Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 12 Oct 1950, p. 3

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'TA BLE TALUS Sonwbndy-ilitst fcrg1t wbn enesaid thatt -"a good cook is on- who now"sleronon";Adther-e i, ictii,,a xboelot of ïtiuth in that syi l' or hadd, not oly a dd pqa& n Se oda arn starting cof itb two diferentrecipes forOno - this wrd"Ihp o'itry te soon, anid that yur"folks" wiii in them as good a's mine (do. FRENCH ONION SOUP Tlis eie vs 4. S1niel2 -111s thinl Iiced oi n -,2tale spoons btter un lltil t1bey are ightiy- brownied. Add4 cups bui)llon or 0 consomme (niake vour (own 1or tie ouce ta t ed mieat lextr-act) ant i heaýt to bouiInrg. 1Pour tie FrenciliOnion Sup i in o:o soupbowi. Beow:Top thie oui, w-ith roundÇ of 0"dry toat and ( syprinIle wcm tib gr'ated xip cheese. Pass extra cee 1 t the tal.This isdeios-urf- jily will want seconidsý! CREAM QOF ONION SOUP This recipe2 serves 4, ard th'e sôaup- is excellent. Dice 2 slices acn f ry, tili jn1st crisp. Add 1 Qithinl sIiced onions and , lcup dicedcery Cook unitil golden browia. stir;i twa tab)lesp)-oons enrichiet flOUr. and' yý, to "4 teaspoon Salt,Qrdai adcd 3 cupsý milk. Cook over low h1eat nl smonotb and thlick. Stir -ften. Add 3,i cup grateti CaniianU. cee;stir tillt mieltedt. Bl serve pipiig 'bot with roto PEACH TARTS Makeý Six4-cltas Combine Scup brown sugar ¼cup melted butter 2V2 tablespoonsflour ,,s teaspooni saît stir in 114 cups Peach juice Cook sîlGy unmtil ithickened. Remove from b eat. Add 1 tablespocon lemron juice 'A~ teaspoon alniondetrc 31./:2 ups canneti sliced peaches (drained) Poeur into iniiu nbaked pastry shells Top wih tr;ips of pastry; flute etiges. Ba~a 50 de2gre(ho oe)1l mllinutes, then at 350 degrees (Moderate avenl)?20 inul-tes,. for- eatcb t of thlis smaurt oultfitl UNE of 54-incli for swing-back, býolero; ONxE oaI 54-inicb for bigli- wase~skir-t: ONE of 39-iuich for nets' 'l eevelessblose.YatcIalge js por augiven sozn! Patteu 46m1: jr. Miss ibes 1l, 13, 15, 17. TAis atteu, easy. tousesimple tsew, is testetiffor fit. Hlas c-om- piete ilustrateti instuctions, Senti TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25e) ilu coiins(ap cantb icett or thlis pa-itteru.Prt panySIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, 'STYLE NUIMBER. Sent lortirta Box1, 123Egt ,fceitllSt., New Otaro, nt G'lL-ïamor Closets ZKei IFneither icouaxingnor -ihreatening haive suceedled ir1 turnilg Your daughterS d isàrraniged, tcatch.-all celoset înto neat, we11- oirdereti storage space, liere'a a tip that mnay tural the trick, With a few yards of Cotton f abric and a few hours at ya'iir sewn m xachine, you can maIre enougli giamorous closet accessories ta tutti 'ther oz+ harura-scarum teeni-aýger into the soul of tidiness. If this is your first home-decorating asgmnyouir local sewissý!g erxter wilgive you sewiag tips. There are twa nmajor reasons for unkmtcost:uattraýctive- ness and MAIofa organization. If your daughter's pyesent elosýt is tlrab and dark, ît's rio 1wonder she feels no copn tot keep i pr ettied up. Rem-edy this by painting the imalte of tisecla a cheerful color iht iwili harmonize -with theý walls of thse room-, and -with ile aesoyfabriQ you have chosen. Install anc elevtric light in- the Ll~t oo, ta eliminate groping in the cP.lrk Tien set about making closet accessories ta will encourage y-our daughiter ta ha-ve "a place forevrtng and everything îu ror these acsorewh!ch should i iclude holdrcovers, ament bags, shot b ags andi hat bxs s ahbecto fabric in gay print or plaid. It's a g-oot deata ao certain ts asaterial is saaforized, to avoid thse buigabDoa ai abrinkage. Shoulder coverash i-oulti be ahaped ta' fit ihe clothes hangers. Lenrgth should beý from in ta 10 inc1iss id de-pends upon thc bulk, of the garment ta be covered. Garmen--it bags, for best dresses aPre handy anti att'ractive storag compartments. They are made in thse same way as shoulder cover, but, are full lengtis of dress or coa. When- seamin- fr'ont and bac-k piecea together, leave one side opea for s Oupa i fastene-r. For thiosceberirhed goit or ive ai-ppers, mlein-divijdUal Sho baga.% Cut thse fabric large enougis ta a-llow for a rdrawstring top; ile bag cari then liang neatfly fromi its strings con a clothes bool: at tise back af tIre cloSet. Dark tissue parer, wrappjned a-rount tise s'hoes before they are put in tise bag, wvllU hc1o proteet the-ui from tarnisis. To keep the closet floor u lut rednaIrea $çebagfor tht ofid a.tise door. This ahould inclucle a bieck section 18 inciser wVi.e, ansd ewsugh fabne stri»s, reinforcetid -with carclboard or bucir- rami seweed on at intervals, ta forni pauches for four ta six pairs of slipes. A covereti hat box iý s next on thse Iist. MaJke a paper pattera by taigtIre boxz. Add a hali-inch al around for sýean-iallow;ýaine. TUNA CASSEROLE SUPREMEE Serves 6 Meit 2 tablespoons butter Stir ini 2 tablespoons flour Adt gradIua!l3 114 cups milk Ccok Ilttu smooth at heeei stirrîing contaniti. Att 1 teaspoon salt '4ý teaspoon paprika 2 cups grateU Canatian cheese Arrange in laersiiia l/-ur buittereti casserole thle oon: 2 caps cooket rire (2 cip uncooketi rice) 1 7-ounce can tuna,flkd '/2 cup choppet parsley Cheese sauce, above Top wlth 2 caps crisp rice cereal, slightly crushed Bake at 425 degreýes for 15 mIinuteýs. SALMON CASSEROLE Brovïn 6 tablespoons choppet on-ion V4 cup ceiery in 3 tables-,poons butter AttI 3 tablespoons flour l'teaspoons saIt, 'teaspoon pepper Stir ligan ai 1 cup milk 1 cup cream Cook 111t[d s7Mntb an)d breel stirrving consýtaItly'. Flake 1I L can saimion, remioving bouies anti skia Combine 4 crumbled sbredded wheat biscuits 'Aý cup metet bujtter Arrange a layrer f flaketi salmnn lubutrei -uatcasserole. Caver salmon vt 1 cup canned or fresis peas Haîf of cream sauceý Haîf of buttered t irums Att remaininigsaount i' cap peas Pour ove-rLrmainling creo-am sau-1ce. Top with remaiingcrils Dot witbi 1 tablespýoon ,ibütter Caver aib!akýe at 375ld'resfo:- 25 mnts -Un1cover ant i ake 10 mntst BACON 'N' CHEESE S TUTF FE D SQUASH Cut 3acorn squash in half Remove seetb is antiliiugs1 Place cnit site- down onC)I greaýset pan. Bake at 375 tere (moderate) 3 0 minutes. Scoop onft centers anti m-ash. Combine 2 tbeposchopped rgreta pepper 2 tablespoons choppet onionà with squash s cup sacîtet butter 2 cups gratet Caniadian2 cheese 3 cups soIt breat crumbs 1 teaspoon sa,-it /teaspoon pepper 4 slices crisp bacon, diced RefilîlsquIash shEIeils. Return ita oven ani bake 25 in- Tht Ibest way ta, have a uy 1f e is ta kep clear onytin a j' Passes$O00 regretted j. c'ou 'tw li ot 2, id lav Asete fIatle at t at lss sLiler. ciit mci He su ung ie roirof is ill 1 be bupei alng jut acierig Bi l sîoppec T biere. It wa sr o irst tl)ilnme ian lvi e esme "Say t no. Lii. Sa vonlove the ppositef. Witbout k ;11,ugwhy ci pitielI ber, Hle spake, utwliat ii sa1ilwas : -"0f coursïe I love yos. ou know that." t as 'as if sheimpellilulm,0osay it. aKssscg 31. aa e ni1a woIlsý, crslnIg ljssi or (toiug Sc;. Why isiî hehae a ingt him Su?- He gat a grip ou imsec;if. t formietithe wrsl is, mmd. "Bill, 've got a surpiie foryu" "lgoing bcktavifstwth Tp-Teen-Agers Tid'y y1u.Iegt za j ob ithierefo0(r ithe nnter. \Ve'l, l lie together ail vwi7- ter>, 1 1 sni't it granjd!" Lord! Nowie was lu for it. He liidnl't expectetitht.XeiI b' baive ta0lie li(nt, cr-uel. He'd bavà to teli lber once anti for ail. "Bih"' herewas teror n ler t ue. [le uretid icl She wa Jookug wavfrom 1linsoadth horzo wer te dm11 glow b ail breen,. ie dm11 glow lbe bil thoughit ta be toxxnn iglits blail developeti juitoa atonlisising brilliauice. *'Tire! Thie %whoiè ridge is ablaze. Say. w et beterLetgon! starter-. Tise î:trw irtalti Ittsat w s il. Bills or, yankng ont tisecioe.Tbeesas asp- ter-ing wsie-a cougli. silence. Býih penithe', a te1s0oor., j Corne on! EsiesdeilJ. 'We'li hiave ta mn ilfor it." H e yk i er otf isecar satdruuuiing ;aloing the waý1gon, moail, dr' iber behlint ilins. He l n' eaiized that lirecoii 1bc Ilke this. 'Thie specil afI its pproa'cli aniazei him. wamt r . Hele knet lieside ber. 'Tr anti gtl'. Xe've got lto eep pgo- iîîg. it'lnrliy chance.' j Pitifuil hetie sanie rote à'i1,dn't! Yon ant!GO on antileae e. Therec's ýo> use nu ba(t ouf ius-" He wont on hliily. GBe hîni niow lie cuti bear tsecraickLle fï fiames. The roFat alheid was aliglî froi thse lirilliance aofhe ire. It requiredinoeffort Ita move. Then utel, hatliesa tbe mainl hig]lway. Theýre -vr ligits thýere. Thie ig1lts' froma-uto- mblsanti trucks. j3111 lay spawlt u tseback- seat oa i ajggn oing i-,car. IH- opelnetîI bis eyes and saw Aisette Biud ber the sky Pas tutureti "1311, whly dia youdo ý,,it? VWby-, tidui't ý,oulev me ther-e whie- He ai:"Say, whjLtat-)do oakWe mefrLaxebeiiltegirlI "Oh, ~illI've kniwnfori oît you didni't. Iw1 d' [tmsi give vn ihe ca i c, teil tht- Bill alowe l athat was t So thiat ,was Ise reason she Iba- suddeulri liltuediber in bh n "Aute"lie %whispe)red, "sy yo love nme. say iii, anti iss me darlug. Nïew And Useful Repeater Pilil Au anlti-h isýtansine tablet w ith admoule p unch bben develojd ta comibat 11ay fever anti other llergies. Tablet Coutains twýO four- millgram dose ofChlsI-Trîme- ton, One i0 it outer coveiug anti aIsoAtîeMluits core separaetby a protective deaing barrder. Men smwalloweil, thie outer layer is uitil- izetiimtiaey Four to six boums later theie cond dosecdissýolves la thîe îIitestine. Th Ie double dosec in- cr7ea-ss the theraipeutiC value aIf the tmg by dmoubig toalime a! Eniamel Resists Heatý Stoesandtiradîiatrscas. owl painteti in faýsîsionable shaIdes withý nlew bieat-résistant paint wjihîhwi- stan'ds eteevariations ln tecn- peatre, as Mec! as heat up ta ~500 deg. F.; will njot crack, peel -or dico ocnpanly Caims. Painti- ecd surface eau be acrublird and ix thsanils biiing water or grease. Earsy a ppipaint tisu eea bours. Hcearing Aid Conpyis oAfring a beaigit clame totavbat the mailes r- cevryet matie ant.1i the ds freqenc raîge.New priniciple- iluctin usreciver size; weiglîs only , 1 j.- qk IINDAISCIIOUL LLSSON By Rev, R. 'BARCLAY WARREN B.A., B.D, Usini the ~Blc: Ps. 19:7-1;Acts 8:2635 Golden Text: 'Thy word 1bave r hid in mine Peart that 1 miglit not sin against Th-e Other day, ml-'y yong friei happiiy Sbowed mie a Bible wihtheç Gieos ad placed iia bis _roomý, Thei Gideonls are perforïling a very effecive service in piacing the Bie ln hospitas, hotels, prisons, etc. A grecat Dnumber b- ave corne to a throulgh readinig a Gideon- Bible. Theile isàstilithe word's best Sflie-. It is the mesageisu neetis today. The you)ith who arerein it today are niot resorting ta tht ganigster mietibodls epicted in somle coie strips nocr the im-rmoral prac- tices picture i inJ the so-calleti "seisc" mecgazines The ible bings en- igbtenent, comfort, wiscom and knowhrdge. A uieriyprofessorinpu- sophy saidti ta is student:iit "You seem -to re-gard the Bib)le as tdif- feren1t fromi the other b)OOks.Wy? The stuident replied: "Thesitsi books vbich com1pise theBil acre writte by ings, prophets priests, aýs well as a doctor, a mrais wbô had'-idbeen a txcletr n other a dreadeti persecuitor antIL somne -wbo10halI been fishermein, They wrote over a periot of solme 1,600 year-s. Yet a beauitiffl bar. nsonny pervades the whiole. The goIýlden tread of God's rtmta throuigh His Soni Jesus Ch!rist b)inds thein ail together from Genresis taj Revelatioi. These mlen wr,,ote as tbey were inspiret b)y the Hloly GhOSt. This is Cods revelation tap usin cOntrast, you phiisophers Of the centWres seem ta have only ts agreement, uamely, ta dis- agree," Jesuls ta t'le Ehoinfrom i isaiah, -wiibliwaswitenso e seea h'undret years 1before Jesus Christ came in the Iesb. Tht ermnwas 1effeétve tSe.-IÇ l is.W Tbeeis nlo slibstittt brrthe sile mes.j Sage of !sUS7"d'ilng pn the cr.oss for us and tlysagin that ms-e imigbt liavýtr.4t1Ti." TellI me Ht old, aId stol-, " istht Senltimenclt of the ctr 's £cing lheart todjay. silver lasiccord runs tatbe tiiy receiver also of plastic. Uit ',can51 be tunet ta lMw control for ordin-ary convrato or bigh con1trai foýr Kissing Dofl A versatilene toy ,vith etee ly lîfelike uaitesis a toliwbic c-an 1kiss, pouit 1and1op)en its mauth, s;uck its ltumb. DoIll S skia is m-adet of Vinyite reýSins, and mecb1aisms give iti a eatbat i s -t' -s A -s s -s 's FASHION NOTE FOR WOMUEN Iaspired by tht Italian Renaissance >perijod, this 1blouse, tiiusphl of lstrouis tbierep, wM'fiheirieeirfidecatns JITTER -KiNEEDT - r..,.,oe,,u,~ a Fl $7 Mr lm

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