Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 2 Nov 1950, p. 6

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"Inyrteil xy fishow i li Yo hnd onltbthingsît to-A gether-. ÇCÀan yon adv-iseme * I l abig jb ochanige a eoi tobm r12 yas.Btyou * ]! ai t i îim o aser.t yours. *Yonr hushan i munI be lm1ade iti '~ nnerst-dtat yu viiiinot go *oni behig treatesi. l1kr a voIoru * *Yo intnsi o usePyour in *c.ee1ea and te fu ringa of *M your orne Andyou iiit pu)Ct * itererei h riigo * eo yotnrhetmlesgirl, * Cwnit v;(-bi)mconsulçtig)his tantes *ansiopinins.Ouey-r ioi epee * him to ilistn l yors ooad * rerinsi bimuhatemarriage i * admI-ireais otervo work *i OtieivrUproms cwilth good ma hunga justicead awh *n siders'opn on nsdoh p ar g aob hems *nliful ansd(idthrligadet * i Ih virii ons ýCIc.eased tebe *- that log a.Noiayoure ask-d * ing im to ýHishea-onemkedhit *t Bertctuand123Ei. Buet li *tret Nefljmt, .tro Ovorýïcomi!ng Temptation Mfatt. 481;John60:15ý: Romj. 13:ý- 12-1iCor,1n 21 isl the mania rndureth teuipta- tioni:' fori-wbeei'; tried, be shaii rýceive ýthe cr i' of f ewbich- the L'ord bath prornlisesi tiîlem1 tbatlIove(,iini. Jailes, 1:12. Th'ere is nu irtuein beinig good, if oecaninot uli bad. Hence main ilu bis poitonbr s confronit- ru with goiaievil. findeed Ibe hn ii bi liartapredisiiosîtion lu1 î viinheritesi nomLis îirat prns lita povierful apr for lman toý do the rgiht is mdeby our Loîïd Jesuns Chirisýt. Maii's eternal destiny is dIeîermine'jd by Ille accepance or Tepain Cones to mlan thr-onigh the maut of the flesl, the lut u& the eyr, and the pride of- ihf e. 'Theise hr lns an iliistrated us tle teinp)tatiolls utî F-ve andi of Jensil. ve saithat'. lefruit vian "goosifo r foosi, "pleasanalt to Ih"( e s" ansi "l lie desýiresi ou make ne vs. v yieided. 'TOJeucan btm- tarion lu) ti t ones to be ye Me vs hugry, b o ýrShip Satan) for tbe kingdons of thuviorsi antd their glory andl( to leap iii pridc frm the tenupe's pinnacla e. eus rçaisted teu ref:i eîtain Theon ange"is cmeans i m;istCee Tempa-tins crnetolus ilt day. Te appetitený of i1Lhfe fls- huinger, thirst and sec arc egiti- 1mate lita îhey can lie indgesi in a, siiifl viay.Paul exhorta, "-lel -Us wak onesýtIvy, asin ithe(day; 11Lt lu. ioting ansidmnees" Ala, bon uch of ilt here ,i5,ody We are urges(,i to ptlonlieLr Aeu, Christ andi mke ntpro- viinfor tfl sit lu flfIilis Bccoing a Chistian d0orsnoLt cl-irniniate temlptation. Whîosuer -('i more than llJob? rBut be voxyrd, "Wh e bthtird nme, 1 I sha corne for-th a-s >gid,." Job)23:10. Somietimles flbie provinig serins mn:ore tlan one e ailu ear. It isvei Ibml, to eem rIt u r teînipta- lion ýSis nt unique but is'onmo tu monal. "God la faithfui, w ho vili mtl uifr yen u lie temptesialiove that yvo are, able; buit wiiil i the tnptonalso m1iake a wa\ýy tof caScape lIaI ye lmay lie alibtel bran il." chialian, enure Ta! or lis a Ccnsiof vlm frmo. Beginen, lok!Thisstrsue is e-asy! Yout'll lie Ibnillesi l aIts' quickly you become xprt For cI0lth, scarfs, spreadsu, otberi love accasorms! aýteru 50 crochet directions, Laura iWleler'simprovesi pat- teui makes crochet and kn-ittin-g zsu simplewith is c'harts, photos ansi concise direcions, Sni TWENTY-FIVE CENTS ;u c&na stapcanno0t be, ac- ceptesi) for this pa-ttern 10 o nx 1, 123 Eigbiteenîb st, Nevi Toronloc, Ont. Pint pany PATTERN NUMBERyour NAME and AD~- DRESS. NevlHosboswacssr1st k-nitl Motifs t10 paint optextiles!I Sensi twentyýflve cetloday for 0111- ew L.r hee ede craft Book, Illustrations of crochet, rmbro:dey patterms lus imany fas- ciniaîing lhobl31y ideas. And àa frec p.atteras s printed in the bo: Roomny Msro-igtaSeden poulydiplays %what mnust býe thiegrnad of ai! usr Pis Teyugtr found the king.-sized planut i forest narher home in Rimbo Swedn. uthrite b eve ' it o e h Itpgest mshrooin iii the worid. HRONICLES j is so quiet in th-e cou rv So quiet tlhat e very Noise0; tmds l ;II-as crphne Jst drOppIlngý of jtoc sletpiasiiglýit ie retig hapndat onle and thec samle re di ayaogtetrack it hv been headinig stralighit for ou led- rrnfront the on ofi-a four-engineplaneflew 1 lo rgh w, er thle bIouiset, and jBrbdre don n t lne ith iinsy rum otheýr fello\v ii, lsoith a trilck,wo hadliilpl:ed into the d itch near ourDiI Poy onIto the road.Soteewa pýilnty of noisc for hi-a- ouo so buit iin tle citl% ce hrei noise ihe timec, vha Iher ýwoulld proba'b] l ne erhaiebee rot1ced at Il.e l But aewe iadbtei e oseives ln edftr noise liecausb 1- thie surface is to, be vhti koilnIas "hot-nix,." Ht ix o coid m (Il or antbin risc they(1 F : [l ci(îl ai n , 11 1-1 - *t ong i ,ai l rit i h u tiais freof dust, dips adbl low - wicbl vibatwebaehc thoulgh this stret-dit f odm beu ofcia1lY kiovin1,for th1 lenigtb of timeasHgiwy o mos t wele oldr? Semsjust as Kif WrI&were minu thebraks. Ad Lt s sch apty to hvethIeýeioe- dysg huring liy frosv 1moringaq on uigthe timle thlepogig mac vsin pr-ogr es a ltn YIou woilild tink n he noIm aoud ]balit lmorecCO-oeaîe PBob1,Ia"s there on th Tbusda time- ad thait vian one day it va fiedo l ere and veee uthink- ing bapllpiiy -lt atie badstrrk good dayý. Wben Bob spoke of on% t h Say tha-t thlat ( , ne vetI a Tiîre(7d Acq,ýhig Tender Feet -iul Iiet m tO E: 0 t tnel aOi ea neewý ast you thiokyod ean't go anotlier See. Your smioes niay tee] as Ilttîeý' are rutilasý ri atco me Itesta. Tou tedelick an rtvem zhe v .di n am an,' trture! , vnn'd lve'on-, thirinro t relie,. Two o r three aDpU -lat I ill, ne Erad011 attee Pgoo otfotbtha tn~ ~ o ntoth i ai ati iosearc, No mattos how ciroualgetidyrnbLV F0e02. If rom have nonttrIed i Emeta1',01, C, i-Ohava eomtlin taril <C,; ISSUE 44 - 195P neer yet bento . liolB c) d that vionîiillterest nme. 1 w'onder? number of people get togthen iin ose place there is %oundi to lie sometingirsing ail tile Urne. Maybe Sme of you ladiesWho do go to0the lC iig plonghing ma-,ltçhes muighî ike: toeil me 1(ýif 1 arn misnUnt, on sometbiing orfh-. tvhle.It oui benier to get a few hgblihts rom a voan' pon fvie-vi. Smtins OUr, menol do'tget qulite thle right' siatît on ýjust vihat -slikrïy !,0 îin- sur tht bour yýonngrr d'ayi, if ParFtuerý and I ol hve gonle to - a ioghhgmtch tlogether we C w us hv ad notroblein finsi- lng au mo ners. Iko w-~ ionsi hve ad a goodtie an nonsmuli th!at %vvas cbailenig- ing ani. divrtng Bt inths da\sve ieeso ibusy makîng ti"a livirîîg we didn't biave ciierth lime or1- opport1nnity toCakein s1uch îv Cort h ,hi le eents. L Novi) ieareC olden it vou l ýi e m o1ýre of a l] ef- fotaud vrvioner ouisi theý Hov milucli easier lti s these d1ayv fo orYoung fanrs 10 tget away. WiILî o(ur fî oigcars dista nce inoobstacle. IVos paces are- eacces si îba funi hurs driing. Ansi itb hydro and ni iking m .ach- take two or Ibrer boiirs to gelte choes ouebeforeC and after tbm on ars ov han ý,at anytime (in Di-o , - n be other Ibansi iras to nCl. Becuse vc ie yen0à ~vel-poulaed dstrctlvhre pro- habi 90%of Ie famers have tie fi1bour -svigconveieni- ceIam afraisi suetims fr- gt1 taIoteràmore iolaesidi- Mttits soili depensi on hand povier 1"formontof thir ork, andi coal-. ou! lamlpsandi lantenu-is as tbe only lation etîme rmsiyou thatý thlt aroluithe nmore therýe L ikel É- 1( lie macanici truble. tIf sume- ansiyou nddnly avetol milkeri l'ati l dsoraniesyourwbl da1. O if your eeîi ise rnfues fuction y-,ou feel it is a majorw Iragedy to inish yon ,iashîn1g by3hasit Anýsdi prow h Tbat's anther -thing -o" doLi hav to1-ry abot. tn he RELIEF 15 LASTING For fast relief from headache geýt 1N2SAl2rNE, FOr real relief gcet IN8T~1TNR.For prolo,"nged rle get LINSTANTInE I Yte, More peýopie every day earc finidivîg that INSTANTINE ir one tlLfn t:e casec pain fast, For hieadache, fkr rheumijat-c pain, aches, and pains of coidta, for neuritic or neuraigic paisA you can depend on INSTAWTïME tk bring you quick comfort. IN8TANTINE, 15, made like a prc%ý criptiDn of three proven miedicral inigredlients. A Single tabiet usually bringal fa.,t relief. rit l ftnitdAby and alway. kept handy i stantins Wake Up WARMI Everv 1 cMMLzi "hExi-M You- need start a fire but oncet a year. Holds 100 Iba. of coal. Hfoids fire several days on closed draft. Amazing patent- cd interior construction gives greater heat at les fuel cost. Burns any tkind .f bard or7 soft coal, Icuding Alberta Coai, briquets, or Wood. Your hume is WARM eiey MORNING regardless of t&s weather. Thfe only heater of its kind in the world. more than -a ilflion mnLuse. Asis your dealer. Write for free Tovuto, nt. ow0, 2lt, Wën Ave. Vneover BC. Proee YurHome and Auto froml FIRE!I C - i -~ i - - - ~ 0~ e- -- -tri FIRE-KILLER" *CONVENirNT *DEPENDABLE *NoMANNNC *NO LEAKAGEý eNO) POiSSONCAS sNO EXPLOSION Rips& A CARBON DIOXIDE DRY CI4EMICAL P3.OO posepaid FIRE-KILLER COMPANwy0F AND 5042 Ros;lyn Ave., -Nlontreal, Qe R~i~dfid n y :ýordcr for$ e tire-Kitlers to (Namel ~XtURES5 .. . .,ptov. . À iNNE 1

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