Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 12 Oct 1950, p. 8

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H-ow milany, 1many12-gil s whluiwork for, a ivinig lose their- job)s lbecause of theim llproper adv-ances of a vaued customr, amaecwokr or even the boss himsclf! The problemn is as Old as tce histoy of wonîeýn ini business and m ily mail rgiar11ly presents its propiono eas w ýOr1i las-qa rioh hlninilt in!g grounld for Ile" and delibe(rately enlcoutra ge t1liir a t tc nlt io 1ns.- IWhltiteconise- rtulnateý, il is thIrct Moaüt girls, bwvare heun wiljinýg vcimof iman's [predatory instincts. Read thlese ]lines tfn onie younig womlan Vbo10isfrigbitenl- sIby thie persistent attentýionIs of acnstoiliCr. LICENTIOUS OLD MAN -'I work is a smail aihop, Anne Hrt"she writes, "aîtd samnetimes I'tsi îeft alone there. Then what happens, a certain custarner (onse of oui' best, a bachelor three times niy age) cornes in and inakes lewd implications. 1'd like ta tellI lm off, but I'd be reprimanded barshly and probabîy fired. ",His suggestioni are unprint- able. I always ignore lis pleas, of course; I1 lhor himr. He wilI 'lot take fia for an answier. H e iha customer, after ail, and I cannot be rude or hostile-. Besides, lae is i large maniaand robant. and 1 arn physically afraid,. "I don't understand how he got thse wrong imnpression of me. 1 ar, aus introvert. I do not reaponid glib- ly to people, and I certainly neyer encouraged pernýDnaI conversation, Ido flot dress asteitatiously, ither, 4'How can I. get rid af hlm? I arn frigbtened and frantc'" * Depeî1ing>upo ber eloea ~ grlinsulia pmobs toe choies * o reortngthis îman's conduct *L liber boss. lHe probablly wilI *arrange llt ai se is lnot eft allonie 'in tde plae agan * He is in a spot, 100C. His bathýulI C, 10 ose a go')o d Cnst:iîe 1ýr by _"x arntii i[n t1lat lie lis gong f00 Sfar, asI dthe iiaun ihmnîsel xvold * be fîrrionis, aIdcharge1 -ýtie girl * itbavinig encoinraged ini. Yet *girl x ring Ilr il lexpos CI *w auhaiuits. *.If she can gel îno protection *fronus hiiiim, se C' îiIhae "ùin * anothesjobsudase taî ci C tAerlber enslpy r or ue other *girls rvel ler vreous * Il is onc of the traiedies OF * honilian ature that a ilan in * utorty Someti1nes demanlds à thtagil enaployee gpive lier- *slin addition 1 br srvce *il] order 10 keep irpctin (Idecnt iirl wbomuten lier * iigis at lus ercy. 11r onl * rtcinis 10 get t-aîdfast. ~'To "Vcry Wýorried and For- * bm": YOII nîay ticlcid.10 iniýý *anocther job]) firî, lie el ont * employer xby.(You k i: Mn. Son nînause yos'îrjdgîe 1. * kiîow iow otagdyoi Led anid * -lou bavelnîy i nal> * To "ResiatUng": TAtS is your *fstposiîi)iouî ansI yumu be- * _iee me1 linIa rign atHk C)1! Ibs n, 0 liitbe afrid 1 * sek otIeýr nok.Yuare 100 * itexprieerdbu ands ti ow Girls 'lis business have to learni how- tc prateetth sevs If you face - an .emibarraFýsing .stain wrte Arime Hirst for adivice. Ad- desher Dat B La I. 3 Eihteenth StNew Torontci, Ont. Gardner coiîrulatiW si- plyr on]lis igbieth b irîbday;lý: I nlever thougb;It, sir, that I Sbou)ld ive ta be wris for au octoger- Dý4(zuOATMEAL -R OLS They "~Pan out" perfectly with new Faist DRY Yeast! eNo more yeast worriesl No .more yeast dtlatstalies and wveilcens! NewA Fleischmanniit's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeasc keeps FULL STRENGTH tilt you use -FS ACTING wbeiz you use us I Needs no K refrigeralion - get a 1o1- ' supply and kecep in yourit oatie. iukeadrm ate, i tsp. granfflated suga,-r; sIl/,iîisuar wi iled, ,srîkle iatLivgen- velope Flischmann's Royal Fast Rîisig Dry Ycast. Let stand 10W minumtes, THEN stir el Mhc luinoatmneal, then kwr miLk mxtue.Stfir in 2 c.oce siUd rad Iou;beat smth Woyk in22:,c (aoioce-sift.ed biread flouir. Klcnad on iiigly- tloured boad tuntil simooih aldla 4~tic.Placeic rascd bowl anid ~>. s. Grease laps. a untit donbied rnodsrately hot .ut 30 minutes, You 'm"IW be cdelighted (itith this fragrant tea, They Hadn't Said brIick and sbd ha efoo ixOundsu- lyopen and wlw you?ý Like Htie lady whfo satIf0ber partneur at a baniquct Loo Ita man sittng opst.Ith*slel on51('of the ugiest nien 1I Pave ewrL sue. XVm oisle" 'Oh, I beg yýourpade,"th lady aooied Hwsilly of Ime not 1 ae oiedterer, "iake f this kin1c eu oî oc-cilu lîrug eol jmn mlurder1ous-looking hakîadtht, prsnris !" hipecdan old ld "Ta' Ie ju1d g.' Oretasae Inotabe nrin terpoliteness y dopi Sonie riis xomlenl. iiýinIg TulrIoy, ealled oh an mîpotau TlcIish stateýIînaI. Thte baoffer-ed, thnirfrsmeonts nlîi a gratvaieyor wetm atc, arsax sakig care !o give oeà O ibelae doule he <uanfiy lieg" c w bà, tion, as sed îrug neine preuter: doy 0von gîve Ie Si nulch mors lian the (ýresi 7' nîoîîitlî," ,%as s trighzorar Puliîit and pew' rcîot e-enipt. One Sundavy. as a ccirain iise w as retîîrning hotuicîxarîL. lie vai stolpped by onueof ls hi rgor wlIo said : "Von klîow. 1il a-a lrok fr adto thue day e henî The îî1IiIiister wslxaeIhat lie xvas lîn't very .poplar ainIver cd: 'nî so gaItn lîcar :t. he are ton fexv l ou. Aid x to onIt look fQr1' IVrd o111\ Ireach- ter.ng iillocenlc', iVI u ipec I l xsgel a gooçl<eat.' FALCONS RET-URN Th'le 1îwo mM aîu rsdns Monîtreal'sstoeigSnfbuil d-Àf inare a 1pair of ergr1 alon bofor yarbn c e mllivingl ren-fre n ie hghSuilLifeý lege, athier thaniii rc mu tioscraga puteoly -cb200 miih1we powe r ivin fethe1i r lcl ixxhlich aoudin lthe doxx n towýn areaàol Monitreal aypkni Theuhve filot bee senn ecît y ars adil waýs felt that they vha'-d e-ithermpet xilh anraccidenit or de- cidedx j t returu t10 ie onîy adui timud and te àigt f ew the groiund. Exp rience is hînbesys you m-ke it again. 4entK 1.jKi ltr 7.. Oura'1sPia Cel 5. l3iu grass . Scoh grn 5i6 . a ritik 23. Amongfi 24, Mak ~elieM, M, Vy.IMytiical id 3.reek lthter -- -- 40. awiirnbiýrdr j 44. Cnuncion 5ý 46. Tildeavore d ;î5î. 3pocb 56Cearl 39. YibHù3-I in a, Swfl bsrr- Suinday aîsd Mndyin epenb but iîin1 trtdonit 1 vîsit a frie n ysray afrrudoni hAd no idea Ixvîan vs happn.Driv- oIlothi, ay thee xx as no fog so tht th MoutainsîOCoodot lu) cluda 11nerinloýilto sbndsae Tthe soub ne sy us faily liglu1t yet Iberondbefo e mewas clark and Lridn.It ivais reaihy Ouerri I noticed was1hai, ulp huad hie pearac f the super- ratuIaîîd the nîonghî raislaI( me hulaI il nîat be a Nemecsis on Chiainiail Saunders an Mayor M CAlunu L'r kcpîugwson alih Savig Tsîue Ceîail tîre won ld beli oie vdyserday as ;if xx as ipsi ad an)ythIing i hi o x'tio uî ligI1l o1p. tbog ta"sIle noUe cwrse-- tempoarilybat 'lx'stere are- w'orsething tluaî cha.1 i le- t1lsuga to occ Lu tirlme 4a10 theacietabobngfBrth trooa b Aiieriaiîforc-es - that %vsfdradsl10Uiusab)out. Better thinga . .. eltere are a lot o(Àbeter ri ijl Il îlue lime wvherevsr výoni ixtc and xleee you ,*kprps fbeltter .thiinga. 1 I baee d,, o edi[ sis. tîa yoMl uîaopretty MvlcizCecupoter son by xxiat lie ior's1hf does ln isor be!' sr e týinie. ha. heheve lanioe or-eatriuie.Ho often wcIiea-"-, yýoung Ms Soan-so iic)xilnvr mut uian- thInjg-sheapnda I ier ,îunced îng ppr (I nxel! r ..- 2L lEnglisi etî 14. Ol' rte c11 Tahng 15~ Fat ers 17. Deux eî a ' ermon '8 Wears away 39, Cerf ornu 41. Gcudd, s of iieaiing 41. i-tepetitson 47. Heur .tar 48. t.aiud r, 'a'urs 49 Pause, 5.1. tnm~uiunx tsyînh.) 51. O-dOs auud ends 54 Sun god 5<. t'ou'cernuug mer elsewhere' on',thi. page. «Idoni't know !how Rl"),pluts il with it ý ,aIIl bis w fe tinkabou)"t ie hier bridige pajrties 7 Trhen of'- cousewe ave the young h ltsband who spends 1mo.Zt of bis lime ýirt thec poolroo-orthe beer-parlor ande the older mail who la,,sonvolved wihsocial ogaiztinstat hbis wie ardly sees 11im a Il Buit on thle other sideo fte Wlegewe- have mel-, andwomnen xvoresýtrîct their social activities to what thiey canlaccomplish with- out sacriflIcinig family Elife and who' occuIpy their spare lime %with a kili and ingenCIuity -onlY sometcimes it, is onlyv'the s111,1l1circle in wbiCh thley liv-e f t osof terac- comlplisbmni lts. This 1 realized last Tura jwhienii 1attenideýdaàloclHobby,- Show sponsored Iby the .O.D.E,- There ws lathiercr-aft, dcol!s madle from, sheils, ceramiics, needicraîft, rugs, beauitiul pictures ini oils, wate c(ýoora and shielis. welr macle ofmet-al; îvood-carvinig, model acolnsand railwayvs, andc an exhlibIit of articles mIade b y theC blind. To aId to the attrac:t:ina wcll- klIown- florjist gave a demo"IIstationl on flwerarrangements that wa-s faisCinatingý' to watch. Whý at inýtrigue4 mie was lier mdtinnta pinl- bowl to bold thie flower sakbuit evergrceeil. Just common or gar- den etvrgreens-cedar aMd 1balsaml -xsichshecrusled in bier lband aniid presýsed Lfirmily conilito the boîvi. ito thIis ma1ss f glrenshle later puished b ler flower steniis. By thiis, shie explaimned' flowers could beC placed at anly angle-anld stay aut, Yon mIlight lie o try lIt jometimei. that ias the HbyShow"-but mle il as13flot sc. muIch a11 exhlibit hobbies ias a dermonstration of at can lý le lon-e in ,a pco' e down to preývent peeking. LO5 w0 And th e RELIEF IS LAS TING There's one thing for the hcadlac-he ; . the muscular aches and pains that often accomnpany a cold . e IN1IT NSE. IN5TTINEK brings rea1lly' fast relief from Pain and tIhe relief 15prolongedt SO get Iara'rANTIsNE and get qUick Cosrifort. Is4s-UTIîNF is compoulmdedl like a prescription of threce proveu, medical ingreclienits. You. can depen& on its faqst action in gjettiig relief front every day aches andi pains, headacheý rheumiatic pain, for sieuriticror nieuralgic Pain. and always keep!t handy t-H S ta nti ner I 2-Tablet Tint 25ý Ecinamicosl 48-Tabilt otte 69e, DISHPAN HANDS A HriiSh firm dcevelopred fo-r isi- dîustrial wli se rceama tCo protcC lîandsfrom)drt, oils, acidis, dye.. Stuffs and grease. After uing thet creaim the bands could îilAy hie- wahe !eaný. British oseie are now usýing îwo of theseý cream.a -one for dIry, one for wet wcrk, Tlhe creama ,,dry on the banids an reniain unnloticed tuntil the -work ix filnislied. Tbey arc equally effeci4e for miers hodo irtywok r. %j, nPx 1 dy, UtQntreal,,r. W. emLmoil

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