Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Nov 1950, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY suc a eiomOs cod for, wear ail seted at, once. -0 go 31,Ïrcser ath f tenoo and If al the old caiisand 1public1r huildng o ef v s -uSic vlllgthe old lands I1 believe 't .is1 inoit jmpessveand the treasures îti couainsofDanish culture ar beon desuription. Even the ce'iIi1gs o'i Vhq huerooni are calve aud pjaint'ed andbh walls everywherecoed -h o'rg-eous tapestries or priceless o41 piatingS. T no(ver knew thee ase SO mueh ar't ln Denniark. The funtrglass, stone, etc., was of eeygeand period. Our guide wfio undàerstoo)d his job, moved s r-,ail placesý of cavig ere sund there in t'he h'-eavy 'ornate de'_sks, showing us1 seert hiding nlaces. Ater, a hasty diner in Copnhgen we resedfor- the opera-once morce t,1e 'ust of ùur Danish inembersý itt the, Daulish Roy-al Ballet. Overseýas £ue 0s oud thait we had the best sasin thid very gltterirg and imt- poini pora house-V wi th its fo)Ur ,ciers of balconies. The K ing and Oensiat die tVo the side of uis iru the ~firsV hfetcoay in the Royal Box, signified by a largýe golden crýiown on! jV c o. They aire veygraclous, aind s7iled anà 'bowed snany times toý thje aa1iof the audience We on- 3ydthe ballet, iVt Was quite diff or-1 e-,+ VoD that we saw lu StoCkhokm, noti q'iesuch poerbry of m-oition, but, ci rydýone, and scenery wvas s pcafyinteresting, adding muich, teVspovtlayal of the story. ar aadu delegation gaîtheredl Vobdgoîd-byes - for we were, (bienkig1 Up luto different groupas on! Mclonda-y, siome Vsking 'vwo, three or: fouý,r day tours in Denmnark and Ruth l su-nd 1 flying to Amaterdamn Monday agtfor a hias.ty p.eek at Hlollandà, tthnon Vo Paris, London and home. 1 negledted to 'tell you fihat on the s pway ock te. Copeaih-ageni fromi oui touLir guide pointed out a large nest ailoft a ehiinmey, proof lie saidl thmt the. stories',told by Hwois Chris- Vian, Anderson were ïrealtly pos-sible 'hre Aiso la arn«her lc we saw 1 a paI1r otf oxen ploug-hiing at a very leiueypace. Our guide hastened te_ ttell Us this is very unuasual andi ,that1 le is sure there isn't another pair luDenn-vnrk REPORT 0F EASTERN SECTION OSIiAWA PRESBYTER1ALW.M.,. <Cniued froni page oue) a wiorderf'ul report on thés achool fer: leadàers which was held at Wýhitby, ColeeMgust 2Sthý to September ls't ~heexppessd ler apprecia-! tioýn la having been chesen as a dele-' gaVe. 31rs. Aubrey Love, Toronto, formi- ersecretary of Chrisîtian sead s &p n the Dominion Beard, was the guiEst snieeiker -of the afternooin. Can-; ada sh aid. is One of the few, fa- c-ured lands; iu man- elher ïadsmi lins ar oinîg Voc be hungryan cd.Here,w er we arefreo Vihink and expr-ess our Vhnoughts, it isi difficiult for- Us Vo rsealize, Vhe hard. ships of othner lands. rie last 2.5 yearýs las been one of experini wh ere thiree g-reat religlcous bodies jidto foirr the UTnited Ohurel of Cnda, The womn of the dhurchi join1-ed Vo formn the Womnn's Mistsion etCapitol PORT p HOPE ary Society Of tbýe Uted Church We rejoiue in wiat has been aecom- plished but gireat oCpportunities aire 'iii ahead of uîs. Neither thïe Wo... mnsAssociation Or*theWALS, is co)inplete in itsetf. aih has its par- ticular task to perfori The purposeî of the W. A, is Vto have Christian elosin lahe local church aa'd comniunity. The W. M. S. pur'pose lsý to inspire the Christian -wonian to goto the farthest outreaches of the UnlitedChrrh Success of the work depen.ds the omie upon thie other. The W.M.S.. has one-quarter the miemnber.. slip of the W.A. H-ow niuch more i2ould be done if we haid the ather thri-ee.quar.ters of the worneni of the churcbliunited lu prayer, s7ieand ~nns The W.M.S. is a co-opera.. tiag hody;etJe they asume a Cer tain task or work aloing with jother boards of the, church. Mrs. Love tolAd eif the iniroculous recovery of Miss Edith aBron Reg-. N. and MUiss M ýilliuce-it Howse, P.A. Both were s;ufferingl from a strpnge blood dî- sease -and when at last -,hey were treated ln a eiale for OrenalDL eseases lu Newv York, the-y were re- stored o health. The ,drug r:espon.. sible for thei-, recovery is safely ami easily carried, se on Mi-ss rwnsre- tura Vto tgo hVe W.M.S. sent withi her$ 70,0 00 w hof Vhs drug. Be. foreMissHow e'eurnieda rfamlil- on woman sent Vhes W.M.S, $,OO and asked that more of Vhe di-mg be se(,nt when she returned Vo Angola. We have noV done our bestunatil wýe have gone to h uttermost part of the earth Vîint -Chers msay kniow Christ even ns we kaow Hlm., Words of appr-eciation were ex.. pressed by Mrs. R. C. Pearce, Ezeni- The Ebenezer W.M.S. ex-ýtenided a very wsrm invitation for 1951 wss acceptced. O. C. S. H1ALLOWE'EN PARTY On October sîlst, Vhe O.C.S. pul, eachers and 'outsiders gsather-ed at he sichOol Vo welcomietrie grade amiers inito higI hsidheol by the old systein of iitiatiang themi. We begasn by locking hs frighten.. ed ýboys antigirls l he laboratory 1wmhile grade- ten set Vhe death trap och Il' A Vhe roomi, stoo,,d on- a p anad llfVed intoair nly o ,fal it space. They were given aun-,sud red peppe-, Vo esit, ýwhîle we smneared black shoe olsion their faices and uecks. Nex,ýt camie thie electric shccks w vhich frilht. eaed thieni more Vdan inythiiig else We plsyed somne excitiag gareesi whiichhepe a g-reat deal Vo keeip thel party riig We danced Vo the re.. cord player, having varlous kiads, suc'h asý: Paul Jolies, spot dances andi boys tag dances. LaVer on in 'the, eveaing the word luc"was mnioead al h young (as well as oilder) people, an for- the food. The lunch comalitee hnd prepsred a deliclous lunch which, Iamn very sure, pileased ever.yýoue. As lt was g-etting laVe Arlene Boyd plsyed "God Save Vhe King and we cleaned up and trotted home, sgree- ing tc, go Vte he next party at O-.C.S. to have, as mnucl funl as we Uad atl the Hallowe'en party. There are only thirVy naiene ore ThU e arcý -shpypiing days unti3 hisms jd o'rno njow oerng Chu 1chl. WIIY SHOIJLD YOUR OLD HO0RSE BE SOLD TO) THE MARGWILL FUR FARM? 1. Youi get the best price. 2. Your horse wl be killed humaniely. flot go to anotherfaer where it might be mis- treated). We know mnost, farmers appreciate this guarantee. FOR BEST SERVICE- ALWAYS CALL Mfargwîll Fur Paru» R. R. 1, TYRONE PIHONE: BOWMANVILLE 26'79 For Speedy Removal of Dead Farmt Stock- Cali Ils Collect .. .... Fn.- Sat. - Nov. 10 - Il "Winchester 73" W-ith James Stewart, Shelley Winters and Dan Dutryea Laurel and Hardy Feature, CDwe4y "The Weoden SoIldîers"' MHon.- Wed.., Nov, 13-15 Four weeks at a big Toronto Theatre. The funniest thing Sthati ever happened te a family. and Rmot Wzvate Hleatlngea CALL US FOR ESTIMATES UIARRY E. LYCETT Phone 84 r 12 ORONC - ONT. First came Hydra-Matic-pioneered by Oldsmobile more than 10 yeàrs ago; and acknowledged as the greatest contribution to driving ease in- he histor>y of the motor car! Here at last was an engineering achievement that took the work out of driving and put pleasure in its place--a drive that outmoded the clutch pedal entirely, letting you drive without ever shifiing a gear. The "76" powiered hy an hm- p rived Big Sî.c Engirie, oiers Hydra - Mat Drive as op- tionat eqsipment at extra cost. Dowuuauwlle Then came the revolutionary "IRocket"ý Soon after Hydra-Matie, Oldsm-obile engineers began work on an entirely new engine-one that would be' better than any other motor car engine-a power plant especially designed to work wi;th Hydra-Matic Drive, to produce a team that would revolutionize motoring. And now the team is comrplete! Together, Hydra-Matic Drive and the "'Ro.ket" engine give you brilliant performance you can't comprehend until you've experienced it! A sense of unbounded power ... an ease of driving entirely n..,.. comibined with new economny-for the team maàkes the utmost of every gallon of gasoline. It's a team that puts Oldsmobile years ahead-.and puts Gidsmobile owners years ahead. See your Oldsmobile dealer. ROYuW. NIOHOL T 41 T T <i T 4 q q 141 ~ 'fOMie" A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Oldsmobile "88". powrered by the "Roc'ket" Enginje features Wirl'awtay Hydra -AMatic Drive as standard equipment, 1 91.

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