15e. -17-e A special 'W. A Sun~day Service tei Ire Ield la th~e Oro'no Tow allaiet 3.001 'clock, Maytr. TIrespeciel speaker is ta Ire Mr. StepIren~ Saywell Oshauwa a.nd the guest solist, Mrs. A. A. Cromle, Oshama b-c Varîcty pi-girým, Fridey Mey ý,4tIr ut 8 p.m. in the Tiowr Hall1 Oronio. Prcgram is supplie4 ry ae group froi tIre Boinianilîle Comimuty Centy.e. TIre evening is sponsored by tIre Orono IFigure Skating Club. Admrission: Aduîts 40c. cildrenr une 1 ears 15c. ior pantlrers ç*me se close te min- The Iiglil$ght of tIre evening came when GI-egMMlo and Freddie' Cotter, Erve's clonse essociaqtes la hockey for tIre past decadc, aecendedl ta tIre piatform eInd pres,ýented Mr. D'owticy mith ani inscribed goidwra 1watch on behiaîf cf tIre Fsparts:ïme of -Port Hoýpe inscribed "Prom tIre j Boys, Poýrt Ho)pe 1951". mDune Found. ".Mr. Hockey" dam Orono may, mus present and anIre- haîf af tIre Orono Juniorýs "D" final- lts ir cr, Ire offered' Erve al toe'of O.onl's esterro laiVIre ferraii of a miniature hocksick.O tIrel p)latform ui t that VuemereEr've'sI dow Kefroni rcbr à. udîBu Who residles in Por-t Hope. Ne Definite Date For Cbosing Rail Lime1 juat mben tIre iast train wiii chug eut of bore aver tIre C. N. R.'s north- r-rn bram-1cirline te Peter-bore la stilil unreertan 'todey. Recentiy, a three- man boa-rdf of Transport Comnns- sàjoners gave thre C. -N. R. permnission te close tIre line. But Boaird-of-Trade manager Gra- ve- said tod-ay tIret a letter fentr CV. N. R., received a day or se ega, gavne iwhintqcf mhe'ntIre compeny plans ta rua its last traie over t~he sin'gle-track, 29- iune. Prom,- N. A. Waiford, Estern Can- ada Superiatendent of tIre Raiimeyvs. came Vhios statement: "Definite date of abardoayrm n rs noV yet been set but yýou mili be notifiedi of tIns ia due Hope las tijll IreinlaSOMPquartîjs here that tbfil-nrmtr eebr and1C thle GoganB area Va the lnorth wilI rot Ire aa noe fter a Chiefreaso for Ins, IV u snsid. la thant a bi'g ne w iadusIýtI r may ocute uIt Dule uaid tt Ire plant Îm lnecd' TlIre Board ofTrnptComs sinr Iro heard arguments ',bath foi, aidaun abandonnie'nt ,f VIre line, -o-ccntly graaiitcd tre C. N. R. perm'nission Vo closýeVIrehuif-century oadsre An aninual financiel deficit wlrich thre rim books more able ta show ma!s given as tLire chief reuson fal,.l thre Botird-o-f-TŽ-ensport CommissJin ers decision. Net iT1 of tIre 29-mile tr'ackuge milI Ire ripped up if tIre C. N. R. g-oes uhcad NVitIr abandoaiment plans. Pa rt cf tIre lne whichiiirns thronugil central tomav., naýrth ta tIre Canning factory aiea mi!] Ire left intact, And VIre Board of Transport Cen- missiioners ruled tIret traeks mustIrel icft for -freiglht.-serv-ýice between 'Pc- terboro a nd Millbrook. Trackagel nortll cf toma limits aIs fer, as Mill- brooço-.aj1bout 18 m4e ry irerp-ý ped up if tIhe C. N. R's ri-ght la [ UNITEDG ItJRCH A. H.Eustavd Ninister ( SUNDAY, MAY 6th ( (J . ai.W. A evc à1r. Shphen Suywell PAPERING and PAINTING Pupcring,t>aintlaig cnd odd jobs, evernagsand -week-ends, Apply ta D. Siïnipson, or phone Gord Simipson, 61ir2 afleir ~ FOR SALE 3 foot Tubulat SIteel Bedistead a-nd Spnings, also 2 ft 6 luchles Steel fold- ing Cot. $10.00. BotIr in goold condi-i tien. Phon-eý Orono 5,5 r 1. a-c1 FOR SALE Sunheain M ixnester, practically new. W041 or nearest offer Apply ta Mrs. J. W Stobart, Kunirite Apts., Orono.a-c FOR SALE 19!51 Mo)narcl coacir practi<caliy iirew $100ý.00 off list.Appl.y C. R\ýKox 0n FOR SALE 19ai eniiac Sedam n ugooýd con- dition, cheap for cash. Phone- 17rg. Mr. Nef Ra i py. Oreajo. a-C NOTICE Any persaon having cleaxn refuse ta dispoase «( it would 'be op-preciated if i, -would b'é dunrped on the race track mý,here washred' out. 7-Iiis would' ln- clude, dirt, ashes,» cinders, brick, sýtone o)r gravel. «Mr. RolpIr or Mr. Reid wiilbe ga ta di;rect anyone w'ocan help, with this f111. Durias* CPntral AgrJculture Society. d- 15-e NURSERY STOCK FOR SALE SttT-wlerry plants, Premier and Senator Dunlo'p. Paspberry Canes, Herbertzs. Asparaguzs, Mary Wash,,iigtnn, l andl 2 yeas eld raots. Grape'vines, 2 year old reats. Red Ciirranst 'bushes (Cherry) and Glak srrant bus'hes (Victo i a), KytIr 2-yé-ar-od, tock Seed Pptatoes, Katedin. Order rnow-for early plantinsg. Edwerd' Wayne, Newtonvilie, Onit. Phonol Clarke 2214. c-14-c DEAD LT VE, STOCK Picked up p,omptîy Hùrsews, Gows, HffUers, She-ep, Piges aa4d new bora Calves We pay for Hs C oirs and Heifers As an $ddsev e e ilI ce- operate withfru veterinarian in ,postneoatein. 2e pp-~r1 lb. for live Etrses. Cail collh-ct Bemmapnville27 MARGWILL FUR FARS Tyronle ý 4-f SALE REGISTE S The praperty of J Y. -M. Saper,l Kendul il ilbe (-solsd bvpublic auctioni ut 1.00 p.m. sharp o Saurdy, ay 12t'l. P'raperty e, lsists of vuluable, Irousehiold efct.Ternis csno reserýLtve. Jack Reicd Auctrocneer- Plunlsag H ot Water Heating CALL US FOR ESTIMATES IIARRY E. LYCETT Phose SI r 12 ORONO - CN'T. Orono Electric 1 Phone 30 r 16 COINTRACTORS FOR FARM and 11011E WIRING A-PPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repaire to ai makes of Electrical Equipmeut and Appliance. Sncb as tfotors, Water Heater. WIT,, CONF IDE NCE Art's car Market Better Peals on BÈTTR CARS We By~ SI~Tade a vry goodý UJSED CARS SlEE us AT ONCE 175King St. W, Boiv-manville, Ont Phone 2118,Bwm vil The engagemient is ennlounred c Thelnia Ml'on', daughiter of Mr&, Stupleton and tihe laVe Mr.Mawl Staqpletoin, New-castle. to) John Aïken son a)f Mrs. R. A. Forrester andi the late R. A. Forrester. iomn». Tha Imariliage wýill tie place' on May De at Vwo indclatIre United Clrurch,, Pro fessionalôifrectory A. F. MeKENJE, MA PRYSICIAN and SURGEON alk* ours: 2.00 te 4.00 &dS u te 8.06 p.m. Sundays and Wed6,end.a rI appoiniment .iaIy PHONE 47r1 - À6 E. C. SYER, MMI PHYSICIAN and SURG»« iMaini Street Southt Office Honrs. 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 to 8.00 p.u. Sundays and IHolidays by Appointment LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, LA. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones. Office e6s8 I He.553 TED JACKSO.CN Auctioneer and Valuator Conducta Auction Sale. of all sce and at reasonable rate& Communicate with hlm at pu@ Perry, Ontario, or Be. hi& Clert.A JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuate Spec~iaize ln Farm sai Furuiture Sales Consuit mie fer ter=s and dates Phone .5 r 19 LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; Educatienal Policee" protection and Savings Plana fj« Cbildren and Adults; >Mortga-ge la suranc-e Plans. F. E. LYCETT ORONO, Ont. - phone 20 r @ The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Dial -3216 -- P-. Box 622 Port Hopë, Ontario Monuments, Gravemark-eý& STAFFORD BROS Monumental Works Phono Whitby 552 318 D-undes, St. E., Whi.tby FINE QUALITY MO0NUIMENTS ANP MARKERS Lest us e-reet a handsame, dig- nified mnonument. over the rest- ing place of yaur loved orles. It's neot expensive. And seeing this lest tribute will give you ffldles3s comfort W. will ho pleased te pick up dead or crippled farm animais and lpay highest prevailing pnices. l For immediate service telephone cellect Brooklini 62, Cobourg 1266w, Toronito Empire 3-.3634 lCORDON YUNÇ 1Ltd. Ovrono Tinshypv Now is the timne te, i talk about R. E. LOIGAN Phono 18-10 EMPI It PRONE 74 r 19 ORONO

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