Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Nov 1950, p. 1

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ORO To Be Restored Ini Near Fulure bTownship Accepis Tender For Milison Br-idge On W'ednIesday e'venung, Novemiberi 1,4, th-e Clar~ke TowSvshriq Comirili held a specla,1 nmetingfr the open îng ofE tenders for the cntuto of thie M !ion ridge. At this mieet' iiig tlhey accepted the tender of Farl row and 'crrwwho sdsubiited a bl1 i $1,4M&.00. This bildofwas vithi'n theerae set by ilie Muni olipal engineer ofE $50,O. This was the saicoi callin- for tend ers on the bi,4dg7e. The first eaff rýeceeixed only one bid anrd thî,s wa s S o011e0,$115QI0' dollars ln excess of the ipresent amouint ofE$,&OO t The towssip will receive -asu p plemenitary e uhsidy froni the Prov laeof OItrarlo whlici wij'l psy foTý ei.ghty percerut ofE the cost 'oef the, sruct ýu re. The total uost to thej t ,nshd;P wi'l l e l1-ith-e agbohd É $14î.The' teel for the M1i!ltsoa briid1ge 'as liready been reeived and wor 1$to cn ineceluthe latter par oi the month ofE Novemibar. We understand thât the bridg-e le to be laoger than tihe prevuUs 01ne anid on its completion wlll alleviate ,lhe present haszard w-hen tryinig to) etron Main Street frosa iiiE Stetat the liotel 'corner. thsrond thrýougqI letters of occupa- tion, sudLt as believeti by vcouncil that'a atisac'o1y arrangemnent coibe, arriveti at so that ail parties in'volved wom-'uld benefit. Mr, Johin Ainistroag di scusseti wlth the coieil about thmning out tiertree platation lot near J. Pat- t~us it wae ;thouiglt thats'orne 12U) trýcees1irould be cut out and that Mr. Amtrngwas w',illingý1 to purchase these te lie resold o irthe Christrnas tree market. The counoil asked the noad supei intenent tn<cont-act r. i < .s low work-, og t'lx took!ý asideredti te1 tire 'tex nvw monthse of the counicil shi-,eip kilied 1te date for 10. The tax sduing 7the ound$O'3 e(r 24 as tic meeting cf otion date- if 4tb. :n for the r, be Ibiion *S. T. Aise ng has been 1- ofE Decenqi- ourý npregna- ars boats puy toli, to Swe- ing, Then O NT., 'T i-UP SD1)A YNV. 9 A pretty wedding -wa's slm e ou Saturrday, Octaiber 28t'h, in. :nt United t'I Curch. Bomnan ville, wher Maloiety H-aywaAr, dagitter ofE MIr and Mrs. Percy îaywrd, becme the bide ofE Ernest Raye ,esMY soni ofE Mr. aini Mns. Abert E. West ofi Ooanýiio. Reveremnid S. Hienderson perj formneti the crmoy The churchý uns decors ed wMtahferneand Munis The wedding muée unwasplae b 'Mr. GHaie&dMr.RoeMtaf sag"TeLo rd's Prayeýr" sud Be, cause", Thue bridè, givani n a marriageý hy in'r futhp, chose a flo~r ieugth genofE wiite bridai saýtin and Aleaicon type lace. ft w'as designed with a svveetihear-t iieckl ine, lon sevsendiatg in 'points over the hadis. The bride's 'bouquet was a acaeof whi'te 'baby m7 unis and red ro ses. M-.Wallace Griffin, miaiti of honour, wore a floor linigth gown of piak 'broca&dd net 'andi' niatchlag heati dres's. -Miss Grace Haywar.d, sister, ofE the brid, ,vore a gowa (c,, blue roaeinet sud m inhlg 1headd'ress.1 Their fioýe were baby mnis. MIr.i Juni)ior WMest atdas gonsinfo-r hi-; brother, andi the u . 'ere Mr. Dean Wesýt indi Mr. Ca-,rl Flintoi.1r A reepo as i-i'd after thel wedding nt Tiity United Ohuich. The bide's miiother ,vorc, pale blue crere drss ant i, black 'acceýssorLies,ý andcosg o'f Pink crain.The, groom's mother uore dark gren 1 tileored dres's of Faille anuibac a(,"vssories aý!nd wore a corsage ofl ye1omusas. 1The coule leit on a otoi rinp trghWesteril Otarlio andi W1i rei'ein Oronio. Clarke Township Speaking Contest Held At Oronio Contestants tkn DurbauiniCu'ty rut MRS. Thiere passeti a -as!italafter a Tliurrýda'y, Oct'o'b Bora' ii Bowm.- h sfii903,oily ci Orono -Bar. Lville onConcrt fU Kendal Woinen Attei Ti W,1. Convention Il Mrs. Roy Mercer, -Mrs. N" Sýor -Mrs. Jack Swarbrilck anx tiot 'Stoker joýined tire Orono PaPQ bers lan a bus trnp to Was at4tend tbe Central Are(a 0f eld la the Royal York of TudyNovemniber 2nd. Sunbseription $1.50 Der Yeý 1 Sponsoring Mhis Friday Ever sues as "i whid ha, m-1usic wo; 'lie "New id "Teddy l,thleln the 111. lias ineresting ever a, little extra çllij )te overtake the b,, lu tue to he-ar i F. W.1.0. presiden ber. This report gai mary b'autiju'ifloral tribittes ied to thre Mhriesteesa lawin c ececased -,as lielti. ýse -actinig as palibearers -wer-e: sSers andi John BerryOrono;I Snrith anti Ar-chie McI}onaid ofý t; p, JamsColville atiKyl-e -1mai Results 0f oal ov sde perforais onl- the prongrini wil'l -Trio. H'fowverp, their euf nt lth fieldi'of s ts thair ratura to )Oron thec great ha a, cit iz ei stated, is b mMre as 0o ordof real wMiI Ladwho al shm.Thý of the sabie bml ,t ln Towmnhp riaitwerie, Jean BISiock. Giarl<r Union Sch'ool Joan Raid, Crooked Groeek S. S. Na. 7; Barvbara A\n Alltread, Lakashoiro S. S. Not 2; Ririh R i tehie, No, 9 Sclhooi, asud Landie Stapleton, Newtoavilie. The final wnnr ofE tis c«'ontst wvere, isit. Joan Raid. 2iiad LaurI Stiarleitn. These %wirners go to 'il- bno,(ý oer the seýnti fi-nals costest cri Friday, Noveniber S r.Russseil Os'bione acteti aq Chairmua7 for, the evening's p;îrograniý whicýh corfsiletetiofie cverai muisical numnbers, piano solos by Patsy Reidi, Heen anti Geraiti Hallowellilandti Mad elinle Colwa]I, aiseo a musical rnmber ya grourp 'of eilîdren iifr-oni NO. 9 Sti'hooI. The jutigswr Ms ry Miss ýBer.tia a inandi Mvs. Hw W'ash QiEOieno B'd ontestant recepivetI a bo'ol for a prize. The wLnig pupil la n cshool ila th.e clo)unity will receive a cre*sit, whîch will be prýesetti to timaniat tbe fluai contesit at the Bo,.ys' Ttii'argSho, Dorwuanville.,)on Noivenaber i th. Bride Entcrtaieed At Trousseau Tea St'itts'villie, Ont., October 27th, 15 (Spchi)..-'Ms.J. Clifford Bradl'ey enitrltaned-esteprday'nt 'a trousseaiu teas iii honor ofE her d'asghter Miss Burbaa Birdley-, -whoýse nmaria'ge to Donauld G. MGe son ofE Mr. ani M'rls. G. Lsle MGee, frenyof Ottaiwa, now ýCoiEOonio, O1-ta11,o, takes place th"s;S tudy Theoguestswre eieveti by the, ioae,'s nt the gucit of E lbor a-nti Mrq. McGee. For. the ocaon Ms Brde a 'avy ce g WMissBrd lecy xnas w'earnggrey tn utr sainwitli crsae ouquet ofiEvInk t~~~~~~~~n sestsat tpaols NtI Ms. M'Ge ore a teaýl blIne crepe die(ss>ý. Wbite baby ChrIysanthiemuIss'er us'eÉd effecively on tlie tesa table, with mau)Ive anti yeilom taperýsi clive:, cuinde'iabra. 'JJoseproiddg tbptir tatal wereMr.A. L1G- i r. W. D. Lou'hMs.Te owe, Mrs. Bruce F-îuaM I. D, w,'1d Jhuen Mr.John liawa-,m, Ms.Wimberiy, ý 1 MI-.Bodsrd'esdMs.Ren se ai No. 5. inese wiII Com'pete at now manvilleBy'T'rainiag School On Novemiber 101th. Each of these ton contestants wllreceive a sïilvler cup. The wne of evevysechool in theý couaty wiii receive a cýrest. Orono Oddtehlews' Service 'Club Financial Statenienti The following je the finiancial state- mient ofE Orono ,ýOddfllow's'Service Club freni October lst, 1949, te Sept.1 3th, 195i0.1 Receiptii 'Baltance forward Oct. '49.$---- 46«.418 Receip)te frosa dances, draw, donations, etc. .- -- - ----. .1,0,54.34' Total $1 ,Commuhlnty Relief -- -- -- To Ch,ýaritaible Org-anizations ,Oron]o Communlty Nuinig Ser-vices ---- -----...... . . Donation te Hea,-thar Rebek- ah 14ltie, Hospital Bed Orono JRed Crocss......... ---- Winnipeg Relief Fund.--- Oreno Bai. uniforme. Luiliding Funi, Orono -Unitaed Chlurch................--------- edclservices..........----- B l n e on lian ---------------- wflen slie flaa a box re,iy Wr conpatm ntslawhich shs, her .g'loves, stockiugsý andi The 'stand 'anti cover fort.he 'h homile atie ofE two fiait pieces hearjd xvllth a sut lan 'one pî, )niacet Ilat ri'ght -an'gles ro thý This can be covered with ci broadcloth, etc., to blenti w î'ursr, Decause it m's; an fulne;s is tire, renit we ia life. Durilng the lui Hem. T. L. Kennedy', Ag-ricufltuire for O nta, greetng. Madm (Coutiniueti0on pag Report 0f Eastern Sectîi Oshawa Presbyterial M~ 249.35( ond th 295.0()oue da v. 25.00,G 253.0 fi 25.00 Chri 441 io Ms. 44100', ttent 87.17,t' Total Empntiituree $1.100.821 The Service Club appreciates the sýplendid eeueanti co-pneain to our appeaIl for fun&i, threb aloW7ý mgthae Club tedo a mest bnvln ,wor-k whicýh othierwise moult net jhave been done. Our iinfuaýl rlyfor. futis ,'te Carry on wîll be iheltiin la tirowIIchiPHal Ornon Fniday, IDecemnber 15lth 15,when th ere mili be-a1Dnce anti Drw with ixtfen prizUes being giveai rwav.PTcke-tsq mil]I ho os sale neunly everywhere. n agaîn wme meuli so- udttheusal c-prte.Ithis a splntid iea e hvefwndsreaIdy for an emergenc. Tis le our our aun in onjncton i't thirbiý,g IeEx t 'augaua, elt ionMosday tihe3t ofjNoesber. limrough Jthekinti coonerution OiE tion Staýiples, the Au-xi for, Missýi Th e, sp ngý sessieo Torontoo "rehytria 'reaure, 1Ms.utlMary grow. Ck sas pPace<t pasbters trevnwnlu- treedous respousibility on uts whoý rie Ireted an icease forhave Motbeen huitby bombe antiwe three-uarters. cf the year iutlexma efc pt t M0 everlastvear.UnttoFaeUpt ail Stewardshbip 'cmine'tr The President ofE Oshawa Pree'by.. A. Drumimond. Orono, drew tenia31w.MnsT.Nomto, Luncu~tHl, te the fact fithat he ullo1ca- )rouht a message on Advance. En- ihýasis mas p flaceti0on the ueed 1for: tue floonet Athe ceilin.1 ,, ,a,,ecetry Ms.M H. (1) More menibes. NZewcuste, suggested that 1(2iltIoie wmrnsfor officenrs. liarv Inight st:ýrt a library (3) More heurte umaiteinLaptayer- ion Bnnefbr.o isos 'ecal p"aerforl-he enu'(4) More brine ' t a;ahilityt n n'as mrse SusSMqiiti, (of carr eutplanis. Iss ýSmyth lha-s hue wide ('5) Mre audsundfoo't to ik Sn msany Cardýin 1C"tres (6;) More raesof msinr i 'te Nom Caadna. any eratne. restUrg have been the'exper- (y)pMone hmnes lteti la micin J retihp sharret. i.\_Ltsions. ow arleboewith hlir two (8) Mredolla-s ifo e ' I 'sîonar wîtb b1('r'sir'e br.oug'2t a 10o,11work. tire caimp in Ge -an;,h How ? bo able te make a living !bY(1 Oraie-mmbshpcm a> yshe hbeaCu workilrgby 2 tbiie-Pupt - çt -Ieaninm o15lces antidehdon nds!ss "ks tefo c slireis io ne-c()Pa -B r~ue esst I. n usrerecntvici;t to eut. e Mis Smvh masnresnted(4)Inie- eeni-Peoa. ý danc

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