Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 Dec 1950, p. 5

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68,1 Mill I 18 r 2 -Make yeîlr Christmas Gifts -ive years oe lleasure. ~AMay we gsû,gest a Mantel Rad (a real conipanion) Supreme insound. Chan ticleer-world leaders in radie 50 to $57.50 'TICAL & RADIO SERVICE ÇEWCASTLE IMUNITY IHALL Foar Details See Back Page , 1PARI< ST, ~UNITED OIIIRCH Reverend A. E. Eustace Minister Q UDY DEC. '1 17t n g O~a.mý.-Suniday Sehool. gTopc Peace on Earth. R(-, Se . R. Heinderson, of Bow- mnauville will preach 7 .30 .1-special Xmais *Ser- 9vice ut Kirby. Orono Tins-hop We Sl And InstaI Pease Heating R. E. LOGAN SUPREME ALIJMINUM TREASURE CHEST bIncudes everything needed fer MNo1èrn Cooking )o Electrie Tea Ketties 5 $10.50 to $14.50 esions B3icycles, Waigons, Electrie Trains, Tools, China, Silverware, Toys, Waterless ýCooking~ Ware, Dry and Steam Irons, Luggage, Skis, Toboggans- T ARE AND QUALIT y. BUY A R1A.M FOR XA EK 25c. lie- "BUFFET HAM" is the talk o(f ftheto. 35c Drop ini and sec if for yourself. 39L BlREAKFA-ST BACON, Lean, SI-*ced, lb- ----55 c. Smoked Picies (Bonlelss anidBoe) 1* Tendersweet Hams (Boiieless andBnei. 58c. Cottage ReliS (Smoked and Sweet Packed). )Colates, Navel Oranges Attractively Priced Tangf Our Fruit Departmnent will lie- full of Garden S'~8C. Fresli Fruits and Vegetables i-eadly to 19ç flcompflete yeur 'Xmas Dinnler. IMARSRMALLOWS, lb ------ -ACIÇERS, 2 'pkgs-...--------... uffed ----- --------- -- 29c. and MisJenRin*eyhbas accepted a poiinin Tyrrell's Drug Shre. s.n Owen Fagan and son iVEchal, of Tilbur.y. are visiÀtjng ler parents.' Mr. and Airs,. O. Cooper. Mis. C. S. MeLaren i spent the week--end with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. C1a.rlké and Mr. McLaren at Prescott. snGordnnLeamen and Judyo Scaiborou.,h, visited ber miother, Mrs. I. Winter this wýeek. M\r. and ss Milton J. Elliott of' Bowanilespent Sunday Uw I S r 1anid Mrs. T.. Reid. Mr. and AMis. J. W. Rickaby- visit- ed MIr. and 1rs. H. J. Souch and is. Dorothy Bailey on Sauday. Mr. anad Mrs George Code visited Air. and Mr-S. H. J. Souci and Mlrs. Dorothy Buiey on Sunday. The Orono stores wvill be open ai] day Wedfiesday this eminng wveek, al- Sio) Thuresday. Friday and Saturday eveniirgs. Mrs. Wallace Thurstoin, wIho \vas Lenore Corish prior to lier m-arriýage, is recuperating fromi an opeaMton at ber home i Bobcaygeon. Mi. anid Mis. Harold Hnokandi childen oA Belleville spent Suna, with the former's parents, Mn and Mrha Egerten Hancotk. MVr. aind Mis. Clarence Allun at- tended tie, funeral of the formier's uncie and aunt, Mr. and Mirs. Hector MefLean 1>Ki;rkfield. on Thursday. Abu. C. L. Powers rturned f rom aa visit witb Mr, anid Mrs. Roy Powvers of Scan? rugi-, and is now visiting cousins alt Hilton, N.Y. MIr. and Mts. C. Disney of New- miarket visited ove.- tie week-end witi the latter's parents, Mlr. and Mis, S. Paynle. Mr. Mlilton Cornish, who bas been employed by Col. MacAI!in at Feue- Ion FaIls for tie past diree andl a hlaf years, lias bought a faim at Ux- 1bridge a.nd is going' in for purebîed Here-ford stockç, Congratulations te i. andMin~ Vance Cuper on tbearii of a býaby boy last Tlusday in Bowman- ville Hospital. i and Mlrs. C. Ml. lhu-st of Tor- onto spent tN eekedwith Mr.ar[Ld Miýs. Gordon E.- Sitypson and Mr. arnd M1rs. Douglas Simpson. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.1 Eaîl Tayl-or (nec Betty Hlepplestone), Oshaw-ýa, formierly of Kir>klanid Lake, wbb wverc married -ilu Ororo on Sat- urday afternoon, Decemiber 2nd. Cairl is tic son of Mr. and Mrs Charles Taxlor. Mr. and Mrs. Miitoýn Coirnish were presen.ed witli a table ilarnp anda liv- ingro ouiianp, xvith i-nmtney for their ciildren, by ticir neigh(bors at Felié- Ion Falls, prior te their depart4ure for Visitors tus weIe.ýk witli MonT. J. Caîscaddeni and famuly, Mr. and Mr. Herbert Glbraith, _Mss'. Giddus Jones, s.n John Elliott of Bowmanvifle; MIr. andis. Roy Berry and Lrs Jolin Berry of Orono; Mr. harper 1Carscadden, Min. S. Searl, Miss Nel- lie HiladMp lyd Glass of Ken- The Ontarlo Rural Hockey- Assoq- ciation hcld a nieeting f or- Eastern Ontario in Nhe Orono Toý,wn Hall Iast WePdnesday evening. Team-s repr-e- scxented at titis meeting were from Bilogihn, Boaklu, Westmount, Bocag~n Omcmie, Mil1'broýok, War-sw, Hiastings. Tweed, Laýkefieldi and Orono.Frýom i e abovetem wil], ieui-cked Ùwo groups wiNth be hoDpe of' at least two miorei entrie's hIoh were unable to attend'. Mr. eer froni PBrou.ghan 1was ap-' pointed cocvener and bas fuIl nuth- soity to or into gl'ouLps anidra up sdha les for sanie.Tihis league wii theaddition of tlle Junior O.H. A. Clut, willprovide tNe hockey lo crs oA this distrit sme ecpoa 1good games ,fo)rticoigsaon Dane Fo n meber of te r of Dieeosof UticO iHA n as charge of the eetngwh1ih1poved11 ver sucesfulfo)r this fast gîowing hokyorganization. Hockey Note B oyiuerstd h in on.gJvnl and Mid;get Ho(1cyarerqe1é'stcdclto Tal --_--_--_-_ n o - THIE HIGIMO4D 0F LIFIE keme to w'ork-is the ('prîo o;f -mcss. <e time to think-it is tie sourec iof power. ke tiim, topayt is the secret o. per petual yoýutb. Taki tmetore of 'srdom Takle timep to woi m-ay of rev Tak time to bc rond to ba Ta-,ke timnie ,to d -or waýg Tak1-e rime tl , 1 ( v tie privile f -i lathe fountabin rsi-i s tihi h \ercnce. e fiendtl-t is the r16 PONTYP<O 81 r 16 Give a lift to each day of the year by g"iving a GIFT TO "1HO0ME"' A side ôr coffee table toi Iend gae oyour SA eomfortahle chair for ail to enjoy; H. H. DARLOW HOME FURNISIIINGS Phone 18 r 2 - Orono, Ont. - Phone 18 r 7 ARMSTROFNG'S FOR THlE BABY Sik r et Dresses $1.95 to $4-50 al oIBIaxkets $4.50 Esmnond Blankets with Satin trim. fo r -- - - - - - - - . . . . . . -- - - - - - - - $ 9 Satin Carniage Sets--------$39? ]DSIES Beautifuil Dînner Sets---$415 te $79.50 Cups and Saiucers --- $1.50 te $3.50 Book Ends --------- --------- $1.75 Fancy Vases ------... $1.50 ta $5.00 MOTHE~R and SISTE Kid Gloves, Blac~k or Brown ... $3.95 y Blouses, styled by Tooke-$--- Ladies' Hand Bags, Plasti and leather, priced----- $3.25 $10.0 Station Wagon Cents------- 5.0 Corduroy Jackets.....----.....1.0 fi FATIIER and BRq'RER Ties-------$S1.50 tea2. B .....-$1 50 to $2.5W Socks- $1.00 te $2.5 Shirts, whit ad col- ored-----$3.95 te $6.;0 -Gloves----$ý3.5û te $3y 5 , Station Wagon Coats 3 - fiats-----$S6.00 ta $1.00 _~ 4 Everyonle loolis toa A MTONG'S î i Whlen it is gift buiyinig time CJIEESE lb. pkg. LARGE PRUNES lb. llxdNuts, ib.. .. .. .. . Wanusl...... .... .. . 288"'s, dozen..... ....... 2L20C's, dozen ...... ...... 17O's, dozen ..... ........ Seedless Raisins, 2 lb. Fresh Currants, lbý ...... Fresh Dates, 1h. . ....... ý- Seeded Raisins', pkg ....... Order your Fowl beforei - ake

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