Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 2 Nov 1950, p. 8

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~vJ For (Jas f njoyment, bal games, pha ni yur on Jiingrom.Mâke yc h_ C1iian &P1i, Elcr ilam Col ariety shows, neus hoice from reliabie lps, ail available me In and sec ýunr Seleetion of Toys for the USEO0 RONE dy Remoi SELECTED SHORT z A mT 1~t OUI KJAttllucululi . nul 1. UR LAY-AWAY PLANI n & Pl-hilp EIectric - - ORONO )YOUR OLD HIORSE BE SOLD MARGWIUL FUR FARM1?I 1. You get the bcst price. ~ .Yinr horse wvill be killed ~ & Y ourhrse will flot be re- sold. (This nicans it wil flot go te anothfler fari, where it miiglit be mnis- tetd.We know mnost farniers appreciate tis guarantee. 'ICE- ALWAYS CALL iFu r Fa rnm PHONE: BWAVLE2679 [adFarmi Stoctk Cal Us Ceet )~4 E~NtJCY 10K COLOR CARTOON ~.DY -NOVEMBER 4 ý--NOVE]l ,ER 6 - 7 - 8- ~et a lot, onderful W'lE S LEY VILLE The Novoember etgof the W. Awill o el o te 8h of Ncvemn- illTe homne of Mi-s. A;-chieFod unuwsdrthe coianerslipof Mrs. Ford. MisShea 1111'tth weknd t lier home lu Onemie., Mu.i J. A. Thorndyke and Ibis sister, Mr.Ethel Meeking, Porýt Hope, ieft Sunday mrii for, a l-Otor t4-p to visit'ther sistens, Mus. Frak Dyne, Nkigam aFsils, Ontairio, and M.ros. Geoige Vieilhale, ilochester-, New Yoirk. Mea-da nes fHûia4way, . R Snell_, T. îAustin, A. Austin, 1H. Reeve_, E. Bz rl)ýowligli, G. Tiiffod., K.- Asbh, R. Dest ami Msa'B. aitteided the W.Mý'.S. Tinofrn eetin'g helid at Welcomes Thur-sday feno. Mi% and 'Mus. Mura,-y Payne at- tended' anniveïrsuiry ser-vices at Mrl on Sund'a. Mu. cnrnd Mrs. A.-noid Thornd'ýivke )114 'fanvily visited wi'lhMr. ai Mas Carton Payne on Sunday. Mir. aiir aroiNic¶hls at- tý,inded the'f Agidlu1itur'ali iaquet at Carnton, on Th-ur-sday evenig. 1Mi%. nd Mus.Wad.sworýth aid f an- lly, D'oIIMicigal. vstdMr's. 1DM]i Ashby on-Saturday. Visiùtrs -with Mr. anad Mr-s. How ard Payne on SundcywenrefMu. and -V'. A1,PaiPeteus-, aiMil EMd Jane of lVUoirlis!h aii iiMir-,Ewurdig cf Mr. and Mus F. Clauke, P'ort IHop, have mioved intos theehouse fonmerly, ocpidby iMr, ýand 'Mus. Slese TPhe Sy'vsteiusmoe to Toxono a thbe heindiof [hlieek and M1 and Mr-s. Ciai-ke moveil în',? theirý NE WTON VILLE Mu. and cMuS. Wliht (lLHancle mloved to Peteusboromugh o'n Wd Mis Alce mibtt.Torocnt'o,wa hoefor, tlie wece end. Raymnd how n te bitlhof a baby <Wgh'uli 1Pi r oeHopton Wedneiesday Octobýler 5'l Mu-. and M\rsý. Thlosc Bakeri ofSo 1ilna isitdMu.. and Mis. Hwr W(- ar-e eoury to repopsztMisIn neRanldal sic.k in oimavil o ýi1 aid ho-spe for. asedyucve, Thie Funi oum hcid tiheir fli>st ineoting" at thie lhomel( of Mi% and ]r Meiville Sam ~~i!nMuayeei Mi'. C. M. Jone:'s ad a.Enl NWal- kvaduteaded lndlenideiit rl'l.n wospeni on Ihaïal are uhng ok beoethe coi*d wo ThmsWaia,ce th(, viU ne'fomv ,vilean 'a1114 y s 'w d For The Balance Of t', 0f' Week 'e 4, 1~ 1'! 7 17l, BE, WISE paniesd 1y Mr. and- Mrs. 1{erbAex iander of Markhiaaii aaid Mrs. George Bia0f Ponrt Perry. NMrs W. T. Niohiolis and son- Alf:ed anmd Mrs'. C. J, Stapifes,- were Sundaty guests wâih Mr% and Mrs. S'id Lan 1 Mr. Mie1vin Gralhnaim wac b&ri'ed in Mvc, ceiwery on Tuuesday afteraeoon. kt w,als iLc(e tio scee the chodvr of the Uniii*ted 'hu baek in theSu plce01o Sundy ng'hî.t. W*e uae sorr1y- everyl pew-, fiad nnot heen filled to hear thel exceltet sermn preaclied b'y the paistur, Rev-,. D. T. Lancaster oitPa'ni's, A i weck. CLARUKE Uý'N (Con)tinued f romn page one) M-'ch smp4il ext'ended to My. Co1jin Smith and famiy ithe dethi Mus. Williumson of To ,om L, , vi sit- -d 1bast weeickvt Mr. and Mrs. Ai- thur Saunders.. Br ill Oam-phell of Montrea spent h week-end wdth his wvife and u~d t -Mr. and Mrs. Hector Beýwen's and Ro-t Waterol Heatin1g CALL US FOR ESTIMÂTES IARRY E. LYCETT Phonle S-1 r 12 OO0N 0 ONT. HOPE Thurs. &Fri., Nov, 2-3 "THïE FURIES" Witch Barbara Stanwyckï, Wen- dli M Covey and Walter Huston MiiLIlltARY ACADEMY", WVith the lOth Ave. Gang- Saturday Only, Nov. 4 "The Cariboo Trail" W'ith RnalhScot" and "Gah)by" Hayes - nCinecoier - "'THE ROOKIE FIREMAN" Mý,on. to Wed., Noýv.68 "~TU,1? A rD T'I'UA SHOPEARLY ____________________-J Meter Equipînent Private Amnbulanc-q Northcutt and- Smith a F'uneral Directercanad FuruiturQ Dealoru 1 K -IN 1)NE1-bS COURTESY SERVICE [ G Equipped te take car&eofthte modest funerai et the meut f J roaaonable charge au well as thie iarzeet and moat exaetiag Telephoâe : Ofile 668s Residence : 523t and 736 1 Telephone Colireci owmnanriIk. Ont- O Ladies' Balbriggan Bloomers, White, sizes srnall, medium and large, p air ...........59c. Vests, Ladies' Cream R lb, No Sleeve, out size ..85e. Gloves, Ladies' Wool Knit, assorted colors, pair 89c.lý Plastic Drapes, size 27 x 84 inches, as-,sortedl colors, pair ................19 Tinted Jute Rugs, sizes 20 x 36 inches, each. 5.5c. Bloomi-er-s, Child's, Ribbedi Cream, sizes 2 -to 12 years, priced from............. 50e. tW 59e. Sweaters-, Childlreni's Cotton Knit, Six Buttons, Long Sleeve, Two Pockets, Assor-ted Patterns, sizes 22 to 26, each ... .... ...... ....... 98e. Clouds, lJnfan-t's, Woollen, colors Pink and White, each.,...................69e. Bowl Sets, 5 piece, Colored Band, Mixing Set.. $2.75 Galey Coff ee f reshly roasted, grouwd t.o your order, 1 lb. bag.....95c, Te(iMincemeat, Maple- Leaf, 2-pie e tin 39e Banquet Peas, Choice Qualitiy, 20 oz. tis, 2 for..........-c York B ologna, 12 oz. tLins .........2e. Gold Seal Fancy iRed Soce-,'-ye Salmion, V2 - lb. tin...... ..... 39c St. William'rs 3-fruit Mermalade, large 24 oz. bottles....31.c Lee and Perrin's l Sauce, 5 oz. bottie 34e Dainty Rice, 1 lb. 0 pkg.......6 -- FREE, New 1951 Knit- ting Book with the pur- c h ase of two regular .S* STORý,E 4 wonderful dàys Wednesduy, Thursday, Friday & $aturd*y;» The Plan: suy one item otf the regular price, add Ic and take two of the $Ume itemn. You Save almost 50%.n lst,2n4 rd & 4th I t I 1' i -i f&onYRRELLIS DRUG STORE PlIO'N'E 6,ý OROINO, 0-NTARIO pliom, orders -et prompt attention -, -1 1 1

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