Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 2 Nov 1950, p. 7

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-tle îî nl (1eI redulc .kputs too big Pa crïinp l iiilti houing boomI-. Is World's Climate Getting Warmer H1e lbas draýwn bis (-eviece froni ltht chan'-giig hah t osreha- dozen apecies of mamatals and bids that ilobb a belt of whicb tht iorthern lihit run's-oýr ra- bËJ ,ery.. - Thte cliuatiîc :chanigt is Fotye treattnouh t~ aflw soe animiais o ea abot onet hun1dred mile, uie 1 f tfi1eimagdtfsàty sonthern1 Jow1a - New .jýr,'èy iilpt. Sîince 1920 ar'coua species of arimlals anid hirds 1havc 11oce and more. F fr- quntybenfouiictt north of Ibis Ont of Cet bird specie for ex- amlis thtc ardinal, wicihba s 'beeni seen ïin greater nuber eery iuo n iitht are-a arounId and 10 th orhif MdsnWssilice 12.Other s-pcieýs, includinjyg tht oýposslum, tlc VItureviuc, Jbllut ing ablramd the tnlfted lmue have ,alsu ,btçn reedin1g frhr uoýrtbIWard ini I1u1Imer. On ýthe tastern sEabloard thtý lisbetliî eraig otwr ap- parently ,before thýt longer or býotter- sum "i re r. ts P-lace bas b ît aken &sY itswMntem Cousine thtcuck- wil'~wîdw.Tht tnrkeýy vuturje, a tadtioalinhabitant,. 'Diwarm-l, tropical anId even deserÉ regions, lAS bcen obervtd as far north as euprMinnlesota. in twventy yvarcs it lias PlIshed its range fromNe ,ýw TiIsssu orthwýar-d vmn cfAnimIais bas been re-porteel by scetssin Europe. 11n f act,thi tviden inla ()Ilsoe ixayS imore cocuietIais that gatheýred in thsCOUCtY. New bird Species droni the southemn areas of Europe b.1vt been invadin1g Grecenl.2i, Ice- hine, Scanidinlavia, aInd tht aro isiands nortb of Scotlane. The mvord's glaciers also aee bsupport fibe warinig - uIibtjeory, Wvherever lth bve býeen s;rtied e bas been fond cithacley hav beýen r-cediug ince 1j850, vitl3 au inýcrease in tht rate sinice t920. Ac- c'ordig 10 F. E. Majthes uof the ti. S. Geoloicalý Svey, glacýiers gre drig 300 yasprior 10 Skepîics arguec-that ht hanges luith brednghabits of1nîanly ?A American bird spccies-;cai1 e ex- C ýpiaiined by chanigesin tht envrn m t.Tht prairie grouseý, for - am leias nosved framsothts Wisconsin iortlbward as. far as 'Ltht prari hmolark mbthLot'iAllejg- lîeuyrmont-,a-, ffrn ils forme soteurange C. Both ofrtMe species folîowtd thtcutting of torests anlthe imalnmadeextso q-! prairieaufanlad -B ut wh- ýa t -of ttnortbwvard liiovement ,oi ftht cardinal, opossum ndothier species of mmnl n anaealmiteel 10 thée north by tht N. Rats" , o eail ) 3- ý'l], ae, s I a îhycnreuce ncoeby as ou« as AI per cent etcotoiîgrs s, f1 slly epnsvrcnrn am1- 1y 1aviean-î1îp fc agroe- profcostucion Iaud a r"Loui foilow- ilthro ilugh, N 1 1a c rais Rats a',oid opnae n n extrmiation cmpaIguset you open. Wit11)settp agrs1.he t' ail uchaived traps are very effeixe.u Tras on't controIl t, as Con'tol bgns'~dîhcletninlg 1p1th stoîse and ruhs.Buiid pafri 18 ncesahvethe gr-ouuid and( ols of wire 0on îbem. Burn olel dlean outn under A I uild1i7sta arecrctdon pes usec eding flooars anld bild- ings constructee l o oscreLte la 17t these are underinleel, p aa arudthelns, T fisort Jlength of raedashestos sheets are val able liyour arceuse theni for low-cost cul-off wallsarueth slahls, nstead çof thltconcrete wahl, Tu)specr d aIlmSoory and iýtosie wall s too 1TIthreare Choles or cracks, Patch them ith a icb mfixoDf cu crute. Ne Sbillan cnlàeratorrfor buriulg al combuInstibles that ac- cumuilate in Jtht day-to-day opea tiuof thu farm. itl o e lId ifyou (dumil can100and ttâie at, otiee nel (J the property, dlig a pit aud cover the garba:geý. Don' ev C xpossed. c. Don'î store flrewood or nianure2 netar a source of fceed supplyfo rodeuts. They like to nest in suchý places, which s hould bie as far away from uliglarosbe WVheii YOD have cleaned 0up aruniadtbuildings anw nsdeof thenl, rat-proGiof oe building I a tinme, Start w ithte corncýrib. Fýirst m1ake sure that he floor is tiht, ,,0 cor)1 will noDt drop through aud attraict rats. its eý;1)st n lotth floor wi miletal or otheýr rodent- proof miaterial.Coe the inlside of tht ,cr-il) wals týo a Iheýib î oft-o feet -vwith 1a heaLv.yhardwareclob Use a ' ý-nc IieSb wîre. he Place a band of metaé or fla as- býestos board ar-ouned libe outiside of thtieCrib at tht tOP of dtht sire, Make Ibis strip aIt least 8 inches Mie and Carry il around coners, door openugs and projectionsa s tmat il iscontinuons arounel tht whle buiding.Eqnip dor in sp)rin-gs 5 teysvilbu efcoig fiyour crib is hulît witb tht sla1ts3 vertic al, useshC i1eeCts o f gal-1 vaizd etal rounld thet-jtside hoto f tht crib, Place tilsimeta! so ilrunls down 0dthtconUct piers anld 10 at least 8 inches hv the crib foor. Place this metal o bouh sides of tht bottons f h doors 100. After thtcorn)-icrib is roIdent- proofee(l. lince tfeed -îbin andl gra-ïin roo"s luthtbarnpotry tbouseb and bog bouse. if you use metal, Lapil shwCts. If Vou ai-e okn with ashestos, AUt the edges of tht sheets tghtly and don'% Istal! Shcets wt brokeýn or îagge-d edges. Remembr that a bale a baîf inc, lu dliamleter il ailowsonne rat 10 get lu, and that e'vtn smalltr holes wili roàd agood nain invecstigattht con]struction of eac building ,With an, eye foreimat ing roet runs anlld stn places. A~~~~~O coao oreo rouble isth wihau innler ininlg sbould be mad t o a1 heig it of 18ijchesabeth f (Irwthabu ofgaane hod ecareflly eoitd ,t Openins madeiiiath <de ,va fo punbiî aîdelcri orie shoîild be cbosed wibïote,~i and pipe leadinfropiot build inglu ht the shuld ber S.hitie In the fluaf stage o, tdn Men po ouai. ryat fas!breC kin1ýfd ofhai, ucs nl h,nlro-ie ats-, hah)!e7o icî tn enîrils. iii ) places heeth rt ae koN b feed, jti P Tbefor dukAteryo Aýroun( 1 'gb Schools, Clei aies- a rudj vacanit lots,iof recn years We bave otpiedethtinra- ilg pplrtamon01g thet youn1ger geuîeration, ofsoebn calleel "TFoucb Footb)all." 1happarslu beC aë fairly itebsin astim etiher le w'atcb or 1e0play ; anldhats thlt adatgs(for parents) Cof 1btîng fairly easy o'n 1thtepayrs uwrd- robes andl' (or participants) ont TBult, so famr' ae'îhaday body puttinig i' away aýs.gelluilue footboal ;-ant! ïeithe-r, for or doutgliý, u bwhat a buotf bighly - paiel andl w îveliupolteedathl etea areÉ ý cumrntl diplayng o bge lmobsl) of customers at Toronto Varity and varlouls other stadlia thrcughout thtc land. fil fact, 10 a -whle lot of observerai wouidn't be a badl idea hoeIag il frankly "Taickle Basketï'- baIll" anel lt ilgo aIthfat. J ust Limnagine. A wee:Lk or soý ago ilder caused -a big sensatîin b piifling off vhatwas dsrda tfilpe neos aimiy fahraîd aud coi thena tht game juast xh you ast, waa tht nature ofIbAis play? WVell this backflelder caugbt tÎle bal and, instad of falling on ii or trying 10 on wiiit ilerely pub ifthoCýtIQhr 1il Îtand retumnied il 1 o emy terrtoy. Suetne weýre aIl cnendthlat il was a. Simplemamti kforuntoftht backSS ',Cami]mates -, wh'11Ghad 1pmud(en)tly sîDllnside - 10amlble down tht swakrd, pick up1tet1pgsCi1,!an proceed oveür the c gol-î'ine forth -wiunling tuhon Ttdear eader, was tht spec- taulr lay vhich evýeunow v Iey are îaiking aboutaund Portage and lMin. Shades of lluck Wvelch, pep LaleHuighîe Gal and a hosî of others 10 whom lbwoui have cbe:en a udimnentary tachec, if we k'no-w whaât we men. ntht1-- days of thecir greaîness opposin-g tea.nis d;iýinttak hacsou havinig tht h all boo0fed over theiîr hedS. Nor did they allo',vàilt10bouruc aroMunuqtended afmer ilhad lit. They koew only ooa weillthal a il 11on tht bus'e meant auOnsd player - or ltht kjicker isustîf - or, boîh - oud be along lu uaerof seconids taci aîch i 10 Then take, as aiother cexample, thý tich - edisuýssd lic gameýc hetween Argos and Rough Rdr down bi O ttawa. Thl lvee th Rdsfairly laIe iltht :gainewt a 12 pomIntoedand llha cac t0 a a ertain single 1tehaatu- gin. Eerhoyknwsir shoule kn1ow, thilat a 13 polImlad is 'a vasty diâent ting fdomi a12 point ont, Faceel wît a defict of a dazen poin)ts a-l' ýghîin1gla th)inkls "Wel, toonliverted toucb- down wii li il p."Make thl defita bakeî-s dozen and 0tbey kna ftat thuy lhave lu be hiuckY, awelas good, agl uee tr As.As thtescooiî ol nulý ;t in-et lmcses ot of ten hei dursgo dovn nd they're 1 heatn lcan-, ly tHIongýht Ihey wee layiug -1%,e or nou coùusît." They cdis<llatineel to b(oot for tht owly single. And sted o tw -a difTeren1ce wh'jiCh, aI bi wiîng lokIs as hoghit migt clstthel-Iintheir caneof gettilgint theC ply ffs o Say ire ps * TheAgsto Ieegulyof n ha scms -o h - o puit rnild- he~~~ ~~ 1sd e Qfotb (svea yas Ne',ihele s he's tiHlproaby th, bes w hveiin the Eat. 'et ',x 1h godenopprtntIýy for imi to i kickte iing point, the to brasselectel, istea , to tos a ioxlyfowar pssrigýht 1mb w ýait- inig O aa ars. nsed f elimning Ottawa thewn andtir, they ýi1efl ther wit achance - a lape hih heToroniito teaml Seod-guesing? Montly - rnornling qaercknCertainly it i, aîd nthig ese buýt. StilI, Ff secndgusses (ne Monda(1ý y balwudbe('1no;thlii Ig lîke th popla gi i is with thc p Jayin.g pubic. Or it sorts write(rsý kijzr re anIlinitegral part of gin rum.So a;I-e-side line critics lui see a touigh, alonig with United Sttsimiports and several attrac- tivefetue of thle Amercican11 gamelý we mIt have brought nordh of the border just a litktle 100 mucof their ayof tinikinjg. CýanadIianj teams' are not ouly lartgely 1U.S.- mnalnued, but alsýo 1.S. coached, Asnd il entad almoî10t imlpossible, for autdStats coach Morealie that the single posnt is part of Canladian fýootball, and Éthat six sin- gle po'inIts will beat "oneunnv- tedl tocdon ven thonigh th ey don't draw as mu "lch a1ppIause or as býig hecedllînes for thie ultra-briuy iP Un itued Sta tes; papers and magaznes e Se anii iicreasinig dlemand( for thle gamle jt) be takjen- away fv rom ithle coaches and given) back to the playiýers. We doin't thlirnk Ît would b11)e suIlc 1 a bad idea toz hae imiilar movemcîï righit1 errcord - brecaking crowds, or 1 flot. filHe meantiml'e, whly flot let's be hionest ab)out it ,,nd - a suggested in an earlerparaýgrph- drop the l3nieFotbllandlcili -taliily qpretty,,- 'a!elte "fooýt" out of it. WHY SUFFER PILES Psnadsoothn0 onr ri n MerePile Resuedlies.Two knd 1umerifor pord ipg ~~ Pie.Slli tbe witlsprfrtelpipe foýr miternal application, 7,5c. Nm 2 for etra Ple.Sllin Jet, 7.5,. Od yni your Dirng;giet. Orirb ubefon MECCA PILE REMEBIES NOSODV 0 LOVES A Why annay your fiendi oand fensily wilb n hcsckng bronchial c.oughl .ut take a f.w sips cf BcdysMitï,and set how quickly ycur cosgh is ecsed--y0ur hood cenred--your breolhing md 40eitains CARRAGEEN, a blond emul1o ýhta oathes and lubricates d iry infiamed fliroat imembrane! and stops the ïrritatinig tickle that keep. ycu coeghing. Try Guckey7s todoy for reief igbt oway. OVER 2e MILLION BOTTL ES SOU> N,2 MAKE MONEY IN 'YOUR SPARE TIME ioclly.Exorenoe lot ce1 ay.We tri o.Write ThIe A. J.it7eg Co', purpse, hethr fo broier, roasters ot "ulloro eStoc. io odor Dilietu î18 w i. 0loin.Turicey puisjC EsTABLIî 1S 1IED 4general store an td i ing quatea l twn 0 lle from Sdbur, unable 0 manae. Pl c do t invesi- DYIGANDI) CLEANIN-'l hAV yo authlg nooda yen or 'Meail, lngWrie t osfor ifom vin.W are igled co ianoneiryour, ouestto.j 2De- parîant . Pakers Dle W-rks Llil.edi. 7VÏY g tre.Toronto, Otro FARES OR SAL a L ous-garae aiioltd roo bousehotumodeo-ve 10 ecmrodel 108 poltr hyiroe-tgae-tie Bohne lu tokegUoatedaund mloccles. lrC ~ycls. ud "'ope'e ln 0Kwee ignd 0'alo Gns. Bts 1and Johoson uthoar aI~~LU &afr Haitn SPORING ORIUFLES l meite shlp ene ;i,,"ting vb 6, ' i. 8, 10 fte lngîbe. ies dellvert), o uaro oItson ýamilaln Fretm a Ps)ore. litmt.ilt lec, Write -, A. . ESIESi O. L CIe. T016(J r lenT( 2 LOTAicOn,ý.à barin otites.,iga, n at ASPHALTSIIINGST88. , Thselnelokigsingle ar e Suiveon foih.Bl- Siiio 528 6 Titlel f41 i r 00 squre footr arloicud n la vd iiin; Bick r C dor Grain en. on.ly$1,42 abbers.ure o0lred or greon G, rite .,,efia, 82.28. al e 'le s .1 a îton.jj conds, O out yu onte)lfe;lrrs Ontarl" lo. uehc o ndriime,iet De0 . Stc mie. ROBET JOES L~1~E'É0 0 F01 SLEBae, sf3oo saligaW dalad lt ny rie PlTTodcs LESSENyOur ieat htis.caise rbblts Bokiet,r 7 btt per alan, a pris îot. 2e. Carter i'a RDery, Cltï1iwackhisB.C '11 ao uýd f1,200zgallon capacilîy tnk,. soon pertG, . t.Wesboo <ttaa> N'-eW.l7,îe uoepppyse grndrs el.9. tmpordrcored, dlc tionagrls mi oo e b Cz-Weh.s )JaI lGýedmnPouh nd krin.Wrlo P. Dojack, foot."F", 660hain S ENGLISHfor Cna-nekdihe8ana,$4p bIrd: 2 h en atI1 od,1.i. SJohn W Cteed, Erriîo Wst 2 , 0 0 F R E p i e f o s a l , '6 - o b Is e iamaterx , S17 rlb.ïde oot, also ýsom n 1nh 2lb ie oot .p, 1Thi piak Sul4 aeale nte, ygant GASOLEnow ENGINE -] 2 h.p. ir -i'led whasses HarrEt.S. excellenS ýtcon.A- pl .J Jcs&Sonrn ., . . rloo pante. a 26"cbarr isro-roofenrian thorudhis' cboed Eaprty eblu.01 AspeRaneO'S 0W, ASrORlbEhutn $rush tExp.r3eas(26" arra) Ie peaorluecelet ondition $2,80y. Sts Tour druagiot sella noue belter. ISSUE 44 - 1950 FOR, ngred ' . ndai) e.tr» hoin On-Iet,,iû C. lýLR-iIERLAOOtTIR Sur 679 Granvil D!Street. NURSES'FC aO Rd rS l npo t c- s itis 10) Ontrl. pp tnies o doneet lIed Cros, 62Ela r r si , Te nt:o phekon Mdway 6(112. ýýùý od -.ýac RAPAERIIs. (Gvern enreerifo> Decrpiv itcfre -W.LI. ' ra1 "Mopbedene,"Stetc.r. OuI Ye airdraen ssiens ct ,e iisaed Catrralogue ree ree Tiieýtama WritePaor Couor tt 11 BSo l oorSt, W.il, Toronto ý5 Bay Ti-n S, fHatoiton 720tdeu on lîw hasurars hrhslegfa2A5 ice Srnaeu 2dozn kels mhridry Ot SAES neye 278Bankstreet. 011e-go.F dann FE1IRSoNHu<dH & C-mpans'.a- tetvolt ýoraualsed p1rt0. 110 Bas Sree. ornlo Bokit " Ifora. Stdio onlastd rgeent, I o1, ,Heatifguai niuued -is-$,,120.elgicIex. pe, are roua 1then, reprodetlon egDt-, Station 13lI..Totot'ý ' ý'nO GH--ARLES COUNTY, MD., for the frst time, 'ba, more peole than-ï iLhad ii lu 170. 1 Was. Neary Crazy 1:1 étSl isof"ered ýlDr D.,i.iD, n tiIile.Iis prciOling iqidmoieto Greslse ia po oohecche r aw red OIeu or -à-e15,k Ai draiat for D- . iD, Presripton Iordîaty t- etr arogth) .Classified Advertisinig., N N s-' R V V V V r'.. V V s. V h V a5 K V V N 's s' .5. ta s' S R h V 'R s V N V N 55 '75 N h h 't 'R h N 's R t, N N -t. V V N N N .7' V s .5 I j i Som lesA a "COB'1 ING aso: S ACOIPEncI 10 tlrwfoui pnhs he cmeîo -hmm th Hlo Imm alatuf sae t Driywlb il dra\ovrmetreu ThaseProdets re md hye ue 0f tice tion ofDr. H. . Saw r, auouttouj Petelnayrs ElrCh d AretorA orty Eo Oft 'cn'n xprece i aortre an edloM sadbeMdtPciaiye POST'S ECEMA ISV rturollpîpis Jud otieesfoot',;)Ode repod ea i o te taile h.od re emltnet reard- os--fho------r

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