Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 12 Oct 1950, p. 1

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Vol. 14 NO 37 O3RONO. ONT., TH(JRSDAY, C Subscription $1.50 per Year Dr. Geo. W.- M'iler AddressedSohAfiaFais I& T .P1ryhase Aibsel Fa11L Newcastle Lions Andci -uests' Federation T. Seek Anthor- ity On Farm Inconie Tax Theexute d reoto:s of Ocnodiity Groups, of the Duihamî Couity Federa,ýtifion fAgiuue miet ait the homeI of lWtr. .H 'pe cIl 0hrdy viinOtober 5Ch. Attis eing he01cptar et- lndtihe pops -sanddusis oni the r-diiste'sOf fthe rual puiposes v Àed et a galhering held ia Toron'to some weeks ago.* The presiden.t of. the Federa-I"tion- was-asked to spea'k wîth TCe Ganar-ý aska Auth'ority concewrnin' the poséi- bii4y of erecting a residence at or near the Durham Federa.tiion Camnp- site. lIr Chas. Osbo-ý-e anid M'r, Walter Reynl'dsappnvedth-at the aecretary inivestiga,,te into 'the oosblt f thep C'oIrties of 0Ontarl-o and. uh'mes- thsig'a Fol'k Shltbis seaisoni on 'a mutiad co operative basis. t was decided te) hold thýe Pot 1Lu-ck Snpragain ait Newcastle this year,1 -wit'h the tenitative dte 'f November 3wth, or as dioe t this (date as PiMs rimle. TIe exeotive are endeavour- ing to e-,ibtain Rex. NW. A.Younlig of HIe -, A.C. for thre guest speaker o-n this ocasion. lt wasmvd by E. Nichoils thait the Duulhaimn Federaitin of Agricui- tar evur to engagiqe a good auth'o&lY 0onf anm inircOmfre tax ac- ~ontngte onfor the ferme-Irs la Duriam Cobiut.This niytion was riat sccond'ed, hcowever the secretary' hais been in'strurted ýto conitactMr. V. S. Mîflburn foir as3sistane in secur- nga recelgni-,ed a4hLrt on fr incerxie tax pro'blemrns. Tia man, be- Pliodelsi@i r ellitertanment, along with ani outsibaiiidiirg -addreas on Euro- pea aeîd woinld-wride situtation, ber- alde-d a niust aucce-sf ai banquet f r ehîe-Newcasiule Loi and tireir gueAte on Thýursda:y eveniuig, Ootober 51h, ai re Queen's Hoiýtei. At tins banquet the Newcau,ýtle Servic~e Club enter- tained the 1h-,y winniers of the e tug- bfna eldi thre earn;val and aLso) tihose participaitiug in tre Donkýy1 basýeiraîl teaam of Clarke Townslrip. A turhey dbnair miais semred thre Liorii ad their gue-sts, after which ùIl enjoyped the humoýur and songs of Ehlly Meeks. Lion Nelsor. Orboine, Bowaxle introdueed thre talented spéaker, Dr. Oeorge Miller,e in nember of th9e Wo(rld HauthOrganlization. Dr. 1il- ler, pirevlouls othd la.st appoi.nimet to tire World Heati raialn vas active ia ther Northnnbeïland-i Dr. Miller, rece-ntly veturneti fromni Geaeva Swizclaa, wcreire iras been aisodited for tle, 1,Ilst twvo yaswii ttre Ilea,-ltbh Organization. -uisoscia;tinn s house-d ia thep elU. N. bulins roim this or- anztiryn hey are enideavournag to imnprove thre standard of lrcalth tirrougiiout thre *wrîd. Thçenintfreq!uceit q uest4ioni, askce xcýf Dr. Mýi1llr since biýs return, heà seald',,wa.s irihether vanwaa likel-y te break ont la Europe. To such a. ieethie .tated, trit tnsonin Euirope i- running ý iigir. He said tirat aoî,the Freixh border ýthre bixrbiings wirchweredam'aged durr- inig !te lest war arenet bing r-è- pa4tved er tire illhabitants beieti oaily e ati of tîume befclre their lands are agiain dexastited. -After previcups vars e cIaiipie, tbrat build-i niigs l- i tis area were filxed over- Ocenrnujsit, tated the speaker, aire strong inlaEirope todaly 1sid w-ould hnave li-btle -resistice if wéar veere te break out at tis timie lÇany govennmcaets a re urxderiaed by; Coanuaetsandthptise wonld fail if war wa ws to bîreak or-Uft. Jtowever, tire SMrsihaýl qFi)air ndth re Atl i c Il are irlpn t noercone ins itir piýcture, buitrat will not vna 1 -iti a standing aiýniny Ls posted in Europe. DrMI1rpaisdtire- M a rsilhal P1lain, for ih was PvideIptt thiait ilwas definitely strengttlrening tihe econo-1 wcre esîs ortun itead lackedecne inucproresiveeesanci higin stand- ar f living. Rus , esid L left 1tire Wo1ld HedtrOrganizatioýn sm ctm go,ý eind follnwing tireir exspewere visier counhties mucs as Polnud and Ohese wilth imrilar Cmnne en ing.Dr. Mileqaid thal it the or- ganization haied. te sce sucbcoun- trie- a", Podanti dleave 1eogaie tieýn for it was doipg very gocnd -work wilthiîn tiesec-(ountries. 11e feli tirait ti r onnties reaýlizeti thins but er (Cortinued on Page fixe) Al'fred Amiroi, of Durbint Sonti[AJ iadecided ùte cli out lhils c oni itruetin huiinesîs iniih tL plI)Iace ndnoeto Ca Aa. 1His brother- indw Solomn l hn a po- Joh~ nsbng ils,) 4eeided ian- aIda mgltpoeawonldellfuIcounýtry, se he carne -aloiig tie. Dringing tiel ives and familles with fhem tire Amwd g ntel Hpasarrivýed ina Toro)ntfo on May~ 80h of this year. Then this eprin ~-hy bugtîtire, Howard Gibson anidi Mc-F;-arquhanwanrs(tire laitùter the' ormoer D, id Gbo fr)three' mil es nrt oee f flemanville Il'ollg the IYarliington -.ClarkeTown~ LUae, after an Otrowd erh anidar devoting their industry to,ý ds'ryfamiong aipple g'rowing end, spouttry raliong. On Seýptenab!er Vlth, tire parents of 't-Ie sis-ters tire new farmeýrs married,. Moîm a' ýnd Pop Sinipson, îarived inr Bowývmanfvili!e frein"-uthAfia Wîib rthein ame Ià%eirthird daugh- lier I7y, -and lher lrusbaîrd, DTck FProc- torparker. Tlire' £ 1y îgrouip complete, ne twe forma, ceprsZing 'la total of 246G aceare'nlow ïrun on a ce-operative! !,uÀle 'ýwith SlyHm n miraging the vý da- uiesand AlibPrt Ar- tryý dlivisionseý. The entire fmiyon theO fanoe ,an'dalb g getchn ges hvave already been, made, -many, more wil'l be miýAe ila a f ew wes iCg obtaIned, woul meet widhca sialdelegý,atiion of tIre lYurham Federation, execuitive to dîscuss jmain- lv the legpality oîyf feri inconre tax bhig coîmp'uted on thpRe ie year averaiging neit woh basis. The October meeting of the Dur- liain F1ederation fAgiuluewill be [hld et tIre hmeof M.Eî Larmer,-v R. R. 2, -NeÀçtietoni. Im munization Stressed For Protection Against, Diseasei Nationial immu(izýatienW011l beig bssredtufispyean f rom Oct- cher. 15t], bh 21st, t epreiz ic nced for Contidrol ef rxatbecon- heieus diseases,, by caly and adle- 1t le only iry coatinueti attentioni te thé need cf poete gis su alMpox, diphiîticr-iaanti mioping uceagi iri uecen aýsul t1ire chii- tiren of ti comunthetic ppertun ityv te ow up frpee fo ios;e di- resswhîioh once toek s-uchr a toîl of ti -n for iibnlwa 1and cwop inrg co qiraisix méilnth iseofage. Vci tioïlaaint mllpex mayv alse b, g-iven ai tins tiare. BvEýry panent le uri te i(i take irir infants ty eir famînly pryicanor te ailaH tli Unit chinAc. If ihie cilre hve alil- rnady receixed ýtIe iitial series ire sr dirat tlrcv actq vnr-nercn doseps when advised. rinr'uizatin clinicasu Ireaaibl celly il a cciof tic HeeltirUnit officeýs liBn a viielP ope, Immui7Jeiof1 aganetdiplitbria, itnsantisaa ipoxisaise offcreid tO svhool chiltiren la ý[tic ,vanous sios.T]ins Fdi, ciniice are beinig fireld in] g hoMumyand Dan- n g owslups 1adparents are, ýInviteti te bring their ifnsanti presirol ciiltren te thee dines Lt, ycrýar, 79 Canadiens tied froni diririamin 202 Canadian cIhiIdren-f les itci liesfreainlrcbopin)g ceugýi. ipiit',IArie is preveaý-Itable, ani un- muniatin agins wiropiaigcougli gvsprote7ction' fla oxen 80% cfù kirse arrizcd 1If mhoping ceagi la cntna ted, slemuci muilt- Be sure your ecildiidl aeuet gwretectiet. Ask youn doctor, your Pu li HeeltIrNurse or rnme tAone f 1iee alth Uit eliaule,. rony Completed For Uuited Chuch The bridé?, givea aea ig yher f ut hr, wore a gorwn cf wit ipe itin fa.znied \1itih a asevhen rcl'emnbiroidered in sequins ýan imarîs. The sk-irt, i%,ttb a bustie cf- ecet, fell in a slghttainat the1 back. 11er figeip i 1 ii nlon n iet whs he by a ,tîara of sequiins anéd peanîris. Sirecard a bouquet of fred carnations, gypsopblelia anti f ei i. Mis. Tirelna Sarith ofHoepy, wlaeratron of ironcar fo'r irer sister,ý gendinia vend(.r ta ff eta. 11cr irlade uas cf flowevPrs andti net' and ý skre w i lon niet gloves t niatchi. 1crbouquet was i:ý f laveaiderý anti Vcllowv baby muai r feres. Thre flaier girl, hile Miss in; ilaAt-ý linsïýon of Wi;itby, niece cf the bridcgreo,11 Wore e ov çrad with a fiower and net headd1ress. 'Sire aridan eld fashionct i n'se'gny oe lavender baby muntss and fera. Veýr-i n(orr Jcbnusoniraw"s gonsrnfor, bis ioteranyl LeRoy Myleýs sud Leo- ard ohasn, bothers of tie bide andi groom sircd TIra ,receptioea rasfireld dutire Pa r- isir Hall uirere tire mother of tire brldei recei,%ed la a winie crcpe dres wý\ith eyarcessories anda corýsage7 of plnk crain.Tire grooq'S niotflip'r esiited, vanng alw dres v ùihMuie accesoî(les aru a cor- sage of pik carnations. Tire happy couple lef t for a hr)ney- mn-on. n laEt.tera Oitarlo and tiQueý_ bec, tire bride wecaring a pidrbn gabrîesuit, naxy e ccessories andi acors1age cf pin~k carnîatio.ns. Gucsis were pýe'senit from îKin g- IWliri*thy), Toronto, Hannibton, Dundas and 1brnepaïne. M?. And Mrs. Cecil Malley llonored On 25th Anniversary Mnr. and Mrs. Cecil Malley ruere- nprcdby a mes Mrclebraion la tireir onurwhen they gaine to a preseùntaitioni for Mn. mid Mrs. Grant Maley, thieir soni and dauig irer-ini- la1w. Tire11 ange all, Ooi' ras de-olnated with l wen tiad pink a: ,nd u~lit sremesand tlirele white bell tiatwrIras used for tire or)iginal1 Mîaley cddug.Tire t vere-storey wc-dding oa e ceitret tIre wIlite table, fLanked on eacli side by buIr- TIre ehaiiiman,, Chanlie GI enue y, calledi on Mn. Dyer iind M-s. Cheýrlie Cowan, cf Nerucastile, te lead a sng sg.Oie pimprompltu solo, "Jeas Loves lýcý .- ".by Patsy Reid, mil bc- lon1g rem'eaibered. Mn. ald Mrs. Wc:Iingition Brunt esotdMn. and Mis. Malley ý-te tire tvaia decoraie(d chaýtirs anid Misses Wyvlile Wilson and Blu aswell pinineti0on tic florue ra. AMri HeotorBomea reid ail, nss deicin i i gIr regar1d ila wihic-ir tic Malleyvamly s held, aid sioig wiry tccorunýmii Sow is ýrc'spjezt to 7\Mr, andInYs. Mailey- on tlieoccsorf tleir Sifv0i 'Wcding. A beauiful ilvteal'ser-1 vice( and a mrno rureprc tdby Tomfmy ýýWilson anrd A lll>llT-,ner 1given a beaumtifulitriligir lorlm by tiev mnt ntl, 1 th e Home at Si!oolClbo No. 9. TMe waa re sentti y BnoonBrIni.Mra. Johni Fisk pieseieti the vpaýiug bri;de at gr-ouoi l c ap i cffline sýihee , .th,;' jt No. 9 Ladies'! CLlb. Misses, llin anld 15 Laing p iýle ti éflovvers X I Tir e prùgramîioe,,conticud - readin Ims by 1M11.>PerciV B r mibse anlarrage ra o Marlion RilM enéiriîgit larold Heinýlg 'cf Bowon MInI. and Mrs. Cccii ll StudentsKe p nesday, Oocober 4th. One nenson1 for' ülire ,speed mwas tritirosýe ruirlnteld cd te participate la icertLain evnt lrad te enter tlireir- nan-esý a few data aireatiof tiae seiait enoe ruem lenýt durngi tic afiernomn la makiig lseof neaie. Anotirer reaionrus iri;before thc big day a;mivetI,Mn Rultierford bIad tic hboyesymark gz off di:stan(ces with splashy iitel lire setirait ne tm uslest on fldi day la measýuningi. Thieewrcn pauss nheuever bptweca exet0 ýshdch eb ipi tfire itee tftire spec- tat tsaia Iiip7icir. Nex eaby tic ,way, mc hope ntiraime pmaes miAreable to tak atveitageof thre feot thiitich FClêi Day as beon cirangcd te a Wpicdsdy atone.Tlic presqno- ef Arirparent tsrr an'eveont le a ratbostte tic mIorale of theý Thc rpente of ti6 day's events mure as follows: Ju1inir Gi-s ,Wiline, Ethel Stichlautid; rneuRsmr ~ teck. Juinior Boys- BIîUlArmiroug anrd Lloyd Lwcy(tipti). runruHareid Cpig anaý-. -Counltesy nf Tire Ontobermetogtf tic man's Awcato as beld on)IT day aierni'n letai týire home Mrs.Isan Wirter ith ai gooti as danie, TIre( presideit, -Mrs. C.E Tire devotIienel servicemil, a prcpriat4e nmessage our Tianksgiv rus aknby Ms'C.Wod sages fro ua 2 Isnm n businiess periti idepln maIde fori bazearte ira iel In.Mis. -M. J. Tanrin'sr Staplesrpnidfor tic ans comktice, nord Airs. R. E. LO moret i irntyvote of tfia'nke to comuttce for tbir uimtiniing cf adhard work Îli rakiug tie pen aese ireautifl. t ruas anu vveti v mv. Eiks"n, ondcd by M Ars. Robinacan, -imlitail standing Wbilsre pal out of tir A., funds. Tic meetitng-eloed a bihmaadmzarbitine. Senljir Boys- strong"; irunner l.up, Tic Wirise tean Mr. And M-rs. Wes. Feted By Ken (By e ul,~~rsocn) L~r' Frin,de ftr eauhy ahrds i day venirgodobe-r <3, oh n onouir f .Ni Mr. ad Ms Wes. Ellioht ore- 1OUSi -ýcaIy ie .Kenidail to mak'e thei 'ITl, , : hit home in Oron . Rex.). T. Launcatster r s. in w s v ira i o tire progratn)1.* for. themi Mîs Ellioti avs i es-,edm-th, ma. ya ,e: Re.S R.

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